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Jun 18, 2016  Source

Deputy Chief of Mission, Bryan Hunt, has come to the end of his tour to Guyana. His three years are up so in keeping with diplomatic norms, he must move on. But he presided over many things, not least the transition of the government in the wake of the May 2015 elections.He came just as the Drug Enforcement Authority was about to set up office in Guyana. This had been a talking point for a number of years. Ever since the 1980s Guyana was dubbed a major transshipment point for drugs heading to North America and Europe.The view was that Guyana was not doing enough to curb this flow. Guyana, however, said that with its scarce resources and porous borders, it was doing all it could to keep drugs out of Guyana. Then there were those who thought that since the problem was an American problem, then that country should lend resources to Guyana to help fight the scourge.

One got the impression that the then administration was not too keen for the presence of the DEA. It took a long time to decide on funding the home of the DEA. And when it did the location was not considered conducive.Hunt says that with the coming of the DEA there have been increased interdictions. Indeed on Guyana soil there have been increased prosecutions.Yet Hunt sees as his greatest contribution, helping to get the Local Government Elections held after nearly 22 years. His predecessor, Brent Hardt, had advocated those elections but there seemed to be no rush by the then administration. The issue became a campaign promise.

Guyana’s political scene was anything but solid. The country is severely divided and it still is. It is divided along political lines, ethnic lines and even racial lines. Such a divided country can rarely achieve anything worthwhile unless there is serious compromise. Hunt saw these things during his tenure and he is leaving with the situation unchanged except for a new government.

Sadly, compromise was far from being achieved when there were attempts at discussions. The opposition, when it was in the minority, sought concessions from the government and got none. President Bharrat Jagdeo promised Opposition Leader Desmond Hoyte that he would do nothing to change the media landscape until there was broadcast legislation. That promise was not worth the paper on which it was endorsed.The trend continued when the opposition achieved the parliamentary majority. Try as he might for compromise, Donald Ramotar got none. The result was his biggest political blunder, proroguing parliament.

The attempts at inclusive government were no less successful. Inclusive government was the parroted slogan that caught public attention but got nowhere. There were other moves at compromise but in each case neither side seemed to be too committed. And the American diplomatic community kept working behind the scenes. Hunt would not talk about the late night interventions, nor would he talk about his frustrations. But he did talk about the divisions.

On Thursday in a candid conversation with Kaieteur News, he said that he is leaving with the complaints of the ills of the People’s Progressive Party ringing in his ears. It is a reflection of the famous Mark Anthony speech in Julius Caesar, β€œThe evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones.”
He credited the PPP with a lot of good. It transformed the economy from 1992 to 2015; it created strong business, it created macro-economic stability. It presided over the growth of the private sector. But these things would only be recalled when the historians attempt to look at Guyana from afar. At least that is the view of Mr Hunt.

The discoveries by the forensic audits would overshadow the good things and help foster the sharp divisions in the society.Why should every diplomat who leaves echo the mantra of a divided Guyana, a country with so much potential but which will hardly get anywhere, continuing to knock even the best ideas once it does not come from the people mounting the objection?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Guyana’s political scene was anything but solid. The country is severely divided and it still is. It is divided along political lines, ethnic lines and even racial lines. Such a divided country can rarely achieve anything worthwhile unless there is serious compromise. Hunt saw these things during his tenure and he is leaving with the situation unchanged except for a new government.


And Uncle Tom wnt to Berbice and said he will change things. Everyone will be respected and treated fairly, that he would be the instrument of deal making, for an inclusive Govt, for Unity, for standing up against the PNC. ALL BULLCRAP from a man ONLY interested in himself, POWER and the mighty DOLLAR!!! What a shameless, worthless, ungrateful Bastard!!!!!!!!!!


He credited the PPP with a lot of good. It transformed the economy from 1992 to 2015; it created strong business, it created macro-economic stability. It presided over the growth of the private sector. But these things would only be recalled when the historians attempt to look at Guyana from afar. At least that is the view of Mr Hunt.

It transformed the economy from 1992 to 2015

Hunt needs to explain what his idea of transforming the economy is when the economic structure of Guyana is unchanged in 6 decades. We still get most of our foreign earnings from 4 products (Gold recently, Sugar in decline, Bauxite disappearing and rice soft currency or barter). We still export logs instead of processing them and our fishery industry is modernizing but not large enough. We used to make Elite shirts and Buffalo jeans in the 70s. Do we make any such items? created macro-economic stability.

