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Five-star ‘Guyana Marriott’ set to open shortly – Stabroek News apologises for saying otherwise


January 11, 2015, Source - Guyana Chronicle




Five-star ‘Guyana Marriott’ set to open shortly –Stabroek News apologises for saying otherwise
The almost complete Marriott Hotel, which is billed to be opened shortly. Inset is a close-up of work being done outside the building (Photos by Adrian Narine)


ANOTHER misguided attempt at derailing the construction of the Marriott Hotel has this time forced the privately-owned daily, Stabroek News, to apologise to Atlantic Hotels Inc. (AHI) Chairman Winston Brassington over an article it published, misrepresenting several aspects of the US$58M project.


“Stabroek News regrets any error as it relates to the presentation of Mr Brassington’s information on the financing framework for the project, and the date of the commencement of the lease arrangement for the land on which the hotel and entertainment complex are to be constructed,” an extract of the editor’s note in response to Brassington’s reproach of the article reads.


Work moving apace yesterday at the Guyana Marriott Hotel

Work moving apace yesterday at the Guyana Marriott Hotel


Brassington has accused Stabroek News of soliciting information from him by way of an interview and five weeks later producing an article on the very issue, riddled with inaccuracies, misrepresentations and devoid of any of the information provided by him.

In fact, the construction of the US$58M hotel is continuing apace, and will be opened shortly, Brassington assured.

“The construction of the Guyana Marriott is near completion. Marriott’s management is in place. Staff is currently being engaged and trained,” he said.


Responding to the Stabroek News article published on January 6, 2015, and headlined ‘Questions continue over Marriott deal opening date’, Brassington said it indulges in mischievous reporting and speculation.

The reality, according to the AHI Chairman, is that “Every dollar invested in the hotel is well invested.”

Speaking to the level of accountability with regard to the monies being expended, Brassington reminded that NICIL’s and, by extension, AHI’s financial transactions are made with the full authority of the Cabinet; are subject to full public disclosure; are audited by the Audit Office of Guyana; and subject to final Parliamentary oversight.

In seeking to clear the air on some of the misconceptions being spread in sections of the media, Brassington assured that Marriott, Republic Bank and the private investors are all fully on board with the project, which will be opened shortly.


 Landscaping in preparation for the imminent opening of the Marriott Hotel

Landscaping in preparation for the imminent opening of the Marriott Hotel


“Guyana will have, for the first time, a five-star internationally branded hotel of which we can all be proud,” he said.

In taking the Stabroek News to task over the misleading article, Brassington disclosed that on December 1 last, a journalist from that newspaper interviewed him by phone on the subject of the progress of the Guyana Marriott Hotel, and subsequently submitted, in writing, a number of questions, to which he responded in writing.

“I was surprised, therefore, that nothing was published at the time of the interview, and find it disappointing that now, some five weeks later, you publish an article, which is a significant departure from the written questions of your reporter and the responses I had provided.

“The article is factually inaccurate, misleading and misrepresents the responses I gave your reporter,” Brassington said.

Brassington, offering further clarifications, recalled that the Stabroek News reporter enquired whether the private investors are entering into a venture with significant risk.

“My response which you have not published is that from the inception of this project the opposition has launched an orchestrated campaign calculated to discourage and obstruct private investment in the development of the hotel,” he said.


Brassington maintains that the opposition have used the media as a convenient platform to denigrate the viability of the project and to undermine, if not, subvert, both foreign and local private investor interests.

“Opposition leaders, for instance, have gone to the length of threatening to dishonour internationally binding investor agreements entered into with regard to the ownership, financing and management of the hotel.”

On the matter of the private investors currently engaged by AHI on the hotel project, Brassington reported that despite what has been reported, all partners are on board.

The Stabroek News had inaccurately reported that since the syndicated loan solicited from Republic Bank, ranks as the number one secured creditor, this somehow represented a deviation from the original financial structure of the project.


Working on completing the Marriott Hotel Swimming Pool [Photos by Adrian Narine)

Working on completing the Marriott Hotel Swimming Pool (Photos by Adrian Narine)


Brassington said that he informed the Stabroek News journalist that this is a condition agreed to by all the investors from the inception.

