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The opposition has been demoralized.


Granger called for a revolution today. Even his own supporters ignored his call. PNC supporters are upset that Granger was dragged into the ditch by political losers like Moses and Rumjhattan.


The President crushed the opposition with the store of a pen.


Granger now has no other choice but to crawl back to the office of the president, cup in hand.


Moses and Rumjhattan are nowhere to be seen and Gerhard is laughing his head off at the failure of the AFC.  He jumped ship just in time to avoid the shame and disgrace that the AFC has to deal with today.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by HM_Redux:


You are intentionally lying and misleading readers here. I am not sperm man Anil seh you are a low breed. 




* You are free to post on all threads the Rev starts.


* Thanks for taking the time to read my posts.




* And so the Rev refuses to engage with you on GNI.


* Listen! Anytime you ask an intelligent question or make an intelligent post I shall respond to you. Try raising your standards. You ought to consider it a privilege to be able to interact with the Rev. But you must first display a modicum of intelligence.


Rev de Antiman

You are a giant jackass.

Originally Posted by Rev:



* The PPP is not afraid of holding elections.


* The reason President Ramotar chose to prorogue was he didn't want to give the opposition the satisfaction they sought in bringing down the PPP government via a no confidence.


* In proroguing parliament Ramotar demonstrated superior confidence, authority and decisiveness.


* The majority of Guyanese support the president's decision to prorogue.


* Whenever elections are called the PPP is guaranteed to win a minimum of 51% of the votes.






* The reason President Ramotar chose to prorogue was he didn't want to give the opposition the satisfaction they sought in bringing down the PPP government via a no confidence.


dAT SAYS IT ALL. Jabba DaGut has dat feelin in his gut that they would be brought down. We all have dat feeling and we all know dats why he did the sleazy deed.

Originally Posted by Spice Girl:


AFC supporters LOVE and ADORE Moses. We will die for him. 



* It has become patently obvious to the vast majority of Guyanese people that Moses Nagamootoo is driven by personal hatred for the PPP and he is dead set against progress and prosperity in a PPP led Guyana.


* In the next election Moses and the AFC will be lucky to pull half the votes they got in 2011.






* You notice the Dead Wuk Pandit aka the Dead wood pandit vexing up himself in this thread---the 60  year old bai calling names like crazy.


* But the way you deal with vulgar men like the dead wuk/dead wood pandit is you never address them directly.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* The PPP is not afraid of holding elections.

Who yuh fooling, boy? The National Assembly passed three local government bills earlier this year, bills that gave August 1 as deadline to hold LGE.

If the PPP is not afraid of elections, why didn't Ramotar meet the August deadline? He and Rohee gave one cock-and-bull excuse after another and backed down from LGE.

They sent tantaria Priya right into the US Ambassador's house to cuss down the man, just because he chided them for not holding LGE that is 17 years overdue.




Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

Why is Ramotar so terrified of Moses? Why is Ramotar running from the people of Guyana?


* OK you have asked 2 questions without being vulgar, so I'll respond.


* Listen! Nobody is terrified of Moses---He has become a laughing stock in Guyana---he is a walking dead.


* For months Moses pranced around Guyana bragging and boasting that he would bring down the PPP government with the no confidence vote he sponsored----President Ramotar castrated him with the prorogue.


* You asked why Ramotar was running from the people of Guyana ?


* Listen! It was a masterstroke by the President to prorogue---the people now see him as a confident and decisive leader.




* In the next election Ramotar is guaranteed a majority win.



Originally Posted by cain:

* The reason President Ramotar chose to prorogue was he didn't want to give the opposition the satisfaction they sought in bringing down the PPP government via a no confidence.



remember dat one Rev?


* Rev is a man of integrity and You can always expect 100% honesty from him



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:



The opposition has been demoralized.





* The opposition politicians were rattled, embarrassed and discombobulated by the President's decision to prorogue. They never expected such decisiveness from the President.


* Like I stated before--Moses and company were excited about bringing down the PPP government via no confidence---they would have then travel the length and breadth of Guyana bragging about their power and mocking the PPP----Ramotar castrated them by proroguing.



Originally Posted by cain:

* The reason President Ramotar chose to prorogue was he didn't want to give the opposition the satisfaction they sought in bringing down the PPP government via a no confidence.



remember dat one Rev?

President Donald Ramotar's decision to prorogue parliament speeds up the process for the opposition to either become serious with the issues in Guyana or face an election within three to six months.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Who yuh fooling, boy? The National Assembly passed three local government bills earlier this year, bills that gave August 1 as deadline to hold LGE.



