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Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Admission Fee = US$250.

Very cheap for an investor conference.  Trinidad last year had one for 3X the amount.

Yeah but let's put this into context.  The person from Trinidad had an education.  We talking about No eye contact boy Dominic here whose only claim to fame is that he is Granger's son-in-law.

Dominic is an accomplished QC graduate. Stop trying to sully the man's good name just because he spurned your advances.


It's the same team came to NY to sell pig in bag. They failed in Canada and they will fail again today. The coalition have no charm to attract people with money to invest in Guyana.

I was supposed to invest in Guyana in agriculture and retire there. All my dream of going back to my homeland is vanished. There is no investment confidence under the coalition government.

I have noticed about four members on GNI that supported the coalition threw in the towel and speaking against them. Though we have a few of them still holding on a rotten rope to save face.


Cobra posted:

It's the same team came to NY to sell pig in bag. They failed in Canada and they will fail again today. The coalition have no charm to attract people with money to invest in Guyana.

I was supposed to invest in Guyana in agriculture and retire there. All my dream of going back to my homeland is vanished. There is no investment confidence under the coalition government.

I have noticed about four members on GNI that supported the coalition threw in the towel and speaking against them. Though we have a few of them still holding on a rotten rope to save face.


Cobra,not good I thought if they don't perform the will be booted out come 2020.

Cobra posted:


I was supposed to invest in Guyana in agriculture and retire there. All my dream of going back to my homeland is vanished.


Yes.  "Blackman a rule Guyana" so that is horrendous to you.

How exactly has the coalition changed in how it treats the private sector? Apparently they love the oligarchs and eagerly take their bribes just as the PPP did.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The Guyanese people ought to know how much money the Gov't. spent on this conference at the Harvard Club.  

Guyanese ought to be told why you have a huge problem with the gov't trying to attract a new group of people to take a look at investment opportunities in Guyana.

It's your way of dodging a valid question

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
Cobra posted:


I was supposed to invest in Guyana in agriculture and retire there. All my dream of going back to my homeland is vanished.


Yes.  "Blackman a rule Guyana" so that is horrendous to you.

How exactly has the coalition changed in how it treats the private sector? Apparently they love the oligarchs and eagerly take their bribes just as the PPP did.

They might alienate the owner of Peg if they allow the Marriott to function as it should.

Billy Ram Balgobin
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

I would still likle to understand, apart from mining and natural resource extraction, what value proposition and they putting forward to attract business.  Guyana is not an attractive market to sell into, so they must have in mind an (re) exportable value proposition. Infrastructure is lacking, energy is expensive and unreliable, available skills are limited.

They cuss the PPP so much and promise they can do better.  lets see what they can do. I tell you, they dont know their head from their tail.

I find you funny. You said that the coalition gov't isn't doing anything to grow the economy.

Yet when they do something about it, you get angry.  Had the PPP being doing this you would ne jumping up and down like a chimp daring any one to condemn this conference.

When the PPP had their little roti shop meetings in RH to talk to real estate and mortgage brokers you thought that was great. Now the coalition try to meet people who are outside of that group you and the rest of your brown KKK are angered.

It is a GOOD thing to try to educate mainstream investors about what Guyana has to offer!

Listen banna, without cheap reliable power, the offerings are slim.  The biggest attraction Guyana has is in mining/extraction with export in mind.  Oil was most exciting to bring breadth and depth, but that's now in the back burner for a long time.

The PPP's quest for hydro power was the single most transformative move in recent time.  Your boys killed it, so now you have slim pickings!  The PNC/AFC will not transform Guyana, not by a long shot!!

ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

I would still likle to understand, apart from mining and natural resource extraction, what value proposition and they putting forward to attract business.  Guyana is not an attractive market to sell into, so they must have in mind an (re) exportable value proposition. Infrastructure is lacking, energy is expensive and unreliable, available skills are limited.

They cuss the PPP so much and promise they can do better.  lets see what they can do. I tell you, they dont know their head from their tail.

I find you funny. You said that the coalition gov't isn't doing anything to grow the economy.

Yet when they do something about it, you get angry.  Had the PPP being doing this you would ne jumping up and down like a chimp daring any one to condemn this conference.

When the PPP had their little roti shop meetings in RH to talk to real estate and mortgage brokers you thought that was great. Now the coalition try to meet people who are outside of that group you and the rest of your brown KKK are angered.

It is a GOOD thing to try to educate mainstream investors about what Guyana has to offer!

Listen banna, without cheap reliable power, the offerings are slim.  The biggest attraction Guyana has is in mining/extraction with export in mind.  Oil was most exciting to bring breadth and depth, but that's now in the back burner for a long time.

The PPP's quest for hydro power was the single most transformative move in recent time.  Your boys killed it, so now you have slim pickings!  The PNC/AFC will not transform Guyana, not by a long shot!!

The cost factor was questionable,there is currently a re-assessment maybe it will come to fruition.

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

I would still likle to understand, apart from mining and natural resource extraction, what value proposition and they putting forward to attract business.  Guyana is not an attractive market to sell into, so they must have in mind an (re) exportable value proposition. Infrastructure is lacking, energy is expensive and unreliable, available skills are limited.

They cuss the PPP so much and promise they can do better.  lets see what they can do. I tell you, they dont know their head from their tail.

I find you funny. You said that the coalition gov't isn't doing anything to grow the economy.

