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Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition seems hell bent of derailing the programs of the state, the INDIAN populace is growing impatient of the sinister motives of the joint opposition, should a snap election be called tomorrow, the AFC/APNU will loose miserable

I will correct your racist nonsense every tiem you post it.


Africans/mixed voters do not support the PPP and the fact that they dont doesnt qualify you to pretend that they are not Guyanese.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny...take your head out the sand, you know to your gut, in the event of any snap elections, a majority in the National Assembly awaits the PPP/C



Conscience...take your head out the sand, you know to your gut, in the event of any snap elections, a smaller minority in the National Assembly awaits the PPP/C.


  One love!

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition is scared of snap elections, if they were confident of winning, they would have already moved a no confidence motion against the entire Government.

Why move a no confidence motion?


The majority opposition still have little confidence in the PPP with the hope that the PPP will improve its way ward ways.


The PPP on the other hand is scared of snap elections.  It is no less a person that OH NANDALALA, the drunken lawyer, who always talking about snap elections, but never encouraging his CUNUMUNU President to call the elections.


Why because the PPP is confident of winning 41% of the votes.


So any sensible opposition will be very comfortable in squeezing a 41% Government for as long as it takes to gain the votes they need.


Remember the AFC is currently at 29%, they need at least 2 more year of political action in the fields to score the plurality, so why force an elections NOW?


Its all about the plurality.


Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition is indeed scared of snap elections, in that event their one-seat majority would be history,they know to their gut, the PPP/C will win a majority, they indeed have confidence in the government and are fully aware the government has the interest of the working class on their front burner

The minority Government is indeed scared of snap elections, they know to their gut, the PPP/C will LOSE even more seats.


They are confident that their government is failing and are fully aware the government has the interest of their business buddies and members of the Jagdeo /Ramotar cabal at heart and all their wishes on their front burner.


  Six runs

Originally Posted by Conscience:

caribny...take your head out the sand, you know to your gut, in the event of any snap elections, a majority in the National Assembly awaits the PPP/C



Conscience unless the PPP plans to rig the snap poll they will get between 48-53% of the votes.


In 20 years the PPP has been unable to crack the African and the Mixed vote, most recently 12 months ago.  So what has Ramotar in that short period done that Cheddi, Janet and Jagdeo were able to do in 20 years?


I know that Indo nazis like you are hatching plots to deprive Africans/mixed voters of their franchise, much as the Republicans tried to do to blacks in the USA, but they will not succeed.


Africans and mixed voters reject the PPP, as do maybe as many as 50% of the Amerindians.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C is in the best position to win a majority in the National Assembly, the INDIAN masses will turn out and make the right choice, there will be no place for complacency, if a snap election is called tomorrow, the PPP/C will be ready to contest

Blacks and mixed people will as usual reject the PPP as will aty leat 50% of the Amerindian vote.  And more Indians than you think have abandoned the PPP.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C is in the best position to win a majority in the National Assembly, the INDIAN masses will turn out and make the right choice, there will be no place for complacency, if a snap election is called tomorrow, the PPP/C will be ready to contest

Blacks and mixed people will as usual reject the PPP as will aty leat 50% of the Amerindian vote.  And more Indians than you think have abandoned the PPP.

With close to 50% last time and with 12% mainly Indians (PPP territory) switching to the AFC, I think a lot of non-Indians vote PPP, duglas and all.  Caribj, you guys have to come with a better story.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The PPP/C is in the best position to win a majority in the National Assembly, the INDIAN masses will turn out and make the right choice, there will be no place for complacency, if a snap election is called tomorrow, the PPP/C will be ready to contest

Blacks and mixed people will as usual reject the PPP as will aty leat 50% of the Amerindian vote.  And more Indians than you think have abandoned the PPP.

With close to 50% last time and with 12% mainly Indians (PPP territory) switching to the AFC, I think a lot of non-Indians vote PPP, duglas and all.  Caribj, you guys have to come with a better story.

Baseman do you want rule by a selfish and corrupt and racist Indo elite contemptous of all outside of their ranks (including poor Indians).  Or do you want an emergence of a politrical culture, which will give all Guyanese, regardless of race, class or geography, a sense of being included?


Clearly "ahbe pan tap" apanjat is all you wish and damn the conseequences of this.


So if the PPP controls parliament what difference will this make?  After 20 years of rule you still bleat "bad blackman", clearly suggesting that you know how blacks feel and fear what they will do as a result.


Dominance by Guyana by one race will not solve any problems, but will continue to create the problems whcih Guyana has.


And the PPP will not get more than 48-53% of the votes.  Given that they had that until last election, and given that people like you weep over the plight of Indians since 1964 (including the post 1992 era) why do you think that MINORITY ethnically based rule helps any one in Guyana...including Indians? 


It was you who last year wrote of the plight o0f the poor in Guyana,  many of whom are Indians.  How have they been helped by the recent boom which has seen an emergence of the greatest polarization of income and wealth that Guyana has ever seen?


So continue to applaud domination of Guyana by a monoracial elite.  Those who arent p[art of this continue to suffer, and that includes many indians.  Note the wails of small business men who face attacks by black and Indian  bandits and have no sense that the Indo elites care ( as their run around with their private goon squads to protect them).

Last edited by Former Member

Its has been repeatedly said, which is a fact, the PPP/C was a victim of their success and complacency played a significant role in the Nov.28 polls, its a norm with most successive political parties across the globe, its also a norm universally the following elections, snap or otherwise, the party which once fell victim of their own success, usually wins back the majority, some by a Landslide.


Did this idiot come across a dictionary recently with the word "populace" and has resolved to use it as often as possible to negate his sub par mental faculties?


May I humbly offer some other terms that are friendly to the Guyanese faux (not pronounced "fox") hintelliogentsia


1) inter alia

2) sub judice

3) mental midgetry

4) pusilanimous

Originally Posted by Conscience:

In the event of any snap elections, the Guyanese populace knows exactly which party they'll endorse, thus to let progress continue, a truth the opposition goons fights daily

Oi, old man counsee.


There shall be no elections in 2013.


When the elections are held in 2015, the Guyanese electorate will vote less for the PPP.


But you are lucky, the PPP shall still win the Presidency so we will have Presi Ramu until 2019.


So celebrate.


The AFC is still disorganised.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Its has been repeatedly said, which is a fact, the PPP/C was a victim of their success and complacency played a significant role in the Nov.28 majority, some by a Landslide.

It has been said that the PPP is an INDIAN based party with scanty support from Africans and mixed who together account for 45% of the voting age population.


It is clear that you have no problem with the PPP imposing Indian rule and domination in a country where 55% of the populationb are not Indian.


I expect this from an Indo Nazi bigot like you.



And by the way the PPP depended on Indians for the bulk of their votes, and was rejected by over 90% of the African and mixed voters in 1992, 1997, 2001, 2006, and 2011.


So run off and scream "collie pan tap, ahbe time now, apanjhat".


There is no multi ethnic society where domination by one group over others succeeds and Guyana is no exception to this.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

To date, the 10th Parliament is deemed a failure, the joint opposition were per-occupied with vendetta against the ruling party instead of ironing out their differences and work hand in hand with the administration towards the development of the country.

What ideas from the APNU or the AFC has the PPP been ready to implement?  No man has a monopoly on good ideas and if the PPP is not ready to compromise and to subject itself to the will of the people of Guyana who deprived it of a parliamentary majority then why should the opposition capitulate to the whims of the PPP.  A group of corrupt and racist crony capitalists.


This will confound you just like when I asked you to name FIVE blacks who have real authority in the PPP.


You could not answer.


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