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Govt denies more contract workers hired, salary bill skyrocketed

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.

Minister of State, Joseph Harmon.

The Guyana government Wednesday denied reports that the hiring of contract workers has ballooned under the nine-month old coalition-led administration, saying that the new figure takes into account the creation of a super-ministry.

The Stabroek News newspaper, quoting from a 2016 Budget Review done by Chartered Accountant, Christopher Ram, stated that the Ministry of the Presidency (MOTP) now employs 505 contract workers, up from 298 in 2015 and the salary bill has consequently spiked from GYD$142 million to GYD$798 million over the same period.

Expressing concern that the Stabroek News carried a report without seeking a reaction from him, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, in a brief comment, said explained that following the May 2015 elections, the MOTP is now comprised of the Ministry of Social Cohesion, Ministry of Citizenship, and still includes the Public Service Department, which was a standalone Ministry under the previous administration.

In addition, all the accompanying departments are now part of MOTP, including the General Registrar’s Office, Immigration, E-Governance, and the National Community Development Council.  The Ministry of Natural Resources was only recently designated as a separate Ministry and was also a Ministry within MOTP until January 2016.

These organisational changes have meant that the Ministry of the Presidency now covers a wider range of operational areas and cannot be compared to the Office of the President (OP) under the previous administration.  In addition, the staff complement dedicated to the work of the office of the President under the current administration has actually gone down.

“The operational strength of the Ministry has gone down. In May 2015, we had 375 staff working at OP. In January 2016, we have 325, specifically for the office of the President complex… So it is not accurate to say that the Ministry’s hires are skyrocketing. It is that there have been organisational changes that have taken place,” Minister Harmon said.

He noted that as of January 2016, the Public Service Department, previously the Public Service Ministry staff total is 50, Department of Natural Resources; 58, Ministry of Citizenship; 141 and E-Governance; 69.

Minister Harmon said that all of these questions could have been answered, if media houses had used the opportunity to obtain the Government’s response.

“I believe that journalistic ethics require that people call and ask you for a comment, which I am always prepared to give,” Minister Harmon said.  The Minister also indicated that he will report on the Ministry’s organisational make up during his presentation for the Budget debates in the National Assembly.

The Minister of State said that the President has already made his plans clear on the reform of the Public service in Guyana, and that commitment remains.

“There has been a clear direction by the President that it is our intention to return the Public service to a professional one and so contract hires will be reduced to a minimum.  This is why we have employed people to train public servants, who will be the core of that new development.  This is why the Staff College is there. There has been no indiscriminate hiring of contract employees… Some of the new hires have been people who have been brought back because of their skills, which they have to impart that knowledge to the new people. The Staff College will comprise of people like that. There were other departments where the skills base and skills set was severely depleted under the previous administration so you had to bring back people who can bring back the standards to run a country,” he said.

Adding that there was number of contract hires met under the Previous Administration, the Minister of State said many of them were actually unable to perform at the required standards.  “Some of the people were here because of some Freedom House arrangement and were all contract workers but in a structured environment you could not get them to perform. These are things we had to address. Contract employees brought on are people with a skill; people who are there to replace those people who were brought by the PPP [People’s Progressive Party] and just stuffed into positions. A lot of square pegs they had there and so to retain them, we have to retrain them,” the Minister said.

Minister Harmon made it clear that all contract workers, who have been added to the Ministry of the Presidency, are aptly qualified and skilled professionals, and are meant to add to the reform process of the Public Service sector.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name."
Every time this government gets called out on their evil doing, they deny it!!!  This is an insult to the intelligence of the people of Guyana.
Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name."
Every time this government gets called out on their evil doing, they deny it!!!  This is an insult to the intelligence of the people of Guyana.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name."
Every time this government gets called out on their evil doing, they deny it!!!  This is an insult to the intelligence of the people of Guyana.

Suh what are your expectations,staan easy no rebuttal.They need to give a break down of the amount of employees.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name."
Every time this government gets called out on their evil doing, they deny it!!!  This is an insult to the intelligence of the people of Guyana.

Suh what are your expectations,staan easy no rebuttal.They need to give a break down of the amount of employees.

This is why [as Caribj said] we don't need a unity Govt, what we need is a sharp-eyed constructive opposition!!

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name."
Every time this government gets called out on their evil doing, they deny it!!!  This is an insult to the intelligence of the people of Guyana.

Suh what are your expectations,staan easy no rebuttal.They need to give a break down of the amount of employees.

They should give a rebuttal with supporting information.  Denying it is not a rebuttal.

Bibi Haniffa
baseman posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo?
Deny thy father and refuse thy name."
Every time this government gets called out on their evil doing, they deny it!!!  This is an insult to the intelligence of the people of Guyana.

Suh what are your expectations,staan easy no rebuttal.They need to give a break down of the amount of employees.

This is why [as Caribj said] we don't need a unity Govt, what we need is a sharp-eyed constructive opposition!!



It's quite obvious to see that the ministries have been restructured and many ministries have been consolidated into one resulting in what may appear to be inflated departments. These fools who are quick to disparage the government jumped the gun and started flapping their jaws aimlessly without understanding the issue.



"Expressing concern that the Stabroek News carried a report without seeking a reaction from him, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, in a brief comment, said explained that following the May 2015 elections, the MOTP is now comprised of the Ministry of Social Cohesion, Ministry of Citizenship, and still includes the Public Service Department, which was a standalone Ministry under the previous administration.

