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ba$eman posted:
caribny Listen banna, without cheap reliable power, the offerings are slim. 

Why do the DR and Jamaica have more developed manufacturing sectors when they depend on the same sources of energy that we do.

Get it into your think head.  The Fip Motilall fiasco undermined any credibility that the PPP had with Amaila, and then pictures of the waterfall running dry was the final straw.

Skeldon was one thing, but landing Guyana into a similar fiasco, this one with a bill of one BILLION dollars (US) was a nonstarter.  Now if the PPP wasn't so greedy and racist, peddling charlatans like Fip Motilall, and showing feasibility studies, when there asked to do so, maybe this venture might have been supported.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ba$eman posted:
Mars posted:

Sold out

Never saw much Black investors in Guyana, not under any administration.  These bannas went for the hob-nobing, dem ain't putting their money in that PNC economy!  I would advise them stay far, keep their 401ks and investments right here!

But, then again, maybe if they want lil adventure buy out the Berbice bridge and increase the tolls!

Base, don't play your ra$$$ now!!  How much a dem people this gat 401 k and investment???   Is that Django at the corner deh?  He is the only man who would bet his bank account on this government.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Every country in the world sponsors periodic investor conferences as a way of meeting new investors.

Pity your PPP thought that all they needed to do was meet Ed Ahmad in RH.

You and your daily misinformation campaign on GNI.  You are a biased poster who has no interest in a united and prosperous Guyana. 

I see.  Frantic with rage because something progressive is happening.

Where is Ed Ahmad by the way?

ba$eman posted:
caribny Listen banna, without cheap reliable power, the offerings are slim. 


Amaila Falls was slated to cost twice as much as similar Hydropower Plants based on the cost per MW. It started out as being estimated to cost $450 Million and then suddenly we heard that it was going to cost close to $ 1 Billion. It was overpriced and certainly not cheap.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bullschitt!   Every member there is an alumnus or a faculty member.  Riyad has no clout there.  Plus nah think you deh a Bourda market bargaining for two for one.  Dem Harvard boys like to outspend each other.  That millionaire club like to put up or shut up.  La crÃĻme de la crÃĻme will spend La most de la Most!!!

Harvard Club offers packages, depending on the type of facility and meal service required.  This would have been agreed upfront, and you bet they would have also demanded a sizeable part of this upfront as well.  This given that the gov't of GY isn't a member of the Harvard Club.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Bullschitt!   Every member there is an alumnus or a faculty member.  Riyad has no clout there.  Plus nah think you deh a Bourda market bargaining for two for one.  Dem Harvard boys like to outspend each other.  That millionaire club like to put up or shut up.  La crÃĻme de la crÃĻme will spend La most de la Most!!!

Harvard Club offers packages, depending on the type of facility and meal service required.  This would have been agreed upfront, and you bet they would have also demanded a sizeable part of this upfront as well.  This given that the gov't of GY isn't a member of the Harvard Club.

The entire bill was paid in full two weeks ago!!!!!!! 

Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Progressive my foot.  When dem this gaan home to Crown Heights later today, nobody can find dem back.  Why is Ramjattan bracing up so much on Somar at the back deh???

If you think that Harvard C is going to allow this event and not collect their money upfront you must be smoking something.

I also suspect that most paid with their credit cards, so if it didn't go through they wouldn't have a ticket.

But continue.  I see that the PPP "investor conferences" with Ed Ahmad are more to your taste.  Of course Ed is likely living in gov't housing, isn't paying any rent, and only sees the sky when his hosts allow him to. 

Being a pretty boy he might also be very "popular" with some of the guys.  Just like RK, whose prison pictures showed a man who was clearly being brutalized.


Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
ba$eman posted:
caribny posted:
ba$eman posted:

I would still likle to understand, apart from mining and natural resource extraction, what value proposition and they putting forward to attract business.  Guyana is not an attractive market to sell into, so they must have in mind an (re) exportable value proposition. Infrastructure is lacking, energy is expensive and unreliable, available skills are limited.

They cuss the PPP so much and promise they can do better.  lets see what they can do. I tell you, they dont know their head from their tail.

I find you funny. You said that the coalition gov't isn't doing anything to grow the economy.

Yet when they do something about it, you get angry.  Had the PPP being doing this you would ne jumping up and down like a chimp daring any one to condemn this conference.

When the PPP had their little roti shop meetings in RH to talk to real estate and mortgage brokers you thought that was great. Now the coalition try to meet people who are outside of that group you and the rest of your brown KKK are angered.

It is a GOOD thing to try to educate mainstream investors about what Guyana has to offer!

Listen banna, without cheap reliable power, the offerings are slim.  The biggest attraction Guyana has is in mining/extraction with export in mind.  Oil was most exciting to bring breadth and depth, but that's now in the back burner for a long time.

The PPP's quest for hydro power was the single most transformative move in recent time.  Your boys killed it, so now you have slim pickings!  The PNC/AFC will not transform Guyana, not by a long shot!!

The cost factor was questionable,there is currently a re-assessment maybe it will come to fruition.

How much money are you committing to invest today?