The article, he said, having benefited from the interview with him five weeks earlier, indulges in further mischievous reporting, by speculating that “observers say that this arrangement may be unpalatable to the Hong Kong Investors.”

In reference to the land mortgaged against the Republic Bank loan, Brassington observed that the Stabroek News article reported that “Brassington stated that the option has always been in place for the land to be leased or purchased and that RBL as the number one secure creditor to the project was invoking that option.”

According to Brassington “This is not what I said.”

He reported too that the Stabroek News journalist had asked the question: “What is the amount of the mortgage and when was the decision taken to change the framework from the leasing to mortgaging?”

“In my response I asked: Please clarify what is meant from leasing to mortgaging. I then made it absolutely clear that the ‘framework’ for the financing of the hotel has never changed. The financing is as was contemplated in the feasibility studies and communicated to the public by AHI on prior occasions,” according to Brassington.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyanese people just give away seaside land, money, special privileges to build a hotel to hand it over to unknown nice? Can the PPP build houses for its poor and hand them over to our plastic city poor using the same scheme?


Five-star ‘Guyana Marriott’ set to open shortly –Stabroek News apologises for saying otherwise

Great news, indeed! Where are the naysayers and cry babies. Eat your heart out. This will definitely chance landscape of our Atlantic shoreline. Guyana continues to transform itself into a modernized country under the PNC government. Oops! Congratulation to G/T Marriott.  

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Guyanese people just give away seaside land, money, special privileges to build a hotel to hand it over to unknown nice? Can the PPP build houses for its poor and hand them over to our plastic city poor using the same scheme?

So the PPP must become Communists?/  I thought you did not appreciate such a system.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Five-star ‘Guyana Marriott’ set to open shortly –Stabroek News apologises for saying otherwise

Great news, indeed! Where are the naysayers and cry babies. Eat your heart out. This will definitely chance landscape of our Atlantic shoreline. Guyana continues to transform itself into a modernized country under the PNC government. Oops! Congratulation to G/T Marriott.  

you will enjoy this hotel,its make for the ppp bugerbatty crew to play in 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Five-star ‘Guyana Marriott’ set to open shortly –Stabroek News apologises for saying otherwise

Great news, indeed! Where are the naysayers and cry babies. Eat your heart out. This will definitely chance landscape of our Atlantic shoreline. Guyana continues to transform itself into a modernized country under the PNC government. Oops! Congratulation to G/T Marriott.  

YOu mean the PPP thieves continue manufacture various graft schemes to transfer the nations wealth into their pockets!


No one criticize the scheme. They criticize the strategy of spending the nations money to give it away to some unknown entities.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Guyanese people just give away seaside land, money, special privileges to build a hotel to hand it over to unknown nice? Can the PPP build houses for its poor and hand them over to our plastic city poor using the same scheme?

So the PPP must become Communists?/  I thought you did not appreciate such a system.

Nehru, shut you mouth and book your flight for July.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Guyanese people just give away seaside land, money, special privileges to build a hotel to hand it over to unknown nice? Can the PPP build houses for its poor and hand them over to our plastic city poor using the same scheme?

So the PPP must become Communists?/  I thought you did not appreciate such a system.

Nehru, shut you mouth and book your flight for July.

that right nehru kwame waiting for you ppp batty bais executive suits awaiting 

Originally Posted by Cobra:

 Landscaping in preparation for the imminent opening of the Marriott Hotel

This area should be beautiful when completed.

a government without any vision,first of all people do not drive around this part of kingston,and why not build a five star hotel with a international  golf course  

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

 Landscaping in preparation for the imminent opening of the Marriott Hotel

This area should be beautiful when completed.

a government without any vision,first of all people do not drive around this part of kingston,and why not build a five star hotel with a international  golf course  

I agree, the Golf Course will be in the Atlantic Ocean.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

 Landscaping in preparation for the imminent opening of the Marriott Hotel

This area should be beautiful when completed.

a government without any vision,first of all people do not drive around this part of kingston,and why not build a five star hotel with a international  golf course  

I agree, the Golf Course will be in the Atlantic Ocean.

