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caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

.Notice that CaribJ did not show up to support this initiative. .

Caribj sent some of his clients to the event.  He had other client meetings so didn't feel it necessary to go.

Who are these clients? Social services workers? Blacks will not invest unless there is a guarantee on returns. Indians on the other hand will take risks and either reap the rewards or suffer the loss. In this scenario with jackass Granger in charge, Blacks know that these fools can not run a cake shop much less a country. 

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh gaaad no.  Then Carib would say coolie people have no etiquette.  Dem slurping dem dholl and rice and curry dripping all over the place.

Poor Janet almost had her first heart attack when your cousins engaged in this rustic behavior.

She also had to teach them not to squat on the toilet seat, as too often they missed.

Once again, this Black chap exhibiting his racism even when a cooolie having a shite.

It is amazing how little else some Black people have to do in their lives that they have to observe the posture of a cooolies deposing of their excrement. That is pure hate.

We Indians are a cultured people. We believe in sustaining the environment. Back in India, they doan like to accumulate shite and having problems with disposing of it. Shiting in the open fields and let monsoon wash it all away-that is all natural.

On the idea of squatting. Transporting slaves from Africa, they had to sit in a squat position most of the times. Squatting is a human condition.

Now, I need to ask you this question. Are you human? 

The other day, it was disclosed that u r an Indian. Maybe a higher caste. That could explain ur inhumanity toward us lower caste.

We Indians devised all kinds on contortions of the body, even in having sex and in worship. So, it would not be surprising we have several contortions for having a shyte. 

Do you think, perhaps Jagdeo cackup on his toilet seat. Please, do tell us. Seeing that u get regular reports on cooolie people.

I hope ur followers realize how sick u really is.

Drugb posted:

Who are these clients? Social services workers? Blacks will not invest unless there is a guarantee on returns.

Yes, continue to display your ignorant racism. My non Guyanese black clients laugh at you, and now understand that in Guyana this is what blacks went through.

I understand your plight.  You are a low life racist, and so the only blacks who will bother with you are impoverished types who live in housing projects in NJ.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Vish M posted:

I was at the event.

It is sad as it seems none of you attend this Investment Conference yet you elect to post negativity 

How many investors signed up?

I am not going to ask what you do for a living as it is none of my business.

What is obvious though is that you aren't a business person.

seignet posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh gaaad no.  Then Carib would say coolie people have no etiquette.  Dem slurping dem dholl and rice and curry dripping all over the place.

Poor Janet almost had her first heart attack when your cousins engaged in this rustic behavior.

She also had to teach them not to squat on the toilet seat, as too often they missed.

Once again, this Black chap exhibiting his racism even when a cooolie having a shite.


Not talking about Indians. Merely talking about primitives like you who are doctrinaire PPP supporters.  Poor Janet was in a state of panic when she saw their behavior in 1992.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
seignet posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh gaaad no.  Then Carib would say coolie people have no etiquette.  Dem slurping dem dholl and rice and curry dripping all over the place.

Poor Janet almost had her first heart attack when your cousins engaged in this rustic behavior.

She also had to teach them not to squat on the toilet seat, as too often they missed.

Once again, this Black chap exhibiting his racism even when a cooolie having a shite.


Not talking about Indians. Merely talking about primitives like you who are doctrinaire PPP supporters.  Poor Janet was in a state of panic when she saw their behavior in 1992.

I thought u disliked white people as well. Anyway, did u recieve Black reports on Janet's panic attack.

U conjure up these hateful things. U r a misery unto uself.

And u people rant and rave about apaan jhaat, when it was ayuh all along who have class structures, negroes and coloreds. 

U din get any mixture in your blood?

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Vish M posted:

I was at the event.

It is sad as it seems none of you attend this Investment Conference yet you elect to post negativity 

How many investors signed up?

I am not going to ask what you do for a living as it is none of my business.

What is obvious though is that you aren't a business person.

What gave it away?

Bibi Haniffa
seignet posted:
.. Anyway, did u recieve Black reports on Janet's panic attack.


