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Ramjattan, Nagamootoo decline to mount APNU’s platform

AFC Executive Moses Nagamootoo

AFC Executive Moses Nagamootoo

– Hughes, Patterson sent to give ‘critical support’ instead

The two main political actors within the Alliance For Change (AFC) on Friday boycotted a “rally” organised by its new coalition partner A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), sending a strong message as to the type of “critical support” that it is willing to offer in the lead up to possible General and Regional Elections.

Instead, the AFC leadership thought it wise to send its Chairman, Nigel Hughes and General Secretary David Patterson to sit and join the APNU’s platform while the party strong men Moses Nagamootoo and Khemraj Ramjattan stayed in the shade.

Other party members who were spotted by this newspaper at the rally in the crowd were Hughes’ wife, Cathy and Valarie Garrido-Lowe, who are current parliamentarians.

The party’s leader had hinted earlier in the week that while the AFC supports the rally organised by the APNU, it played no part in the planning or organisation of the event.

The AFC also maintained that it believed that it was necessary to join the APNU’s platform which was organised to protest the President’s decision to prorogue the National Assembly.

AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes speaking at the meeting

AFC Chairman Nigel Hughes speaking at the meeting

In fact, the AFC has been sending mixed signals about its relationship with the APNU, but earlier this month, clandestine meetings started between the two groups. But the AFC continued to argue that it would not be part of any coalition with APNU.

AFC Leader Khemraj Ramjattan

AFC Leader
Khemraj Ramjattan

Surprisingly, the two parties have admitted to forming an interim coalition to fight the President’s decision to prorogue the Parliament. They have also been strategising to cause the collapse of the Government through a series of parliamentary action and extra-Parliament advocacy.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

They don't want to be seen hugging up the PNC in public, but them supporters nah stupid. 


So, who playing the race game by sending Nigel Hughes instead? 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

They don't want to be seen hugging up the PNC in public, but them supporters nah stupid. 

Probably Granger said, Hey Al yuh 2 gun sit in the back and one of you will speak last for a short while. I Granger run things at the Rally, Samje???



2,500 Protest Peacefully...

The crowd signaled their agreement, with load cheers and applause, whenever speakers hinted that “Donald Ramotar must go.”

Chairman of the AFC, Nigel Hughes addresses the crowd.

Chairman of the AFC,

Nigel Hughes addresses the crowd.


Also joining the APNU was the minority opposition Party – the Alliance for Change (AFC).


The Party’s Chairman, Nigel Hughes submitted that the President has changed this Republic into a kingdom; urging those gathered that it was a situation to take very seriously and not joke about.


“We must be serious lest we walk backward into colonialism,” he said; adding that “this is an unprecedented move that has thrown the country into deep waters and a political crisis.”


According to Hughes, Former President and PPP Leader, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan must be “turning in his grave” to see the anti-democratic stance Ramotar has taken.


Hughes maintained that there will be no extra parliamentary engagement with the President during this period even as he drew attention to the Party’s intention to lobby international Bodies to have the President reverse his decision and reconvene Parliament.


He plugged too for constitutional reform; pointing out that the President has used constitutional provisions to embark on his dictatorial path.

Originally Posted by Cobra:

They don't want to be seen hugging up the PNC in public, but them supporters nah stupid. 


So, who playing the race game by sending Nigel Hughes instead? 




This is so true.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

They don't want to be seen hugging up the PNC in public, but them supporters nah stupid. 

Probably Granger said, Hey Al yuh 2 gun sit in the back and one of you will speak last for a short while. I Granger run things at the Rally, Samje???


Granger is de Bossman for the AFC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The Indian population has to show its displeasure as well with the PPP. I can't understand why these Indians are happy to robbed and murdered by the PPP without voicing any complaint. Every time the PPP has been in office it has made a mess of Guyana. 

The fight for democracy will benefit the ENTIRE population so people representing the diversity of Guyana ought to have been there.

MrT & CaribJ is right....Indo Guyanese have to come out and support these Rallies even if they are at Cuffy Square.


Having said that we have to congratulate APNU & AFC for pulling off this huge peaceful protest although it appears everyone from the immediate neighborhood cane out.


I understand AFC & APNU will be arranging more protest at more convenient and neutral locations like Prashad Nagar, Sheriff Street, Kitty Market, Bourda Market, Parade Ground, Stabroek Market, Bourda Ground, La Penitance and Alboystown. This will shut up the old time Racist because these are the places where Rodney was able to bring everyone out (Indian & Black) to shake KING KONG de Dictator. 

Even my friend J agree Cuffy Square is the Home of King Kong and Rodney was careful to stay far from the Zoo and the PNC Monkeys at that time..... J say he use to go to WPA Meetings and Listen to Rodney & Moses.....and J will admit WPA never drag the Crowd close to King Kong house or Cuffy Square on Vlissengen Road....