* Granger asked for LGE---the President gave him LGE by the 2nd quarter of 2015.


* But Granger wasn't satisfied---he then chose to support Moses no confidence.




* In the eyes of the Guyanese people, the President is the clear WINNER.



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

* The reason President Ramotar chose to prorogue was he didn't want to give the opposition the satisfaction they sought in bringing down the PPP government via a no confidence.



remember dat one Rev?

President Donald Ramotar's decision to prorogue parliament speeds up the process for the opposition to either become serious with the issues in Guyana or face an election within three to six months.

The serious issue in Guyana is the dam Govt, there is no confidence in them, they are useless, got it?  The country will face an election(s)the present Govt has to go.

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by cain:

* The reason President Ramotar chose to prorogue was he didn't want to give the opposition the satisfaction they sought in bringing down the PPP government via a no confidence.



remember dat one Rev?

President Donald Ramotar's decision to prorogue parliament speeds up the process for the opposition to either become serious with the issues in Guyana or face an election within three to six months.

The serious issue in Guyana is the dam Govt, there is no confidence in them, they are useless, got it?  The country will face an election(s)the present Govt has to go.

And therefore Guyanese will have the option soon for new elections shortly or in 2016.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

President Donald Ramotar simply reduced the process for an election within six months.


* More importantly the President wins the PERCEPTION battle.


* If the opposition had brought down the PPP government---the PPP would have been perceived by the Guyanese people to be weak and incompetent.


* But by proroguing the President stopped the opposition's momentum in its tracks----the opposition are the ones who now look weak and incompetent in the yes of the Guyanese people.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

Who yuh fooling, boy? The National Assembly passed three local government bills earlier this year, bills that gave August 1 as deadline to hold LGE.



* Granger asked for LGE---the President gave him LGE by the 2nd quarter of 2015.

Who yuh fooling again, boy? Is only a week ago Ramotar mentioned the 2nd quarter of 2015. What happened all the time before that, eh?

I wonder how yuh pass yuh university exams. You putting B befo A and 3 after 5. In short, your argumentation has fallacies, flaws, distortions, deviousness, tomfoolery.

But then again, I recognize that you're on this BB for sheer fun and mischief and cheap shots at those 2 Berbician stars.








Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

President Donald Ramotar simply reduced the process for an election within six months.

* More importantly the President wins the PERCEPTION battle.


* If the opposition had brought down the PPP government---the PPP would have been perceived by the Guyanese people to be weak and incompetent.


* But by proroguing the President stopped the opposition's momentum in its tracks----the opposition are the ones who now look weak and incompetent in the yes of the Guyanese people.



Most importantly, President Donald Ramotar placed the decision directly in the hands of the voters to make the decision at the next election for the party which will govern the country.

Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Who yuh fooling again, boy?




* I am actually smiling at your referring to the Rev as "boy".


* I know you have been quite frustrated since the President's decision to prorogue, so if it gives you a feeling of superiority calling the Rev "boy" go right ahead.



Rev boy, feel free to call Gilly boy.

We grew up in Guyana addressing friends cordially as boy or bai. Same thing.

Me nah frustrated, man. I'm a veteran chattry soldier. A battle is not a war.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Most importantly, President Donald Ramotar placed the decision directly in the hands of the voters to make the decision at the next election for the party which will govern the country.




Character is revealed in decisive moments.


* And the Guyanese voters have witnessed the true character of their president. They admire and respect what they have witnessed.


* Come election time the President will be rewarded with a majority win by the Guyanese voters.



Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Most importantly, President Donald Ramotar placed the decision directly in the hands of the voters to make the decision at the next election for the party which will govern the country.




Character is revealed in decisive moments.


* And the Guyanese voters have witnessed the true character of their president. They admire and respect what they have witnessed.


* Come election time the President will be rewarded with a majority win by the Guyanese voters.




Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Most importantly, President Donald Ramotar placed the decision directly in the hands of the voters to make the decision at the next election for the party which will govern the country.




Character is revealed in decisive moments.


* And the Guyanese voters have witnessed the true character of their president. They admire and respect what they have witnessed.


* Come election time the President will be rewarded with a majority win by the Guyanese voters.



Correct ... and as I have stated in a previous thread ...


President Donald Ramotar walks softly and quietly, yet he has a "huge big stick" to use, when apt.



   awesome emoticon     big dancing banana emoticon

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Most importantly, President Donald Ramotar placed the decision directly in the hands of the voters to make the decision at the next election for the party which will govern the country.




