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Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:

Nonsense, even you who claim to be a graduate of Howard must acknowledge the negligence of Freddie to work for 26 years as a UG professor without one published work. It is the normal convention in the US, "Publish or Perish".
In this scenario, Freddie perished.
Even that jokey professor TK managed to scrape out a publication.
Again idiot, the PPP has removed the gentleman for political reasons, DO not invent reasons not stated.

Why is TK jokey? because you are an insubstantial idiot?

You resort to childish name calling when you get a spanking. The board of UG, comprising of a majority PNC supporters, chose not to renew his contract, not the pPP. And in addition they cited his inability to publish as the reason. hahhahha
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by BGurd_See:

Nonsense, even you who claim to be a graduate of Howard must acknowledge the negligence of Freddie to work for 26 years as a UG professor without one published work. It is the normal convention in the US, "Publish or Perish".
In this scenario, Freddie perished.
Even that jokey professor TK managed to scrape out a publication.
Again idiot, the PPP has removed the gentleman for political reasons, DO not invent reasons not stated.

Why is TK jokey? because you are an insubstantial idiot?

You resort to childish name calling when you get a spanking. The board of UG, comprising of a majority PNC supporters, chose not to renew his contract, not the pPP. And in addition they cited his inability to publish as the reason. hahhahha
What is childish about reminding you that you cannot invent reasons for the PPP not mentioned. You may pretend to be a dullard to be complicit with this obviously despicable heavy handed action but that is not an excuse. Like the PPP you are a habitually given to be frivolous with very serious questions.
This is the beginning of the end of this evil man. He wrote whatever he wanted to about anyone without regards to the legality of what he wrote.

He felt he was above the law. Now that the law is catching up with this rotten man, he is going to fall very hard.

We must respect the decision of the UG board. The make their own decisions and must not be afraid to do so.
Originally posted by yuji22:
This is the beginning of the end of this evil man. He wrote whatever he wanted to about anyone without regards to the legality of what he wrote.

He felt he was above the law. Now that the law is catching up with this rotten man, he is going to fall very hard.

We must respect the decision of the UG board. The make their own decisions and must not be afraid to do so.

Freddie was kicked out by the very people whom he said were his friends.. Concerning the 5 indians on the board, freddie openly said he hates them and all indians...
Originally posted by Daren David:
The UG board has more than 12 members. It is obvious that the 5 PPP persons voted for dismissal, but it is also clear that a few others (non-PPP) must have also voted the same way. Maybe, Kissoon can do a follow-up article in which he should name all the persons who voted for his contract to be cancelled.
Using our highest educational institution as an instrument of political sanction for dissenters is disgusting and the PPP needs to read their own script on this with respect to Rodney to remind themselves of that fact. Why in the world should the board be stacked with these PPP sycophants? That alone is evidence they intended to use it as a political tool and that is surely not a way to build a democratic society ,The Board should be made up of academics and civilians and students and not political hacks.
Originally posted by yuji22:
D2 you fool, 5 members out of 12 on this board are Indians. He was voted out by the PNC also. He now has no friends. Watch him fall hard.

No one is above the law, including Freeddie.
Your ceaseless concern with race is not mine. I am concerned with the political hacks who used this University as their political tool. If they need to confront freddi in the news arena surely they can depend on Misie and his team to forge good counterpoints. When they begin to neglect conventional ways of dealing with political opponents we easily end up with this crude butchering of integrity in our highest institution.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
D2 you fool, 5 members out of 12 on this board are Indians. He was voted out by the PNC also. He now has no friends. Watch him fall hard.

No one is above the law, including Freeddie.
Your ceaseless concern with race is not mine. I am concerned with the political hacks who used this University as their political tool. If they need to confront freddi in the news arena surely they can depend on Misie and his team to forge good counterpoints. When they begin to neglect conventional ways of dealing with political opponents we easily end up with this crude butchering of integrity in our highest institution.

Seriously d2, you should take some english lessons.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
D2 you fool, 5 members out of 12 on this board are Indians. He was voted out by the PNC also. He now has no friends. Watch him fall hard.

