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Former Member

Dear GNI Friends:

Seven months ago I suffered a severe stroke, resulting in the immobility of my left arm and leg. I was hospitalized from August to November. Due to in-patient and out-patient physiotherapy, I can now walk indoors with the aid of a 4-pronged cane. Outdoors, I move around in a wheelchair. Regrettably, my left arm and hand are not moving yet. I'm typing this post with my right index finger.

The stroke affected me in other ways. My voice is weaker. I've lost a lot of weight because my appetite is not as robust as before. Initially, I lost an interest in things I previously enjoyed, like watching TV, reading and surfing the Internet every day. I even cancelled my Gmail and Facebook accounts. But recently I resumed reading and Internet surfing and I'm less depressed.

After many months I visited GNI political and social forums and was happy to observe that most of the regular posters are alive and kicking and bantering as is customary. I've also noticed the appearance of some new posters. Welcome to the fray, guys!

It took me weeks of deliberating with myself whether I should actively participate in GNI conversations again. I trust that it is not an act of madness for me to re-appear in this forum. In keeping with my old habit, I promise to be respectful to all GNI members whether or not we agree on particular issues.

It will take me a while to learn to post pictures, music files or articles with one hand only. Meanwhile, I'll just type words and more words.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Gilbakka, I am very sorry to hear about your ordeal. I can imagine what you have been going through, having seen very healthy people who were once normal been through similar situations.  I hope that in due time that you will get stronger and stronger. It is good that you have come back on the Forum. Maybe in time you will teach us some things. Things that we all take for granted. Welcome back.


There is one guy that I have always admired since his hey days on TV and that is Michael J. Fox, it made me feel very sad when he became sick. He was very healthy and full of life. As I am sure you were before Gilbakka. But the healing process has begun for you, and we on GNI though we might fight and cuss each other up, when  push comes to shove, we root as one when one of our own is down. And I know I speak for all on GNI when I say that we are rooting for you and will pray for a better you if not a perfectly whole you again.


Thanks a lot for your kind, heart-warming and comforting words, friends.

Amral, I must confess that when I re-visited GNI after the break, I looked to see whether you had struck my name off the members list for inactivity. I thank you for keeping my membership active.

Chameli, it's an open secret that I live in Toronto, just like you, Amral and Cain, my buddy from my previous GNI incarnation.

Friends, I'm retiring for the night, now; I don't stay up past midnight like I used to. Goodnight.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Dear GNI Friends:

Seven months ago I suffered a severe stroke, resulting in the immobility of my left arm and leg.

But recently I resumed reading and Internet surfing and I'm less depressed.





You have come a far way Sir. Life has a way of testing all of us. Challenging us. Knocking us down. I am sure over the past few months you asked yourself many times , "why me ?" Well, this is your journey in life. If you believe in God, just say to him, "I will accept your will for me." But don't stop fighting gilbakka--no pain no gain. Like I said, you have come a far way.


You wrote a beautiful and inspiring letter with one finger---But your mind is still sharp. That's good. Keep it positive. I'm sure you have a loving family and loving friends. Make them smile. Stay courageous. Fight on. And yes, please keep posting on GNI. And by the way, if the Rev pi$$es you off, feel free to hammer away at him---Rev can be a tad foolish now and then. Good night and god bless.



Originally Posted by Chief:

Who is Gilbacka? Never heard of him.


Anyway my fervent hope is for you to recover fully and be back to your usual self. Have faith in the Lord and you will get the courage to be strong.


All the best!1

Oi Chief, Gilbakka is the banna who delivered your Chinese food and you only give the po man 2% tip, remember?

Well, I think you owe de man $10 still.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Who is Gilbacka? Never heard of him.


Anyway my fervent hope is for you to recover fully and be back to your usual self. Have faith in the Lord and you will get the courage to be strong.


All the best!1

Oi Chief, Gilbakka is the banna who delivered your Chinese food and you only give the po man 2% tip, remember?

Well, I think you owe de man $10 still.