We were told the Zoo and House of Israel were too close fuh comfort. 


Entire PPP Cabinet BT Biting....

A section of the crowd at the Square of the Revolution. Everything Nice....2,500 plus

AFC join APNC in Peaceful Protest...


Moses and Khemraj want to be blacker that black and don't want to be seen with the PNC on public stage. They hiding from the die hard PPP supporters from Whim Village that switch allegiance to Moses in 2011. Them Whim people nah fool, fool.





* Shame on racist Moses and racist Khemraj!



Last edited by Former Member

This criticism of Khemraj and moses by their critics is fair game and appropriate.


It may play right into the hands of some indians who want to hear that anyway. Therefore negating the PPP mantra? The middle class doan vote so this also may not help your weird cause.


Ramjattan was expected APNU's supporters to burn down buildings, and damage public properties like Agricola, but he was shocked that the crowd were more discipline that him. Democracy galore. 


If you look at the Photo full screen on KN you will see what Caribj and Mr T talkin bout.  However, they want to use FORCE to get others to join. And those FOOLS like to Lecture us on DEMOCRACY!!! BLOODY IDIOTS!!!!

Originally Posted by albert:

2500 persons weren't there. Lol roughly around 500. There's no where APNU could get 2500 persons on Cuffy Square the same night of Courts Light Xmas Tree light up



Guyanese people are very fass. If you ring a bell, they gone come out to see who ring it and for what. Is fassness get people to come out thinking that food is giving away fuh free. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by albert:

2500 persons weren't there. Lol roughly around 500. There's no where APNU could get 2500 persons on Cuffy Square the same night of Courts Light Xmas Tree light up



Guyanese people are very fass. If you ring a bell, they gone come out to see who ring it and for what. Is fassness get people to come out thinking that food is giving away fuh free. 

So you sayin the people all fas fo go and see Santa Claus Parade. Banna, you want a fkin lash wit a pallin stave nuh?


Again, another PPP backing bandit confusing himself and going against anything and everything HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by albert:

2500 persons weren't there. Lol roughly around 500. There's no where APNU could get 2500 persons on Cuffy Square the same night of Courts Light Xmas Tree light up



Guyanese people are very fass. If you ring a bell, they gone come out to see who ring it and for what. Is fassness get people to come out thinking that food is giving away fuh free. 

Christmas bells, ice cream bells, bicycle bells, etc..

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

The Indian population has to show its displeasure as well with the PPP. I can't understand why these Indians are happy to robbed and murdered by the PPP without voicing any complaint. Every time the PPP has been in office it has made a mess of Guyana. 

The fight for democracy will benefit the ENTIRE population so people representing the diversity of Guyana ought to have been there.

MrT & CaribJ is right....Indo Guyanese have to come out and support these Rallies even if they are at Cuffy Square.


Having said that we have to congratulate APNU & AFC for pulling off this huge peaceful protest although it appears everyone from the immediate neighborhood cane out.


I understand AFC & APNU will be arranging more protest at more convenient and neutral locations like Prashad Nagar, Sheriff Street, Kitty Market, Bourda Market, Parade Ground, Stabroek Market, Bourda Ground, La Penitance and Alboystown. This will shut up the old time Racist because these are the places where Rodney was able to bring everyone out (Indian & Black) to shake KING KONG de Dictator. 

Even my friend J agree Cuffy Square is the Home of King Kong and Rodney was careful to stay far from the Zoo and the PNC Monkeys at that time..... J say he use to go to WPA Meetings and Listen to Rodney & Moses.....and J will admit WPA never drag the Crowd close to King Kong house or Cuffy Square on Vlissengen Road....

We were told the Zoo and House of Israel were too close fuh comfort. 


Entire PPP Cabinet BT Biting....

A section of the crowd at the Square of the Revolution. Everything Nice....2,500 plus

AFC join APNC in Peaceful Protest...

Cuffy is one of Guyana's national heroes so shouldn't be used for political purposes.  This area should be neutral ground and any party, even the PPP should feel free to hold meetings there. 



Why are all the rallies going to be a G/town the APNU stronghold?  If you want to frighten the PPP go into their strongholds and hold rallies with equivalent crowds.


Also why didn't Nagamootoo and Ramjattan not talk in front of this almost exclusively black crowd?  Even Ravi Dev spoke at this location, and he doesn't pretend to be interested in gaining support from Afro Guyanese. If the AFC wants to show that it is above racial politics than it must not play a race card.  It is obvious that the AFC selected "its blacks" to speak to the blacks, same thing that the PPP does.


Nagamootoo needs more exposure to this segment of the population.  That is if you wish to dispel the image of Indo party II, which I was told is how many blacks view the AFC since its seeming take over by the Nagamootoo faction, with Trotman moving into the background.


Hughes should also speak in front of crowds in PPP strongholds..........After all doesn't the AFC claim that only "old time" racists indulge in race politics? 


