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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by kp:

My Friends, isn't it time for Guyanese to think like Americans, that a White country can have a Black man ruling.

!,  After 20 years of PPP rule Guyana remains the POOREST country in the English speaking Caribbean.  The growth over the last two years reflects high gold prices and nothing more. 


We have developed no new industries with decent paying jobs under the PPP and Guyana remains an economy of RAW commodity exports.  The same as it was in 1945, when almost none of us on GNI were born or were even a thought.


So goes gold, so goes Guyana and we have no influence over gold prices.


2.  After 20 years of PPP rule Guyanese remain the most reviled in the English speaking caribbean due to the large numbers who flock to small islands and snatch the limited opportunities which exist in those splaces due to their wiillingness to endure starvation wages and sordid living conditions, and of cours ethe slavery that has been reported in Trinidad. 


If Guyana was so good legions of small islanders would be flocking there as they flee heavy unemploymnet in their tourism based economies...but no they do NOT.


3. 40% of  Whites voted for a black man in the USA.  Sadly the prospect of a black president in Guyana is not possible as Indians will refuse to vote for one.


So quick your crap about demanding that blacks should vote for an Indo Nazi racist party which oppresses them.  They have had 20 years to see what the PPP has done to them.  People who were not even born in 1992, so know nothing of PNC rule, joined with older blacks and mixed voters to REJECT the PPP. 


Does it not dawn on you that your average voter in Guyana was a scant 10-15 years old in 1992, so know nothing other than PPP rule?


The PPP is an Indo Nazi party, is rejected by most blacks and mixed people and until you change your RACIST stripes you have no right demanding votes from these two voting blocs.

'The PPP is an Indo Nazi Party' you say. Perhaps you will like to tell us precisely without asking rhetorical questions how and what the PPP has done to be labeled " Nazi' by you. Go for it. 

Originally Posted by warrior:

why you ppp fools call on ramotar to call a snap election,you guys think he is stupid,in the first place the ppp might replace him,and the ppp will take a kicking.i cannot wait call the election early next year,4 yrs is too long.

If the AFC thinks that a snap election might benefit them they are drinking the same brew that Jim Jones offered.  The people inclined to support the opposition might well stay home.  The PPP might well squeak a 50-53% victory.  The APNU with its inbuilt race vote will holds its own.  Its the AFC which is at risk.


What is outlandish are claims by some PPP supporters trhat they will get 60%.  They are IndoNazis and Guyana's racial demographics suggests that such a target is as ludicrous as AFC claims that they will win more seats.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The  INDIAN populace at any snap elections, will make the correct choice and vote PPP/C, thus ensuring progress continues, a fact the goons of the opposition are afraid to admit

Conscience, being a PPP Indonazi, doesnt think that black and mixed voters exist.  So he thinks Indian=Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the event of any snap elections, the INDIAN populace will overwhelmingly endorse the PPP/C, thus ensuring progress continues

Conscience Africans and mixed votersd hote the PPP and 95% refused to support it, even though there was decent turnout from this group.


So why after being rejected by this group in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and again in 2011 will this group suddenly support the PPP?


If you fail to recognize that  the PPP has problems getting support from the black.mix3ed population you are an IndoNazi.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

'The PPP is an Indo Nazi Party' you say. .. 

I didnt say so.  Its the African and mixed population who said so in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and again in 2011.  I merely listen to them.  When asked about why they refuse to support the PPP, even though the PNC arent seen as being highly effective, race is mentioned.  The PPP, being an Indian run party, run for the sole purpose of protecting the interests of the Indian elites, and almost totally excluding blacks for leadership.


Debate with them about why 95% of them refuse to support the PPP.  Even in 2006, when many were upset with the PNC they still refused to support the PPP, many preferring not to vote, or to vote for a party with no track record.


