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100% salary increases for VPs,  27 Ministers confirmed

Vice President Moses Nagamootoo

Vice President Moses Nagamootoo

Mega salary increases



…as Public Servants get 5% for only 1/2 year



In spite of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) protests while they were in the Opposition benches about “enormous” and “unreasonable” salaries of officials of the then Government, the coalition has now confirmed that it is giving members in its Administration massive salary increases over those of the former PPP Administration.

2nd Vice President Carl Greenidge

2nd Vice President Carl Greenidge

 The Official Gazette, published on September 25, 2015, stated that Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo will be benefiting from a whopping $20,580,000 per annum, while the other Vice Presidents will each receive $11,135,064.

 Under the APNU/AFC Government, a Cabinet Minister will be given a hefty sum of $10,439,124 – annually – more than $300,000 over previous Ministers and a Junior Minister or a Minister within a Ministry will be paid $8,346,492 per annum.

 The Attorney General will receive the same amount of money that the Chancellor does and the Speaker of the National Assembly is slated to benefit from $10, 439,124 every year (the same salary which a Cabinet Minister will be paid).

 Meanwhile, the Leader of the Opposition will be given $10,439, 124 on an annual basis,  but former President Bharrat Jagdeo has said he would not be accepting this salary.

3rd Vice President Khemraj Ramjattan

3rd Vice President Khemraj Ramjattan

In addition to the increased salary for  Prime Minister Nagamootoo of $1.7 million monthly, an increase of over $200,000 each month,  he will be drawing   vacation benefits and perks totalling more than another $500,000.

 Guyana Times understands that the Deputy Speaker is to get $2, 702,880 per annum, while the Chief Whip will be paid $2, 682,360 annually.

 Additionally, every other member of the National Assembly is to be paid $2, 402,532 each year.

Guyana Times further understands that the three other Vice Presidents – positions which did not exist under the PPP/C Administration – Sydney Allicock, Carl Greenidge, and Khemraj Ramjattan will earn some $1.13 million, double the $579,000 which they would  have earned as Ministers. In addition, the vacations and other benefits are also $500,000.

4th Vice President Sydney Allicock

4th Vice President Sydney Allicock

The Cabinet Ministers, who are the 15 senior Ministers in Government, will now benefit from $1 million – an increase of over $400,000 or 74 per cent each month.

 It must be noted that the 12 Ministers within the Ministries (Junior Ministers) will each earn $700,000 monthly and like their senior Ministers will be entitled to the $500,000 in benefits.

 In addition to their huge salaries, all 27 Ministers will each be receiving a duty allowance, an entertainment allowance, $45,000, housing allowance; chauffeur allowance of over $100,000 and annual vacation allowance of $420,000.

 It must be reminded that ironically both APNU and the AFC, prior to taking office in May 2015, had vigorously spoken out against the “abuse” of taxpayers’ money to fill the pockets of “greedy” Government officials.

 Carl Greenidge, the then Shadow Finance Minister, had even written a letter to the Stabroek News just before the elections, in which he complained about the “lifestyle” of PPP/C Ministers.

“PPP Ministers have always paid themselves higher salaries than existed prior to their assumption of office…By 2014, the Minister of Finance was receiving $579,951,and today the PPP Ministers’ vacation allowance at $420,000 is ten times the minimum wage.”

 In August, former President Jagdeo had stated that the coalition Government had ‘duped’ the Guyanese populace when it had highlighted its proposed salary increases for public servants in the 2015 National Budget.

He said it was “nothing spectacular”, and was less in comparison to what his Party, while in power, had been offering.

 Jagdeo said what bothered him significantly was the timeline for payment given by Government.

 Finance Minister Winston Jordan had announced that effective July 1, 2015, all other public servants will receive a five per cent salary increase plus an additional $5000 monthly. This, according to Jordon, will allow for a greater increase in the lower income brackets. However, the previous Administration had routinely made its increases to public servants retroactive to January 1 of the given year; in effect, the five per cent increase for 2015 is actually 2.5 per cent.

In effect, the Government has once again showed its true colours as it has only given the public servants in the country an increase of a mere 2.5 per cent while it has ensured that its Ministers  received MASSIVE increases and salaries each year. While public servants receive monthly allowances of meagre sums, each Minister in Government and the Prime Minister enjoy allowances totalling hundreds of thousands of dollars every month – equal to more than the combined salaries of those public servants who labour under them.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

Seems rather excessive

Seems?? You want to rewind and find another description.

ok, it is rather excessive

Now that is better.  Caribj Happy like a child in a candy store.


Hello Riffraff - this particular article is take from today's Guyana Times.  The subject is also covered by several other media outlets.  The official document that made this legal is available on the Official Gazette.  See the Brian Teekah link from yesterday.  With official signature by Winston Jordan.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

A 10% increase for the Prime Minister is minimal. I'm still making a lot more than the PM.


Personally, the dollar amount doesn't bother me one bit.  I am all for people receiving good pay, especially if they work hard and deserve it.  However, in the scale of what others receive as pay it is unfair.  If the PPP boys had done this all hell would have broken loose. 

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

Journalist Gilly is of Journalistic high standard of excellence and fair reporting.


Snakeoil on sale.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Personally, the dollar amount doesn't bother me one bit.  I am all for people receiving good pay, especially if they work hard and deserve it.  However, in the scale of what others receive as pay it is unfair.  If the PPP boys had done this all hell would have broken loose. 