You know what created macro-economic stability Mr. Hunt? After the collapse of the external sector and the banking system when Burnham died, the IMF/World Bank got Hoyte to liberalize the economy relentlessly. Then the Paris Club debt write-off with Jimmy Carter and Asgar Ali's contacts in the financial world helped with macro-economic stability. Under
Burnham a significant part of the real economy was the illicit economy with adverse effects for the nation's treasury. Under the PPP/C government post-Cheddi a significant part of the real economy was illicit narco money (money laundering you say Mr. Hunt?) and of course about 10% of foreign earnings was remittances (now slowed down since the recession in 2008). What does this do for macro-economic stability Mr. Hunt?

It presided over the growth of the private sector.

Coming from the near-death of the private sector (sans the Banks DIH group of companies, the Timber giants like Toolsie and Mahazaralli, the giant Edward Beharry and a few gold miners) the private sector has been mostly foreign and somewhat exploitative (think Gold and timber). So local private sector growth had to be inevitable no matter who the ruling party was. It's like praising economic growth in the 6 - 7 % range when Guyana was way under water and 6 - 7 % is just getting back to where you were a decade ago.

At least that is the view of Mr Hunt.

Thank God!



I would certainly love to hear from the Coalition folks how they intend to spur foreign investment in industries and human capital in Guyana. I see where Granger has already moved away from economic zones with fiscal incentives. I'm yet to hear of vocational training. I wish someone would say something bold about a particular sector and run with it. The energy sector is like a large ocean liner that will be good in the long run, but what's needed is something more afleet (is that a word?) I  see the tourism sector trying but the public sector needs to do more (and not expect profits) in infrastructure or moving people to attractions or making attractions attractive.


I also need to see the PPP/C people on this Board (and they're dominant - Bibi, Nehru, Cobra, Ba$eman, etc.) push the opposition to table motions or finance studies to change the economy in fundamental ways. It must be tied to elevating the educational and skill level of most workers. It is a myth to talk about how that party made economic progress. What progress?! It is easy though to knock the coalition for its lack of ideas and seeming square-pegs-in-round-holes approach, but that doesn't make the economy left behind one worthy of praise either.


I'm all ears to hear from the Bibis and Ba$es of this world. Oh, and CARIBNY too. Bring back Mits and Redux to join in. It should be fun. Importantly though the PPP/C supporters ought to fess up - like in drug therapy - that their party can and ought to do better even with a lousy track record that got them booted out.

Kari posted:

I would certainly love to hear from the Coalition folks how they intend to spur foreign investment in industries and human capital in Guyana. I see where Granger has already moved away from economic zones with fiscal incentives. I'm yet to hear of vocational training. I wish someone would say something bold about a particular sector and run with it. The energy sector is like a large ocean liner that will be good in the long run, but what's needed is something more afleet (is that a word?) I  see the tourism sector trying but the public sector needs to do more (and not expect profits) in infrastructure or moving people to attractions or making attractions attractive.


I also need to see the PPP/C people on this Board (and they're dominant - Bibi, Nehru, Cobra, Ba$eman, etc.) push the opposition to table motions or finance studies to change the economy in fundamental ways. It must be tied to elevating the educational and skill level of most workers. It is a myth to talk about how that party made economic progress. What progress?! It is easy though to knock the coalition for its lack of ideas and seeming square-pegs-in-round-holes approach, but that doesn't make the economy left behind one worthy of praise either.


I'm all ears to hear from the Bibis and Ba$es of this world. Oh, and CARIBNY too. Bring back Mits and Redux to join in. It should be fun. Importantly though the PPP/C supporters ought to fess up - like in drug therapy - that their party can and ought to do better even with a lousy track record that got them booted out.

Kari begging for his buddies to be allowed back.  People who have absolutely no empathy for East Indian people of Guyana.


Prashad posted:
Kari posted:

I would certainly love to hear from the Coalition folks how they intend to spur foreign investment in industries and human capital in Guyana. I see where Granger has already moved away from economic zones with fiscal incentives. I'm yet to hear of vocational training. I wish someone would say something bold about a particular sector and run with it. The energy sector is like a large ocean liner that will be good in the long run, but what's needed is something more afleet (is that a word?) I  see the tourism sector trying but the public sector needs to do more (and not expect profits) in infrastructure or moving people to attractions or making attractions attractive.


