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Executive Member
This is an icon describing the mood of the topic or describing information contained in the topic. For more info on icons, read our FAQ. posted August 13, 2002 01:30 PM Members Posts: PopIt!Add to Contacts   

D2 since I came to GNI you have been pi55ing piwari into the wind. Talk about a big mouth by comparing my posts with yours and see who has the not only the big mouth and slack jaw but the biggest bullshyte.
You are an apologist , left to you all of Guyana could burn to the ground and all the Indians be slaughtered before you retreat into obscurity silence.

I stated before and I will say it again that people like you and the PPP have always kept dialogue between and amongst yourselves , self delusion, and way above the heads of the people.

The PPP abused the Indians by identifying them as socialist commies which brought the Western Powers to bear their power upon the Indians. This is fact , this is truth and this is what you and the PPP deny so you can keep the Indians enslaved and shackled to your political plantation.

The PPP did not do their best, you limp , lame , apologist. I don't give a rat's a55 about other gov'ts we are talking about Guyana and your and the PPP's lameness. You people subjected the Indians in Guyana to the effects and conditions of the cold war , you idiot , by declaring your position as commie socialists while the poor struggling indians had no F'ing clue what it meant. You guys prostituted the Indians politically . You high and mighty a55holes sent the Indians into the slaughterhouse and you are still doing it ....but it must and will cease !

D2 Historians cannot record what is not recorded and documented, they are afraid of public redicule and condemnation , like you. I dont have to answer to pathetic wimps like you and you and the PPP and PNC never and still dont scare me . In fact you bastards are now more scared than ever before .

When Rodney and his WPA had the PNC trembling the PPP sat back and watched and never offered to form an alliance but now the PNC kicking the a55ses of the PPP and threatening to kill the PPP executive now the PPP talking powersharing and alliances etc. Monkey know wuh limb fuh jump pun!
People like you and the PPP hogs can redicule and accuse others becuase that is your specialty , that is the only form of weaponry you limp lame curs are capable of using . You and and your tribe of PPP a55holes dont have the testicular nor the intestinal fortitude to take curative actions but you hide behind the pen and microphone.
The USA was never too busy with the cold war and vietnam to give aid to Guyana you idiot , the USA had no intentions of supporting a commie bastard party in their own backyard and the backyard of their nemises USSR via Cuba.
When are you guys going to cease shovelling this crap down the craws of the poor indians who have no idea of these political intrigues.

My story is that since the 1960's ,the Indians been murdered, raped, looted, booted, burnt out , forced into exile , live in fear, intimidate , brutalized , WHILE THE PPP WAS IN OPPOSITION AND IS IN you tell me that I fabricating a story here ?

I know you cant help thinking beyond the parameters the PPP have established which is why you and the PPP are more of a threat and danger to the Indians than the PNC. With the PNC we know they seek to kill beat ,rape and murder but with the you and the PPP the Indians getting screwed by political rhetoric , lies and denial.


You and the PPP got to cease prostituting yourselves.

Here is a classy post by kidmost

Last edited by Django
ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django, how did you find this?  I would like to find my first post Aug 21, 2002!

I thought of you when I saw this....maybe google your initial post if you remember

I did, and a picture of my Ex showed up!!


Bai, yuh gaffo be rale pagalee to allow dat ohman to become yuh ex. 

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:

here is another one,When the idea of  Indentured Indians database was discussed.


Posts: 150
From: Wethersfield,CT.USA
Registered: MAY 2001

I had 150 post in 03-21-2002

How can I find Aug 21, 2002?

I tried Google nothing comes up,

I searched post by Django found mine.

Did you try baseman or ba$eman?  Or how about Drugb or Caribj.  The first post put me in a fight with Caribj and Druggy stepped up to defend me.

Last edited by Former Member
Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django, how did you find this?  I would like to find my first post Aug 21, 2002!

I thought of you when I saw this....maybe google your initial post if you remember

I did, and a picture of my Ex showed up!!


Base, can she make baigan choka? 

Bai, Mahaicony gyal mek a lot of tings!!

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:

here is another one,When the idea of  Indentured Indians database was discussed.


Posts: 150
From: Wethersfield,CT.USA
Registered: MAY 2001

I had 150 post in 03-21-2002

How can I find Aug 21, 2002?

I tried Google nothing comes up,

I searched post by Django found mine.

Did you try baseman or ba$eman?  Or how about Drugb or Caribj.  The first post put me in a fight with Caribj and Druggy stepped up to defend me.


I tried nothing come up,

Saw Amral posted  he have a better way.

Mitwah posted:
ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:
ba$eman posted:

Django, how did you find this?  I would like to find my first post Aug 21, 2002!

I thought of you when I saw this....maybe google your initial post if you remember

I did, and a picture of my Ex showed up!!


Base, can she make baigan choka? 

she mek abishek into choka, i hope he doan choke her.

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:

I tried Google nothing comes up,

I searched post by Django found mine.

Did you try baseman or ba$eman?  Or how about Drugb or Caribj.  The first post put me in a fight with Caribj and Druggy stepped up to defend me.


I tried nothing come up,

Saw Amral posted  he have a better way.

Thanks for trying, even though you deliver katahar!!!

ba$eman posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
Django posted:

I tried Google nothing comes up,

I searched post by Django found mine.

Did you try baseman or ba$eman?  Or how about Drugb or Caribj.  The first post put me in a fight with Caribj and Druggy stepped up to defend me.


I tried nothing come up,

Saw Amral posted  he have a better way.

Thanks for trying, even though you deliver katahar!!!

ksazma posted:
Amral posted:

My internet is acting up. As soon as it is fixed i will show you guys a better way to pull up some really old threads 

Well hurry up nuh. I would like to see my first post. I believe that I portrayed myself as a nice guy. Then all hell broke loose. 

He looking for his plug-in hard drive!


I remember fighting with Ramu, ICIP, the whole GNI member list one fateful Saturday and maybe the next day. I remember taking my family to visit Errol and his wife and being told many times how I can do something so reckless not knowing anything about Errol. Fortunately, he turned out to be safe and nice. Nice enough to invite the Jamaican princess to the dinner also. Thankfully he did not invite D2. Just messing with you D2.  I remember fighting with anta. But that was before I realized the we is famelee.  I remember too many damn things. 

ksazma posted:

I remember fighting with Ramu, ICIP, the whole GNI member list one fateful Saturday and maybe the next day. I remember taking my family to visit Errol and his wife and being told many times how I can do something so reckless not knowing anything about Errol. Fortunately, he turned out to be safe and nice. Nice enough to invite the Jamaican princess to the dinner also. Thankfully he did not invite D2. Just messing with you D2.  I remember fighting with anta. But that was before I realized the we is famelee.  I remember too many damn things. 

Errol and his wife are wonderful people. That dude Eddie was always angry, he and I always fought, I wonder if he's still on GNI.  

Last edited by Former Member
Leonora posted:
ksazma posted:

I remember fighting with Ramu, ICIP, the whole GNI member list one fateful Saturday and maybe the next day. I remember taking my family to visit Errol and his wife and being told many times how I can do something so reckless not knowing anything about Errol. Fortunately, he turned out to be safe and nice. Nice enough to invite the Jamaican princess to the dinner also. Thankfully he did not invite D2. Just messing with you D2.  I remember fighting with anta. But that was before I realized the we is famelee.  I remember too many damn things. 

Errol and his wife are wonderful people. That dude Eddie was always angry, he and I always fought, I wonder if he's still on GNI.  

Maybe he is Caribj. 


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