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Hopefully when the dust is settled and decency is restored these will be the declared votes tendered at the elections on March 2, 2020. The performance of the Coalition over the past 5 years clearly did not earn them a return trip to the seat of government. Hopefully for once the despotic PNC will respect the will of the electorate.


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Thank you Base ...  its not over... PPPC is the winner of this election and they will be  the government. The ABC countries, and international observers are on our side. They have the signed SOP from all parties... APNU cannot and will not be allow to take this. 

The show down continues tomorrow. 

The business community is prepared to close the country down. 



The OAS Electoral Observation Mission to the General and Regional Elections in Guyana condemns the acts of violence witnessed on the evening of March 5 at the office of the Returning Officer (RO) for Region 4. Such actions have no place in any electoral process.

The Mission was present during the several efforts to review and verify the Statements of Poll in Region 4. Although results were announced, the Mission notes that the process did not reach its proper conclusion as stipulated in the electoral code and that, subsequently, the results published by GECOM do not meet the established standards.

The Mission also notes that legal remedies were pursued by the opposition People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) but that these were unsuccessful. The OAS calls for this impasse to be resolved peacefully, employing the relevant provisions in the law. Published results should not be acted upon until that time.

The courts should determine the best possible way forward. Any solution should be open and transparent and guarantee that all parties involved in this election have access to the maximum opportunities for redress under the law.

The Mission urges all citizens to remain calm and calls on all political stakeholders to respect the electoral process as prescribed in Guyana’s legislation.â€Ķ/oas-says-reg-4-results-should-not-beâ€Ķ/
Last edited by Former Member

@  Dave ...

While the ABC countries and international groups have a unified view on the issues, one needs to see how the issues develop as the days go by.

I agree with you on the above.

One can remember the issues of 1964 - 1992 when the PNC governed and the international organizations were present at all elections.

Perhaps the smart phone and social media advantage that exposed the barefaced rigging will force these international organization to act!..know... 



â€Ķarson suspected

Fire swept through the cane fields at Providence, East Bank Berbice, just after 19:30hrs this evening.

The blaze at the cane fields, from which canes are fed to the Albion sugar estate,was seen over a half mile away, and while the Guyana Fire Service responded in a timely manner, their limited access to water forced them to leave the scene prematurely without fully extinguishing the blaze.
Residents whose homes were threatened by the billowing smoke, expressed concern over the suspected arson.
The Guyana Fire Service has launched an investigation into the incident.

Just for the sake and safety of the besieged Guyanese people, I hate when I am so right about the evil PNC.

In that 30 minutes video posted by Dave, there were two former Ministers of Health visible. We can see Dr. Vindhi calm, cultured and well behaved. We can see her even trying to calm down someone next to her. On the other hand, we can also see Vulga Vulva airing out she yaazee vulva in her normal violent and stinking way. What is that thing in green behind her jumping up and down like a monkey? Shear lawlessness from the APNU/AFC crew yesterday. I would like to get an analysis from the real Mitwah on that as I think the real Mitwah can be fair in his analysis.

Base mentioned that blacks think they own Guyana and see Indians as an inconvenience tolerance. The trouble is that Indians still outnumber blacks in Guyana. It is also true that Indians provide the larger part of the economic machinery and has always done so. So while blacks may believe that they own Guyana, they have done little in its development and in many cases, they have hampered developmental drives through their acts of violence and mayhem.

Quite a sad day to see Guyana returned to a dictatorship and now with social media, the whole world is witnessing.

If there is any reason that I may hope the Coalition prevails it is to confirm that Ramjattan will not be Granger's Prime Minister as I don't see Granger eventually allowing Ramjattan to sit as Prime Minister. Not even in that ceremonial capacity as Nagamootoo did.



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