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I never had any second thoughts when gaining my citizenship. America gave us freedoms we were denied in our own motherland. When I left Guyana in 1987, I only saw it as the place where my wife still lives and after she joined me and more specifically after her siblings left Guyana, Guyana died for me. Had I not stumbled on this forum, nothing about Guyana would be in my consciousness today. Guyana is a fvcked up place and if the PNC are able to get away with this broad daylight theft in front of everyone who can really hurt them and the country, Guyana will be moving on the express tracks toward a dictatorship and police state far worse that what Forbes Burnham ever envisioned. The people there are going to be fvcked too as they will become very helpless in the face of a PNC police dictatorship state. That is the wages for people who forget or ignore the past. But when I sign off of GNI in a few days, Guyana will again become a nonexistent place to me and that will be good.


No black gave me any freedom Mits. If you look back at history, it was the white evangelists who fought and lobbied for freedom, rights and benefits for blacks. Even in the Caribbean it was the white missionaries who lobbied for freedom for blacks. Blacks knew well how to protest and even protest violently but their methods did not get them what they longed for. The good whites fought and mostly lobbied for those rights which we also enjoy today. Don't drink the kool aid bai.


Fellas look at this banna Django speaking of " wettin pants" after the total recount of 10 region was announce. This fcking fool was wetting his drase for the last 11 days sitting on a toilet bowl in isolation, he reappears today.

Django you have no fcking shame. It was Jagdeo who offered to have a total recount if APNU request.. Jagdeo make this offer on Thursday ( i posted the video)

Jagdeo agree  to such request, knowing the statue of limitation has expired and APNU never request a total recount. 

See below what APNU requested and what was denied. After the recount for Region 5 started, APNU abort the count when 3 additional votes were found in PPP favour. 


Last edited by Former Member

A woman of principle. Kudos to you.


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5 hrs Â· 



Cacique Crown Of Honor

I have watched as the world has, the events that have unfolded over the past few days. I have allowed my sentiments to be heard. You have all read them. I will say no more.

As soon as it is possible, I will be making an official handing over of the Cacique Crown Of Honor Medal I was given .

While doubt hangs in the air about the transparency of Guyana's elections results and many feel that the will of the people has not been heard. I cannot wear this medal with pride.

I have no bias as to who should win these elections but the process must be fair and transparent.

The rule of law and the protection of our democracy is paramount at this critical juncture.

I have nothing but a voice hear it if you will.


@Dave ,try to think on your own ,avoid banking on other peoples work and their voices. Only weak soldiers go that route.

The recount of 10 Regions will be disaster for the fearless leader, the RO from Berbice wants to resign ,more to come. Arrogant people are never winners ,also avoid the hear..yea..hear..yea to get the crowd attention,when making a post.

I have interrupted watching a movie of the Maratha's ,to respond to you. My paternal ancestors are Kshatriya's ,do some work to find out who they are.

Last edited by Django

The disgraceful behavior of the region 4 RO and the ugly assault on decency and democracy that took place on Friday at that pigpen that GECOM put together should sicken the stomach of everyone who has any regard for common decency. If the foreigners could take no more than a few minutes of it that should tell everyone a lot. Those same foreigners have been in many other elections around the world where despotic people seek to suppress the rights of the voters so they can tell right away that what Mingo was doing was plain and simple as terrible miscarriage of justice and democracy.

I have no hopes for any resolution from the CARICOM participation. They sat silently for more than a year as one of their kind abused the laws of Guyana but had no trouble chastising Indian Ramotar just five years earlier. They are not as uncivilized as Granger is and understands that Granger is not capable of assessing the severity of sanctions so they are hoping to create a picture of fairness while at the same time still give the prize to their kind Granger. Jagdeo mentioned that other observers should also be involved so hopefully that includes the ones who left that pigpen on Friday in absolute disgust. I am hoping that the recount will also be closely managed where all of it is not started at the same time giving any PNC hack opportunities to contaminate the ballot boxes. The PNC cannot be trusted and the events of the past two weeks again prove that to be true. Mingo's behavior over the past two weeks is disgraceful at best and downright illegal at worst.


Django, I do not depend on peoples voice and hear say for my decision. I see and witness for myself. 

I have said it before the campaign start, PPPC is not a Indian base party and will walk away with the election, YOU were relying on stats. ( We were laughing of your conclusion at gathering, as I would show the people around me your conclusion). 

Guyana, went backwards within the 5 years of the Coalition rule. If the coalition and people like you was confident of victory, why running to the courts to delay going to the polls since the NCM. -  I will include your own words at you " ONLY WEAK SOLDIER GO THAT ROUTE"

We saw how the honest Afro have speak out, they voted for Granger, took the pictures of the SOPs posted in there areas and to their horror, the SOPs the RO for region 4 was calling from, the numbers were different. 

The US, British, Canadian, European ambassadors and observers , declared the election was free and fair when the pools was closed. These same people witness the tampering of  the SOPs which was  reading  out for Region 4 and they walk out. There is more voters than  electorate. 

I said yesterday, this process of recounting is a waste of time as the system is compromised and it will prove that. I hope I am wrong.


Why did Granger allowed his hooligans to surround GECOM office to intimidate to observers and the media - he was voiceless.