Hi Gilbakka, best wishes with your therapy and recovery. Humor has tremendous healing power. I'm glad that Cain has added some to this thread Cain, I don't think Chiefy even gave the 2%. He just made a bow and sent the driver on his way.


Truly, reading all these fine, comforting words from you good GNI people gives me great hope and confidence for a full recovery, however slow and frustrating it seems to me sometimes. Thank you all.

To my friends who are really curious about "who is Gilbakka," I don't mind declaring here and now that he previously posted under the nickname "Bookman."

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Truly, reading all these fine, comforting words from you good GNI people gives me great hope and confidence for a full recovery, however slow and frustrating it seems to me sometimes. Thank you all.

To my friends who are really curious about "who is Gilbakka," I don't mind declaring here and now that he previously posted under the nickname "Bookman."

oh rass...bookman!


As I read the foregoing comments, I couldn't help feel guilty that we sometimes make the wrong assumptions about things. When I first read your post Gilbakka, I looked to see if it was written on April Fools day.


Gilbakka, glad that you are alive and recovering and pray that you continue to recover even more. Sometimes we don't even see them coming. Be steadfast with your diet and exercise and keep the faith. Best of luck.


Originally Posted by Miraver:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Chief:

Who is Gilbacka? Never heard of him.


Anyway my fervent hope is for you to recover fully and be back to your usual self. Have faith in the Lord and you will get the courage to be strong.


All the best!1

Oi Chief, Gilbakka is the banna who delivered your Chinese food and you only give the po man 2% tip, remember?

Well, I think you owe de man $10 still.

Hi Gilbakka, best wishes with your therapy and recovery. Humor has tremendous healing power. I'm glad that Cain has added some to this thread Cain, I don't think Chiefy even gave the 2%. He just made a bow and sent the driver on his way.

The only reason cheapy cheaf even bowed was because dem ole eyes not so good an' he was trying to have a last check to make sure he hadn't given "more" payment than should.


My best wishes for a speedy recovery Gilbakka.

But there is absolutely no reason for you to abstain from peening down something on GNI. I remember with great sadness some GNI members who have now departed to another life. Many of them penned their regular columns up to just weeks before they passed away, finally succumbing to their ailment.

So keep on trucking. It is at least a good exercise to aid your recovery.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Villagebelle:

Oh my.....Sorry to hear about your illness Gilbakka.


Wishing you speedy recovery and God's Blessings.


(does make one wonder about others who have disappeared from GNI.)



When I leave, I hope Leslie notices it and sey, "Lionel gone."

I don't think Leslie will ever spell say as "sey" though.  The man did say that he prefer when you were chasing down hookers in Naples.

Originally Posted by Prashad:

Hi Gilbakka as long as it is physiotherapy that you had and not psychotheraphy then Me and you is still close like Curry Catfish and Rice during Sunday lunch.  

People does eat curry catfish with rice during a Sunday lunch? My recollection is that curry catfish was eaten with roti and curry gilbakka (not curry bookman ) went with rice. My recollection was that Sunday lunch was mostly soup.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Hi Gilbakka as long as it is physiotherapy that you had and not psychotheraphy then Me and you is still close like Curry Catfish and Rice during Sunday lunch.  

People does eat curry catfish with rice during a Sunday lunch? My recollection is that curry catfish was eaten with roti and curry gilbakka (not curry bookman ) went with rice. My recollection was that Sunday lunch was mostly soup.

It depends on who house you at and if she got catfish fo you.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Prashad:

Hi Gilbakka as long as it is physiotherapy that you had and not psychotheraphy then Me and you is still close like Curry Catfish and Rice during Sunday lunch.  

People does eat curry catfish with rice during a Sunday lunch? My recollection is that curry catfish was eaten with roti and curry gilbakka (not curry bookman ) went with rice. My recollection was that Sunday lunch was mostly soup.

Like Ksazma working at the Sugar Estate Bossman House.  He a drink soap on Sunday.


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