In addition, all the accompanying departments are now part of MOTP, including the General Registrar’s Office, Immigration, E-Governance, and the National Community Development Council.  The Ministry of Natural Resources was only recently designated as a separate Ministry and was also a Ministry within MOTP until January 2016.

These organisational changes have meant that the Ministry of the Presidency now covers a wider range of operational areas and cannot be compared to the Office of the President (OP) under the previous administration.  In addition, the staff complement dedicated to the work of the office of the President under the current administration has actually gone down.

“The operational strength of the Ministry has gone down. In May 2015, we had 375 staff working at OP. In January 2016, we have 325, specifically for the office of the President complex… So it is not accurate to say that the Ministry’s hires are skyrocketing. It is that there have been organisational changes that have taken place,” Minister Harmon said."

Mars posted:

It's quite obvious to see that the ministries have been restructured and many ministries have been consolidated into one resulting in what may appear to be inflated departments. These fools who are quick to disparage the government jumped the gun and started flapping their jaws aimlessly without understanding the issue.

The biggest fools are YOUR govt who seem to be blind-sided with every passing firefly!!  They ethnically cleanse, not they desperately filling up with semis!!

baseman posted:
Mars posted:

It's quite obvious to see that the ministries have been restructured and many ministries have been consolidated into one resulting in what may appear to be inflated departments. These fools who are quick to disparage the government jumped the gun and started flapping their jaws aimlessly without understanding the issue.

The biggest fools are YOUR govt who seem to be blind-sided with every passing firefly!!  They ethnically cleanse, not they desperately filling up with semis!!

How much got fired,give us the figure.

baseman posted:
Mars posted:

It's quite obvious to see that the ministries have been restructured and many ministries have been consolidated into one resulting in what may appear to be inflated departments. These fools who are quick to disparage the government jumped the gun and started flapping their jaws aimlessly without understanding the issue.

The biggest fools are YOUR govt who seem to be blind-sided with every passing firefly!!  They ethnically cleanse, not they desperately filling up with semis!!

My government? Obama is my president. You cretins who supported the biggest tiefin PPP government are the ones who should be ashamed. You come up with all kinds of lies to compare this government to the tiefmen who you supported and you are exposed daily for the clowns you are. You're not ready for prime time. Supportin two dankey name Danall, Trump and Ramotar.

Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

It's quite obvious to see that the ministries have been restructured and many ministries have been consolidated into one resulting in what may appear to be inflated departments. These fools who are quick to disparage the government jumped the gun and started flapping their jaws aimlessly without understanding the issue.

The biggest fools are YOUR govt who seem to be blind-sided with every passing firefly!!  They ethnically cleanse, not they desperately filling up with semis!!

 You cretins who supported the biggest tiefin PPP government are the ones who should be ashamed.

Hey dankey, OJ was guilty, wasn't he?  You provide the evidence and take it to court.  That is the way of the rule of law...cretin!!

The biggest thieves and liars occupy the seat of power in Guyana today!!

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:
Mars posted:

It's quite obvious to see that the ministries have been restructured and many ministries have been consolidated into one resulting in what may appear to be inflated departments. These fools who are quick to disparage the government jumped the gun and started flapping their jaws aimlessly without understanding the issue.

The biggest fools are YOUR govt who seem to be blind-sided with every passing firefly!!  They ethnically cleanse, not they desperately filling up with semis!!

 You cretins who supported the biggest tiefin PPP government are the ones who should be ashamed.

Hey dankey, OJ was guilty, wasn't he?  You provide the evidence and take it to court.  That is the way of the rule of law...cretin!!

The biggest thieves and liars occupy the seat of power in Guyana today!!

Not every tiefman is convicted and not every convict is a tiefman but you are a bit too dense to understand that concept. You probably think all those PPP ministers who started riding bicycles and had mansions two years later, were big savers and the banks paid them 2000% interest. You were even lambasting the PPP about their corrupt ways every day here when you thought that the AFC could give you a big job. When they kicked you to the curb, you ran back to the PPP declaring that they are now angels. What a clown!

Did Hitler ever face a jury and was convicted for his crimes? I guess that makes him innocent.

Mars posted:
baseman posted:

Hey dankey, OJ was guilty, wasn't he?  You provide the evidence and take it to court.  That is the way of the rule of law...cretin!!

The biggest thieves and liars occupy the seat of power in Guyana today!!

...You were even lambasting the PPP about their corrupt ways every day here when you thought that the AFC could give you a big job. When they kicked you to the curb, you ran back to the PPP declaring that they are now angels.

Is that dem bais tell you.  Baseman never went to AFC, PPP or PNC resume in hand.  You might have confused me with one of them other bais who still hopeful.  If baseman ever go to Guyana, is private industry.  I have no interest in public sector work!

baseman posted:
Mars posted:
baseman posted:

Hey dankey, OJ was guilty, wasn't he?  You provide the evidence and take it to court.  That is the way of the rule of law...cretin!!

The biggest thieves and liars occupy the seat of power in Guyana today!!

...You were even lambasting the PPP about their corrupt ways every day here when you thought that the AFC could give you a big job. When they kicked you to the curb, you ran back to the PPP declaring that they are now angels.