Was told this by the person who did the etiquette training, and had to help Janet get over the embarrassment at that first dinner.  The ambassadors were truly concerned when they saw the peasants who were swept into power, and told her so.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Vish M posted:

I was at the event.

It is sad as it seems none of you attend this Investment Conference yet you elect to post negativity 

How many investors signed up?

I am not going to ask what you do for a living as it is none of my business.

What is obvious though is that you aren't a business person.

What gave it away?

Investors don't "sign up". This isn't mutual funds being sold.


caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Who are these clients? Social services workers? Blacks will not invest unless there is a guarantee on returns.

Yes, continue to display your ignorant racism. My non Guyanese black clients laugh at you, and now understand that in Guyana this is what blacks went through.

I understand your plight.  You are a low life racist, and so the only blacks who will bother with you are impoverished types who live in housing projects in NJ.

You will have to excuse me, I don't see how a person living on section 8 assistance can have clients other than social workers. 

Tell us more about the boatloads of Blacks who are putting their money up to invest under the PNC.  It would be a welcome changes as no more can you complain that the Indians are keeping your Blacks down. 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Vish M posted:

I was at the event.

It is sad as it seems none of you attend this Investment Conference yet you elect to post negativity 

How many investors signed up?

I am not going to ask what you do for a living as it is none of my business.

What is obvious though is that you aren't a business person.

What gave it away?

Your duncified postings on this site.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Vish M posted:

I was at the event.

It is sad as it seems none of you attend this Investment Conference yet you elect to post negativity 

How many investors signed up?

I am not going to ask what you do for a living as it is none of my business.

What is obvious though is that you aren't a business person.

What gave it away?

Investors don't "sign up". This isn't mutual funds being sold.


Forgive the spear chucking Jagdeo simpleton.  

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Vish M posted:

I was at the event.

It is sad as it seems none of you attend this Investment Conference yet you elect to post negativity 

How many investors signed up?

I am not going to ask what you do for a living as it is none of my business.

What is obvious though is that you aren't a business person.

What gave it away?

Investors don't "sign up". This isn't mutual funds being sold.


Te he he.  So why did they ask people for names and contact information of those who would like to invest?  BTW, people don't sign up to buy mutual funds!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
FC posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Vish M posted:

I was at the event.

It is sad as it seems none of you attend this Investment Conference yet you elect to post negativity 

How many investors signed up?

I am not going to ask what you do for a living as it is none of my business.

What is obvious though is that you aren't a business person.

What gave it away?

Investors don't "sign up". This isn't mutual funds being sold.


Forgive the spear chucking Jagdeo simpleton.  

Jackass - do you sign up to buy mutual funds?  Or more appropriately, can you even afford to buy a mutual fund????

Bibi Haniffa
Drugb posted:

You will have to excuse me, I don't see how a person living on section 8 assistance can have clients other than social workers. 


I can only wonder why you need to have this psychological need to pretend as if all blacks are welfare dependents.

Now go squat on your latrine and leave blacks alone.

Bibi Haniffa posted:


Te he he.  So why did they ask people for names and contact information of those who would like to invest?  BTW, people don't sign up to buy mutual funds!!!!

You really need to quit while you are ahead. People might go to a presentation offered by a financial advisor who is marketing mutual funds.  If they like what they hear then they can "sign up", meaning fill out applications.

One doesn't go to a presentation on the investment potential of a nation and then fill up an application.  One makes contacts, gathers information, does further research, and then determine whether it makes sense to continue examining the possibility of locating operations in that nation.

And it does make sense for the organizers of the event to get the contact info on those attending, so that they can maintain further contact with them.

Now I know that a person who claps roti for a living doesn't understand this, but this is indeed how it works.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jackass - do you sign up to buy mutual funds?  Or more appropriately, can you even afford to buy a mutual fund????

Of course the implication by an ignorant person that blacks don't have mutual funds.

Then she wails that she isn't a racist. 

Well as you engage in ethnic stereotypes, so will I so you will feel its sting. Go clap roti for you husband, because when he comes home hungry and there is no food...........