The PPP is seen as an Indian party and thus hostile to the interests of blacks.  This is a fact and you need to stop thinking otherwise.  When over 90% vof a given group refuse to support a party its an accepted fact that this is because that group sees that party as being hostile to members of that group solely because they belong to that group.


So blacks in the USA think that the Republicans are anti black, and Guyanese blacks see the PPP in the same light.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

'The PPP is an Indo Nazi Party' you say. .. 

I didnt say so.  Its the African and mixed population who said so in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006 and again in 2011.

Chicken shit.  You freely and effortlessly refer to the PPP as Indo-Nazi and Indians as clannish and greedy.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

Carib is a greasy pole. He wriggles but not this time. He said that the PPP is an Indo Nazi Party and now he says that not he but the voters said that. He can't prove that the PPP is Nazi so he us



es more grease.

I already proved that the PPP is Indonazi.  Freddie Kissoon, Nigel Hughes and others argued that they were  and raised questions.  Roger luncheon was not able to disprove these accusations.  HOW COME???


1992, 1997,2001, 2006 and again in 2011 the PPP was rejected by over 90% of the African and mixed voters.  If we looked at the African vote only the rejection levels will be even HIGHER.


Now why after 20 years of PPP rule, and with a completely inept and ineffective PNC, has the PPP not been able to increase its vote from these blocs to maybe 30%?  After all there are relatively few blacks still alive who carry the grudges of the 1955-64 period. The vast majority of the voters came of age under PPP rule, so their political perspectives are largely shaped by rule under this party. 


So clearly their opinion of the PPP is based on what they are experiencing today.  And what they experience today is being treated as subordinated citizens in THEIR OWN country, by people who feel that to be black=PNC and so they ought to be punished.  Kissoon, Rupnarine and other Indians have said so.  Even baseman in his saner moments admits that there is not real meritocracy in Guyana and that race still plays a role in hiring and in promotions and contracts.


Now you can do like the PPP and pretend that this isnt so.


Or you can suggest to them that until this perception changes Guyana will remain the most backward country in the English speaking Caribbean, despite being the most endowed with natural resources.


The PNC was an AfroNazi party under Forbes Burnham.  The PPP, adopted the SAME racist tactics of exclusion, based on ensuring that those who they believe oppose them (AfroGuyanese) ought to be excluded from having any input.



You know what Sugrim many young Guyanese college graduates have attempted to obtain employment in Guyana.  Some having received training in the UK, USA and Canada.  Some upon return to Guyana are told "Its not Burnham time", with the prospective employer touching his hair.  Message......"ahbe pan tap".  Blacks will get only what Indians allow them to get.


That dear sir is Indo nazism.  When Burnham abused Indians he was an Afronazi.  If you do what Burnham did then you are seen as he was seen.


Also understand this.  For the PPP to be assured of a stable political environment they cannot continue to govern in a state where 45% of the population feels alienated for no other reasons aside from RACE.  This is Guyana today and EVERY single person who visits Guyana soon discovers this


So be the ostrich with his head in the ground. Some one else might be the liuon who gobbles you up.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Conscience:

As stated earlier, the PPP/C was a victim of their own success,

Continue to fool yourself.  Your victory depends on winning 90% of the Indian vote.  MAny Indians were turned off and didnt vote a sthey are tired of the arrogant corruption of the PPP elites.  Others found an alternate Indian...Nagamootoo, to follow.


As usual 90-95% of the African and mixed blocs rejected the PPP.  Most of the Amerindians who previously supported the UF switched their support to APNU and to the AFC. 


As the Indian population continues to shrink, so too do the prospects of the PPP as non Indians remain alienated from them.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Chicken shit.  You freely and effortlessly refer to the PPP as Indo-Nazi and Indians as clannish and greedy.



Never said that Indians are greedy.  maybe you think so but then that is your issue.


Now I have said that the PPP is racist and I have said that Indians are  clannish and if that truth hurts you then fix it.