The PPP boys were getting salary plus tiefin which added up to a lot more than this current salary scale. How do you think they were able to afford Pradoville mansions on a minister's salary? The goal is to eliminate the corruption which was prevalent during the PPP days.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

A 10% increase for the Prime Minister is minimal. I'm still making a lot more than the PM.

Bro..we can't compare US to GY in the US not a lot of folks

hit the 100G figure,i did pass that amount for a few years

that was when business was booming.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

Journalist Gilly is of Journalistic high standard of excellence and fair reporting.


Snakeoil on sale.

Ah waiting for his reply.


Jagdeo was a President for 11 years and people pissing themselves when he build a nice house.  It was the chant of the last election.  Go see how Presidents of other countries live.  I have no problem if Granger lives in a nice house.  I want to showcase my President to the world.  Let's elevate our standards and show that we are classy people.  When you can prove the theft, let me know.

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

A 10% increase for the Prime Minister is minimal. I'm still making a lot more than the PM.

Bro..we can't compare US to GY in the US not a lot of folks

hit the 100G figure,i did pass that amount for a few years

that was when business was booming.

A car costs a lot more in Guyana, houses on par with Florida prices, food expensive just like here. Nobody complained when Sam Hinds was making 90,000 a year. A 10% increase for the PM and the stupid Guyana Times and the clowns who follow them screaming 100% increase.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

A 10% increase for the Prime Minister is minimal. I'm still making a lot more than the PM.

Bro..we can't compare US to GY in the US not a lot of folks

hit the 100G figure,i did pass that amount for a few years

that was when business was booming.

A car costs a lot more in Guyana, houses on par with Florida prices, food expensive just like here. Nobody complained when Sam Hinds was making 90,000 a year. A 10% increase for the PM and the stupid Guyana Times and the clowns who follow them screaming 100% increase.

I agree the Guyana Times not good with numbers,they

always trying to make the current gov't look bad.We are

talking about the PM he gets free housing,car etc.


Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

A 10% increase for the Prime Minister is minimal. I'm still making a lot more than the PM.

Bro..we can't compare US to GY in the US not a lot of folks

hit the 100G figure,i did pass that amount for a few years

that was when business was booming.

A car costs a lot more in Guyana, houses on par with Florida prices, food expensive just like here. Nobody complained when Sam Hinds was making 90,000 a year. A 10% increase for the PM and the stupid Guyana Times and the clowns who follow them screaming 100% increase.

I agree the Guyana Times not good with numbers,they

always trying to make the current gov't look bad.We are

talking about the PM he gets free housing,car etc.


YOu ever read ASS WIPE prior to May 11??????

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

A 10% increase for the Prime Minister is minimal. I'm still making a lot more than the PM.

Bro..we can't compare US to GY in the US not a lot of folks

hit the 100G figure,i did pass that amount for a few years

that was when business was booming.

A car costs a lot more in Guyana, houses on par with Florida prices, food expensive just like here. Nobody complained when Sam Hinds was making 90,000 a year. A 10% increase for the PM and the stupid Guyana Times and the clowns who follow them screaming 100% increase.

I agree the Guyana Times not good with numbers,they

always trying to make the current gov't look bad.We are

talking about the PM he gets free housing,car etc.


YOu ever read ASS WIPE prior to May 11??????

Which paper bhai,real bathroom tissue is not scarce in


Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Django:

The PM salary is excessive can the country afford it,

that is over US100G yearly other benefits not included.

these guys make me hand fall,Gilly what you think???

A 10% increase for the Prime Minister is minimal. I'm still making a lot more than the PM.

Good for you, CHEERS!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaguBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I'm not Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I ain't Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.

Me agree Mars, me too come across strong sometimes, but I try to keep personal stuff out.

Posters write like their personalities and in a fair game we have to accept them a such.


A poster recently tried to knock me down with some personal information that he was sent to assist, but he refused.

In a heated moment he wrote about it and only three other posters would know about it.

I called him out on it  and was pleased that be did not respond, because it would have been nasty.

Its hard to know who to trust here, but some posters I know personally  can be trusted, with personal information.      

Last edited by Tola
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I'm not Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I'm not Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.


Nehru,  you  are  one  of  ah  kind, they broke the mould after you were made.

Originally Posted by Nehru:


Why don't you ever contribute something worthwhile to the conversation except these two line tantrums like a mentally unstable pansy?

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I'm not Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.


Nehru,  you  are  one  of  ah  kind, they broke the mould after you were made.

Is dat Jackass new around here.  Is Uncle Nehru he talkin to.

Originally Posted by D2:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Why don't you ever contribute something worthwhile to the conversation except these two line tantrums like a mentally unstable pansy?

YOu want me to teach you to read and understand??? Hell NO!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

NO one care Rat's Ass how much you are making. This sis not about you but being a delusional FOOL, you make it about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well look who's talking about being delusional. The man who was telling everyone here that he's a professor, meanwhile he's a desk clerk at the LaBagu School filling out student aid forms.

Mars, with lot of respect, I don't think we should knock down people with their personal issues. I might have also done so and I apologise.


We struggle to live a comfortable life, by whatever means is available to us, it should not be something other should degrade.   


In my book, I am not better than others.

All that jackass does on this forum is abuse other posters and cannot contribute to anything positive here. Meanwhile the Admin allows him to behave like this every day. I will not sit quietly and let anyone abuse me. I'm not Ghandi or Jesus. You can take it but I certainly won't.


It's quite easy to analyze our writing here and determine who's the ignorant and illiterate one wannabe Professor. It certainly isn't me. But then again, you may be clueless about the meaning of ignorant and illiterate given that you only made it to 4th standard at Hubu Backdam High School. 

Last edited by Mars

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