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Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

If the PPP and PNC are the same why then is APNU working so close with the AFC to oust them from office??

Billy asks questions to make you think.
They are motivated by the same totalizing power hungry urges. That they are so situated means they can be used one against the other for the best interest of the Guyanese people.

It so happens, the government is in the hands of the PPP. The natural urge of the PNC is to check them. Alone they cannot do that. If what the PPP does is in their usual heavy handed, autocratic, intransparent mode; the imperative is for the AFC to vote against it. Hopefully, that can create a different political culture. Guyana should never again be in one party rule until such time we have a representative system with direct parliamentary constituencies.

The questions alas, are not indicative of a thinking mind but that of a partisan
They are motivated by the same totalizing power hungry urges.

It this was true they would have hijacked the electoral machinery and rig the elections to give themselves a two/third majority so they can amend or draft a new constitution to suit themselves.

This one fact negate all the nonsense you are writing here about the PPP gov't.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
They are motivated by the same totalizing power hungry urges.

It this was true they would have hijacked the electoral machinery and rig the elections to give themselves a two/third majority so they can amend or draft a new constitution to suit themselves.

This one fact negate all the nonsense you are writing here about the PPP gov't.
That is because you are a simpleton. Through their race based constituency and political patronage the PPP has done the same thing; capture the state and proceeded to enrich themselves. That they do so via an election does not make it right. If they cared to avoid the circumstance where patronage and racial nepotism supersedes merit they can articulate the need to change the system. They have not and worse explicit insist they will not do so. They therefore do not deserve to rule as autocrats since they are inherently defective.
You are a bold-faced liar. I've always held the view that corruption is exist in every nation including the U.S. I would never swear that The Guyana gov't is completely free of corruption. It will never be regardless of who governs or what kind of system we implement. The gov't has done a fantastic job in helping the poor in Guyana. The PNC's record is dismal when compared to the PPP. The AFC, with its corrupted leaders like Nigel Hughes who are linked to criminals in Buxton can never give Guyana anything better than what we have today. The present political structure is not good enough for you but yet you think an AFC at the helm would be a great government. Stop kidding your dam self. With an exception of Ramjattan and Moses the rest are bunch of crooks.
Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
You are a bold-faced liar. I've always held the view that corruption is exist in every nation including the U.S. I would never swear that The Guyana gov't is completely free of corruption. It will never be regardless of who governs or what kind of system we implement. The gov't has done a fantastic job in helping the poor in Guyana. The PNC's record is dismal when compared to the PPP. The AFC, with its corrupted leaders like Nigel Hughes who are linked to criminals in Buxton can never give Guyana anything better than what we have today. The present political structure is not good enough for you but yet you think an AFC at the helm would be a great government. Stop kidding your dam self. With an exception of Ramjattan and Moses the rest are bunch of crooks.
Dont invent arguments to argue against. I care little for the self evident ie evil is pervasive. I care about arguing for methodologies to address the evil in Guyana where it manifest in actions of the PPP. They are the admin so I also do not concern myself with the PNC of the past either. The present evil cannot be excused on account it existed worse in the past. That is plain stupid if not immoral.

The Government has done a great gob at enriching kith and kin in farming out our resources. There is little change in the working class. If Freddi as a professor worked for less than 2K a month and our police and teachers in primary and secondary levels for much less, how great is that? The cost of living here is on par with NA since you consume similar products so how can you say much is done for them? And that does not even address the pimping of Amerinds!

If Nigil was into criminal activities why was he not indicted and hauled before the courts? Idle slander will not cut it. Actually, slander, name calling, debasing character and other acts of pure vindictiveness is apparent the only thing the PPP is good at besides pillage.

I support the AFC in principle not as a disciple of their philosophy. However, I feel they are on the right track and how well they do in the near future will validate their relevance for me and for the Guyanese people.

In any event, have a good night since my dogs and I are going for a 2 mile run.
The Council was unimpressed and not one single member of the 14 Council members present at that meeting, including the UGSS and fellow colleagues of the academic staff, not a single member supported his retention . The Council rescinded his contract.

