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APNU+AFC Media Release
For immediate release
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Recount process has uncovered evidence of massive electoral fraud affecting over 84,000 votes
What was uncovered throughout the recount process and magnified on Thursday June 4th, Friday June 5th, Saturday June 6th and Sunday June 7th nakedly exposed the smoking gun of the obscene People’s Progressive Party illegality on the East Coast of Demerara which is ‘the nest’ in perpetuating fraud on the March 2, 2020 General and Regional Elections.
Numerous sealed ballots boxes, exclusively in PPP stronghold areas, when opened, were missing all relevant documents legally required to legitimise the process.
The pattern is clear – where the APNU+AFC won, the documents are in the boxes, but where the PPP "won", the documents are missing.
The votes which cannot be validated on the lower Easter Coast Demerara alone, amount to tens of thousands. These votes are bogus, fraudulent and cannot withstand scrutiny.
There is no option but for GECOM to reject all ballots, in all 10 districts, that cannot be validated.
What was uncovered in the ballot boxes from polling places on the lower East Coast Demerara was obscene and provides unequivocal and incontrovertible evidence that massive and systematic electoral fraud was unleashed on March 2nd.
Not only were the March 2nd elections tainted, but we now know, with certainty, that electoral fraud was committed in an effort to subvert the will of the Guyanese people. The perpetrators have committed a willful, egregious and heinous act against democratic values of Guyana.
As a result of these revelations and exposures there can only be one legitimate conclusion following the recount process. We now await to hear from the right-thinking people of Guyana and GECOM in that regard.
GECOM is put on notice that it cannot use illegal and fraudulent votes to produce a valid and acceptable result. Fraud cannot produce credibility.
@Ace posted:

Any idea who else committed Fraud other than Mingo? Provide evidence this effect and not opinions. Just saying something does not mean its factual unless it can be supported by some factual evidence

The evidence has been/will be provided to GECOM.  This is why I keep reminding that GECOM will make a final ruling in due course.

@Ace posted:

Any idea who else committed Fraud other than Mingo? Provide evidence this effect and not opinions.

Just saying something does not mean its factual unless it can be supported by some factual evidence

Documentation that records voting day activities ,missing pink slips ,ballots.. etc isn't enough. This occurred in PPP/C strong holds.

What a world we live in.

Last edited by Django
@Django posted:

Documentation that records voting day activities ,missing pink slips ,ballots.. etc isn't enough. This occurred in PPP/C strong holds.

What a world we live in.

Those were in the hands of the PNC agents at GECOM head quarters. They gave the Coalition 21,000 ballots stolen from the PPP.

Django, I an disappointed in you. I thought you were an honest person. I know that you are confused and stressed out, so I would let this obsession with you, rest in peace.


It will eventually sink in for PNC supporters. PNC fed them fake news and reality is kicking in. PPP won with a handsome lead. Thanks to Afro Guyanese. I noticed the face of the PPP changing during the election campaign with a lot of young and educated Afro Guyanese cmapaiginign for the PPP.

Granger insulted Afros by telling them to graduate and sell plantain chips and cook up rice.

I wonder what our friend Freddie will write tomorrow in KN ?

I also see that Glen Lalla kicked out PNC New Nation Man Adam Harris. The world is changing. Glen got fed up with PNC fake news.

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Those were in the hands of the PNC agents at GECOM head quarters. They gave the Coalition 21,000 ballots stolen from the PPP.

Django, I an disappointed in you. I thought you were an honest person. I know that you are confused and stressed out, so I would let this obsession with you, rest in peace.

All smoke screen to cover up. Nothing changed ,detest when people try to convince with only their ways ,blame the other side so they can carry out the nefarious ways to triumph.

GECOM is walking on a delicate rope ! It must maintain a balance.
GECOM has to DECLARE the results of the RECOUNT- but there are two things which - in my view - it has to consider in making its official pronouncement
1. The Abundant alleged Irregularities found during the RECOUNT, which were virtually UNKNOWN to GECOM - at the time of polling. In fact, no one knew that "dead persons" voted in our elections.
In managing the electoral process of the election, GECOM is found to be culpable in not getting rid of those who are dead off the list.
Now that those irregularities have surfaced- GECOM cannot ignore them.
GECOM Cannot declare a winner on basic of an alleged FRAUD - based on the constitution of Guyana !
2. A declaration cannot be made on the highly controversial Region 4 - Mingo results - which also found many such anomalies.
That would not go down well for most people.
It seem to me - as stated before in my previous articles - that GECOM has to announce that the Election- is NULL and VOID. That would mean a RE-CALLED election.
That would not go down well for the PPP; despite the fact that JAGDEO agreed to accept any DECLARATION - after the RECOUNT - whatever is the announcement !
What is NOT clear : Does Jagdeo and his associates accept that there is a serious claim of FRAUDULENT process, which overshadows the MINGO alleged manipulation of the region 4 results?
Jinnah Rahaman

There are some irregularities which GECOM has to take responsibilities for.