Is that dem bais tell you.  Baseman never went to AFC, PPP or PNC resume in hand.  You might have confused me with one of them other bais who still hopeful.  If baseman ever go to Guyana, is private industry.  I have no interest in public sector work!

All dem bhais know you came to the AFC fuh lil soup and when the Soup Nazi said "No Soup For You", you ran back to the PPP like the Prodigal Son. You probably thought Dankey Donald would pull it off but you got shafted again. 

Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman
Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman

‘No mass hiring of contract employees’ – Trotman clears the air


THE APNU+AFC government has dismissed reports that the number of contract employees have drastically increased at the Ministry of the Presidency since it took office in May 2015.

A recent budget 2016 report released by chartered accounting firm Ram and McRae pointed out that the retention of public servants as contracted employees had increased under the new government from 298 in 2015 to 505 in 2016.

But Minister of Natural Resources, Raphael Trotman told a post cabinet media briefing on Wednesday that it is “virtually impossible” for such an increase in contract employees to occur.

Minister Trotman explained that critics need to take into consideration that there are a number of departments and ministries that now fall under the purview of the Ministry of the Presidency, thus the increased figures.

“It is not as if this government has gone out and hired hundreds of people because it feels it wants to do so,” Minister Trotman said.

Following the May 2015 elections, the Ministry of the Presidency is now comprised of the Ministry of Social Cohesion, Ministry of Citizenship, and still includes the Public Service Department, the General Registrar’s Office, Immigration, E-Governance, and the National Community Development Council.

The Ministry of Natural Resources was only recently designated as a separate Ministry and was also a Ministry within the Ministry of the Presidency until January 2016.

“So this is why you will see what appears to be a jump but as I said there has not been this mass hiring of people but because of the bundling and the new functions of the Ministry of the Presidency….the coalition of the numbers would give you what appears to be a frightening figure,” Minister Trotman further explained.

It was noted that in May 2015, the total amount of staff at the then Office of the President was 375 and as of January 2016, it is now 325.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of the Presidency took umbrage to the article carried in the February 03 edition of the Stabroek News, headlined “Hiring of contract workers balloons under new government”, stating that the report is inaccurate.

A statement from the Ministry expressed disappointment that the newspaper did not seek to garner the facts on the matter. According to the statement, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon said that the publication of the article is “misleading” at best and pointed to the fact that no effort was made by any journalist of any media house, so far, to attempt to clarify the matter.

“The operational strength of the Ministry has gone down. In May 2015, we had 375 staff working at OP. In January 2016, we have 325, specifically for the office of the President complex… So it is not accurate to say that the Ministry’s hires are skyrocketing. It is that there have been organisational changes that have taken place,” Minister Harmon said.

He noted that as of January 2016, the Public Service Department, previously the Public Service Ministry staff total is 50, Department of Natural Resources; 58, Ministry of Citizenship; 141 and E-Governance; 69.

Minister Harmon said that all of these questions could have been answered, if media houses had used the opportunity to obtain the Government’s response.

“I believe that journalistic ethics require that people call and ask you for a comment, which I am always prepared to give,” Minister Harmon said.

Adding that there was a number of contract hires under the previous Administration, the Minister of State said many of them were actually unable to perform at the required standards.

“Some of the people were here because of some Freedom House arrangement and were all contract workers but in a structured environment you could not get them to perform. These are things we had to address. Contract employees brought on are people with a skill; people who are there to replace those people who were brought by the PPP [People’s Progressive Party] and just stuffed into positions. A lot of square pegs they had there and so to retain them, we have to retrain them,” the Minister said.

Minister Harmon made it clear that all contract workers, who have been added to the Ministry of the Presidency, are aptly qualified and skilled professionals, and are meant to add to the reform process of the Public Service sector.


“Some of the people were here because of some Freedom House arrangement and were all contract workers but in a structured environment you could not get them to perform. These are things we had to address. Contract employees brought on are people with a skill; people who are there toreplace those people who were brought by the PPP [People’s Progressive Party] and just stuffed into positions. A lot of square pegs they had there and so to retain them, we have to retrain them,” the Minister said.


Is this the ethnic cleansing ? the square pegs.

Mars posted:

It's quite obvious to see that the ministries have been restructured and many ministries have been consolidated into one resulting in what may appear to be inflated departments. These fools who are quick to disparage the government jumped the gun and started flapping their jaws aimlessly without understanding the issue.



"Expressing concern that the Stabroek News carried a report without seeking a reaction from him, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, in a brief comment, said explained that following the May 2015 elections, the MOTP is now comprised of the Ministry of Social Cohesion, Ministry of Citizenship, and still includes the Public Service Department, which was a standalone Ministry under the previous administration.

In addition, all the accompanying departments are now part of MOTP, including the General Registrar’s Office, Immigration, E-Governance, and the National Community Development Council.  The Ministry of Natural Resources was only recently designated as a separate Ministry and was also a Ministry within MOTP until January 2016.

These organisational changes have meant that the Ministry of the Presidency now covers a wider range of operational areas and cannot be compared to the Office of the President (OP) under the previous administration.  In addition, the staff complement dedicated to the work of the office of the President under the current administration has actually gone down.

“The operational strength of the Ministry has gone down. In May 2015, we had 375 staff working at OP. In January 2016, we have 325, specifically for the office of the President complex… So it is not accurate to say that the Ministry’s hires are skyrocketing. It is that there have been organisational changes that have taken place,” Minister Harmon said."

