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Prashad posted:

The Sikhs like the Italians and Irish have the means to retaliate against the family of this racist shooter . But they will not because they are thinking of the bigger picture. Sikhs in American society.


Why would you even suggest retaliation against the family of the shooter? His family didn't pull the trigger, he did and whether or not he was raised as a racist, HE made that decision.

GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:

The Sikhs like the Italians and Irish have the means to retaliate against the family of this racist shooter . But they will not because they are thinking of the bigger picture. Sikhs in American society.


Why would you even suggest retaliation against the family of the shooter? His family didn't pull the trigger, he did and whether or not he was raised as a racist, HE made that decision.

Listen up here. Lets get something straight. If an Anti-koolie kills an East Indian then he or she and family are fair game.  There should not be any time limit on putting the process into place.  Violence is the only game these racists respect. If it was a catholic Irishman then the IRA or Real IRA  would have blown his family house to pieces. If it was a Jew killed then the Mossad would have answered in kind.  The life of an East Indian is not less worthy. I personally don't give a damn about sikhs. Just like how they did not give a damn about putting that bomb on that plane that killed hindus.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:

The Sikhs like the Italians and Irish have the means to retaliate against the family of this racist shooter . But they will not because they are thinking of the bigger picture. Sikhs in American society.


Why would you even suggest retaliation against the family of the shooter? His family didn't pull the trigger, he did and whether or not he was raised as a racist, HE made that decision.

Listen up here. Lets get something straight. If an Anti-koolie kills an East Indian then he or she and family are fair game.  There should not be any time limit on putting the process into place.  Violence is the only game these racists respect. If it was a catholic Irishman then the IRA or Real IRA  would have blown his family house to pieces. If it was a Jew killed then the Mossad would have answered in kind.  The life of an East Indian is not less worthy. I personally don't give a damn about sikhs. Just like how they did not give a damn about putting that bomb on that plane that killed hindus.

Wonder how long it would take for the koolie population to dwindle to zero in that scenario of an eye for an eye without making a dent in the other population.

Prashad posted:
GTAngler posted:
Prashad posted:

The Sikhs like the Italians and Irish have the means to retaliate against the family of this racist shooter . But they will not because they are thinking of the bigger picture. Sikhs in American society.


Why would you even suggest retaliation against the family of the shooter? His family didn't pull the trigger, he did and whether or not he was raised as a racist, HE made that decision.

Listen up here. Lets get something straight. If an Anti-koolie kills an East Indian then he or she and family are fair game.  There should not be any time limit on putting the process into place.  Violence is the only game these racists respect. If it was a catholic Irishman then the IRA or Real IRA  would have blown his family house to pieces. If it was a Jew killed then the Mossad would have answered in kind.  The life of an East Indian is not less worthy. I personally don't give a damn about sikhs. Just like how they did not give a damn about putting that bomb on that plane that killed hindus.

What an ignorant, bigoted idiot you are ! It is no wonder that hate permeates the world in such a horrible manner ! If a Sikh was responsible for the bombing of that Air India flight, do Sikhs worldwide automatically become culpable for that ? Based on your dumb-ass thinking, racism will remain to haunt generations and generations that follow us ! I would like to suggest to you that, if you have nothing meaningful or constructive to contribute to discussions in this forum, please do everyone else the favour of keeping your yap shut !!  

Prashad posted:

keffer you try marrying one of them sikh ladies and see what happens.

Not a damn thing will happen ! I personally know many Sikhs; men and women, whose spouses are from different ethnicities and different faiths and they live as harmoniously as any others. Stop posting rubbish and participating in discussions of which you know nothing !

Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

keffer you try marrying one of them sikh ladies and see what happens.

Not a damn thing will happen ! I personally know many Sikhs; men and women, whose spouses are from different ethnicities and different faiths and they live as harmoniously as any others. Stop posting rubbish and participating in discussions of which you know nothing !

Real sikhs don't operate like that when it comes to marrying their women folk. They are just like white Arabs, orthodox jews and turks when it comes to the marriage of their women folk. They have to trace your blood line back to the old country to find out if you are 100 percent sikh before the family agrees to marriage with their daughter. They will slice you up good and proper if you mess around with their women folk and are not 100 percent sikh.

Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

keffer you try marrying one of them sikh ladies and see what happens.

Not a damn thing will happen ! I personally know many Sikhs; men and women, whose spouses are from different ethnicities and different faiths and they live as harmoniously as any others. Stop posting rubbish and participating in discussions of which you know nothing !

Real sikhs don't operate like that when it comes to marrying their women folk. They are just like white Arabs and turks when it comes to marriage of their women folk. They have to trace your blood line back to the old country to find out if you are 100 percent sikh before the family agrees to marriage with their daughter. They will slice you up good and proper if you mess around with their women folk and are not 100 percent sikh.

Oh I see ...there are real Sikhs and false ones; is that your personal invention ? Which Middle Eastern countries have you been to ? Have you ever been to Turkey ? You are unbelievably ignorant of reality so I strongly suggest that you desist from posting or commenting on subjects which you know nothing about ! My work takes me to each of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka etc and I have been to each of these places on several occasions. Your differentiation of 'white Arabs' from 'non-white Arabs' is nothing but your imagination/prejudice ! 

Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

keffer you try marrying one of them sikh ladies and see what happens.

Not a damn thing will happen ! I personally know many Sikhs; men and women, whose spouses are from different ethnicities and different faiths and they live as harmoniously as any others. Stop posting rubbish and participating in discussions of which you know nothing !

