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Tonight will be about who brings the intensity.


Miami Heat is favored. The winning percentage for Game 7 for the home team is above 75%. Miami being at home does bring its own pressure though. They are expected to win.


Look to see how the San Antonio Spurs react to the Game 6 defeat when they were up 5 with 28 sec to go in regulation.


I believe in the San Antonio Spurs and their ability to put Game 6 behind them. I also believe that the look on the Heat players at the end of Game 6 that they don't want to see these guys again. LeBron has to play on-ball defense more than 50% of the Spurs possessions, contribute to the Heat's offense about 75% of time; get double-digit rebounds. We've seen how the previous game take its toll on him. Maybe he'll not get the triple-double that he needs for Miami to win.


Will someone whom we don't expect to shoot lights out? Will it be Chalmers or Neal? Will Diaw or Birdman contribute mightily? All of this might happen in Miami's favor, but it won't matter if Ginobli play like in Game 5 and Tony Parker not shoot 6 for 23.


This series has come down to what we all expect - I thought the Spurs would win in 6 and I root for them to win Game 7 even though it's tougher than winning a Game 6.


Let the game begin.............sensible non-emotional responses only, or else open your own thread and reply to yourself.

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Originally Posted by Kari:

Tonight will be about who brings the intensity.


Miami Heat is favored. The winning percentage for Game 7 for the home team is above 75%. Miami being at home does bring its own pressure though. They are expected to win.


Look to see how the San Antonio Spurs react to the Game 6 defeat when they were up 5 with 28 sec to go in regulation.


I believe in the San Antonio Spurs and their ability to put Game 6 behind them. I also believe that the look on the Heat players at the end of Game 6 that they don't want to see these guys again. LeBron has to play on-ball defense more than 50% of the Spurs possessions, contribute to the Heat's offense about 75% of time; get double-digit rebounds. We've seen how the previous game take its toll on him. Maybe he'll not get the triple-double that he needs for Miami to win.


Will someone whom we don't expect to shoot lights out? Will it be Chalmers or Neal? Will Diaw or Birdman contribute mightily? All of this might happen in Miami's favor, but it won't matter if Ginobli play like in Game 5 and Tony Parker not shoot 6 for 23.


This series has come down to what we all expect - I thought the Spurs would win in 6 and I root for them to win Game 7 even though it's tougher than winning a Game 6.


Let the game begin.............sensible non-emotional responses only, or else open your own thread and reply to yourself.

I have been asking for sensible input for a very long time. Yet you keep ignoring my requests by giving your input.


DWade making up for it. With this kind of effort he usually fades in the 2nd half, except in Game 4. Bosh has reverted to his funk. Bird man might actually be a lift for Miami but he can only play in spurts. 


On the Spurs side Manu and Green are not contributing and you have to think Parker and Duncan may need more rest. Miami should take advantage late in the 3rd setting up a terrific 4th qtr

Originally Posted by Chief:

Kari is a very very decent human being.

So all this nonsense over the past two months is just acting? The man kept putting down the clearly better team all the way to the end. No doubt our team fell into a lil funk at the end but I kept telling him that talents have a way of rising to the occasion. And how did the source of so many peoples' hate did? He only ended up having the highest score by anyone in Finals history. Suh leh he keep on hatin' and he wil miss out on enjoying a special NBA player.


Ksaz LeBron is a great talent. He's in his prime. Let's see him do what the greats have done before we look at him retrospectively. He is the best player in the game today, but he looks demoralized at times - to wit, the look in Game 6 when he felt, like Stingaaahh, that it was over before the 5 point eruption in the last 29 sec to send it in overtime. HE also looked that way in the other losses to San Antonio.


As for Miami, this team as presently constituted may not make it out of the East next year as Chicago will get by Derek Rose and the Pacers can only get better. Meanwhile Bosh has shown he is ordinary and you can't bank on DWayne's knees. The Spurs stretched them and were dead tired at the end. Two bit players got hot at the right moment -Ray Allen and Shane Battier. Miami will have to reload- and they have a lot of salary committed.