So why dont you also publish the Christopher Ram information...or you just want to be a mouthpiece for the government propaganda day in and day out?

VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

It's quite obvious to see that the ministries have been restructured and many ministries have been consolidated into one resulting in what may appear to be inflated departments. These fools who are quick to disparage the government jumped the gun and started flapping their jaws aimlessly without understanding the issue.



"Expressing concern that the Stabroek News carried a report without seeking a reaction from him, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, in a brief comment, said explained that following the May 2015 elections, the MOTP is now comprised of the Ministry of Social Cohesion, Ministry of Citizenship, and still includes the Public Service Department, which was a standalone Ministry under the previous administration.

In addition, all the accompanying departments are now part of MOTP, including the General Registrar’s Office, Immigration, E-Governance, and the National Community Development Council.  The Ministry of Natural Resources was only recently designated as a separate Ministry and was also a Ministry within MOTP until January 2016.

These organisational changes have meant that the Ministry of the Presidency now covers a wider range of operational areas and cannot be compared to the Office of the President (OP) under the previous administration.  In addition, the staff complement dedicated to the work of the office of the President under the current administration has actually gone down.

“The operational strength of the Ministry has gone down. In May 2015, we had 375 staff working at OP. In January 2016, we have 325, specifically for the office of the President complex… So it is not accurate to say that the Ministry’s hires are skyrocketing. It is that there have been organisational changes that have taken place,” Minister Harmon said."

So why dont you also publish the Christopher Ram information...or you just want to be a mouthpiece for the government propaganda day in and day out?

The Chris Ram info was published in a different thread.


• In May 2015 the Office of the President staff = 375
• In January 2016, the Ministry of the Presidency staff = 325

• This represents a REDUCTION of 50.

Is this math too difficult for you to understand?

Mars posted:
VishMahabir posted:
Mars posted:

It's quite obvious to see that the ministries have been restructured and many ministries have been consolidated into one resulting in what may appear to be inflated departments. These fools who are quick to disparage the government jumped the gun and started flapping their jaws aimlessly without understanding the issue.



"Expressing concern that the Stabroek News carried a report without seeking a reaction from him, Minister of State, Joseph Harmon, in a brief comment, said explained that following the May 2015 elections, the MOTP is now comprised of the Ministry of Social Cohesion, Ministry of Citizenship, and still includes the Public Service Department, which was a standalone Ministry under the previous administration.

In addition, all the accompanying departments are now part of MOTP, including the General Registrar’s Office, Immigration, E-Governance, and the National Community Development Council.  The Ministry of Natural Resources was only recently designated as a separate Ministry and was also a Ministry within MOTP until January 2016.

These organisational changes have meant that the Ministry of the Presidency now covers a wider range of operational areas and cannot be compared to the Office of the President (OP) under the previous administration.  In addition, the staff complement dedicated to the work of the office of the President under the current administration has actually gone down.

“The operational strength of the Ministry has gone down. In May 2015, we had 375 staff working at OP. In January 2016, we have 325, specifically for the office of the President complex… So it is not accurate to say that the Ministry’s hires are skyrocketing. It is that there have been organisational changes that have taken place,” Minister Harmon said."

So why dont you also publish the Christopher Ram information...or you just want to be a mouthpiece for the government propaganda day in and day out?

The Chris Ram info was published in a different thread.


• In May 2015 the Office of the President staff = 375
• In January 2016, the Ministry of the Presidency staff = 325

• This represents a REDUCTION of 50.

Is this math too difficult for you to understand?

What thread? And does that thread have the names???


First, the amalgamation of departments seem to explain the increase in numbers. However, they failed to explain how many contract employees are in each department/ministry and if the numbers for each of these departments/ministries have increased or decreased since they assumed power. 


Second, prior to the elections, they indicated that they were opposed to the hiring of contract employees. Why are they still employed? And please do not tell me that it is because of their contracts. They said one thing when when they were in opposition and now that they are in government, they carry on the policies of the previous government. The coalition should now state if they have hired any contract employees and how many, in which departments, ministries, the salaries they currently receive and why these positions could not have been filled from within the public sector employees. 

Third, they have not explained the increases in the Office of the Prime Minister or the increases in the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. Still awaiting a rebuttal or are they hoping that we all concentrate where they want us to focus and miss the others.



Zed posted:

First, the amalgamation of departments seem to explain the increase in numbers. However, they failed to explain how many contract employees are in each department/ministry and if the numbers for each of these departments/ministries have increased or decreased since they assumed power. 

Second, prior to the elections, they indicated that they were opposed to the hiring of contract employees. Why are they still employed? And please do not tell me that it is because of their contracts. They said one thing when when they were in opposition and now that they are in government, they carry on the policies of the previous government. The coalition should now state if they have hired any contract employees and how many, in which departments, ministries, the salaries they currently receive and why these positions could not have been filled from within the public sector employees. 