I also need to see the PPP/C people on this Board (and they're dominant - Bibi, Nehru, Cobra, Ba$eman, etc.) push the opposition to table motions or finance studies to change the economy in fundamental ways. It must be tied to elevating the educational and skill level of most workers. It is a myth to talk about how that party made economic progress. What progress?! It is easy though to knock the coalition for its lack of ideas and seeming square-pegs-in-round-holes approach, but that doesn't make the economy left behind one worthy of praise either.


I'm all ears to hear from the Bibis and Ba$es of this world. Oh, and CARIBNY too. Bring back Mits and Redux to join in. It should be fun. Importantly though the PPP/C supporters ought to fess up - like in drug therapy - that their party can and ought to do better even with a lousy track record that got them booted out.

Kari begging for his buddies to be allowed back.  People who have absolutely no empathy for East Indian people of Guyana.


 People who have absolutely no empathy for East Indian people of Guyana.


Has this become the standard for a discussion of Guyana's econoimic growth and development?

Kari posted:

I would certainly love to hear from the Coalition folks how they intend to spur foreign investment in industries and human capital in Guyana. I see where Granger has already moved away from economic zones with fiscal incentives. I'm yet to hear of vocational training. I wish someone would say something bold about a particular sector and run with it. The energy sector is like a large ocean liner that will be good in the long run, but what's needed is something more afleet (is that a word?) I  see the tourism sector trying but the public sector needs to do more (and not expect profits) in infrastructure or moving people to attractions or making attractions attractive.


I also need to see the PPP/C people on this Board (and they're dominant - Bibi, Nehru, Cobra, Ba$eman, etc.) push the opposition to table motions or finance studies to change the economy in fundamental ways. It must be tied to elevating the educational and skill level of most workers. It is a myth to talk about how that party made economic progress. What progress?! It is easy though to knock the coalition for its lack of ideas and seeming square-pegs-in-round-holes approach, but that doesn't make the economy left behind one worthy of praise either.


I'm all ears to hear from the Bibis and Ba$es of this world. Oh, and CARIBNY too. Bring back Mits and Redux to join in. It should be fun. Importantly though the PPP/C supporters ought to fess up - like in drug therapy - that their party can and ought to do better even with a lousy track record that got them booted out.

"I also need to see the PPP/C people on this Board (and they're dominant - Bibi, Nehru, Cobra, Ba$eman, etc.) push the opposition to table motions or finance studies to change the economy in fundamental ways."

Hai bai Kari, guess what, PPP is not in power, get your Coalition boys to do this for you.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

Kari, you are in the weeds banna.  I have mixed feeling about Hunt but he gave some credit where it's due.  The PPP transformed the economy and it needs more free run before a shift to more structure. It's one approach and without a large revenue earner for the Govt to tap into, this might be the most feasible way forward.  Personnaly I dont see Guyana's fortunes changing much in the near term.  The divisions Hunt referred to will stymie and real progress.

Regarding your buddies in the out house, Redux was deleted, so he out for good.  He was vulgar and added no value.  Mitwah handle should have been deleted as he posted like a low IQ character who cannot think straight for 10 seconds and revert to vulgarity and slander a cover.

The pnc/coalition is well represented by Caribj, FC, you and the whole fullah crew.  So the lost of the two flat tires is of no consequences.  Don't know what happened to alyuh female rear guard Susan, she like run out of gas.  And then you have your buddy KishanB aka Brian Teekah aka Georgie flinging his bat all over.  Then there are Django, Anscale Fish, Dougla aka Tola. so it seems rather balance!


@Ba$eman ...Tola again!!! ??... You have be baffled bana

@Kari ..Really good post I do fear the same, the PPP did transform the economy but into what exactly? There is still no industry or job creation to speak of they allowed the education system to fall into a woeful state something Guyana use to lead the way in,  the coalition looks out there depth at this stage in terms of having a grander plan and idea to drive the economy forward, and worryingly not sure how to drive it organically for the now.

Vocational qualifications are a good step but training to go where ?..Like many of our educated and many not so, they'll seek life abroad if the opportunities are not forth coming home ...and who would blame them

I do believe Granger will build a stronger government with time( parking metre gate will be interesting) but believe the coalition will stand or fall on the economy (along side crime).