No one is above the law, including Freeddie.
Your ceaseless concern with race is not mine. I am concerned with the political hacks who used this University as their political tool. If they need to confront freddi in the news arena surely they can depend on Misie and his team to forge good counterpoints. When they begin to neglect conventional ways of dealing with political opponents we easily end up with this crude butchering of integrity in our highest institution.

Seriously d2, you should take some english lessons.
I am sure some of the best educational institutions were quite happy with my English. You presuming to know better would be a joke if you were not already the joke.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
D2 you fool, 5 members out of 12 on this board are Indians. He was voted out by the PNC also. He now has no friends. Watch him fall hard.

No one is above the law, including Freeddie.
Your ceaseless concern with race is not mine. I am concerned with the political hacks who used this University as their political tool. If they need to confront freddi in the news arena surely they can depend on Misie and his team to forge good counterpoints. When they begin to neglect conventional ways of dealing with political opponents we easily end up with this crude butchering of integrity in our highest institution.

Seriously d2, you should take some english lessons.
I am sure some of the best educational institutions were quite happy with my English. You presuming to know better would be a joke if you were not already the joke.

d2, proud graduate of the PNC dunce school. redux and carib were his best friends at the PNC school. Foolish d2.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
D2 you fool, 5 members out of 12 on this board are Indians. He was voted out by the PNC also. He now has no friends. Watch him fall hard.

No one is above the law, including Freeddie.
Your ceaseless concern with race is not mine. I am concerned with the political hacks who used this University as their political tool. If they need to confront freddi in the news arena surely they can depend on Misie and his team to forge good counterpoints. When they begin to neglect conventional ways of dealing with political opponents we easily end up with this crude butchering of integrity in our highest institution.

Seriously d2, you should take some english lessons.
I am sure some of the best educational institutions were quite happy with my English. You presuming to know better would be a joke if you were not already the joke.

d2, proud graduate of the PNC dunce school. redux and carib were his best friends at the PNC school. Foolish d2.
It is not unexpected your universal retort would the PNC. But such pond like shallowness is expected of the intractable racists.
According to a well placed source who spoke under anonymity.... Duane Edwards voted in favor of Kissoon's dismissal and how hypocritically protest in support of Kissoon.
The council the source said, is comprised of 10 members of which 5 are known government officials. The other five include the Student Society President as well Kissoon who represents the University Workers Union.
According to a well placed source who spoke under anonymity.... Duane Edwards voted in favor of Kissoon's dismissal and how hypocritically protest in support of Kissoon.
The council the source said, is comprised of 10 members of which 5 are known government officials. The other five include the Student Society President as well Kissoon who represents the University Workers Union.
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Wendy Holmes:
D2 the village nerd gets his highs from GNI. Big Grin
Nerds don't wear pony tail and earnings, or have tribal tats neither do they participate in X-sports or make a strat wail in a bar on Friday nights. You are speaking from your own pedestrian understanding of the world.
Now you're the world's toughest macho man? Reminds me of Village People's Macho, Macho Man. Big Grin You still harping about this ponytail stuff? - you've carefully crafted this tale for GNI but no one ever believed it. Big Grin
Hi D2, I didn't know the ponytail stuff is all true. Sorry, I was told this weekend by a mutual friend... Smile
Paper one.

A few years ago, Kissoon gave a talk at an academic conference at UG on Conflict Resolution from notes he pulled from his back pocket. It took two years for Drs Cedric Grant and Rishi Thakur to whip that into a paper that could be included in the volume of papers subsequently published.

Paper two.

Then more recently, Kissoon gave a talk at the Public Library from just as unkempt notes. He now claims that this became a “65” page paper that his lawyers used in the ongoing court case by President Jagdeo against him for libel. We challenge any academic to peruse that “paper” and deem it to be academic.

Freddie should be ashamed of himself
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by yuji22:
D2 you fool, 5 members out of 12 on this board are Indians. He was voted out by the PNC also. He now has no friends. Watch him fall hard.