Third, they have not explained the increases in the Office of the Prime Minister or the increases in the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. Still awaiting a rebuttal or are they hoping that we all concentrate where they want us to focus and miss the others.

welll . . . is nah alyuh been mekkin merry with the 'stark' Ministry of The Presidency numbers

even TK get caught up in the hyperbole and allied nonsense

the wine down partiers now left clutching wet gawd-knows-what from the same Freedom House posey used in the Freddie Kissoon 'miasmic' assault . . . wondering what the hell happened

very surprised that Chris Ram could miss something THAT obvious!

now comes u . . . scratching desperately to retrieve the situation . . . pointing hopefully to OPM and Ministry of Public Infrastructure

banna, since barat done tell u, share those numbers with abee nah?

and while you're at it, contemplate that the contract employee numbers are still bloated because the new govt DID NOT ENGAGE IN INDISCRIMINATE MASS FIRING OF PPP HIRES on the contract payroll

uh huh

Last edited by Former Member

read the full article in today's edition of stabroek news. reread the response then address the comments instead your baseless comments about retrieving the situation. I did not comment previously to my one comment because I figured that one out without the clarification.  

Zed posted:

read the full article in today's edition of stabroek news. reread the response then address the comments instead your baseless comments about retrieving the situation. I did not comment previously to my one comment because I figured that one out without the clarification.  

my post is obviously based on a reading of the complete SN article as well as related reports in the Guyana media

u are incoherent . . . get to the point

Last edited by Former Member
redux posted:
Zed posted:

First, the amalgamation of departments seem to explain the increase in numbers. However, they failed to explain how many contract employees are in each department/ministry and if the numbers for each of these departments/ministries have increased or decreased since they assumed power. 

Second, prior to the elections, they indicated that they were opposed to the hiring of contract employees. Why are they still employed? And please do not tell me that it is because of their contracts. They said one thing when when they were in opposition and now that they are in government, they carry on the policies of the previous government. The coalition should now state if they have hired any contract employees and how many, in which departments, ministries, the salaries they currently receive and why these positions could not have been filled from within the public sector employees. 

Third, they have not explained the increases in the Office of the Prime Minister or the increases in the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. Still awaiting a rebuttal or are they hoping that we all concentrate where they want us to focus and miss the others.

welll . . . is nah alyuh been mekkin merry with the 'stark' Ministry of The Presidency numbers

even TK get caught up in the hyperbole and allied nonsense

the wine down partiers now left clutching wet gawd-knows-what from the same Freedom House posey used in the Freddie Kissoon 'miasmic' assault . . . wondering what the hell happened

very surprised that Chris Ram could miss something THAT obvious!

now comes u . . . scratching desperately to retrieve the situation . . . pointing hopefully to OPM and Ministry of Public Infrastructure

banna, since barat done tell u, share those numbers with abee nah?

and while you're at it, contemplate that the contract employee numbers are still bloated because the new govt DID NOT ENGAGE IN INDISCRIMINATE MASS FIRING OF PPP HIRES on the contract payroll

uh huh

I'm not yet convinced by the explanations. Ok, so several agencies came under MOTP. There were 298 in 2015 and in 2016 they now have 505. I'd like to know what percentage of the increase came from bringing existing functions under MOTP vs the percentage new hires. The reason I can't be convinced is because I'm guided by the theory that people are in politics in Guyana not for the purpose of national development, but for jobs. I doubt all 207 = 505 - 298 were due to bringing more functions under MOTP. I get it that they have to employ people who walked door to door, but I still want to know whether the increase of 207 is purely due to enlargement. We also should know whether every single person from 2015 (PPP days) was retained.

We have to keep track of the total contract employees throughout the public service, not just MOTP.

I think there is something to Chris' report. I also know of a few people who were over 65, brought back from US to take up positions they are unqualified to conduct. Yes, the PPP did it and PNC did it before PPP. I thought we would move beyond this crap.

On another matter, there is huge hole blown into the deficit. This is frightening, but Jordan is a smart guy. The political types or whores (my version of the King James Bible uses whore, BTW) is also pressuring him. They are financing it by domestic and foreign debt. Back in 2011 I used to get a good run down from the political types for harping on deficits.



Last edited by Former Member
TK posted:
redux posted:
Zed posted:

First, the amalgamation of departments seem to explain the increase in numbers. However, they failed to explain how many contract employees are in each department/ministry and if the numbers for each of these departments/ministries have increased or decreased since they assumed power. 

Second, prior to the elections, they indicated that they were opposed to the hiring of contract employees. Why are they still employed? And please do not tell me that it is because of their contracts. They said one thing when when they were in opposition and now that they are in government, they carry on the policies of the previous government. The coalition should now state if they have hired any contract employees and how many, in which departments, ministries, the salaries they currently receive and why these positions could not have been filled from within the public sector employees. 

Third, they have not explained the increases in the Office of the Prime Minister or the increases in the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. Still awaiting a rebuttal or are they hoping that we all concentrate where they want us to focus and miss the others.

welll . . . is nah alyuh been mekkin merry with the 'stark' Ministry of The Presidency numbers

even TK get caught up in the hyperbole and allied nonsense

the wine down partiers now left clutching wet gawd-knows-what from the same Freedom House posey used in the Freddie Kissoon 'miasmic' assault . . . wondering what the hell happened

very surprised that Chris Ram could miss something THAT obvious!

now comes u . . . scratching desperately to retrieve the situation . . . pointing hopefully to OPM and Ministry of Public Infrastructure

banna, since barat done tell u, share those numbers with abee nah?

and while you're at it, contemplate that the contract employee numbers are still bloated because the new govt DID NOT ENGAGE IN INDISCRIMINATE MASS FIRING OF PPP HIRES on the contract payroll

uh huh

I'm not yet convinced by the explanations. Ok, so several agencies came under MOTP. There were 298 in 2015 and in 2016 they now have 505. I'd like to know what percentage of the increase came from bringing existing functions under MOTP vs the percentage new hires. The reason I can't be convinced is because I'm guided by the theory that people are in politics in Guyana not for the purpose of national development, but for jobs. I doubt all 207 = 505 - 298 were due to bringing more functions under MOTP. I get it that they have to employ people who walked door to door, but I still want to know whether the increase of 207 is purely due to enlargement. We also should know whether every single person from 2015 (PPP days) was retained.

