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Originally Posted by Conscience:

Complacency played a major role, should a snap election be called tomorrow, the Guyanese populace would have the wise decision,and endorse the PPP/C with a majority, thus ensuring progress continues

 Tell that lie to yourself. Complacency would be the excuse if you folks were not out there campaigning for dear life to save our loot sources. You lost because you are crooks and you will lose worse because what the people believed has been confirmed. You only had 3 percent to defend and you lost six!


The Guyanese populace has realize the sinister motives of the joint opposition in the National Assembly, and are saying, never again to the joint opposition calls for support, the AFC/PNC are totally anti-working class, and seems to be on a quest to put hard working Guyanese on the breadline, then refer to those hard working citizens, as mere collateral damage

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Guyanese populace has realize the sinister motives of the joint opposition in the National Assembly, and are saying, never again to the joint opposition calls for support, the AFC/PNC are totally anti-working class, and seems to be on a quest to put hard working Guyanese on the breadline, then refer to those hard working citizens, as mere collateral damage

Quit speaking for the Guyanese people as if you are their god and can read their minds. You believe as you did at election time past, that you will win. You lost then despite co opting the machinery of the state to cravenly work your corrupt will on the people.


I wonder how Jagdeo and his million dollar homes not to mention the rest of the corrupt PPP cabal and their ostentatious display of obscene wealth will classify as working class.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

As stated before the Guyanese Populace has witness for themselves, the sinister motives of the joint opposition and how anti-working class they are, in any event of snap elections, the Guyanese Populace will ensure progress continues and thus will endorse the PPP/C government with a majority

All they witnessed to date was the multi layered corrupt practices of the PPP as they are disrobed in public and their corruption laid naked and bare. You are defending another 14 percent to lose power and 8 percent to be stripped of it constitutionally. The latter looms large.

Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will garner 55-58% of the popular vote.

I remember this prediction last time.


They got 49%.


Now why will black and mixed voters, who rejected the PPP in 1992, `1997, 2001, 2006 and in 2011 suddenly change their minds.


You will get that vote if blacks and mixed voters stay home.  Some how I suspect that the APNU and the AFC will see to it that they dont.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will garner 55-58% of the popular vote.

I remember this prediction last time.


They got 49%.


Now why will black and mixed voters, who rejected the PPP in 1992, `1997, 2001, 2006 and in 2011 suddenly change their minds.


You will get that vote if blacks and mixed voters stay home.  Some how I suspect that the APNU and the AFC will see to it that they dont.



The last time I expected them in the low 40's.  BTW, some Afros and lots of duglas vote PPP.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The INDIAN populace has realize the sinister motives of the joint opposition in the National Assembly, and are saying, never again to the joint opposition calls for support, the AFC/PNC are totally anti-working class, and seems to be on a quest to put hard working Guyanese on the breadline, then refer to those hard working citizens, as mere collateral damage

Because racists like you think that they are the only ones who matter.


The second and third largest voting blocks voted against the PPP in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006, and 2011.  They account for at least 45% of the population and the PNC got 41%, based on this bloc, with many AFC votes also coming from these groups.


The PPP can fool themselves, as they have done since 1997, that they are making deep inroads into the African and mixed voting blocs.  Yet clearly the PPP is stuck at roughly 50% of the votes, suggesting that they arent.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will garner 55-58% of the popular vote.

I remember this prediction last time.


They got 49%.


Now why will black and mixed voters, who rejected the PPP in 1992, `1997, 2001, 2006 and in 2011 suddenly change their minds.


You will get that vote if blacks and mixed voters stay home.  Some how I suspect that the APNU and the AFC will see to it that they dont.



The last time I expected them in the low 40's.

PPPites screamed 60%.  Now that your hatred of blacks has landed you back in that IndoNazi party, with the AFC not acting as an annex of the PPP as you thought that they would, you are back in the PPP.


