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I am interested in knowing the PPP plan to fighting crime. It does not seem to be a priority for this party even though crime is fast becoming an industry and a blight for the country. And don’t tell me that more job should will translate to less crimes. That idea does not work in Guyana.

Dondadda posted:

I am interested in knowing the PPP plan to fighting crime. It does not seem to be a priority for this party even though crime is fast becoming an industry and a blight for the country. And don’t tell me that more job should will translate to less crimes. That idea does not work in Guyana.

There is no plan. If there was, it would have been implemented long ago when they were in power. Its the same bullshit story. Neither the PPP or PNC got any clue on how to fight crime. And this is a small country with a small population 

Politics bai. I want your vote and I'll tell u anything u want hear.

Dondadda posted:

I am interested in knowing the PPP plan to fighting crime. It does not seem to be a priority for this party even though crime is fast becoming an industry and a blight for the country. And don’t tell me that more job should will translate to less crimes. That idea does not work in Guyana.

PPP has always been weak on combatting crime. Gail gave a BS answer in Toronto when asked about combating crime in Guyana. Dem Guyanese politicians are living in a different world when it comes to addressing crime in Guyana. 

PNC is even more hapless than PPP in fighting crime. It boils down to the lesser of two evils. 

Dondadda posted:

I am interested in knowing the PPP plan to fighting crime. It does not seem to be a priority for this party even though crime is fast becoming an industry and a blight for the country. And don’t tell me that more job should will translate to less crimes. That idea does not work in Guyana.

Hey hey hey...nobady can deal wid de crime...PPP gat to pay up dem hustle bais and pusher bais foh protection again. De PNC army/police and leagal profession is foh destabilise. PPP gat to keep mekkin deal wid devil foh survive...hey hey hey. Does is de reality...

Sheik101 posted:
Dondadda posted:

I am interested in knowing the PPP plan to fighting crime. It does not seem to be a priority for this party even though crime is fast becoming an industry and a blight for the country. And don’t tell me that more job should will translate to less crimes. That idea does not work in Guyana.

There is no plan. If there was, it would have been implemented long ago when they were in power. Its the same bullshit story. 

Wha wrang wid yuh? Last time Roger Khan & Ronald Gajraj brought down crime so low that the remaining criminals were pissing in their pants. Roger Khan is free again, and maybe....😎

Gilbakka posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Dondadda posted:

I am interested in knowing the PPP plan to fighting crime. It does not seem to be a priority for this party even though crime is fast becoming an industry and a blight for the country. And don’t tell me that more job should will translate to less crimes. That idea does not work in Guyana.

There is no plan. If there was, it would have been implemented long ago when they were in power. Its the same bullshit story. 

Wha wrang wid yuh? Last time Roger Khan & Ronald Gajraj brought down crime so low that the remaining criminals were pissing in their pants. Roger Khan is free again, and maybe....😎

Yuh putting de PPP pon a spot deh Gilly. Dem nah want hear thing lakka dah. Especially now. And ah sure Raja want stay low low. Uncle Sam ah watch am.


They need a third force to augment the GPF and GDF!  Intelligence gathering needs to be enhanced and moved out to the special force!  There seems too much corruption which allows criminals to thrive!  Install facial recognition tech like the Chinese are doing so criminals can be tagged, tracked and eliminated!

To break the back of the criminal syndicates, Guyanese may have to temporarily cede some rights so law enforcement can have more freedom to act!

Furthermore, pass some new laws enhancing capital punishments and carry them out!

Sheik101 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Dondadda posted:

I am interested in knowing the PPP plan to fighting crime. It does not seem to be a priority for this party even though crime is fast becoming an industry and a blight for the country. And don’t tell me that more job should will translate to less crimes. That idea does not work in Guyana.

There is no plan. If there was, it would have been implemented long ago when they were in power. Its the same bullshit story. 

Wha wrang wid yuh? Last time Roger Khan & Ronald Gajraj brought down crime so low that the remaining criminals were pissing in their pants. Roger Khan is free again, and maybe....😎

Yuh putting de PPP pon a spot deh Gilly. Dem nah want hear thing lakka dah. Especially now. And ah sure Raja want stay low low. Uncle Sam ah watch am.

My personal opinion is not a reflection of the PPP/C  position. And the emoticon with sunglasses indicates that I am not serious. 

Gilbakka posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Dondadda posted:

I am interested in knowing the PPP plan to fighting crime. It does not seem to be a priority for this party even though crime is fast becoming an industry and a blight for the country. And don’t tell me that more job should will translate to less crimes. That idea does not work in Guyana.

There is no plan. If there was, it would have been implemented long ago when they were in power. Its the same bullshit story. 

Wha wrang wid yuh? Last time Roger Khan & Ronald Gajraj brought down crime so low that the remaining criminals were pissing in their pants. Roger Khan is free again, and maybe....😎

Yuh putting de PPP pon a spot deh Gilly. Dem nah want hear thing lakka dah. Especially now. And ah sure Raja want stay low low. Uncle Sam ah watch am.

My personal opinion is not a reflection of the PPP/C  position. And the emoticon with sunglasses indicates that I am not serious. 

Meh know, bai. meh know.


Guyana is a small country where everyone knows everyone and also know what everyone is doing. If the police were ever serious with curbing crimes all they had to do was ask the first person they see. The trouble is that while everyone in Guyana talks about crimes, everyone is contributing to it in one way or the other. Currently the biggest law of the land is being violated by Granger and his illegally squatting cabal.


Gadaha is the biggest Criminal!! He is solely responsible for the Lawlessness, criminality, indecency, immorality and disrespect for Law, Courts and Constitution. He is WORST than Mughabe, Baby Doc and Ian Smith put together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  AND THAT IS A FACT!!!


The first thing the fvck did after becoming president was commissioned Burnham’s grave his pilgrimage site, gave Green Guyana’s second highest honor and released a bunch of prisoners.


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