Our neighbors have pulled away and looking towards the future with very clear strategies we need to hear and see what that looks like, then you can turn to the diaspora with confidence encouraging them to invest 

ST Kitts -

Jamaica -

Freezones have there good and bad points which could be discussed at length (but I don't won't send you to sleep) just highlighting what others within our region are doing








@Bibi ..Old habits will be hard to break for some of these dinosaurs as Ms Untouchable Green shows, what it does show is that someone like Sherod Duncan along with the press have the confidence to come forward and hold them accountable albeit small in the grand scale of things demonstrates a level of transparency that we haven't seen before ...How they deal with it will be bench mark for how others will fall in line (so to speak) ...So lets see 

Prashad posted:

KishanB aka Brian Teekah aka Georgie. That is a Moses man. KishanB I got news for you. The Afc is now an anti East Indian party so your Granjer kick will be arriving soon.

Bannas, you like you got mental shytings.  I told you already me nah know them people.  So go and suck yourself you delusional PSTD army retiree.  Look gwan from hey Prashad.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:

I would certainly love to hear from the Coalition folks how they intend to spur foreign investment in industries and human capital in Guyana. I see where Granger has already moved away from economic zones with fiscal incentives. I'm yet to hear of vocational training. I wish someone would say something bold about a particular sector and run with it. The energy sector is like a large ocean liner that will be good in the long run, but what's needed is something more afleet (is that a word?) I  see the tourism sector trying but the public sector needs to do more (and not expect profits) in infrastructure or moving people to attractions or making attractions attractive.


I also need to see the PPP/C people on this Board (and they're dominant - Bibi, Nehru, Cobra, Ba$eman, etc.) push the opposition to table motions or finance studies to change the economy in fundamental ways. It must be tied to elevating the educational and skill level of most workers. It is a myth to talk about how that party made economic progress. What progress?! It is easy though to knock the coalition for its lack of ideas and seeming square-pegs-in-round-holes approach, but that doesn't make the economy left behind one worthy of praise either.


I'm all ears to hear from the Bibis and Ba$es of this world. Oh, and CARIBNY too. Bring back Mits and Redux to join in. It should be fun. Importantly though the PPP/C supporters ought to fess up - like in drug therapy - that their party can and ought to do better even with a lousy track record that got them booted out.

"I also need to see the PPP/C people on this Board (and they're dominant - Bibi, Nehru, Cobra, Ba$eman, etc.) push the opposition to table motions or finance studies to change the economy in fundamental ways."

Hai bai Kari, guess what, PPP is not in power, get your Coalition boys to do this for you.

Bibi, yuh come back for more licks. You are unable to answer the PPP/C's ineptitude in managing growth in Guyana in the 2 decades plus they had. Don't look at the moribund Coalition for contrasts. They have been in the shadows for so long that governance will have growing pains and they're botching it anyhow.

When I say opposition I meant the PPP/C as an opposition party should show what they have to push the government to consider - finance studies or table motions.

Anyhow you're in the right place for more licks. [I was gonna say beating but that would be sexist. I used licks and I hope it doesn't come across as sexual]. 

Maybe I should say more pain. 

Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:

I would certainly love to hear from the Coalition folks how they intend to spur foreign investment in industries and human capital in Guyana. I see where Granger has already moved away from economic zones with fiscal incentives. I'm yet to hear of vocational training. I wish someone would say something bold about a particular sector and run with it. The energy sector is like a large ocean liner that will be good in the long run, but what's needed is something more afleet (is that a word?) I  see the tourism sector trying but the public sector needs to do more (and not expect profits) in infrastructure or moving people to attractions or making attractions attractive.


I also need to see the PPP/C people on this Board (and they're dominant - Bibi, Nehru, Cobra, Ba$eman, etc.) push the opposition to table motions or finance studies to change the economy in fundamental ways. It must be tied to elevating the educational and skill level of most workers. It is a myth to talk about how that party made economic progress. What progress?! It is easy though to knock the coalition for its lack of ideas and seeming square-pegs-in-round-holes approach, but that doesn't make the economy left behind one worthy of praise either.