What I'm trying to say is that Miami is what we thought they were - mortals - and not this juggernaut that the 90s Bulls were. There was a lot of hype and they have not dominated series like those great championships of past. They were tested and showed that they should not have been put on that pedestal as having championship rings pre-ordained. It's the hubris I reacted to. I love the underdog, and people who do not show off as LeBron did in 2010 with his not 1, not 2..... DWayne is a class gentleman. LeBron has learnt from his mistakes, and Ii expect him to be a better person. MJ had to deal with gambling and death of loved ones in the midst of his championship run and he took a sabbatical from the game. He is the gold standard that unfortunately LeBron will be judged against - just as Kobe was.



Just enjoy and bask in the moment of victory - a state that is muted because Miami SURVIVED more than dominate, as you and Brudd and Stingaahh believed. You were all taught a humbling lesson in how other teams play smart basketball with lesser talent and nearly pushed you off the cliff. In other words it is not this exhilarating moment by Miami's lofty standards.


Wade played through his injuries. If Wade was the Flash of 2006 the series would've been shorter. Much shorter. And when you talk of MJ and the 90's Bulls, they did not have to live up to microanalysis. The pressures now is more than at anytime. Make one mistake, one bad play and Twitter is abuzz. If you looked at the comparison chart they showed on ESPN you would notice that LeBron is ahead of MJ in more category than one. Playoff Shooting percentage, championships at the same age, MVP's at the same age etc. And back then salary cap was not an issue. Now you have a cap AND luxury tax. Back then you could have a big payroll and have the best players. You know the rest. So comparing MJ to LBJ is not a smart thing. You can justify all you want, it's not the same. If Bron continues as he's playing, when he retires MJ would be a footnote.

Originally Posted by Kari:

Ksaz LeBron is a great talent. He's in his prime. Let's see him do what the greats have done before we look at him retrospectively. He is the best player in the game today, but he looks demoralized at times - to wit, the look in Game 6 when he felt, like Stingaaahh, that it was over before the 5 point eruption in the last 29 sec to send it in overtime. HE also looked that way in the other losses to San Antonio.


As for Miami, this team as presently constituted may not make it out of the East next year as Chicago will get by Derek Rose and the Pacers can only get better. Meanwhile Bosh has shown he is ordinary and you can't bank on DWayne's knees. The Spurs stretched them and were dead tired at the end. Two bit players got hot at the right moment -Ray Allen and Shane Battier. Miami will have to reload- and they have a lot of salary committed.


What I'm trying to say is that Miami is what we thought they were - mortals - and not this juggernaut that the 90s Bulls were. There was a lot of hype and they have not dominated series like those great championships of past. They were tested and showed that they should not have been put on that pedestal as having championship rings pre-ordained. It's the hubris I reacted to. I love the underdog, and people who do not show off as LeBron did in 2010 with his not 1, not 2..... DWayne is a class gentleman. LeBron has learnt from his mistakes, and Ii expect him to be a better person. MJ had to deal with gambling and death of loved ones in the midst of his championship run and he took a sabbatical from the game. He is the gold standard that unfortunately LeBron will be judged against - just as Kobe was.



Just enjoy and bask in the moment of victory - a state that is muted because Miami SURVIVED more than dominate, as you and Brudd and Stingaahh believed. You were all taught a humbling lesson in how other teams play smart basketball with lesser talent and nearly pushed you off the cliff. In other words it is not this exhilarating moment by Miami's lofty standards.