We have to keep track of the total contract employees throughout the public service, not just MOTP.

I think there is something to Chris' report. I also know of a few people who were over 65, brought back from US to take up positions they are unqualified to conduct. Yes, the PPP did it and PNC did it before PPP. I thought we would move beyond this crap.

On another matter, there is huge hole blown into the deficit. This is frightening, but Jordan is a smart guy. The political types or whores (my version of the King James Bible uses whore, BTW) is also pressuring him. They are financing it by domestic and foreign debt. Back in 2011 I used to get a good run down from the political types for harping on deficits.



Both you and Chris got caught jumping to silly conclusions and instead of manning up and admitting your mistake, you come up with this piece of claptrap. First of all, if the Ministry of the President hired 207 more people in nine months, don't you think one of the PPP lackeys working there would have noticed and squealed? Secondly, the buildings cannot handle an additional 207 people without people sitting on each other. Where are these people parking? So Chris Ram's assumption that 207 more people were hired is simply absurd and your BS to avoid an apology is even more childish. It is quite obvious that the additional staff showing up under the MOTP now are from the ministries which are now consolidated under the MOTP. Did you fail to notice this? - "He noted that as of January 2016, the Public Service Department, previously the Public Service Ministry staff total is 50, Department of Natural Resources; 58, Ministry of Citizenship; 141 and E-Governance; 69." That's an additional 318 jobs consolidated under the MOTP. Don't you think they would somehow show up on the payroll numbers for the MOTP or you think these people are working off the books for free? I'm sure that there were a few hirings since May 11, even a few square pegs but that's life on the dam. But for you and Chris Ram to state that 207 new people were hired at the MOTP without showing any evidence, is simply unbecoming for someone who throws around the Low IQ label. 

Last edited by Mars

Mars, answer the other parts of the article that stated that the Office of the Prime Minister increased so did the Ministry of public work. Additionally, the info supplied was stated to be at January 2016.  Well, let us know the numbers added since  they assumed power in May, 2015.  So, tell me that all these people working at the president office or are different locations.  Also, how come their position changed from being against contract workers to hiring them as the previous government did.

They are blowing smoke and many want to quickly inhale that smoke without figuring things out.


Does anyone refute that the afc/apnu was a replacement of the ppp and worse, lock stock and barrel? As soon as the got into office, they give themselves 50% raises, fired Indos and replaced them with Afros. Now they move on to the next phase of hiring high priced politically affiliated "contractors" to dubious positions custom made for rewarding their supporters. 

Zed posted:

Mars, answer the other parts of the article that stated that the Office of the Prime Minister increased so did the Ministry of public work. Additionally, the info supplied was stated to be at January 2016.  Well, let us know the numbers added since  they assumed power in May, 2015.  So, tell me that all these people working at the president office or are different locations.  Also, how come their position changed from being against contract workers to hiring them as the previous government did.

They are blowing smoke and many want to quickly inhale that smoke without figuring things out.

Read the Kaieteur article today where the Ministry of Public Infrastructure addresses the inaccuracies in Ram's report - http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ispensation-trotman/

They already told you that these people are not working at the president's office but maybe your mind is set on something else. Workers at the president's office actually decreased from 375 to 325. Some of those people let go from the OP included people who were paid to spread PPP propaganda on social media sites such as Facebook and right here at GNI. Coounscie and Albert were among that lot. These people are at different locations and not at the OP - "He noted that as of January 2016, the Public Service Department, previously the Public Service Ministry staff total is 50, Department of Natural Resources; 58, Ministry of Citizenship; 141 and E-Governance; 69." They are not hiring more contract workers en masse. That's the fallacy in Ram's report. The workers are just consolidated from several ministries into MOTP. Subtracted from other ministries, added to MOTP. I hope you understand this simple concept. Even PPP rags such as iNews and Guyana Times or Jagdeo and Rohee haven't jumped on this story because they realize that Ram erred and instead of approaching the government for confirmation he went to press with a garbage story. Now you peeps are trying to run with it and you have no evidence to back up these false claims. It is practically impossible to hire 207 more contract workers without someone noticing.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
TK posted:
redux posted:
Zed posted:

First, the amalgamation of departments seem to explain the increase in numbers. However, they failed to explain how many contract employees are in each department/ministry and if the numbers for each of these departments/ministries have increased or decreased since they assumed power. 

Second, prior to the elections, they indicated that they were opposed to the hiring of contract employees. Why are they still employed? And please do not tell me that it is because of their contracts. They said one thing when when they were in opposition and now that they are in government, they carry on the policies of the previous government. The coalition should now state if they have hired any contract employees and how many, in which departments, ministries, the salaries they currently receive and why these positions could not have been filled from within the public sector employees. 