 We will have a snap poll looming at the end of 2013. By then they hope to secure region 8 and 9 through bead trading and scare the crap out of indians in the corentyne that the PNC boogieman is looming to rape their wives and daughters.


But it will not work. They will once more lose and by bigger margins since they have not improve their position in the minds of people. It is now worse since their greed has been exposed to the light in this hung parliament. They cannot govern accountably. They need the ability to steal/


Expect worse attempts to defame and defile opposition politicians and individuals this time around than the last. Watch out for claims of various ans sundry kids from Venal to cardinal sins being leveraged against their opponents. It will only harden resolve to remove or bind them further to the necessity for open government.


They have to hold the entire Indian community and win the hearts and minds of mixed and African to the tune of 5 to 10 percent to win. If my growing email list of Amerindian dissenters is any indication of a nationwide repudiation of their authority then they will not hold the tenuous link they have with Amerindians. They will at best retain their minority government status and be further exposed as corrupt since no budget is ever passing again that is intransparent. That is what our people wants and needs.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

 he says that not he but the voters said that. He can't prove that the PPP is Nazi so he uses more grease.

The bl;ack and mixed voters say the PPP is racist and hostile to them and I bow to their wisdom as it is THEY, not I, who must endure this abuse and racial triumphalists like you who wish to oppress them because this is what they think of your party.


This sugrom is why I will NEVER return to Guyana once it is ruled by the PPP.  Sorry will NOT live under the fear that many AfroGuyanese now endure, only to breathe free when they leave Guyana and tell us about the high degree of oppression against blacks which exists there.


I will never forget an Guyana Expo in NYC several years ago.  A group of us asked some AfroGuyanese business people how were they doing. They looked around with fearful eyes and whispered "well you know...Indians" and then quickly shut up.   It reminded me of Guyana in 1980 when people were afraid of Burnham's goons.


You arent blacks so do not know and refuse to listen to those who do.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present stand off and parliament has the potential to lead to an earlier election, in that even, the Guyanese populace are prepared to endorse with the mantle of governance the truly working class party, the masses will vote PPP/C

Coounscie, can't you ask Kwame to give you a new line to post? You keep repeating the same shit every day.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present stand off and parliament has the potential to lead to an earlier election, in that even, the Guyanese populace are prepared to endorse with the mantle of governance the truly working class party, the masses will vote PPP/C

Coounscie, can't you ask Kwame to give you a new line to post? You keep repeating the same shit every day.

That is funny...By the way...I think you are my doppelganger....according to Henry.

Originally Posted by God:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present stand off and parliament has the potential to lead to an earlier election, in that even, the Guyanese populace are prepared to endorse with the mantle of governance the truly working class party, the masses will vote PPP/C

Coounscie, can't you ask Kwame to give you a new line to post? You keep repeating the same shit every day.



 They are now living each day with the uncertainty of their next meal and they want compensation or sufficient seedlings and fertilizer to balance their capital investments.


A section of the farmers as they relate their plight to AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes.

A section of the farmers as they relate their plight to AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes.



This picture and this gathering will be the end of the PPP

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present stand off and parliament has the potential to lead to an earlier election, in that even, the Guyanese populace are prepared to endorse with the mantle of governance the truly working class party, the masses will vote PPP/C

While the PPP holds an election in an attempt to resume their role as an elected dictatorship...this obtained from scaring Indians about blacks....residents of Gtwn, Linden and most other local authorities are wondering when they will FINALLY get a chance to elect proper leadership.


The last local govt election was held OVER !8 YEARS AGO!!!! Indeed the GGG, which was elected to govern Gtwn, NO LONGER EXISTS.  In fact some jurisdictions have been run by "INTERIM" administrations for maybe as long as a decade now!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present stand off and parliament has the potential to lead to an earlier election, in that even, the Guyanese populace are prepared to endorse with the mantle of governance the truly working class party, the masses will vote PPP/C

The over 90% of 45% of the electorate who are African or mixed consider you to be an Indo Nazi.  Their votes have communicated their perception that the PPP is a party which discriminates against blacks and which runs an Indocracy (only Indians need apply to head govt entities, other than the GDF and GPF which are only exempted from this because there are almost no "credible" Indians available).