The PPP will NOT make the inroads into the African and mixed blocs that they had failed to do in the prior 20 years.  There is NOTHING that Ramotar has done except attacking protesting blacks on at least two occassions.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

PPP will garner 55-58% of the popular vote.

I remember this prediction last time.


They got 49%.


Now why will black and mixed voters, who rejected the PPP in 1992, `1997, 2001, 2006 and in 2011 suddenly change their minds.


You will get that vote if blacks and mixed voters stay home.  Some how I suspect that the APNU and the AFC will see to it that they dont.



The last time I expected them in the low 40's.

PPPites screamed 60%.  Now that your hatred of blacks has landed you back in that IndoNazi party, with the AFC not acting as an annex of the PPP as you thought that they would, you are back in the PPP.


The PPP will NOT make the inroads into the African and mixed blocs that they had failed to do in the prior 20 years.  There is NOTHING that Ramotar has done except attacking protesting blacks on at least two occassions.

Baseman knows what he is saying.  The AFC providing you good talking points.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

PPPites screamed 60%.  Now that your hatred of blacks has landed you back in that IndoNazi party, with the AFC not acting as an annex of the PPP as you thought that they would, you are back in the PPP.


The PPP will NOT make the inroads into the African and mixed blocs that they had failed to do in the prior 20 years.  There is NOTHING that Ramotar has done except attacking protesting blacks on at least two occassions.

Baseman knows what he is saying.  The AFC providing you good talking points.

Baseman you told me that Romney would win.


You really ought to listen to what I have to say.



Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:

PPPites screamed 60%.  Now that your hatred of blacks has landed you back in that IndoNazi party, with the AFC not acting as an annex of the PPP as you thought that they would, you are back in the PPP.


The PPP will NOT make the inroads into the African and mixed blocs that they had failed to do in the prior 20 years.  There is NOTHING that Ramotar has done except attacking protesting blacks on at least two occassions.

Baseman knows what he is saying.  The AFC providing you good talking points.

Baseman you told me that Romney would win.


You really ought to listen to what I have to say.



I knew he was going to lose, it was uphill and he talked too much crap.  Caribj, PPP got 49% last time when the AFC bled away 8-10 of their constituency.  That will not recur, most will go back "home" and the PPP will walk away with that figure.  Guyana blacks don't hate the PPP, they hate anything "Indian", which they claim the PPP represents.

Originally Posted by baseman:

I knew he [Romney] was going to lose . . .

loser antiman LIAR in full . . .


[Baseman10/20/12] "It seems an epic collapse indeed . . . Obama is headed to early retirement."


[Baseman early on 11/06/12] "Obama is on his way out."


perhaps u had a 'different' position using an alternate nic . . . and just got confused, no?

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I knew he [Romney] was going to lose . . .

loser antiman LIAR in full . . .


[Baseman10/20/12] "It seems an epic collapse indeed . . . Obama is headed to early retirement."


[Baseman early on 11/06/12] "Obama is on his way out."


perhaps u had a 'different' position using an alternate nic . . . and just got confused, no?

Hey Barwa, You predicted that the KFC would win the Election, so shut up!!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I knew he [Romney] was going to lose . . .

loser antiman LIAR in full . . .


[Baseman10/20/12] "It seems an epic collapse indeed . . . Obama is headed to early retirement."


[Baseman early on 11/06/12] "Obama is on his way out."


perhaps u had a 'different' position using an alternate nic . . . and just got confused, no?

Hey Barwa, You predicted that the KFC would win the Election, so shut up!!!!

read again moron . . . pay attention to context this time


hint: my post has nothing to do with predicting 'wrong'


smh . . . antiman looking to 'rescue' fellow antiman FRAUD

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I knew he [Romney] was going to lose . . .

loser antiman LIAR in full . . .


[Baseman10/20/12] "It seems an epic collapse indeed . . . Obama is headed to early retirement."


[Baseman early on 11/06/12] "Obama is on his way out."


perhaps u had a 'different' position using an alternate nic . . . and just got confused, no?