Real sikhs don't operate like that when it comes to marrying their women folk. They are just like white Arabs and turks when it comes to marriage of their women folk. They have to trace your blood line back to the old country to find out if you are 100 percent sikh before the family agrees to marriage with their daughter. They will slice you up good and proper if you mess around with their women folk and are not 100 percent sikh.

Oh I see ...there are real Sikhs and false ones; is that your personal invention ? Which Middle Eastern countries have you been to ? Have you ever been to Turkey ? You are unbelievably ignorant of reality so I strongly suggest that you desist from posting or commenting on subjects which you know nothing about ! My work takes me to each of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka etc and I have been to each of these places on several occasions. Your differentiation of 'white Arabs' from 'non-white Arabs' is nothing but your imagination/prejudice ! 

I don't know which sikhs you hang around with. My great grandfather was an orthodox sikh. But those are not real orthodox sikhs that you hang around. Real Orthodox sikhs are very conservative. There is no United Nations lifestyle going on there.


As for white Arabs. You don't try to pull a brown lie on this board.  I have travel all over. You ask a Sudanese Arab what I mean about white Arab. You ask a Jordanian what I mean about white arab.  You have not really traveled anywhere.  Visiting a country does not mean you know the people culture. I know Arabs like the back of my hand after many years working in several Arab populations.

Last edited by Prashad
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

keffer you try marrying one of them sikh ladies and see what happens.

Not a damn thing will happen ! I personally know many Sikhs; men and women, whose spouses are from different ethnicities and different faiths and they live as harmoniously as any others. Stop posting rubbish and participating in discussions of which you know nothing !

Real sikhs don't operate like that when it comes to marrying their women folk. They are just like white Arabs and turks when it comes to marriage of their women folk. They have to trace your blood line back to the old country to find out if you are 100 percent sikh before the family agrees to marriage with their daughter. They will slice you up good and proper if you mess around with their women folk and are not 100 percent sikh.

Oh I see ...there are real Sikhs and false ones; is that your personal invention ? Which Middle Eastern countries have you been to ? Have you ever been to Turkey ? You are unbelievably ignorant of reality so I strongly suggest that you desist from posting or commenting on subjects which you know nothing about ! My work takes me to each of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Palestine, Iraq, Turkey, Iran, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka etc and I have been to each of these places on several occasions. Your differentiation of 'white Arabs' from 'non-white Arabs' is nothing but your imagination/prejudice ! 

I don't know which sikhs you hang around with. My great grandfather was an orthodox sikh. But those are not real orthodox sikhs that you hang around. Real Orthodox sikhs are very conservative. There is no United Nations lifestyle going on there.


As for white Arabs. You don't try to pull a brown lie on this board.  I have travel all over. You ask a Sudanese Arab what I mean about white Arab. You ask a Jordanian what I mean about white arab.  You have not really traveled anywhere.  Visiting a country does not mean you know the people culture. I know Arabs like the back of my hand after many years working in several Arab populations.

What nonsense are you writing about 'brown lie' ? You sound like an old fool who is obsessed with color so your statements above are sheer nonsense. I have also worked in Sudan; north and south, and on more than one occasion too ! In virtually all peoples one will see a range of skin color; even among Caucasians. Please...keep your fairy tales to yourself because you evidently have never been there so stop peddling garbage about white Arabs, green Arabs, black Arabs etc. With respect to knowing  Arabs 'like the back of my hand', you do not know shit so stop generalizing about people or cultures of which you are totally ignorant ! 

Bibi Haniffa posted:

How is this a Trump inspired attack? Is Obama responsible for the hate crimes that occurred when he was President?

Outline what hateful speech did Obama engage in or condone? 

In fact Obama himself was a victim of hatred when we see the early Tea party protests where he was referred to as a witch doctor. Often he and Michelle have been call apes

It is very obvious that under Trump bigots feel quite free to express their hatred, up to and including murder!   

Understand something. To the average white American Trump supporter any brown person with black hair is either a Muslim or an illegal alien, neither of whom, in their view, are entitled to any basic rights.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:
. I know Arabs like the back of my hand after many years working in several Arab populations.

And if you really knew Arabs you know that they come in all shapes and colors. Any way Pakistanis aren't any more loved as they are also Muslims, and they definitely are South Asian.

Carib that is a bunch of bull. Real Arabs are white skin people.  Even last week an Egypt man told me that Somali people are not Arabs because they are black. I pointed out to him that Somalia is seen as an Arab country by the United Nations. He said how could you get black Africans being Arabs.

Prashad posted:

Carib that is a bunch of bull. Real Arabs are white skin people.  Even last week an Egypt man

No wonder you get this response, the racist that you are hangs out with fellow racists. In fact there are BLACK Egyptians so we don't even have to get to Somalia.

Take a look at Rizwan Farook of the San Bernardo attack and wheel and come again.. 

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Carib that is a bunch of bull. Real Arabs are white skin people.  Even last week an Egypt man

No wonder you get this response, the racist that you are hangs out with fellow racists. In fact there are BLACK Egyptians so we don't even have to get to Somalia.

Take a look at Rizwan Farook of the San Bernardo attack and wheel and come again.. 

Carib unlike you I am not a racist. I love the African culture. In fact I have a meal every month at an Ethiopian restaurant because Ethiopian and Eritean  food is very similar to Guyana East Indian food. But the likes of you prefer to follow 17 th century Englishman Pirate culture.


Last edited by Prashad

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