Yet when they do something about it, you get angry.  Had the PPP being doing this you would ne jumping up and down like a chimp daring any one to condemn this conference.

When the PPP had their little roti shop meetings in RH to talk to real estate and mortgage brokers you thought that was great. Now the coalition try to meet people who are outside of that group you and the rest of your brown KKK are angered.

It is a GOOD thing to try to educate mainstream investors about what Guyana has to offer!

Listen banna, without cheap reliable power, the offerings are slim.  The biggest attraction Guyana has is in mining/extraction with export in mind.  Oil was most exciting to bring breadth and depth, but that's now in the back burner for a long time.

The PPP's quest for hydro power was the single most transformative move in recent time.  Your boys killed it, so now you have slim pickings!  The PNC/AFC will not transform Guyana, not by a long shot!!

The cost factor was questionable,there is currently a re-assessment maybe it will come to fruition.

It was not, more so it as being done by the PPP and not the PNC.  If the cost factor was the issue, they could have ordered an independent cost assessment by who ever they wish and come to a reasonable conclusion rather than killing the project.

It's was just out of spite.  They knew that project would have strengthened the PPP's hand in the election so they took that gamble knowing fully well it was right for the nation and they have no other alternative.

Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

I would still likle to understand, apart from mining and natural resource extraction, what value proposition and they putting forward to attract business.  Guyana is not an attractive market to sell into, so they must have in mind an (re) exportable value proposition. Infrastructure is lacking, energy is expensive and unreliable, available skills are limited.

They cuss the PPP so much and promise they can do better.  lets see what they can do. I tell you, they dont know their head from their tail.

I find you funny. You said that the coalition gov't isn't doing anything to grow the economy.

Yet when they do something about it, you get angry.  Had the PPP being doing this you would ne jumping up and down like a chimp daring any one to condemn this conference.

When the PPP had their little roti shop meetings in RH to talk to real estate and mortgage brokers you thought that was great. Now the coalition try to meet people who are outside of that group you and the rest of your brown KKK are angered.

It is a GOOD thing to try to educate mainstream investors about what Guyana has to offer!

Listen banna, without cheap reliable power, the offerings are slim.  The biggest attraction Guyana has is in mining/extraction with export in mind.  Oil was most exciting to bring breadth and depth, but that's now in the back burner for a long time.

The PPP's quest for hydro power was the single most transformative move in recent time.  Your boys killed it, so now you have slim pickings!  The PNC/AFC will not transform Guyana, not by a long shot!!

The cost factor was questionable,there is currently a re-assessment maybe it will come to fruition.

How much money are you committing to invest today?

Bibi Haniffa
Mars posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The Guyanese people ought to know how much money the Gov't. spent on this conference at the Harvard Club.  

At least US$50,000, putting it at a bare minimum!

Riyad is a Harvard Alumnus. He got it cheap.

Bullschitt!   Every member there is an alumnus or a faculty member.  Riyad has no clout there.  Plus nah think you deh a Bourda market bargaining for two for one.  Dem Harvard boys like to outspend each other.  That millionaire club like to put up or shut up.  La crÃĻme de la crÃĻme will spend La most de la Most!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The Guyanese people ought to know how much money the Gov't. spent on this conference at the Harvard Club.  

Guyanese ought to be told why you have a huge problem with the gov't trying to attract a new group of people to take a look at investment opportunities in Guyana.

It's your way of dodging a valid question

Every country in the world sponsors periodic investor conferences as a way of meeting new investors.

Pity your PPP thought that all they needed to do was meet Ed Ahmad in RH.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

They might alienate the owner of Peg if they allow the Marriott to function as it should.

Kaieteur Falls is our biggest tourist attraction.  The PPP couldn't have been bothered to build rails to make it safer for tourists.  

They couldn't be bothered to make transportation into the interior easier so that tourists could see the attractions, without all the hassles that they must go through.

No.  Marriott is a priority so all of those "never see come see" PPP types can scream "me rich, me see me cyan afford wan big fancy hotel".

Mars posted:

Sold out

Never saw much Black investors in Guyana, not under any administration.  These bannas went for the hob-nobing, dem ain't putting their money in that PNC economy!  I would advise them stay far, keep their 401ks and investments right here!

But, then again, maybe if they want lil adventure buy out the Berbice bridge and increase the tolls!

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The Guyanese people ought to know how much money the Gov't. spent on this conference at the Harvard Club.  

Guyanese ought to be told why you have a huge problem with the gov't trying to attract a new group of people to take a look at investment opportunities in Guyana.

It's your way of dodging a valid question

Every country in the world sponsors periodic investor conferences as a way of meeting new investors.

Pity your PPP thought that all they needed to do was meet Ed Ahmad in RH.

You and your daily misinformation campaign on GNI.  You are a biased poster who has no interest in a united and prosperous Guyana. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:

Sold out

Never saw much Black investors in Guyana, not under any administration.  These bannas went for the hob-nobing, dem ain't putting their money in that PNC economy!  I would advise them stay far, keep their 401ks and investments right here!

But, then again, maybe if they want lil adventure buy out the Berbice bridge and increase the tolls!

Base, don't play your ra$$$ now!!  How much a dem people this gat 401 k and investment???   Is that Django at the corner deh?  He is the only man who would bet his bank account on this government.

Bibi Haniffa

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