Character is revealed in decisive moments.


* And the Guyanese voters have witnessed the true character of their president. They admire and respect what they have witnessed.


* Come election time the President will be rewarded with a majority win by the Guyanese voters.



Correct ... and as I have stated in a previous thread ...


President Donald Ramotar walks softly and quietly, yet he has a "huge big stick" to use, when apt.



 girl happy dance emoticon   super happy dance emoticon       big dancing banana emoticon

he should loan dat big stick to Anil when apt, ketch ma drift


If Jailil was here he woulda say the one in pink is Kwame, the middle one yugi the useless one at de end I guess DG.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Most importantly, President Donald Ramotar placed the decision directly in the hands of the voters to make the decision at the next election for the party which will govern the country.




Character is revealed in decisive moments.


* And the Guyanese voters have witnessed the true character of their president. They admire and respect what they have witnessed.


* Come election time the President will be rewarded with a majority win by the Guyanese voters.



Correct ... and as I have stated in a previous thread ...


President Donald Ramotar walks softly and quietly, yet he has a "huge big stick" to use, when apt.



 girl happy dance emoticon   super happy dance emoticon       big dancing banana emoticon

TMI. Please keep your secrets about Donald's "Big Stick" to yourself. 

Originally Posted by Rev:



* People admire strong-minded, resolute and decisive leaders.


* The majority of Guyanese today are proud of their President.


* There is peace and unity all over Guyana.


* The poisonous Moses Nagamootoo, Khemraj Ramjattan and David Granger are trying to stir up chaos in Guyana, but they are being roundly ignored.


* On GNI the blowhards and blabbermouths remain in a state of shock---they never expected Ramotar to be so courageous and forceful----he shocked the hell out of those whiners.



Rev how do you know?  A jumbie appeared in a dream last night and told you?

Originally Posted by Rev:


* The PPP will never please 100% of the Guyanese people. That's impossible.


* But as of today a solid 51% are excited and energized by Donald Ramotar and the Peoples Progressive Party(PPP).


* Regarding the 49% who despise the PPP----let them suck salt.



The last evidence was that 51% of the population hated the PPP.


What proof do you have that it changed other than the fact that you are hallucinating?


I know you think that you are God but really you are just a pathetic little man who suffers from some sort of mental problem which makes you inflate yourself.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

President Rammo calls the shots and used that power to eject the entire opposition from parliament.



Not it only takes a dictator to do it.  What about that snap election you all were threatening.  I thought that Ramotar would have announced elections to be held in January.


How come he didn't?  Given that the Lord appears unto you with visions, you ought to be telling us.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Rev how do you know?  A jumbie appeared in a dream last night and told you?




* You now believe in Jumbie ?


* Listen! Be honest and give credit where it's rightfully due.


* It was a master stroke by the President to prorogue parliament.


* Right now Ramotar's stocks are sky high while Moses, Ramjattan and Granger are crashing.


* It is now obvious to the Guyanese people who the winners and losers are in Guyana politics.


*Come next election the voters will re-elect Ramotar with a majority.



Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Most importantly, President Donald Ramotar placed the decision directly in the hands of the voters to make the decision at the next election for the party which will govern the country.




Character is revealed in decisive moments.


* And the Guyanese voters have witnessed the true character of their president. They admire and respect what they have witnessed.


* Come election time the President will be rewarded with a majority win by the Guyanese voters.



Correct ... and as I have stated in a previous thread ...


President Donald Ramotar walks softly and quietly, yet he has a "huge big stick" to use, when apt.



 girl happy dance emoticon   super happy dance emoticon       big dancing banana emoticon

he should loan dat big stick to Anil when apt, ketch ma drift


If Jailil was here he woulda say the one in pink is Kwame, the middle one yugi the useless one at de end I guess DG.

Each one should should have a personal one .. no need to loan, Cain. 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Most importantly, President Donald Ramotar placed the decision directly in the hands of the voters to make the decision at the next election for the party which will govern the country.




Character is revealed in decisive moments.


* And the Guyanese voters have witnessed the true character of their president. They admire and respect what they have witnessed.


* Come election time the President will be rewarded with a majority win by the Guyanese voters.



Correct ... and as I have stated in a previous thread ...


President Donald Ramotar walks softly and quietly, yet he has a "huge big stick" to use, when apt.



 girl happy dance emoticon   super happy dance emoticon       big dancing banana emoticon

TMI. Please keep your secrets about Donald's "Big Stick" to yourself. 

    dancing with joy emoticon  happy friends emoticon   very excited emoticon


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