Boi, I was just being hopeful, especially after the first debate and the Romney surge.  I knew the odds were against him and he had baggage.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I knew he [Romney] was going to lose . . .

loser antiman LIAR in full . . .


[Baseman10/20/12] "It seems an epic collapse indeed . . . Obama is headed to early retirement."


[Baseman early on 11/06/12] "Obama is on his way out."


perhaps u had a 'different' position using an alternate nic . . . and just got confused, no?

Boi, I was just being hopeful, especially after the first debate and the Romney surge.  I knew the odds were against him and he had baggage.

You did more than hope. You cited 'numbers' as ' evidence', pontificated on best strategy, and even insisted on the 'blackman' being a fraud that white people have come to know. It is not hope that moved you but your caustic racism.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by baseman:

I knew he [Romney] was going to lose . . .

loser antiman LIAR in full . . .


[Baseman10/20/12] "It seems an epic collapse indeed . . . Obama is headed to early retirement."


[Baseman early on 11/06/12] "Obama is on his way out."


perhaps u had a 'different' position using an alternate nic . . . and just got confused, no?

Boi, I was just being hopeful . . .

nothing sadder than a cornered bigot antiman

Originally Posted by baseman:


Guyana blacks don't hate the PPP, they hate anything "Indian", which they claim the PPP represents.

Blacks and mixed voters are 45% of the vote.  Given that not every Indian nor Amerindian will vote PPP, and given that blacks/mixed voters rejected the PPP by 95% there is NO probability that the PPP gets more than 50-53%.  The AFC took away some votes in Region 5 and 6, but lost mnay in regions 4 and 10, so it evens out.


I can just as easily say that Indians do not hate APNU, they just hate anything black.  Both major races have similar revulsion for political parties led by the other race.  Had Nigel Hughes and not Nagamootoo campaigned in PPP strongholds the AFC would have been thrashed.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:


Guyana blacks don't hate the PPP, they hate anything "Indian", which they claim the PPP represents.

Blacks and mixed voters are 45% of the vote.  Given that not every Indian nor Amerindian will vote PPP, and given that blacks/mixed voters rejected the PPP by 95% there is NO probability that the PPP gets more than 50-53%.  The AFC took away some votes in Region 5 and 6, but lost mnay in regions 4 and 10, so it evens out.


I can just as easily say that Indians do not hate APNU, they just hate anything black.  Both major races have similar revulsion for political parties led by the other race.  Had Nigel Hughes and not Nagamootoo campaigned in PPP strongholds the AFC would have been thrashed.

All we need is 50.01 %. Guyana will always vote race.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

As stated before the INDIAN Populace has witness for themselves, the sinister motives of the joint opposition and how anti-working class (only very wealthy people work) they are, in any event of snap elections, the INDIAN Populace will ensure progress continues For RICH INDIANS and thus will endorse the PPP/C government with a majority


I agree.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:

All we need is 50.01 %. Guyana will always vote race.

And every time the 49.9% have demonstrations you all will start weeping.


Guyana will not have progress and Indians will not feel safe once 45% of the country feels excluded.

Are you threatening Indians PUNK????/

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:

All we need is 50.01 %. Guyana will always vote race.

And every time the 49.9% have demonstrations you all will start weeping.


Guyana will not have progress and Indians will not feel safe once 45% of the country feels excluded.

Are you threatening Indians PUNK????/

The 49.9%? Mo fiah. Slow fiah. First thought after defeat .. demonstrations and violence. Demonstrations lead to rape, murder and burning down Indian businesses by the PNC.


My Friends, isn't it time for Guyanese to think like Americans, that a White country can have a Black man ruling. There will be an election in 2013, the machinery is already in place by the ruling government and this time around, be it Blacks, brown, yella and dugla will vote for the PPP. The racial divide is slowly being eraced. Guyana had the largest economic growth than many of the Carribean Countries and even more than USA and Canada, at 5.8%. Oil is on the horizon, Gold  is at $1,700.00 per ounce, OH| that's US dollars and we have the largest credit by Norway for a Green environment. The ruling PPP has enough to spend to buy votes, that is politics????