You gone play with you balls in the water? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

 Landscaping in preparation for the imminent opening of the Marriott Hotel

This area should be beautiful when completed.

a government without any vision,first of all people do not drive around this part of kingston,and why not build a five star hotel with a international  golf course  

I agree, the Golf Course will be in the Atlantic Ocean.

You gone play with you balls in the water? 

i am happy to play with my own balls,you continue to enjoy kwame balls

Originally Posted by Cobra:

My only concern is how they will managed the waste washing up with the tide of the Atlantic.

Not far from the hotel raw sewage from GT is pumped and

dumped in the ocean.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

My only concern is how they will managed the waste washing up with the tide of the Atlantic.

Should be more concerned with when the water keeps on coming.....and coming....

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

My only concern is how they will managed the waste washing up with the tide of the Atlantic.

Not far from the hotel raw sewage from GT is pumped and

dumped in the ocean.

Yessss Yessss going on a turd tour....YESSSSS!!!!  to da moon guyana da moon

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

My only concern is how they will managed the waste washing up with the tide of the Atlantic.

Not far from the hotel raw sewage from GT is pumped and

dumped in the ocean.

I used to have a septic tank right behind my house in G/T, and I live comfortable without any smell. Why raw sewage should stop Marriott to conduct it business?


Check all t hem chinamen doing landscaping, laying tile sweeping pavements...all jobs so sophisticated the PPP said they cannot be done by Guyanese.....


When will you suckers ever learn? Indians bend over willingly to be abused by these people and is the only reason that they ever have a chance to stay in power. Nothing they do is virtuous. Everything is tainted with the slime of naked greed and obscene corrupt practices.


This entire Hotel is a prime example of these thieves in action.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

Five-star ‘Guyana Marriott’ set to open shortly –Stabroek News apologises for saying otherwise

Great news, indeed! Where are the naysayers and cry babies. Eat your heart out. This will definitely chance landscape of our Atlantic shoreline. Guyana continues to transform itself into a modernized country under the PNC government. Oops! Congratulation to G/T Marriott.  

Given that taxpayers FINANCED virtually all of the project (loan guarantees are NOT borne the private investors) then they ought told who these private investors are, and details of their involvement. 

Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

 Landscaping in preparation for the imminent opening of the Marriott Hotel

This area should be beautiful when completed.

a government without any vision,first of all people do not drive around this part of kingston,and why not build a five star hotel with a international  golf course  

Contrary to what the PPP and Brazzy will have us believe all the Marriott will do is to replace the Pegasus as the main hotel used by business people.


The PPP knows NOTHING about tourism.  NO ONE choses a hotel independent of the destination.  Given that G/T, as it presently is, offers nothing that will interest a tourist, other than overseas based Guyanese, and cricket lovers this "5 star" (I doubt that it is a 5 star, probably more a 3.5 star) will not generate visitors merely to luxuriate in its ample bed rooms.


When the PPP begins to understand tourism and to help the tourist industry develop and market a proper product then Guyana will attract new visitors. In the mean while Suriname will attract these people instead of Guyana.


BTW no one is interested in looking at the mud laden waters of G/town's Atlantic shore so the PPP needs to stop babbling about this.  Unless they see white sand and tourquiose water they ain't interested.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Check all t hem chinamen doing landscaping, laying tile sweeping pavements...all jobs so sophisticated the PPP said they cannot be done by Guyanese.....


When will you suckers ever learn? Indians bend over willingly to be abused by these people and is the only reason that they ever have a chance to stay in power. Nothing they do is virtuous. Everything is tainted with the slime of naked greed and obscene corrupt practices.


This entire Hotel is a prime example of these thieves in action.

PPP importing chinese truck drivers for Bai Shan Lin and heavy equipment operators. 


Laborers, shovel operators, spade operators, hammer operators all imported dat is hitek equipment bai.....

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Check all t hem chinamen doing landscaping, laying tile sweeping pavements...all jobs so sophisticated the PPP said they cannot be done by Guyanese.....