I'm all ears to hear from the Bibis and Ba$es of this world. Oh, and CARIBNY too. Bring back Mits and Redux to join in. It should be fun. Importantly though the PPP/C supporters ought to fess up - like in drug therapy - that their party can and ought to do better even with a lousy track record that got them booted out.

"I also need to see the PPP/C people on this Board (and they're dominant - Bibi, Nehru, Cobra, Ba$eman, etc.) push the opposition to table motions or finance studies to change the economy in fundamental ways."

Hai bai Kari, guess what, PPP is not in power, get your Coalition boys to do this for you.

Bibi, yuh come back for more licks. You are unable to answer the PPP/C's ineptitude in managing growth in Guyana in the 2 decades plus they had. Don't look at the moribund Coalition for contrasts. They have been in the shadows for so long that governance will have growing pains and they're botching it anyhow.

When I say opposition I meant the PPP/C as an opposition party should show what they have to push the government to consider - finance studies or table motions.

Anyhow you're in the right place for more licks. [I was gonna say beating but that would be sexist. I used licks and I hope it doesn't come across as sexual]. 

Maybe I should say more pain. 

Let me repeat.  The PPP is not in power.  It is not their place to come up with finance studies or table motions or anything else for that matter.  It is the coalition's job to figure that out.  And if you really and truly believe that the PPP was inept at managing growth in Guyana then you are worse than shameless.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Let me repeat.  The PPP is not in power.  It is not their place to come up with finance studies or table motions or anything else for that matter.  It is the coalition's job to figure that out.  And if you really and truly believe that the PPP was inept at managing growth in Guyana then you are worse than shameless.

Bibibski, no need to employ the "to repeat" as if there is credence in what you're about to repeat. Let me be clear --- the PPP/C sales people in this Forum claims that the PPP/C can run  the country and grow the economy better than God can. Well, I ask that your group show what you're made of. Bring ideas to transform the economic structure of a primary producing economy and low-education level of the work force. The Opposition has Parliamentary and freedom of the press ways of injecting these ideas in the national conversation.

So, to REPEAT, do not repeat anything. The Opposition PPP/C must show its cahones by putting ideas. It's not enough to critique, critique, and then have a track record that is shameful. Yes, I'm not being shameless to characterize the PPP/C 2 decades + in office as a waste. They FAILED to transform the economy. And you guys are happy about some buildings going up in GT and surrounding areas as signs of progress. Signs of progress means that Guyanese workers must process stuff more than what Trinidad, who has to import the raw materials,  is doing. You want HP or Microsoft support why call Trinidad and not Guyana? The 
PPP/C had all those years when these back office stuff was incubating and what did it focus on? An illicit economy, hopes for an energy sector taking off and hope that gold prices remain in the vicinity of $2,000 per ounce.

I'm like from Missouri Bibibski- show me!


Kari the joker asking us to elaborate a national development plan on GNI.  Rather, let his PNC put forward a national development plan for Guyana.  The PPP was running on their plan with some critical infrastructue investments to shift the national economic paradigm.  No one is perfect and im sure there are elements which could have been improved upon. That has all now been halted, so lets see what your boys propose rather than requesting few of us to elaborate here on GNI.  Kari, stop being a cop-out and propose your plans.  Your boys are now running the cake shop.

Drugb posted:

The afc/apnu ran on a platform which professed that they knew how develop the nation. Now they send out Kari to beg for help from the PPP, the same party that they said destroyed Guyana.

I often wonder how tight these hypocrites hold their noses when they make statements that the PPP destroyed Guyana.  Many of these clowns now supporting the PNC desparately ran away from the PNC coming back-track, side track, any track giving up everything in Guyana.  Now they find solidarity with the devil.  Pathetic bunch of hypocrites.  

Kari posted:

Bibiski has every right to denounce the Coalition, just like she has every duty to denounce the PPP/C for failing her.

How has the PPP failed me?  Many of my family members built solid careers with the PPP and I work in a non-political environment that has nothing to do with the PPP.  I do not depend on the PPP for my bread and butter or anything else.  How has the PPP failed me?

Bibi Haniffa
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

The afc/apnu ran on a platform which professed that they knew how develop the nation. Now they send out Kari to beg for help from the PPP, the same party that they said destroyed Guyana.

I often wonder how tight these hypocrites hold their noses when they make statements that the PPP destroyed Guyana.  Many of these clowns now supporting the PNC desparately ran away from the PNC coming back-track, side track, any track giving up everything in Guyana.  Now they find solidarity with the devil.  Pathetic bunch of hypocrites.  