No one is above the law, including Freeddie.
Your ceaseless concern with race is not mine. I am concerned with the political hacks who used this University as their political tool. If they need to confront freddi in the news arena surely they can depend on Misie and his team to forge good counterpoints. When they begin to neglect conventional ways of dealing with political opponents we easily end up with this crude butchering of integrity in our highest institution.

Seriously d2, you should take some english lessons.
Hay dummy; just as a reminder, I dare you to analyze the above for improper construction. I bet you do not know a verb from an adjective or a preposition from a conjunction. As an extemporaneous bit of writing on a forum it is pretty damn good. I can see why it may be outside your comprehension. You are accustomed to reading Rohee, Misir and Kwame.
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Why is D2 and the rest of the AFC crew are desperately trying to gain political mileage out of this? The university's board voted to scrap his contract. Please demand that the board issue an explanation or take legal action. Stop blaming the gov't.

You really think your audience is a bunch of elementary schoolers . . ., eh?
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Why is D2 and the rest of the AFC crew are desperately trying to gain political mileage out of this? The university's board voted to scrap his contract. Please demand that the board issue an explanation or take legal action. Stop blaming the gov't.
Because it is nasty, wrong and a political hatchet job that typifies the PPP of late.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Why is D2 and the rest of the AFC crew are desperately trying to gain political mileage out of this? The university's board voted to scrap his contract. Please demand that the board issue an explanation or take legal action. Stop blaming the gov't.

You really think your audience is a bunch of elementary schoolers . . ., eh?

Yeah! especially how you react to counter-attacks by those who demand that the board be held accountable and not the gov't.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Why is D2 and the rest of the AFC crew are desperately trying to gain political mileage out of this? The university's board voted to scrap his contract. Please demand that the board issue an explanation or take legal action. Stop blaming the gov't.

You really think your audience is a bunch of elementary schoolers . . ., eh?

Yeah! especially how you react to counter-attacks by those who demand that the board be held accountable and not the gov't.

keep the 'jokes' coming . . .

BTW, U give me too much credit . . . it makes you look small
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Why is D2 and the rest of the AFC crew are desperately trying to gain political mileage out of this? The university's board voted to scrap his contract. Please demand that the board issue an explanation or take legal action. Stop blaming the gov't.
Because it is nasty, wrong and a political hatchet job that typifies the PPP of late.

Why don't you apply for a job with the New Nation? They will gladly accept you. You have morphed into a Congress House propaganda Czar.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Why is D2 and the rest of the AFC crew are desperately trying to gain political mileage out of this? The university's board voted to scrap his contract. Please demand that the board issue an explanation or take legal action. Stop blaming the gov't.
Because it is nasty, wrong and a political hatchet job that typifies the PPP of late.

Why don't you apply for a job with the New Nation? They will gladly accept you. You have morphed into a Congress House propaganda Czar.
Pitiful. Unlike you I think for myself. I alone am responsible for what I write and I write as I see it. he PPP is no different from the PNC and one may even conclude the have outdone them in every way possible from the stealing to the killing.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I am not intimidated by anything you say on this forum. I will not run. I will be here.

ummm . . . OK; but you come across as insecure and obsessed . . . that's not healthy.

I must confess that I am a bit obsessed with the happenings back home and for good reasons. I lived the through the dark era of PNC rule and it ripped my heart to see how LFS Burnham wrecked a country that had so much potential to give all of its people a relatively good life. Had it not been for that I would not have had much of interest in Guyanese politics.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

I am not intimidated by anything you say on this forum. I will not run. I will be here.

ummm . . . OK; but you come across as insecure and obsessed . . . that's not healthy.

I must confess that I am a bit obsessed with the happenings back home and for good reasons. I lived the through the dark era of PNC rule and it ripped my heart to see how LFS Burnham wrecked a country that had so much potential to give all of its people a relatively good life. Had it not been for that I would not have had much of interest in Guyanese politics.

That's not the "obsession" I'm talking about.

BTW, Burnham died 26 years ago . . . NEWSFLASH!!

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