When will you suckers ever learn? Indians bend over willingly to be abused by these people and is the only reason that they ever have a chance to stay in power. Nothing they do is virtuous. Everything is tainted with the slime of naked greed and obscene corrupt practices.


This entire Hotel is a prime example of these thieves in action.

PPP importing chinese truck drivers for Bai Shan Lin and heavy equipment operators. 


Laborers, shovel operators, spade operators, hammer operators all imported dat is hitek equipment bai.....

Lindeners have loads to say about the PPP and the Chinese and how the Chinese treat them.  Rest assured that, notwithstanding their squabbles with Granger, their hatred of the PPP is so deep that they will vote PNC.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by ball:

I wonder if that hotel can float

I does not float and will it not sink either. However, is will provide jobs for Guyanese.

Like you is sipping one early

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Check all t hem chinamen doing landscaping, laying tile sweeping pavements...all jobs so sophisticated the PPP said they cannot be done by Guyanese.....


When will you suckers ever learn? Indians bend over willingly to be abused by these people and is the only reason that they ever have a chance to stay in power. Nothing they do is virtuous. Everything is tainted with the slime of naked greed and obscene corrupt practices.


This entire Hotel is a prime example of these thieves in action.

PPP importing chinese truck drivers for Bai Shan Lin and heavy equipment operators. 


Laborers, shovel operators, spade operators, hammer operators all imported dat is hitek equipment bai.....

Lindeners have loads to say about the PPP and the Chinese and how the Chinese treat them.  Rest assured that, notwithstanding their squabbles with Granger, their hatred of the PPP is so deep that they will vote PNC.

On that note Caribny I tend to agree with you 100% on that last bit there.


Guyanese regardless of race etc. will eventually vote against the PPP. The people have recognized what scoundrels these ****ers really are. I have never seen so many indians say they dont mind a PNC government to replace the PPP in a long time.


But that is the recurring theme lately more and more indians have come to the self realization that the PPP has to go no matter what......Amerindians have been slapped into that reality recently.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by ball:

I wonder if that hotel can float

I does not float and will it not sink either. However, is will provide jobs for Guyanese.

And yet very few if any have been employed up to now.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

On that note Caribny I tend to agree with you 100% on that last bit there.


Guyanese regardless of race etc.

True.  There was a time when there was a sharp racial divide in how people viewed Guyana.  The blacks were hostile to the PPP and so little good in Guyana.  The Indians were either happy, or said nothing.


Now the responses are based on class.  The elites seem happy, or can at least work their way through the PPP.  The working class, regardless of race, are very frustrated, and are no longer shy to say this.  After 22 years they seem to want a new crew. 


Granger has been seen talking in PPP strongholds, and in fact has been treated better than he was in Linden.  This no doubt has the PPP quaking.  While few of these folks will vote PNC they might well vote AFC, or simply not vote.  Mean while in Linden they will vote, not for Granger, who they dont like, but to rid the nation of the PPP, who they hate even more.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana needs modern hotels. Time to get rid of cockroach infested hotels run by AFC backers.

So who are the investors, and why is it that they take most of the profits, but do not share in most of the risks?


How many Guyanese are CURRENTLY working on the Marriott site?


At this rate there will be no Guyanese employed as all the jobs will be taken up by the CHINESE!  Yes the same Guyanese, who are considered hard workers OUTSIDE of Guyana, became "lazy" inside!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Guyana needs modern hotels. Time to get rid of cockroach infested hotels run by AFC backers.

I think you should do a roll call at Freedom house fuh cockroaches and while you are at it get a mirror. God damn gold teeth cockroach.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Sand & Sun, another five star hotel is soon to be build in Guyana. Nehru would say build baby build.  

PPP building for PROGRESS, the Opposition BRUKKING all the time!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Sand & Sun, another five star hotel is soon to be build in Guyana. Nehru would say build baby build.  

PPP building for PROGRESS, the Opposition BRUKKING all the time!!!

jeff and mutt is back


Originally Posted by warrior:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Sand & Sun, another five star hotel is soon to be build in Guyana. Nehru would say build baby build.  

PPP building for PROGRESS, the Opposition BRUKKING all the time!!!

jeff and mutt is back




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