The Council also agreed that with four new members of staff and existing staff the students would not be disadvantaged by his absence
Kissoon has failed to meet the university’s policy with regards to retention of academic staff which is based on the following: having a healthy academic record with research and publications reviewed by academic peers and facing a competitive process with other applicants.

Georgetown, GINA, February 2, 2012
Source - GINA
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
You are a bold-faced liar. I've always held the view that corruption is exist in every nation including the U.S. I would never swear that The Guyana gov't is completely free of corruption. It will never be regardless of who governs or what kind of system we implement. The gov't has done a fantastic job in helping the poor in Guyana. The PNC's record is dismal when compared to the PPP. The AFC, with its corrupted leaders like Nigel Hughes who are linked to criminals in Buxton can never give Guyana anything better than what we have today. The present political structure is not good enough for you but yet you think an AFC at the helm would be a great government. Stop kidding your dam self. With an exception of Ramjattan and Moses the rest are bunch of crooks.
Dont invent arguments to argue against. I care little for the self evident ie evil is pervasive. I care about arguing for methodologies to address the evil in Guyana where it manifest in actions of the PPP. They are the admin so I also do not concern myself with the PNC of the past either. The present evil cannot be excused on account it existed worse in the past. That is plain stupid if not immoral.

The Government has done a great gob at enriching kith and kin in farming out our resources. There is little change in the working class. If Freddi as a professor worked for less than 2K a month and our police and teachers in primary and secondary levels for much less, how great is that? The cost of living here is on par with NA since you consume similar products so how can you say much is done for them? And that does not even address the pimping of Amerinds!

If Nigil was into criminal activities why was he not indicted and hauled before the courts? Idle slander will not cut it. Actually, slander, name calling, debasing character and other acts of pure vindictiveness is apparent the only thing the PPP is good at besides pillage.

I support the AFC in principle not as a disciple of their philosophy. However, I feel they are on the right track and how well they do in the near future will validate their relevance for me and for the Guyanese people.

In any event, have a good night since my dogs and I are going for a 2 mile run.

Bhai d2,

Take some writing lessons, please.
Originally posted by yuji22:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:
You are a bold-faced liar. I've always held the view that corruption is exist in every nation including the U.S. I would never swear that The Guyana gov't is completely free of corruption. It will never be regardless of who governs or what kind of system we implement. The gov't has done a fantastic job in helping the poor in Guyana. The PNC's record is dismal when compared to the PPP. The AFC, with its corrupted leaders like Nigel Hughes who are linked to criminals in Buxton can never give Guyana anything better than what we have today. The present political structure is not good enough for you but yet you think an AFC at the helm would be a great government. Stop kidding your dam self. With an exception of Ramjattan and Moses the rest are bunch of crooks.
Dont invent arguments to argue against. I care little for the self evident ie evil is pervasive. I care about arguing for methodologies to address the evil in Guyana where it manifest in actions of the PPP. They are the admin so I also do not concern myself with the PNC of the past either. The present evil cannot be excused on account it existed worse in the past. That is plain stupid if not immoral.

The Government has done a great gob at enriching kith and kin in farming out our resources. There is little change in the working class. If Freddi as a professor worked for less than 2K a month and our police and teachers in primary and secondary levels for much less, how great is that? The cost of living here is on par with NA since you consume similar products so how can you say much is done for them? And that does not even address the pimping of Amerinds!

If Nigil was into criminal activities why was he not indicted and hauled before the courts? Idle slander will not cut it. Actually, slander, name calling, debasing character and other acts of pure vindictiveness is apparent the only thing the PPP is good at besides pillage.

I support the AFC in principle not as a disciple of their philosophy. However, I feel they are on the right track and how well they do in the near future will validate their relevance for me and for the Guyanese people.

In any event, have a good night since my dogs and I are going for a 2 mile run.

Bhai d2,

Take some writing lessons, please.
How about you showing us you understand and can isolate errors of grammar and syntax by tearing apart the above. I dare you. But as usual you have more mouth than mind.
A reminder of the duplicitous character of the PPP administration and Goebbels Misir.