Were you not an Indo Nazi you would consider it a priority to discover why over 90% of the African and the mixed blocs (the second and third largest) consider the PPP to be hostile to them.  Your attitude would suggest that if up to 45% of the population feel totally excluded from the running of Guyana, and feel that they are treated as third class citizens and deprived from enjoying the benefitrs of Guyana to the degree that they think that Indians benefit, that an urgent analysis of the situation is needed.


You will come to this conclusion based on the knowledge that no country where two groups of almost equal size feel so alienated from each other will there ever be the political stability to allow for the full economic potential of the nation to be realized.


Given this the mere fact that you use the term "Guyanese" populace supports the PPP makes it obvious thatyou consider African and mixed Guyanese as a sub species whose views are of no relevance.



Guyana is divided.  So stop babbling about GUYANESE think this or that.


The majority of the Indians think that the PPP is the best of the available alternatives as they fear a return to African/mixed rule. 


The majority of the African and mixed think that the PPP is the WORST of the available alternatives as they openly discriminate against them, and favor Indian elites. 


Most Amerindians dont care, selling their votes for a boat engine, or some other trivia and think that all the alternatives available are bad, so they might as well vote for the one  most likely to win, to gain rewards for casting these votes.


Any one who pretends as if the PPP has earned significant cross ethnic support is either dishonest, stupid, or is a racist.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present stand off and parliament has the potential to lead to an earlier election, in that even, the Guyanese populace are prepared to endorse with the mantle of governance the truly working class party, the masses will vote PPP/C

The over 90% of 45% of the electorate who are African or mixed consider you to be an Indo Nazi.

Yea yea Caribj, pre 1992 we were considered unskilled 2nd class citizens who's only asset to the nation was cutting the cane.  Then between 2002-2006 we were considered unwanted nuisances, clannish "coolies" to be smitten away but your Buxton/Agricola FF buddies.  Today we are Indo-Nazi.  What next, let me see your creativity.


Mr.Sugrim,the Chinese and Brasilians are flocking Guyana, there is China Town and Little Brasil in Georgetown. Are they stupid to invest in Guyana?? or they see something for which the rest are blind. Most Guyanese you meet are waiting to go to North America, looking for easy living. No one wants to cut cane or plant rice. The day will come when we will have to import labourers from India and China to work in the agricultural fields. In Guyana you can plant crops 12 months of the year, but they plant nothing, yet when they come to North America, for three months of summer they want to plant cash crops. Lazy!Lazy!!!

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The present stand off and parliament has the potential to lead to an earlier election, in that even, the Guyanese populace are prepared to endorse with the mantle of governance the truly working class party, the masses will vote PPP/C

The over 90% of 45% of the electorate who are African or mixed consider you to be an Indo Nazi.

Yea yea Caribj, pre 1992 we were considered unskilled 2nd class citizens who's only asset to the nation was cutting the cane.  Then between 2002-2006 we were considered unwanted nuisances, clannish "coolies" to be smitten away but your Buxton/Agricola FF buddies.  Today we are Indo-Nazi.  What next, let me see your creativity.

Baseman when the PNC illtreated Indians they were considered fascists of the worst order.


Now that the PPP illtreats Africans the same way you wish to avoid being similarly described.


Baseman if you think that the PPP treats blacks well in 2012 then clearly you had no problem with how Burnham treated Indians in 1982.


And yes today people like you think that blacks are only good to be security guards, and low level militia men, protecting the interests of the Indo elite...some of these operating WITHIN the GDF and the police force.


As with the Burnham era so with the PPP, there are always some who will drink soup and be used.  Token Indos under PNC rule and token Africans under the PPP.