They are the ones who let it happen.

I am asking fellow GNIers to stop beating up on themselves. 

The whole world knows that the PPP has won the election and no matter what GECOM does, they cannot now change the outcome. The anti-PPP persons can bytch as much as you like, the fact is that the PPP will for the next Government and Ali will become the Next President of my Guyana.


@Tola posted:

Jus like Jagdeo not agreeing to completing the HTH registration.  Because he rass know people on de list dead and emigrated. Also, he knows from government experience, how they made ID cards.  

It's simple with ID Cards,villages are small in Guyana everyone knows who migrate out of the country ,they can buy the ID Cards of those persons. They can do the same with the dead.

There should be a correlation with registry of deaths ,Police ( Death have to be reported ) and GECOM to remove from the voters registry.

@Django posted:

It's simple with ID Cards,villages are small in Guyana everyone knows who migrate out of the country ,they can buy the ID Cards of those persons. They can do the same with the dead.

There should be a correlation with registry of deaths ,Police ( Death have to be reported ) and GECOM to remove from the voters registry.

How long will it take GECOM to complete that task?   I agree something will have to be done about the dead and the migrants, but parliament has to authorise it.   

@Ramakant-P posted:

There are some irregularities which GECOM has to take responsibilities for.

They are the ones who let it happen.

I am asking fellow GNIers to stop beating up on themselves. 

The whole world knows that the PPP has won the election and no matter what GECOM does, they cannot now change the outcome. The anti-PPP persons can bytch as much as you like, the fact is that the PPP will for the next Government and Ali will become the Next President of my Guyana.


Not if the Elections are declared not CREDIBLE. What will happen ?

How stuffed ballots are deemed disenfranchisement ?

@Totaram posted:

The evidence has been/will be provided to GECOM.  This is why I keep reminding that GECOM will make a final ruling in due course.

Knucklehead Totieram...I asked you before...where is the fraud?

The biggest fraud here is the Mingo declaration...which has now been exposed.

The other fraud is you who dont want to accept the fact that the PPP could win this election...out with the gangsters.

@Tola posted:

Jus like Jagdeo not agreeing to completing the HTH registration.  Because he rass know people on de list dead and emigrated. Also, he knows from government experience, how they made ID cards. bettef off helping those depressed Guyanese who are suffering suicidal tendencies.... leave political commentaries to those who know what they are actually saying.

You are falling for the herds who believe that the PPP was such an ingenious party, that even with all the party people and GECOM people at the polling station, the PPP was able to perform a mirable to rig themselves into office. 

The claims and objection period was extended to clean up the list. What is this nonsense you now peddling about ID cards? Williams and Amna claimed Anil Nandalall was giving out face IDs. This story was debunked by the press reporters.

@VishMahabir posted: bettef off helping those depressed Guyanese who are suffering suicidal tendencies.... leave political commentaries to those who know what they are actually saying.

You are falling for the herds who believe that the PPP was such an ingenious party, that even with all the party people and GECOM people at the polling station, the PPP was able to perform a mirable to rig themselves into office. 

The claims and objection period was extended to clean up the list. What is this nonsense you now peddling about ID cards? Williams and Amna claimed Anil Nandalall was giving out face IDs. This story was debunked by the press reporters.

Forest Gump is smarter than you, Stupid lil boy.... Have you lived in Guyana during the last PPP administration ?  Do you know of the capabilities of the PPP since the 1960s ? Do you know anyone who was sent to Cuba or Russia for training during the earlier PPP  ? Then grow some academic balls  and come back with what you know.

I don't have a herd mentality like most in the PPP, I write from personal experience. So grow up lil boy and write about what you know, or go take a friggin flying leap into an empty lake.     

@Django posted:

This is the worse under Free and Fair Elections since 1992 ,perhaps not ,no detailed audit was done on past elections.

Burnham and Hoyte just take the elections for themselves ,it was condemned.

No condemnation ,rejoicing by a section of the population.

Rejoice for democracy. Mingo can’t tek elections for the PNC. 

You are on the wrong side. 

@Django posted:

Most criminal acts ,mistakes are made which become clues for investigators to solve the crime.

The PDF file of PPP/C tabulation for Region 4 ,on the East Coast Demerara ,there are highlighted areas ,there is where the Electoral Fraud was perpetrated ,check attachment.


Some prosecutions will be coming down. The PPP cannot let this slide. The PNC needs to be taught a good lesson and finally bid Burnham farewell.

The fraudsters need to be banned from future political activity. Their Brooklyn collaborators need to be ensnared and banned from visiting Guyana.  Their communication censured. Black tyranny must end. 


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