Accused ‘sex talk’ lecturer to get fair hearing
By Stabroek staff | 48 Comments | Archives | Wednesday, September 30, 2009


University of Guyana (UG) Pro-Chancellor Dr Prem Misir yesterday said that lecturer Evan Persaud would not be denied due process in an investigation of complaints that he victimised students and engaged in inappropriate behaviour.
Evan Persaud

Evan Persaud

Persaud, who belongs to the Faculty of Technology, remains on the job. “This whole thing about what is going on with Mr Evan Persaud, in some ways, it is premature,” Misir told members of the media yesterday at his Pere Street office. “There is a due process that works legally, whereby whether it is Mr Persaud, or whichever faculty [member] is faced with a committee of investigation, has to go through, that process has not worked itself out yet,” he added.

Persaud, who has been nicknamed ‘Sex Man’ by students, has a range of complaints including claims of victimization and inappropriate behaviour lodged against him by students. Attempts to contact Persaud, who is also head of the Advisory Commission on Broadcasting and a member of the Indian Arrival Committee (IAC), proved to be futile yesterday.

In official letters of complaint seen by Stabroek News, some students have accused Persaud of victimization and intimidation, saying he promised to ensure they would not get jobs while he was around.

Misir said the investigation is at the investigative committee stage and he stressed that the committee does not determine whether the person loses his job or not, as the investigation has to go through some other stages. He said their main concerns as members of the University Council is that “we give, whether it’s Mr Persaud or whoever is in the hot seat, a fair hearing and there should be appropriate due process at work.” He stressed: “That’s my main concern really and one of the reasons I called this [press conference].”

He explained that the UG statutes makes provision for an investigation of complaints

that might be made by students or anyone against a faculty member and that once the complaint is assessed and determined to have some degree of substance it would be investigated. He said in this case an investigative committee did do its work and “looked at all the piecesâ€Ķ and it came up with a report. But what has happened is that some people have seen the report on this guy â€Ķ.it is not the end it is the beginning of the whole due processâ€Ķ as I said we are very concerned about fairness here, regardless of who it is and I am not using this briefing to focus on the particular gentleman in question. I think my main concern here is to educate you on the due process at work,” he said.

He further explained that after the investigative committee completes its report the person in question should be given notice of the report by way of a letter. “Based on that letterâ€Ķ it would be useful for the person to assess whether he wants to appeal the situation or not appeal it. If there is going to be a situation where the person wants to appeal, then there is a whole set of due process at work.”

Members of the University Council would have to set up a special committee, which would comprise three members who are not members of the council. Secondly, the Academic Board would also have to select two members of the special committee but again those persons must not be members of the council. “That committee hasn’t happened yet; we are not even there yet, nobody has been fired or anything like that. It is not a case where somebody is going to lose his or her job. We don’t know how all of this is going to work out,” Misir said. He said the matter does not conclude until the special committee holds its final hearing and it could even throw out the investigative committee report.

Questioned specifically about Persaud’s matter, Misir said the investigative committee report has already been given to the University Council and based on how he assessed the situation, he has 14 days in which to respond. He refused to comment on whether Persaud has already received the letter informing him of the report or what stage the issue is at. “As I told you, this is a procedural briefing. I am not going to get into ‘did he get it, did he not get it yet,’ I am giving you the procedures,” Misir said when further pressed.

He contended that he does not issue such letters and as such could not comment on that aspect but he did indicate that it is not even clear whether such a letter would be issued in this matter. “If the letter is given you have 14 days, if there is no response in 14 days I think the council would have to meet and further deliberate. I would not try to pre-empt or prejudge anything at this time,” he said. He noted that not because the report was done it is “God’s word, it is not written in stone.” He emphasised: “The salient thing in the rule of law is that you are innocent until proven guilty, that’s the situation here. So let’s not get all too excited in the media. There is a situation that we are addressing and it is going through the procedures but nobody is guilty until everything is sorted out.”

Asked about possible victimisation against students who may have testified against Persaud, who is still on the job, Misir said “as a council I am sure we are concerned about itâ€Ķ I don’t know what we can do about it at this time. I suspect we would have to go through the procedures and let the due process work itself out. In any scenario where you are trying to clean up things or where you are trying to effect a change, an institutional change, there would be situations where there are going to be people who may get hurt in the process. This is the whole nature of the beast if you like, when you are effecting change. How it is going to play out is hard to tell, this is very, very premature at this time.”