I really see no difference in the behavior of either group when they are in power.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition seems hell bent of derailing the programs of the state, the Guyanese populace is growing impatient of the sinister motives of the joint opposition, should a snap election be called tomorrow, the AFC/APNU will loose miserable

Like the head of GINA Association of Ghost Writers (GAGW) gave you a new line? Or is this an old one also? 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition seems hell bent of derailing the programs of the state, the Guyanese populace is growing impatient of the sinister motives of the joint opposition, should a snap election be called tomorrow, the AFC/APNU will loose miserable

Bhai-gee, it seems you are expecting too much from "De Ramotar and Jagdeo Thrump Cards"


In de last elections we see what a total failure, waste, disgrace, loosers and rejects "De Jagdeo & Ramotar & Funny Fellas" really are.


De people of Guyana saw thru all the lies, corruption, thiefing, mismanagement, Narco-runnings, Crime and Racism.....


"Jagdeo & Ramotar" were uncovered, fully Exposed and rejected.






Georgetown,GINA, July 1, 2003
Special Edition of “Lets Talk” to reflect on storming of the Office of the President Complex - President’s Information Liaison to appear


July 3, 2002 a day that is engraved in the memory of Guyanese and even outsiders, as it was the tragic day that a few misguided citizens dared to cross the path of democracy and stormed the complex housing the highest office in the land - the Office of the President.


It was also a proud day for Guyana, as the Caribbean Community  (CARICOM) Heads of Government 23rd Meeting began here.



At 21:00 hrs on July 3, 2003 Producer of “Lets Talk”  a programme aired by GTV Channel 11 Neaz Subhan will host a live one-hour programme reflecting on the invasion of the  Presidential Complex.


Information Liaison to the President Mr. Robert Persaud will be the guest.

This invasion of the Office of the President occurred shortly before the official opening of the Meeting of Heads of Government of Caribbean countries at the National Cultural Center in the City, and was followed by arson, attempted arson and several attacks on citizens and their properties.



The incursion stemmed from a protest started on the East Coast  of Demerara. People’s National Congress Reform activist  Philip Bynoe and former controversial television talk show host Mark Benschop led the protest, which ended with two protestors being killed and several others injured. Properties, including computers within the Accounts Department of the Office of the President were damaged.

If the AFC was involved or was a partner with PNC,.....

why none of the Fa@@ots did not tell us then?????


The storming was condemned not only nationally, but also internationally including by the CARICOM Heads who were meeting in Georgetown at the time.





President grants free pardon to treason-accused Bynoe

 Georgetown,  GINA, December 1, 2008 Head of State Bharrat Jagdeo,  acting in accordance with the powers vested in him through Article 188 of the  Constitution of the Republic   of Guyana, today granted  a free pardon to Philip Bynoe who had been charged with treason following an  invasion of the Office of the President in 2002.


 According to the  Office of the President, (President was in contact with Bynoe for a long time .....and knew he was and where to find him)...the Head of State was written to by Bynoe in 2007 and more  recently, applied for a pardon as he expressed remorse over the incident where  the President’s Office was invaded and public property destroyed in the  process.

He also recognised that the incident was an attack on a democratic  institution of the State and not directed at the President.           



 Philip Bynoe and Mark Benschop were  charged with treason following the July 3, 2002 storming of the Office of the  President. Bynoe had been on the run for some time while Benschop was  imprisoned for the incident until August 2007 when he received a free pardon  from the Head of State following a letter from the accused to the President on  August 24, 2007.


Article 188 1 (A) of the Constitution states that: the  President has the power to grant any person concerned in or convicted of any  offence under the law of Guyana a pardon either free or subject to lawful  condition.



Ramotar & Jagdeo Trump Cards

Lamumba,Bynoe, Nascimento, Gouvia, McCoy, Hamilton,Tapps, McClean

They all Deliver well for the PNC......

today Ramotar & Jagdeo Banking on them.


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