My personal business,are you pot salt ?

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Come on, take out your wallet and don't ask me no questions.  Here is your chance of a lifetime to put your money where your mouth is.

Ah don't know why you suh botheration,yuh lil hyper today.

I made some dough during PNC time initial investment $300.00

Even Drugb claimed to have made money during PNC time with his smuggling and black marketing to his own relatives.

Mitwah posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Come on, take out your wallet and don't ask me no questions.  Here is your chance of a lifetime to put your money where your mouth is.

Ah don't know why you suh botheration,yuh lil hyper today.

I made some dough during PNC time initial investment $300.00

Even Drugb claimed to have made money during PNC time with his smuggling and black marketing to his own relatives.

Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yeah.  I'm in dah house.  Me looking fuh you

You could be the next Brassington.

Could happen yes.  And then, Next jubilee there will be no shortage of hotel space  China ware.  No plastic plates!!

I like my purine leaf and seven curry.

Oh gaaad no.  Then Carib would say coolie people have no etiquette.  Dem slurping dem dholl and rice and curry dripping all over the place.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Could happen yes.  And then, Next jubilee there will be no shortage of hotel space  China ware.  No plastic plates!!

I like my purine leaf and seven curry.

Oh gaaad no.  Then Carib would say coolie people have no etiquette.  Dem slurping dem dholl and rice and curry dripping all over the place.

Is coolies like Mitwah have Black people like Caribj thinking we rustic, cannot use knife and fork and belong in the cane fields and backdam and Queens roti shops.   This Black people eye pass was always there in Guyana and it's deep in the minds of many Afros in the US.

That was the baseline resulting in paper plates and HDPE thermoplastic cutlery being in vogue at the gala jubilee dinner!!  It was a step up from Mitwah's purine leaf!!

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Mitwah posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Yeah.  I'm in dah house.  Me looking fuh you

You could be the next Brassington.

Could happen yes.  And then, Next jubilee there will be no shortage of hotel space  China ware.  No plastic plates!!

I like my purine leaf and seven curry.

Oh gaaad no.  Then Carib would say coolie people have no etiquette.  Dem slurping dem dholl and rice and curry dripping all over the place.

It might cure his grand delusion.

Mitwah posted:
Cobra posted:

I believe DAG administration can do excellent in prostitution business. They need to woo in investors to put up w/houses all over Guyana. Granger set the stage for buggerism on May 26th.

That's a PPP thing. Would you like me to post Jagdeo and Ramotar pictures?

I know you're good at posting pictures, but I am speaking of business ventures that is fitting for black entrepreneurs in Granger Guyana. Why do you seem so offended about my business opinion?


From my info. the event was not sold out, many who bought tickets were told this will be an information session and also a meet and greet the ministers. From the attendee list, most are PNC supporters and not necessary business people. Foreign investors lacks confidence in the present government, for after one year no sign of progress, Same Old, Same Old. What we wanted to change only got worst, what this government can export is Auditors, because for one year they were searching, digging and scrutinizing the past and the present caught up with them ,where they are GUILTY.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Progressive my foot.  When dem this gaan home to Crown Heights later today, nobody can find dem back.  Why is Ramjattan bracing up so much on Somar at the back deh???

If you think that Harvard C is going to allow this event and not collect their money upfront you must be smoking something.

I also suspect that most paid with their credit cards, so if it didn't go through they wouldn't have a ticket.

But continue.  I see that the PPP "investor conferences" with Ed Ahmad are more to your taste.  Of course Ed is likely living in gov't housing, isn't paying any rent, and only sees the sky when his hosts allow him to. 

Being a pretty boy he might also be very "popular" with some of the guys.  Just like RK, whose prison pictures showed a man who was clearly being brutalized.


These people are pitiful.  This is why Guyana will not progress.  The government is trying to do something positive but they are so caught up in their biases that it blinds them.  Some of the comments are downright  stupid. You can't expect much from people with low IQs.

Last edited by Former Member

This govt is as crooked as possible. Notice that CaribJ did not show up to support this initiative. They are trying to lure investors to Guyana and rob them blind. These idiots in office don't have any economic plans and they are definitely anti business as we have seen how they treat the business community as criminals. 


These ppl are not investors, they have no impact on the events. Their sentiments will not alter the outcome.

If it is anything like Toronto, last year. Then it would fail because they failed to take a lesson.

Doing Business in Guyana, is not for the faint of heart. One needs alot of stamina to deal with the fools encountered at GOINVEST and some ministries.

Django posted:
Cobra posted:

I believe DAG administration can do excellent in prostitution business. They need to woo in investors to put up w/houses all over Guyana. Granger set the stage for buggerism on May 26th.

Wondering if Lombard St still active,where is Nehru come in Gamont still around.

You get the wrong idea about Nehru. He don't hang out in them dutty place like the one you mention.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Oh gaaad no.  Then Carib would say coolie people have no etiquette.  Dem slurping dem dholl and rice and curry dripping all over the place.

Poor Janet almost had her first heart attack when your cousins engaged in this rustic behavior.

She also had to teach them not to squat on the toilet seat, as too often they missed.


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