Originally Posted by kp:

My Friends, isn't it time for Guyanese to think like Americans, that a White country can have a Black man ruling. There will be an election in 2013, the machinery is already in place by the ruling government and this time around, be it Blacks, brown, yella and dugla will vote for the PPP. The racial divide is slowly being eraced. Guyana had the largest economic growth than many of the Carribean Countries and even more than USA and Canada, at 5.8%. Oil is on the horizon, Gold  is at $1,700.00 per ounce, OH| that's US dollars and we have the largest credit by Norway for a Green environment. The ruling PPP has enough to spend to buy votes, that is politics????


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by kp:

My Friends, isn't it time for Guyanese to think like Americans, that a White country can have a Black man ruling. There will be an election in 2013, the machinery is already in place by the ruling government and this time around, be it Blacks, brown, yella and dugla will vote for the PPP. The racial divide is slowly being eraced. Guyana had the largest economic growth than many of the Carribean Countries and even more than USA and Canada, at 5.8%. Oil is on the horizon, Gold  is at $1,700.00 per ounce, OH| that's US dollars and we have the largest credit by Norway for a Green environment. The ruling PPP has enough to spend to buy votes, that is politics????




You dinos living in North America see Guyana through the lenses of 50 yrs ago of race based politics.  It is a shame that you cling to old ideas and sterotypes. Guyanese under 35 are less concerned about race and that bodes well for the future.  Everything changes the world around us is constantly evolving and it is in Guyana too.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by caribny:

All we need is 50.01 %. Guyana will always vote race.

And every time the 49.9% have demonstrations you all will start weeping.


Guyana will not have progress and Indians will not feel safe once 45% of the country feels excluded.

Are you threatening Indians PUNK????/

The point is do you think that 50% of the country has the right to abuse the other 50% and not expect that 50% to react?  This question applaies EQUALLY to both Africans and Indians.


Guyana cannot be ruled by ONE race and expect the other race to tolerate that.


If you think that this is a threat and not an issue of fairness then YOU are the problem.

Originally Posted by FC:

You dinos living in North America see Guyana through the lenses of 50 yrs ago of race based politics. .

And you are seriously trying to tell us that race based politics is over.


Then explain why the two major parties owe most of their support to one race, or two racial blocs in the case of the PNC.


Explain why one can pretty much campaign using a racial face, Nagamootoo in Berbice and blacks in Gtwn and Linden.


Sorry.  Fool yourself if you wish but at a minimum 80% of the votes in Guyana are done on the basis of fear of racial domination by the other group.


The PPP will win as the Indians are the largest bloc and a major part of the Amerindian vote and a slver (5%) of the African/mixed vote assures them victory.


However the fact that the PPP knows that over 90% of the African/mixed vo0te hates them means that every time Africans and mixed people protest a possibility of a violent provocation exists as either the cops attack, or Luncheon makes threats that angers black youths to riot.


Stop fooling yourself that Guyana is one happy nation and race doesnt define its politics.

Originally Posted by kp:

My Friends, isn't it time for Guyanese to think like Americans, that a White country can have a Black man ruling.

!,  After 20 years of PPP rule Guyana remains the POOREST country in the English speaking Caribbean.  The growth over the last two years reflects high gold prices and nothing more. 


We have developed no new industries with decent paying jobs under the PPP and Guyana remains an economy of RAW commodity exports.  The same as it was in 1945, when almost none of us on GNI were born or were even a thought.


So goes gold, so goes Guyana and we have no influence over gold prices.


2.  After 20 years of PPP rule Guyanese remain the most reviled in the English speaking caribbean due to the large numbers who flock to small islands and snatch the limited opportunities which exist in those splaces due to their wiillingness to endure starvation wages and sordid living conditions, and of cours ethe slavery that has been reported in Trinidad. 