Yes they did. Every industry was a graft scheme and only their friends and family were employed. Simple processes needed a bribe stream to complete. Instead of advocating constitution change where we can have a true republic they instend clung like barnacles to the dictatorial PNC constitution and sucked us dry.


If the PNC proceed down the same path who do you think also share the blame? These crooks who has advanced no democratic process since they conned the prople to thinking they were not like LFSB, Instead they were like him and more.  50 years gone and we are still dealing with un-elected legislators, a President who might as well be an elected king and a divided society.

hDanyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

The afc/apnu ran on a platform which professed that they knew how develop the nation. Now they send out Kari to beg for help from the PPP, the same party that they said destroyed Guyana.

I often wonder how tight these hypocrites hold their noses when they make statements that the PPP destroyed Guyana.  Many of these clowns now supporting the PNC desparately ran away from the PNC coming back-track, side track, any track giving up everything in Guyana.  Now they find solidarity with the devil.  Pathetic bunch of hypocrites.  

Yes they did. Every industry was a graft scheme and only their friends and family were employed. Simple processes needed a bribe stream to complete. Instead of advocating constitution change where we can have a true republic they instend clung like barnacles to the dictatorial PNC constitution and sucked us dry.


If the PNC proceed down the same path who do you think also share the blame? These crooks who has advanced no democratic process since they conned the prople to thinking they were not like LFSB, Instead they were like him and more.  50 years gone and we are still dealing with un-elected legislators, a President who might as well be an elected king and a divided society.

Ahh dumb ass!! You talk with no credibility.  You had your grip packed since 2011 waiting for the PNC to take over.  But you stuck to spouting shyte and sound smart.  You just talk for exercise!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:

Bibiski has every right to denounce the Coalition, just like she has every duty to denounce the PPP/C for failing her.

How has the PPP failed me?  Many of my family members built solid careers with the PPP and I work in a non-political environment that has nothing to do with the PPP.  I do not depend on the PPP for my bread and butter or anything else.  How has the PPP failed me?

How has the PPP failed me?

When one wants to tout the achievements of a political party and cannot in honesty do so, that party has failed that individual. The PPP/C is a party that Bibiski wants to herald as the savior of Guyana but can't because it's track record in over 2 decades didn't change a thing. That's why she's disappointed. That's why the PPP failed her. 


BTW, what is building solid careers with the PPP?

Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Kari posted:

Bibiski has every right to denounce the Coalition, just like she has every duty to denounce the PPP/C for failing her.

How has the PPP failed me?  Many of my family members built solid careers with the PPP and I work in a non-political environment that has nothing to do with the PPP.  I do not depend on the PPP for my bread and butter or anything else.  How has the PPP failed me?

How has the PPP failed me?

When one wants to tout the achievements of a political party and cannot in honesty do so, that party has failed that individual. The PPP/C is a party that Bibiski wants to herald as the savior of Guyana but can't because it's track record in over 2 decades didn't change a thing. That's why she's disappointed. That's why the PPP failed her. 


BTW, what is building solid careers with the PPP?

I wanted to ask the same.

Bibi does knock me out with some of her reply.

Last edited by Django
ba$eman posted:
hDanyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
Drugb posted:

The afc/apnu ran on a platform which professed that they knew how develop the nation. Now they send out Kari to beg for help from the PPP, the same party that they said destroyed Guyana.

I often wonder how tight these hypocrites hold their noses when they make statements that the PPP destroyed Guyana.  Many of these clowns now supporting the PNC desparately ran away from the PNC coming back-track, side track, any track giving up everything in Guyana.  Now they find solidarity with the devil.  Pathetic bunch of hypocrites.  

Yes they did. Every industry was a graft scheme and only their friends and family were employed. Simple processes needed a bribe stream to complete. Instead of advocating constitution change where we can have a true republic they instend clung like barnacles to the dictatorial PNC constitution and sucked us dry.


If the PNC proceed down the same path who do you think also share the blame? These crooks who has advanced no democratic process since they conned the prople to thinking they were not like LFSB, Instead they were like him and more.  50 years gone and we are still dealing with un-elected legislators, a President who might as well be an elected king and a divided society.

