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We should all call our US congresspersons and seek their help in getting a freeze on all payments (including oil revenue) to Guyana if the Coalition blatantly ascend government without properly verifying the SOPs in region 4. Let Guyana starve. The reality is that Guyana will still starve if the Coalition forces itself into government but without money, they hopefully will also lose the will to continue their illegal squatting in office.


There were some PPP people still hanging around that building last night after they were chased out. They were orderly. Had that been a PNC supporting group, that building would have been reduced to embers by now. Based on the PNC's history that would be an undisputed argument.

In just 5 short years the PNC has returned Guyana to a dictatorship. 

Last edited by Former Member

When APNU/AFC won in 2015, I was even 1 who accepted and welcomed the change as politics in Guyana had become complacent with leaders who had been there too long without fresh ideas and a strong liking to power.
Now it seems the same is happening again but with different leaders.
I understand that with my skin color and possible level in society, keyboard warriors will love to sing the natural tune of favoritism and everything else.... but, believe it or not, there is a population of us who loves Guyana first,
choose to live here while having access to other islands or countries,
and sincerely wants our laws, and our democracy, to be put first.
Naysayers will want to ask the questions about the last whatever years, and what PPP did... but I'm not here to answer that, because all of that is in the past, and the new leaders have dealt with it or chose not to.

I do not claim to know every law in Guyana but I look and make a judgement for myself.

Region 4 votes were unverified, yet declared. And then distributed without announcement from GECOM, but by photos sent out to the media. No contact could be made to the GECOM CEO, the chairwoman, or the returning officer.

10 out of 11 contesting parties objected to what GECOM did

OUR OAS COMMONWEALTH objected to what GECOM did

The Carter foundation objected to what GECOM did

The ABCE (America, Britain, Canada, Europe) objected to what GECOM did

And yet... this leadership wants to move forward with an unverified process....

My girl is Venezuelan. And last night I was explaining to her and another Venezuelan friend what was happening.
And they were both afraid. They said they remember it being just like that in the beginning... the country and people were good, but little by little, the dictatorship took over, sanctions and then ALL people suffered, even party loyalists who cared more about Chavez and Maduro as people vs what was happening to the country...
History is there for us to understand so we don't repeat it.
I know we as Guyanese like a big talk... and alot I hearing saying dem ain cay bout d foreigners ray ray ray... sigh....
if ya'll got the strength and mind enough to say, you ain't mind not living in the people country or even visiting,
that you ain't mind if we oil stay right in the ground and no money comes from it
If every other country identifies us as a dictatorship state and treats us as 1
Then forget about our democratic rights as a country and just celebrate. My biggest concern is how the election was won. NOT who won. There are alot of racists PPP supporters, and just as many racists APNU/AFC supporters. Each wants their bag of laughs and superiority validated.
My friends, be aware of the bigger picture for our country.
Let GECOM do the verification process.
What I hope from this post, is that ALL my friends who are Guyanese, and moreso the ones I do have in politics and in APNU/AFC do not make our country a simple prize to be won, but treat her as the mother we have and gain her respect.
Again, the world IS WATCHING

Jar is the Execitive Officer at M. Beepat & Sons. 


The people should start marching in protest. This bareface heinous act committed by APNU must not go unchecked. They are hoping that as pissed off as people are, they are just going to fold and accept what happen. I say this is the time when Guyanese of all walks of life should stand up and send a clear message to Granger and company.

Come out in your numbers like when u voted. Let your voices be heard throughout the lenght and breadth of guyana.🇎ðŸ‡ū


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