If Guyana was so good legions of small islanders would be flocking there as they flee heavy unemploymnet in their tourism based economies...but no they do NOT.


3. 40% of  Whites voted for a black man in the USA.  Sadly the prospect of a black president in Guyana is not possible as Indians will refuse to vote for one.


So quick your crap about demanding that blacks should vote for an Indo Nazi racist party which oppresses them.  They have had 20 years to see what the PPP has done to them.  People who were not even born in 1992, so know nothing of PNC rule, joined with older blacks and mixed voters to REJECT the PPP. 


Does it not dawn on you that your average voter in Guyana was a scant 10-15 years old in 1992, so know nothing other than PPP rule?


The PPP is an Indo Nazi party, is rejected by most blacks and mixed people and until you change your RACIST stripes you have no right demanding votes from these two voting blocs.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny.... No amount of damage control done by you and the rest of goons, can change the INDIAN Populace minds, the INDIAN Populace minds are made up, and will endorse the PPP/C with a majority in the event of any snap elections, thus ensuring progress continues

The 45% of the population who are African or mixed, resent the PPP.  But you do not consider them to be Guyanese so I need to correct you.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny.... No amount of damage control done by you and the rest of goons, can change the INDIAN Populace minds, the INDIAN Populace minds are made up, and will endorse the PPP/C with a majority in the event of any snap elections, thus ensuring progress continues

The 45% of the population who are African or mixed, resent the PPP.  But you do not consider them to be Guyanese so I need to correct you.

10% of mix will vote PPP.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny.... No amount of damage control done by you and the rest of goons, can change the INDIAN Populace minds, the INDIAN Populace minds are made up, and will endorse the PPP/C with a majority in the event of any snap elections, thus ensuring progress continues

The 45% of the population who are African or mixed, resent the PPP.  But you do not consider them to be Guyanese so I need to correct you.

10% of mix will vote PPP.

If you mean 10% of the mixed voters, which will 2% of the total voters, you might be right.


If you are telling me that 10% of the voters will consist of mixed people voting PPP you are drinking Jim Jones' cool aid.


Africans acclount for 30-33% of the voters, and yet the PNC can be assured of 40-42% of the total vote.  They get few Indians or Amerindians, so clearly this gap is being filled by the mixed vote.  And most of the AFCs urban vote comes from the mixed population.


Face it baseman the PPP is packed with Indo racists like you.  While much of the Amerindian vote can be bought for a cheap bribe, African and mixed voters cant be as easily bought.   You see the Amerindians view both groups as hostile to them so they do some maths and realize that tribal voting in Guyana assures a PPP victory, even if it no longer assures PPP control over parliament.  They go with the guy who controls the budget.

Originally Posted by baseman:



The last time I expected them in the low 40's.  BTW, some Afros and lots of duglas vote PPP.

Yes 5%.   This means that 95% of them refuse to vote PPP.  Explain why APNU got 41% of the votes when the african vote is only 32% if they didnt get the bulk of the mixed votes. 


Note that maybe 50% of the AFCs vote came from mixed, and maybe black voters, because not every thing was out of region 5/6.  Nagamootoo didnt have pull outside of regions 5 and 6, which together only provided 40% of the AFC vote, and not all of those votes there came from Indians.


So then how many African/mixed votes are left for the PPP.  Not many, and certainly not enough to claim that they got support from those groups.


I mean even Romney got around 7% of the black vote, yet no one will claim that the GOP has sizeable support from this group.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the event of any snap elections, the PPP/C stand the greatest chance to win a majority, complacency will no longer play a part, the INDIAN masses will turnout and endorse the truly Indo Elitist party.

Well I guess that "ahbe pan tap", so even though many Indos complain that they get little help from the PPP they must ensure that an Indo is at the top.


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