Bai, you been announcing the Heat demise this year even during their 27 games win streak so this nonsense about they didn't have the good and are lucky to win is just that, nonsense. I have been telling you that Miami had the talents and while it has been a struggle, we can still count on that talent when it is needed. Miami does not like to beat up on teams. They are happy with just a win. How many times Wade and especially LeBron was taken out of games over the past two years when him staying in could give him a chance to make individual history. Even this past year, he should have been told to not take any more shots to preserve his record of 30 plus points and 60% shooting like the managers do with baseball players to preserve their batting averages at season end. That is not our style. We are South Beach. Live and let live. Come have some fun in the sun here. Our guys even had Danny Green at their celebration on Thursday night.


But back to the topic. Miami is fortunate to have LeBron here. He is a class act with talents and skills to match. He gives everything he has to make himself, his teammates and team better. He does not hog the ball and try to put up 50 points every game. He begins by sharing the ball to get his teammates involved and only takes over when it becomes clear that he has to now carry the load. And more times than not he carries that load. Plus he is given the role as point guard only because he has the best ability to distribute the ball effectively. And when Spo wants to shut someone down, he put LeBron on that person like how he shut Parker down the past two games. No different than how he shut Rose down in the ECF two years ago. So this nonsense that Rose would be a stumbling block to LeBron is just that, nonsense. LeBron shut him down during his MVP year when his Bulls team's season was on the line.


Now back to LeBron's talents. He can effectively guard all five positions. Know anybody else in history who can do that much less do it effectively? He was charged with the responsibility to shut down whoever was hot for the game in the Pacers series like he was for the Spurs series. What about ya'll poster boy Danny Green? Notice how quick he gets shut down the last two games when talents was guarding him?


And now for how the Heat team is constructed. No doubt we are not conventional. This is South Beach and the only thing conventional about here is that people are expected to have a good time. We don't have a big and it affects our ability to get rebounds. But with the way that James and Wade plays, a big would affect their game. And since they shoot at a high level it does not affect our ability to win without a big. Bosh is just getting way too much undue criticism by people who don't consider that he gets the scraps that James and Wade throws away. It is to his credit that he was able to adapt to a third place position but I doubt he is complaining. He is paid more than James and Wade and won two titles over the past three years with this group as a third place player.


But his effort in game six is what makes game seven and the championship possible. He made the two biggest blocks and most critical rebound in that game. So we are not complaining here. If you pay attention, you will find that it is only the outsiders who see a problem with how our team is constructed. Wonder why. Remember the Qur'anic verse that speaks about how mischievous people first seeking to set strive in people's mind in a way to destroy them. Same here. Others wants to see this team dismantled because they find it difficult and over the past three years, almost impossible to overcome.


So my friend, my advise to you is sit back and enjoy the greatness of LeBron. Just like I had the opportunity to do when Jordan was playing. Because, great players like LeBron don't come around often. Don't waste your time with the hate stuff especially since LeBron said himself - I AIN'T GOT NO WORRIES!!!!




Last edited by Former Member

What y'all have to note is that MJ was a two-guard and LeBron is a forward in the mold of a Magic Johnson. Given his rebounding prowess and better jump-shooting I'd say he's more like Bird.


Magic needed the parts around, like LeBron got. Bird too. MJ did not have the parts that those Celtics and Lakers teams had or what LeBron got with the Big 3. MJ had a gerowing star in Scottie Pippen and bit players. Grant and Kucoch rose to the level at times.


So when I speak of carrying a team, MJ had to do more of that with his scoring and drawing defenders and kicking out. LeBron works more with sets in his passing. MJ had more freedom with the triangle.


What we can debate ad nauseum is who had the killer intangible, and if you poll people 9 out of 10 will say MJ. The man was an assassin.


BTWI rooted for LeBron when he first came into the league because of Kobe's cocky attitude and his sexual assault issue. It was when the ?Heat was microwaved under Pat Riley and he made that immature not 1, not 2....statement and the whole ESPN setup that I began to look more at his intangibles and how he looked lost under adversity. Even when MJ's teams were losing to the Bad Boys he never looked lost or befuddled. He was always going down with his guns ablaze. That's the kind of intangibles Ii speak of. LeBron needs a Big 3. MJ couldn't care less.


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