Third, they have not explained the increases in the Office of the Prime Minister or the increases in the Ministry of Public Infrastructure. Still awaiting a rebuttal or are they hoping that we all concentrate where they want us to focus and miss the others.

welll . . . is nah alyuh been mekkin merry with the 'stark' Ministry of The Presidency numbers

even TK get caught up in the hyperbole and allied nonsense

the wine down partiers now left clutching wet gawd-knows-what from the same Freedom House posey used in the Freddie Kissoon 'miasmic' assault . . . wondering what the hell happened

very surprised that Chris Ram could miss something THAT obvious!

now comes u . . . scratching desperately to retrieve the situation . . . pointing hopefully to OPM and Ministry of Public Infrastructure

banna, since barat done tell u, share those numbers with abee nah?

and while you're at it, contemplate that the contract employee numbers are still bloated because the new govt DID NOT ENGAGE IN INDISCRIMINATE MASS FIRING OF PPP HIRES on the contract payroll

uh huh

I'm not yet convinced by the explanations. Ok, so several agencies came under MOTP. There were 298 in 2015 and in 2016 they now have 505. I'd like to know what percentage of the increase came from bringing existing functions under MOTP vs the percentage new hires. The reason I can't be convinced is because I'm guided by the theory that people are in politics in Guyana not for the purpose of national development, but for jobs. I doubt all 207 = 505 - 298 were due to bringing more functions under MOTP. I get it that they have to employ people who walked door to door, but I still want to know whether the increase of 207 is purely due to enlargement. We also should know whether every single person from 2015 (PPP days) was retained.

We have to keep track of the total contract employees throughout the public service, not just MOTP.

I think there is something to Chris' report. I also know of a few people who were over 65, brought back from US to take up positions they are unqualified to conduct. Yes, the PPP did it and PNC did it before PPP. I thought we would move beyond this crap.

On another matter, there is huge hole blown into the deficit. This is frightening, but Jordan is a smart guy. The political types or whores (my version of the King James Bible uses whore, BTW) is also pressuring him. They are financing it by domestic and foreign debt. Back in 2011 I used to get a good run down from the political types for harping on deficits.



Both you and Chris got caught jumping to silly conclusions and instead of manning up and admitting your mistake, you come up with this piece of claptrap. First of all, if the Ministry of the President hired 207 more people in nine months, don't you think one of the PPP lackeys working there would have noticed and squealed? Secondly, the buildings cannot handle an additional 207 people without people sitting on each other. Where are these people parking? So Chris Ram's assumption that 207 more people were hired is simply absurd and your BS to avoid an apology is even more childish. It is quite obvious that the additional staff showing up under the MOTP now are from the ministries which are now consolidated under the MOTP. Did you fail to notice this? - "He noted that as of January 2016, the Public Service Department, previously the Public Service Ministry staff total is 50, Department of Natural Resources; 58, Ministry of Citizenship; 141 and E-Governance; 69." That's an additional 318 jobs consolidated under the MOTP. Don't you think they would somehow show up on the payroll numbers for the MOTP or you think these people are working off the books for free? I'm sure that there were a few hirings since May 11, even a few square pegs but that's life on the dam. But for you and Chris Ram to state that 207 new people were hired at the MOTP without showing any evidence, is simply unbecoming for someone who throws around the Low IQ label. 

Not so fast! Still not convinced. I never made the point that 207 people are being housed in the old OP complex. They can't. Some of these functions have to be housed in other buildings. As a matter of fact, I am more interested in the growth of contract employment over all agencies of govt from 2005 to 2016. But let's get back to the 207 individuals. Remember some PPP people were sent home. So, did they take existing public servants and add them to the contract list? Why? Were all the 207 existing contract employees already working under PPP in other agencies? I don't have to defend Ram. No one is questioning the numbers since he got them while doing the Review. Or did Ram made up the numbers?

TK posted:
Not so fast! Still not convinced. I never made the point that 207 people are being housed in the old OP complex. They can't. Some of these functions have to be housed in other buildings. As a matter of fact, I am more interested in the growth of contract employment over all agencies of govt from 2005 to 2016. But let's get back to the 207 individuals. Remember some PPP people were sent home. So, did they take existing public servants and add them to the contract list? Why? Were all the 207 existing contract employees already working under PPP in other agencies? I don't have to defend Ram. No one is questioning the numbers since he got them while doing the Review. Or did Ram made up the numbers?

You're missing the point and that's why you are not convinced. The 207 employees are contract workers who were already employed in various agencies which are now consolidated under the MOTP. Do you really think that 207 people can be hired without someone noticing? Common sense alone would tell you that it's not possible.

The MOTP now has all these agencies -  The OP, the Public Service Ministry and Staff College, the department of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Ministry of Citizenship, the Ministry of Social cohesion, Immigration, E-Governance, the National Community Development Council and the General Registrar’s office. Chris Ram is comparing the number of employees in the OP alone from PPP days vs all these agencies today. Totally absurd. The OP as a separate entity had a staff reduction from 375 to 325.

Last edited by Mars
Drugb posted:

Does anyone refute that the afc/apnu was a replacement of the ppp and worse, lock stock and barrel? As soon as the got into office, they give themselves 50% raises, fired Indos and replaced them with Afros. Now they move on to the next phase of hiring high priced politically affiliated "contractors" to dubious positions custom made for rewarding their supporters. 