Granger son in law speak out about Region 4, he has to courage to do so. YOU Django has not once condemn what is going on in Guyana   but continue to support APNU action.

You have no Shame. 


Sase Gunraj is at CARICOM: Caribbean Community.


I am informed by Capt.Gerry Gouveia and do verily believe that the high level team assembled by Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados and Chairman of CARICOM: Caribbean Community has arrived in Guyana overnight.

As decided at GECOM last evening, I expect to be summoned to a meeting this morning to put arrangements in place, so that this team can commence its work, in short order!

The nation is it deserves a timely resolution to this imbroglio that has consumed us for much longer than it should!


In support of a transparent recount of ballots
By Stabroek News March 15, 2020

Open letter to:

Justice Claudette Singh, Chair of GECOM;

Hon David Granger, Leader of APNU;

Hon Bharrat Jagdeo, Leader of the PPP;

Hon Prime Minister Mia Mottley, CARICOM Chair

We are all proud Guyanese wherever we now live.

The tabulation of votes in District Four on March 12/13th was not done in accordance with the law and the direct orders given by the Hon Chief Justice on March 11th. The results for that district have been assessed by all political parties except one, and by all accredited local, regional and international observers who were present, to be less than credible.

The swearing-in of a president based on that declaration of results of the 2020 General and Regional Elections overwhelmingly deemed to be flawed, should not be an option.

We support a full recount of all of the ballots cast in District Four (and all other districts that may have been called for), in a process managed with complete transparency by GECOM and under the scrutiny of agents of the contesting political parties and representatives of local, regional and international observer missions in an environment free of threats, be implemented as soon as possible. We are heartened by the consensus for the CARICOM offer to supervise the Region Four recount.

Yours faithfully,

Maj Gen Joseph Singh, former Chair of GECOM

Donald Rodney

Dr Ian McDonald, Writer

Vanda Radzik, Independent Social & Sustainable

Development Guyana Adviser

Rev Patricia Sheerattan-Bisnauth, Guyana

Presbyterian Church

Jean La Rose

Karen de Souza

Annette Arjoon-Martins, Businesswoman &

Environmental Activist

Ohene Koama

Patricia Fredericks, Independent Concerned


Abbyssinian Carto

Aisha Fraites, Professional & SRHR Advocate

Chelsea Fung, RED Entertainment

Saskia Wyngaarde, RED Entertainment

Dr Tulsi Dyal Singh, Entrepreneur

Professor Hollis France, University of Charleston

John Mair, former BBC Producer

Pauline Melville, Writer – Fellow of Royal Society of Literature

Rohit Kanhai

Professor Clem Seecharan, Emeritus Professor of

History, London Metropolitan University

Professor David Dabydeen, Emeritus Professor of Literature, Warwick University

Professor Alissa Trotz, University of Toronto

Professor Maya Trotz, University of South Florida

Professor Percy Hintzen, Florida International University

Faiyaz Alli, Businessman and social activist

Imran McSood Amjad, ACII, Chartered Insurer

Patsy Downey, concerned Guyanese

Simone Mangal-Joly, former elections observer

Oscar Ramjeet, Attorney/Journalist

Dr Dave Gobin Singh, GP

Dr Elena A Singh, GP

Dr Ravi Gupta

Dr Melanie Gupta

Sanjay Gupta, Barrister

Roland Rampat, Businessman

Anthony Ramsamooj, General Secretary of CISCA

Mohammed Khan, retired Auditor

THE Citizenship Initiative (TCI) has accused Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, of dereliction of duty during the counting of votes for Region Four on Friday. TCI, in a release, said glaring discrepancies in the process have rendered the final results an unreliable and inaccurate indica...
THE Citizenship Initiative (TCI) has accused Region Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo, of dereliction of duty during the counting of votes for Region Four on Friday. TCI, in a release, said glaring discrepancies in the process have rendered the final results an unreliable and inaccurate indica...
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Capt.Gerry GouveiaFollow

The Caricom Counting team arrived in Guyana last night aboard a Caribbean military aircraft.
The Roraima Ground handling team met the Caribbean Military Aircraft and facilitate and process the the arrival of the five passengers into Guyana and the subsequent departure of the aircraft for its return flight back to Barbados.
Let the count begin of every single vote in every single box in every single region under the supervision of Caricom and the watchful eye of every international observer and every local observer and every single contesting political party.

The high-level team from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) that has been appointed to oversee a national recount of ballots cast in the March 02 elections arrived in Guyana Saturday evening aboard â€Ķ
The high-level team from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) that has been appointed to oversee a national recount of ballots cast in the March 02 elections arrived in Guyana Saturday evening aboard â€Ķ

@Dave ,

You are disingenuous , the stats shown are spot on ,whom ever you discussed with are no different than you. So now Gaskin statement ,is a booster for the opposition ,perhaps there are no understanding what he said.

The diplomats leave because of security concerns ,not to do with counting or validity of the SOPS.

Why the coalition have to publish their statement of polls ? they are not challenging any results ,they haven't declared any numbers of winning ,they are relying on the authorities to  tabulate the votes and declare the results.

People are free to assemble in the streets ,when was there any changes to the rules ?

When the dust settles ,my intention is to disclose the INTERFERENCE by the players in the Elections ,starting with hiring of MERCURY by the PPP . Also disclose how the PPP came up with results of Region 4.


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