Ahh dumb ass!! You talk with no credibility.  You had your grip packed since 2011 waiting for the PNC to take over.  But you stuck to spouting shyte and sound smart.  You just talk for exercise!!

I have my family here and an assortment of businesses so why would I be waiting for the PNC to be in power? My business there does not depend on the PPP or the PPP.

I am smart. There aint shit you can do about that. I just happen to be born that way.

Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
hDanyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

I often wonder how tight these hypocrites hold their noses when they make statements that the PPP destroyed Guyana.  Many of these clowns now supporting the PNC desparately ran away from the PNC coming back-track, side track, any track giving up everything in Guyana.  Now they find solidarity with the devil.  Pathetic bunch of hypocrites.  

Yes they did. Every industry was a graft scheme and only their friends and family were employed. Simple processes needed a bribe stream to complete. Instead of advocating constitution change where we can have a true republic they instend clung like barnacles to the dictatorial PNC constitution and sucked us dry.


If the PNC proceed down the same path who do you think also share the blame? These crooks who has advanced no democratic process since they conned the prople to thinking they were not like LFSB, Instead they were like him and more.  50 years gone and we are still dealing with un-elected legislators, a President who might as well be an elected king and a divided society.

Ahh dumb ass!! You talk with no credibility.  You had your grip packed since 2011 waiting for the PNC to take over.  But you stuck to spouting shyte and sound smart.  You just talk for exercise!!

I have my family here and an assortment of businesses so why would I be waiting for the PNC to be in power? My business there does not depend on the PPP or the PPP.

I am smart. There aint shit you can do about that. I just happen to be born that way.

D2, you not too smart, but i have to give credit to your better half who probably gave you two good slap, tek way that grip and asigned you home duties.  The woman probably said, you aint taking she back to no PNC hell hole!!

ba$eman posted:
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:
hDanyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

I often wonder how tight these hypocrites hold their noses when they make statements that the PPP destroyed Guyana.  Many of these clowns now supporting the PNC desparately ran away from the PNC coming back-track, side track, any track giving up everything in Guyana.  Now they find solidarity with the devil.  Pathetic bunch of hypocrites.  

Yes they did. Every industry was a graft scheme and only their friends and family were employed. Simple processes needed a bribe stream to complete. Instead of advocating constitution change where we can have a true republic they instend clung like barnacles to the dictatorial PNC constitution and sucked us dry.


If the PNC proceed down the same path who do you think also share the blame? These crooks who has advanced no democratic process since they conned the prople to thinking they were not like LFSB, Instead they were like him and more.  50 years gone and we are still dealing with un-elected legislators, a President who might as well be an elected king and a divided society.

Ahh dumb ass!! You talk with no credibility.  You had your grip packed since 2011 waiting for the PNC to take over.  But you stuck to spouting shyte and sound smart.  You just talk for exercise!!

I have my family here and an assortment of businesses so why would I be waiting for the PNC to be in power? My business there does not depend on the PPP or the PPP.

I am smart. There aint shit you can do about that. I just happen to be born that way.

D2, you not too smart, but i have to give credit to your better half who probably gave you two good slap, tek way that grip and asigned you home duties.  The woman probably said, you aint taking she back to no PNC hell hole!!

I have a top ten american school saying otherwise. You slapping me is a laugh. Women never ever was able to tell me what to do. I am not that attached. Remember I have two baby mamas!

ba$eman posted:

Kari the joker asking us to elaborate a national development plan on GNI.  Rather, let his PNC put forward a national development plan for Guyana.  The PPP was running on their plan with some critical infrastructue investments to shift the national economic paradigm.  No one is perfect and im sure there are elements which could have been improved upon. That has all now been halted, so lets see what your boys propose rather than requesting few of us to elaborate here on GNI.  Kari, stop being a cop-out and propose your plans.  Your boys are now running the cake shop.

Ba$ and the other comrades here laud the PPP. I posited two notions:

  1. The PPP has failed you guys in restructuring Guyana's economy for the good
  2. The PPP has no ideas on how to do the job you claim it can do. So show me.

No one is asking for the sake of asking....only that you said you know how.

It's the same as asking you how you would do differently in the Middle East as Donald Trump claims he can. No ideas. That's my point.


All I hear from Bibibushka and Nehrooo and cobraman is yap, yap, yap.....and Bunch of losers!!!


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