It's a stage-setter for the next phase of ethnic cleansing.  Now it's the phase of sending the message to the average Indian, show them who is in charge, then humiliate the Indian population be firing notable Indian faces in key positions, then the African street brigades will make the lives of the average Indian man, woman and child a living hell like they did first time around, and drive them out of Guyana.  This is PNC encore.

Collaborators of this evil must and will be held accountable by the Indian masses!

Mars posted:
TK posted:
Not so fast! Still not convinced. I never made the point that 207 people are being housed in the old OP complex. They can't. Some of these functions have to be housed in other buildings. As a matter of fact, I am more interested in the growth of contract employment over all agencies of govt from 2005 to 2016. But let's get back to the 207 individuals. Remember some PPP people were sent home. So, did they take existing public servants and add them to the contract list? Why? Were all the 207 existing contract employees already working under PPP in other agencies? I don't have to defend Ram. No one is questioning the numbers since he got them while doing the Review. Or did Ram made up the numbers?

You're missing the point and that's why you are not convinced. The 207 employees are contract workers who were already employed in various agencies which are now consolidated under the MOTP. Do you really think that 207 people can be hired without someone noticing? Common sense alone would tell you that it's not possible.

The MOTP now has all these agencies -  The OP, the Public Service Ministry and Staff College, the department of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Ministry of Citizenship, the Ministry of Social cohesion, Immigration, E-Governance, the National Community Development Council and the General Registrar’s office. Chris Ram is comparing the number of employees in the OP alone from PPP days vs all these agencies today. Totally absurd. The OP as a separate entity had a staff reduction from 375 to 325.

That's what you are saying but we don't know for certain that the 207 includes only consolidation. Of course it is possible to hire 207 people in different agencies. But I don't think all of it is due to new employment on contract, but anecdotal evidence says quite a few were new hires. Many hired because they were faithful "house to house" soldiers and not because they can do the job. Chris should not have compared OP with MOTP. He should have examined the contract employment numbers from year to year. Someone needs to do this. You will be surprised.

TK posted:
Mars posted:
TK posted:
Not so fast! Still not convinced. I never made the point that 207 people are being housed in the old OP complex. They can't. Some of these functions have to be housed in other buildings. As a matter of fact, I am more interested in the growth of contract employment over all agencies of govt from 2005 to 2016. But let's get back to the 207 individuals. Remember some PPP people were sent home. So, did they take existing public servants and add them to the contract list? Why? Were all the 207 existing contract employees already working under PPP in other agencies? I don't have to defend Ram. No one is questioning the numbers since he got them while doing the Review. Or did Ram made up the numbers?

You're missing the point and that's why you are not convinced. The 207 employees are contract workers who were already employed in various agencies which are now consolidated under the MOTP. Do you really think that 207 people can be hired without someone noticing? Common sense alone would tell you that it's not possible.

The MOTP now has all these agencies -  The OP, the Public Service Ministry and Staff College, the department of Natural Resources and the Environment, the Ministry of Citizenship, the Ministry of Social cohesion, Immigration, E-Governance, the National Community Development Council and the General Registrar’s office. Chris Ram is comparing the number of employees in the OP alone from PPP days vs all these agencies today. Totally absurd. The OP as a separate entity had a staff reduction from 375 to 325.

That's what you are saying but we don't know for certain that the 207 includes only consolidation. Of course it is possible to hire 207 people in different agencies. But I don't think all of it is due to new employment on contract, but anecdotal evidence says quite a few were new hires. Many hired because they were faithful "house to house" soldiers and not because they can do the job. Chris should not have compared OP with MOTP. He should have examined the contract employment numbers from year to year. Someone needs to do this. You will be surprised.

Until you and Chris Ram do a proper comparison, you're just guessing and blowing hot air. You can't compare the numbers from the OP alone vs the numbers for the OP and six other agencies. Let's do a fair comparison first and then draw conclusions based on those numbers.

TK posted:

. . . I'm not yet convinced by the explanations. Ok, so several agencies came under MOTP. There were 298 in 2015 and in 2016 they now have 505. I'd like to know what percentage of the increase came from bringing existing functions under MOTP vs the percentage new hires. The reason I can't be convinced is because I'm guided by the theory that people are in politics in Guyana not for the purpose of national development, but for jobs. I doubt all 207 = 505 - 298 were due to bringing more functions under MOTP. I get it that they have to employ people who walked door to door, but I still want to know whether the increase of 207 is purely due to enlargement. We also should know whether every single person from 2015 (PPP days) was retained.

seriously . . . this is beyond weak


redux posted:
TK posted:

. . . I'm not yet convinced by the explanations. Ok, so several agencies came under MOTP. There were 298 in 2015 and in 2016 they now have 505. I'd like to know what percentage of the increase came from bringing existing functions under MOTP vs the percentage new hires. The reason I can't be convinced is because I'm guided by the theory that people are in politics in Guyana not for the purpose of national development, but for jobs. I doubt all 207 = 505 - 298 were due to bringing more functions under MOTP. I get it that they have to employ people who walked door to door, but I still want to know whether the increase of 207 is purely due to enlargement. We also should know whether every single person from 2015 (PPP days) was retained.

seriously . . . this is beyond weak


Why is it weak? If some people were sent home or resigned and we have 207 more what does that mean?


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