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Banna ,ayuh hold on to your horses ,hopefully  they win the race.

The GECOM SOPS have to be well crafted to come up with the tally from the 4 sub districts in Region 4. Ayuh want the break down of how many ballot boxes in each district ? do some work instead of listening to the party who declaring winning numbers.

Last edited by Django

RO for Region 4 denies recount. So do ROs for Regions 3 and 6 as requested by APNUAFC.

GECOM as its own constitutional body cannot be dictated on what to do by any current or former governmental official. I suppose its back to court for PPP/C. I suspect Jagdeo is losing sleep and hair over this, lol.

Good on Mingo to stand up for this ridiculousness. The man has recounted three times, now with a fourth request. Enough is enough. 


@Django do recall that President Granger separated himself from GECOM and made it quite clear that GECOM is its own constitutional body that cannot be influenced by any political party or person.

To imply that Mr. Granger has any authority over GECOM to be dictated by his request is erroneous at best. 

Let's wait and see how this plays out. 


@Django do recall that President Granger separated himself from GECOM and made it quite clear that GECOM is its own constitutional body that cannot be influenced by any political party or person.

To imply that Mr. Granger has any authority over GECOM to be dictated by his request is erroneous at best. 

Let's wait and see how this plays out. 

No implying , Granger and Opposition Leader agreed on a recount , GECOM will act on the wishes  of the two leaders ,the process will begin under the watchful eyes of Caricom team.


Guess yuh revered leaduh reverts to putniski treatment over the capitalist healthcare treatments for your so called anti communist/socialist blah blah on this forum

why would a capitalist oriented so called leaduh diss the capitalist for a free and fair electshun?

calling for his not so functional cronies from carigone to help illegally install him as the dicktator in thief


Last edited by Former Member


Ballot boxes for all regions to be recounted

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â€Ķunder supervision of High-Level CARICOM team

Secretary General of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), Irwin LaRocque has clarified that President David Granger and Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo have agreed to the recounting of the ballot boxes for all the administrative regions under the supervision of a high-level team of regional officials.

The clarification by the Secretary General was made following a statement made earlier on Saturday by Chair of Caricom and Prime Minister of Barbados,Mia Mottley.

She noted on Saturday that the independent High Level Team will be chaired by Francine Baron, former Attorney General and Foreign Minister and comprise Mr. Anthony Boatswain, former Minister of Finance of Grenada and Ms. Cynthia Barrow-Giles, Senior Lecturer in Department of Government of University of the West Indies. They will also be accompanied by the two Chief Election Officers from Barbados and Trinidad and Tobago.

Mottley said that after a high-level team of Caribbean Prime Ministers engaged the affected parties this week, CARICOM has remained engaged over the last few days.

She said that after discussions this morning, President Granger made a request for CARICOM to field the team and this has been agreed to by Jagdeo.

“We believe that this is a giant step in being able to determine the will of the Guyanese people in the Election of March 2, 2020. It will also allow the electoral process to regain the confidence of all locally, regionally and internationally,”Mottley said.

She said she spoke directly to both the President and Jagdeo and they have both committed to abide by the results of a fair and transparent recount of each and every ballot, as supervised by the CARICOM team. “We also agreed that there needs to be steps taken to secure the integrity of the ballot boxes until the Recount takes place,” she said.

She said the President and the Leader of the Opposition have agreed that the recount should commence once the CARICOM team is on the ground.

“I can confirm that all efforts are being made to have the team in Guyana as soon as possible. A further announcement will be made as to the exact details once the team is on the ground,”she said.


This is how Rochelle does spread fake news. She stated that recounts were refused in region 3 and 6 as they were in region 4. Then she posted GECOM notice which clearly does not state that region 6 were denied recounts. In fact what occurred in region is that the recount went on for about an hour and during that hour the PPP picked up 3 more votes and the APNU people said they were tired and suspended the recount. Lots of report of APNU people getting tired the past week or so. For region 6, APNU wanted the PPP to assist in opening the container so they can get blank SOPs which the PPP denied their request. Those reasons are clearly stated there but yet she can't help herself spreading fake news.



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Last edited by Former Member


doan tek meh poast too personal, I am jus expressing meh orbuculum  at yuh

i will accrue 25 years in meh new muddah land in May 

i been around on dis forum since 1996 

meh dreams of opening a 'ban karillia' farm in kabawa has turn out to be jus a dream 

time for me to focus on finding where sugahroti is, 

regardless whichever party comes out as the new weiner...I concur

goodiuck bro

Last edited by Former Member


doan tek meh poast too personal, I am jus expressing meh orbuculum  at yuh

i will accrue 25 years in meh new muddah land in May 

I am cool , no worry .

One year ahead ,in my new muddah land , my heart was heavy swearing for citizenship of the new muddah land ,in my mind the thoughts were giving up the land of my birth for the future for my children. I wouldn't trade my new muddah land for any in the world ,it give us the opportunity to become what ever we want to achieve in life.

Last edited by Django

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