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@Former Member

You recall the last election when the PPP requested a recount it was not granted. The PNC by hook and crook will seek to stay put in office.

 Foreign governments must issue a stern warning that there will be consequences  for bad behaviour such as sanctions  and embargo. 

The PPP and all contesting parties must expose the SOP for region 4 so the entire country must be aware of the frauds. 


@Former Member

If you recall not long  there  were lots of African leaders visited Guyana, maybe to give Granger dictatorship lessons. 

 Ray often calls me a Racist, just because I highlight the Black hooligans in Guyana, well because of social media we can see live display  by the minute.  I am ashamed to see what is happening to Guyana,  I feel helpless being in NA , sorry for the poor people there.

PNC have raped Democratic process.


@ KP, I agree with you about 2015. They have stand behind PPPC in this election...67 ballot boxes in GT were not counted and verified with  the SOP. 

The mystery spreadsheet they implemented has 17 of the 23 boxes shows more votes on the spreadsheet than the actual votes... this is Burnham days. 

But guys thanks to social media to expose their backside. 
The social media ting also embarrassed out resident Moderator and the protest. 

Last edited by Former Member

"Today, however, the tabulation process that had been taking place in Region 4 was circumvented, critically undermining transparency and preventing international observers and political parties from observing tabulation. As a result, the election results released today for Region 4 are not credible."â€Ķ/carter-center-says-region-4-declaratâ€Ķ/

See below full Carter Center Statement on Region 4 Election Results: GEORGETOWN (March 5, 2020) — The Carter Center is deeply concerned about the events that took place today at the Office of the Râ€Ķ

Carter Center says Region 4 declaration not credible

See below full Carter Center Statement on Region 4 Election Results:

GEORGETOWN (March 5, 2020) â€” The Carter Center is deeply concerned about the events that took place today at the Office of the Returning Officer for Region 4 and the decision to announce results that had not been verified.

Up until today, the electoral process has been a remarkably transparent one with well-administered procedures on Election Day that provided an opportunity for the Guyanese people to express their will.

Today, however, the tabulation process that had been taking place in Region 4 was circumvented, critically undermining transparency and preventing international observers and political parties from observing tabulation. As a result, the election results released today for Region 4 are not credible.

We believe there is still an opportunity for the election to have credibility and reflect the will of the people as expressed at the polls on March 2.

There are a number of rules under Guyanese law that could be utilized in order to ensure credibility, including considering a request for a recount in Region 4. It is important that the appropriate Guyana Election Commission officials make clear how such a request can be made and received, with due regard to any concerns about security.

The Carter Center encourages a return to the transparent verification procedures that had been in place, including the processing of Region 4 Statements of Poll and the parallel verification process conducted by the CEO.

All parties contesting the election deserve a process that is credible and transparent and conducted according to established procedures and applicable law.

Whoever wins the election has an interest in ensuring that their victory is seen as credible.


Everyone with any amount of decency has spoken out against the shenanigans of the PNC and their hacks at GECOM. America already has the money from the oil that was picked out of the ground in an account here. They should freeze that money and all future monies until the government which was chosen by the electorate is sworn in.


@ Dave and Ray ...

While it is not a NCM, a few things to remember and note ...

1. Granger had appointed retired army personnel as heads of numerous entities.

2. There are also retired army personnel recruited in other areas.

3. For the past five years this was an on-gong process.

4. Granger was high-profile in the army.

5. etc., etc., etc..


@Amral ....

SOPs results all parties, designated observes, representatives, etc.,

Dave can confirm this, which he had posted on the thread which is closed.



btw can we see what should be the final results, assuming that the PPP posted numbers are correct.

Last edited by Former Member

It's not over till it's over. If/when Granger is sworn in, that would in effect mean APNU+AFC have thrown caution to the wind and are prepared to face local and international condemnation and sanctions. They're probably calculating that oil and gas revenues will offset economic sanctions. The swearing-in of Granger would put GECOM in mopping-up mode. 


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