Whether Persaud should be sent on leave while the investigation is conducted would be a matter for the special committee but it would have to look at precedent. “I am going to ask the media to quell your excitement a little bit and let’s shove ourselves off a little bit from the subject matter until you hear about the end product,” Misir added.

In letters to UG Registrar Vincent Alexander, students alleged that Persaud victimized and intimidated them, particularly against students sponsored by a mining company. One student related that on the first day in class, Persaud told students, “Leave y’all God at the [expletive] door,” saying that he was god in the classroom. Further, the student charged too that most of the time spent in class was “sex talking time” and as such he was given the name “Sex Man” by students. The student also reported that a 2008 examination supervised by Persaud was held at a city hotel and students who opposed this were victimized.

The student said too that after a decision was made by UG for Persaud’s examinations to be invigilated, he told students that he would give them information about the examination. He said too that Persaud spoke openly about using his political links to victimize the sponsored students. “He said ‘they were messing with the wrong person,’” the student quoted him as saying.

Two other students claimed that they were prevented from writing an examination on the claim that they had not passed their course work. They maintained that they had submitted their work to Persaud but never got anything back. They said he had done the same in two previous courses he taught. “He normally collects your course work and when you enquire he would say not to worry [and] he has you covered,” they alleged, adding that other students who were clearly ineligible were permitted to sit the examination.
Originally posted by albert:
The Freddie Kissoon and Ivan Presaud cases are two vastly different scenarios.....

We know that Freddie is not related to Prem but yet FK served for 26 years, 20 of those under the PPP/C regime and 12 under the watch of Jagdeo.

Albert, what sort of help you are getting for your inferiority complex?
Dismissed University of Guyana (UG) lecturer Freddie Kissoon’s age and unimpressive research profile made him ineligible for retention, according to university council member Indra Chandarpal.

When asked why the concern over limited research by Kissoon were raised after his more than two decade tenure at the university, Chandarpal told Stabroek News that it was because he had reached the age of retirement and the university “needs rejuvenation.”

Indra Chandarpal
“After 60, you need to advertise and competeâ€Ķ If you keep the people who have reached the age of retirement and have not proven themselves, then the younger people won’t get a chance in the system,” she stated.

Excerpts from the Stabroeknews
Originally posted by albert:
Dismissed University of Guyana (UG) lecturer Freddie Kissoon’s age and unimpressive research profile made him ineligible for retention, according to university council member Indra Chandarpal.

When asked why the concern over limited research by Kissoon were raised after his more than two decade tenure at the university, Chandarpal told Stabroek News that it was because he had reached the age of retirement and the university “needs rejuvenation.”

Indra Chandarpal
“After 60, you need to advertise and competeâ€Ķ If you keep the people who have reached the age of retirement and have not proven themselves, then the younger people won’t get a chance in the system,” she stated.

Excerpts from the Stabroeknews

How old is Donald Ramotar?
Originally posted by albert:
The Freddie Kissoon and Ivan Presaud cases are two vastly different scenarios.....
Yes they are different!

One is about a sexual deviant against whom there were long whisperings and a formal complaint. He does not deny his proclivity but excuses it on account of "style". Further he has relatives in the PPP on his behalf they took the time to extend considerable courtesies!

The other is a political gadfly whose intent is to irritate the PPP and against whom no complaint with respect to his instruction was ever made. Ample opportunity to do so sine some of these PPPites were recipients of his instructions!

I bet it was simple coincidence that they fired his wife as well. One has to be truly of the morbidly dull type not to smell malice in the wind. The PPP will pay for their vindictiveness.
So far I have seen no argument for Kissoon that espouses his intellectual achievement and the benefits that he brings to his students via knowledge transfer. It seems that the d2's and other of the world are arguing from a political perspective rather than the man's merits. Maybe Freddie has no merits, aka academic achievements, high teaching evaluations. The measurable teaching traits that would without out a doubt show that he was unjustifiably terminated.

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