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jackass - do you sign up to buy mutual funds?  Or more appropriately, can you even afford to buy a mutual fund????

Of course the implication by an ignorant person that blacks don't have mutual funds.

Then she wails that she isn't a racist. 

Well as you engage in ethnic stereotypes, so will I so you will feel its sting. Go clap roti for you husband, because when he comes home hungry and there is no food...........

For once you may be correct. Blacks are beginning to invest .....


Black Americans have generally steered clear of the stock market and consequently many with solid incomes have lagged far behind whites in accumulating wealth. But the tables are starting to turn. A national study by Chicago-based Ariel Investments. Currently, 67 percent of African-Americans with incomes of at least $50,000 have money invested in stocks or stock mutual funds. In 2010, that percentage was about 60 and in 1998, it was 57 percent.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:


Te he he.  So why did they ask people for names and contact information of those who would like to invest?  BTW, people don't sign up to buy mutual funds!!!!

You really need to quit while you are ahead. People might go to a presentation offered by a financial advisor who is marketing mutual funds.  If they like what they hear then they can "sign up", meaning fill out applications.

One doesn't go to a presentation on the investment potential of a nation and then fill up an application.  One makes contacts, gathers information, does further research, and then determine whether it makes sense to continue examining the possibility of locating operations in that nation.

And it does make sense for the organizers of the event to get the contact info on those attending, so that they can maintain further contact with them.

Now I know that a person who claps roti for a living doesn't understand this, but this is indeed how it works.

Who is talking about filling out applications?  You are more stupid than I originally thought.  

Bibi Haniffa
caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Jackass - do you sign up to buy mutual funds?  Or more appropriately, can you even afford to buy a mutual fund????

Of course the implication by an ignorant person that blacks don't have mutual funds.

Then she wails that she isn't a racist. 

Well as you engage in ethnic stereotypes, so will I so you will feel its sting. Go clap roti for you husband, because when he comes home hungry and there is no food...........

I pay someone to clap roti for me and my husband from the money we make from our Wall Steet investments!!!!

Bibi Haniffa
Drugb posted:


Black Americans have generally steered clear of the stock market and consequently many with solid incomes have lagged far behind whites in accumulating wealth. But the tables are starting to turn. A national study by Chicago-based Ariel Investments. Currently, 67 percent of African-Americans with incomes of at least $50,000 have money invested in stocks or stock mutual funds. In 2010, that percentage was about 60 and in 1998, it was 57 percent.

And I could have told you that long ago.

Contrary to what you scream, a class of affluent blacks does exist.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

I pay someone to clap roti for me and my husband from the money we make from our Wall Steet investments!!!!

Did you tell your husband that you are in love with Bharat Jagdeo?

Even the way you phrase this suggests to me that you aren't the sophisticate that you pretend to be. Its a good thing that Janet Jagan isn't around, or she might well tell you that you have to get etiquette training.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Who is talking about filling out applications?  You are more stupid than I originally thought.  


By now I suspect you have forgotten what you are talking about.

Janet might have had a course for middle aged females, who are undergoing the "change", and how they can reduce the stress of this.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:
.. Anyway, did u recieve Black reports on Janet's panic attack.


Was told this by the person who did the etiquette training, and had to help Janet get over the embarrassment at that first dinner.  The ambassadors were truly concerned when they saw the peasants who were swept into power, and told her so.

I know Africans eat out of the same pot., with their fingers. How long ago yuh embraced the white man dining customs. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

Who are these clients? Social services workers? Blacks will not invest unless there is a guarantee on returns.

Yes, continue to display your ignorant racism. My non Guyanese black clients laugh at you, and now understand that in Guyana this is what blacks went through.

I understand your plight.  You are a low life racist, and so the only blacks who will bother with you are impoverished types who live in housing projects in NJ.

You will have to excuse me, I don't see how a person living on section 8 assistance can have clients other than social workers. 

Tell us more about the boatloads of Blacks who are putting their money up to invest under the PNC.  It would be a welcome changes as no more can you complain that the Indians are keeping your Blacks down. 

You cannot put up money if you don't have it.


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