Hughes happens to be on of the best AFc speakers.  Articulate, charismatic and definitely intelligent, so if folks think that he will be rejected by Indians merely because he is Afro Guyanese, then it shows that the AFC operates with the notion that race based voting remains powerful in Guyana.


And here we go again.  The AFC lost a brilliant opportunity to speak in front of an Afro Guyanese audience.  So Hughes spoke you will say, but Hughes is seen along with people like Eric Phillips, and David Hinds, as an Afro Guyanese leader unafraid to speak out on Afro Guyanese concerns. He is seen in terms of himself, and not necessarily in terms of the AFC.  And unless he becomes the presidential candidate (the PM is seen as symbolic) this is likely to remain unchanged.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Why are all the rallies going to be a G/town the APNU stronghold?  If you want to frighten the PPP go into their strongholds and hold rallies with equivalent crowds.

Of interest to note.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Right, with no interest on issues in other parts.

Guyanese are tired of politics. They just want to vote and put their leader to run the country while they go about their business. Granger get chased away from Linden, and Ramjattan and Moses get chased away from Whim. Guyanese people are not afraid of politicians any longer. Good fuh them. Power to the people. Abee people prappa smart. 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Right, with no interest on issues in other parts.

Guyanese are tired of politics. They just want to vote and put their leader to run the country while they go about their business. Granger get chased away from Linden, and Ramjattan and Moses get chased away from Whim. Guyanese people are not afraid of politicians any longer. Good fuh them. Power to the people. Abee people prappa smart. 

Political parties have the right to hold peaceful meetings within the laws.


Voting at elections is the people's rights in 2016 or earlier and individuals have the right to voice their views.


From indications, PPP/C will again emerge as the political organization to be the government of Guyana.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Right, with no interest on issues in other parts.

Guyanese are tired of politics. They just want to vote and put their leader to run the country while they go about their business.

True, so why is Ramotar hiding from elections.  With an MONC they would have been due to February.  He is trying to buy more time by proroguing parliament.


The reality is that Guyanese ARE tired of politics, which is why none of the parties know who will show up to vote.  The PPP is terrified that the AFC might snatch enough of their votes to allow APNU to squeak in.


Nagamootoo, by not speaking at this majority black event, wants to signal to PPP supporters that the AFC is Indo party II, so they can feel free to support them, without fear of "black man rule".

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

From indications, PPP/C will again emerge as the political organization to be the government of Guyana.

Can you tell us what these indications are.  Please note that if the PPP wins a plurality, but with a much diminished vote, it will NOT be business as usual.


A PPP win is 50.1% of the votes.  So where are your indications that they will get this.  Rumors from PPP fanatics that Berbicians hate Nagamootoo?

Originally Posted by Cobra:

I have to ask you this question, D_G. Do you think the anti-PPP folks (on and off GNI) can survive the PPP for another five years? 

From indications, it will be more than multiple five years.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

From indications, PPP/C will again emerge as the political organization to be the government of Guyana.

Can you tell us what these indications are.  Please note that if the PPP wins a plurality, but with a much diminished vote, it will NOT be business as usual.


A PPP win is 50.1% of the votes.  So where are your indications that they will get this.  Rumors from PPP fanatics that Berbicians hate Nagamootoo?

1. Everyone has their views based on indications of issues.


2. Each elections, while there are similarities, are separate and different.


3. Rumors can vary from place to place and time to time.

Originally Posted by caribny:
The reality is that Guyanese ARE tired of politics, which is why none of the parties know who will show up to vote.

People world-wide generally are indeed tired of or do not vote at election times for personal reasons.


Specifically in Guyana there will be people who will vote at election times.


Some but not all Guyanese are tired of politics.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. Everyone has their views based on indications of issues.


2. Each elections, while there are similarities, are separate and different.


3. Rumors can vary from place to place and time to time.

So you don't know, so why the certainty that the PPP will win?  What have they done that is different?  They lost support because of the perception that they are corrupt and arrogant. Is this LESS the case than 3 years ago?  The current situation involving Anil and Ashni will suggest otherwise.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. Everyone has their views based on indications of issues.


2. Each elections, while there are similarities, are separate and different.


3. Rumors can vary from place to place and time to time.

So you don't know, so why the certainty that the PPP will win?  What have they done that is different?  They lost support because of the perception that they are corrupt and arrogant. Is this LESS the case than 3 years ago?  The current situation involving Anil and Ashni will suggest otherwise.

Inability to understand issues is your major challenge.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

1. Everyone has their views based on indications of issues.


2. Each elections, while there are similarities, are separate and different.


3. Rumors can vary from place to place and time to time.

So you don't know, so why the certainty that the PPP will win?  What have they done that is different?  They lost support because of the perception that they are corrupt and arrogant. Is this LESS the case than 3 years ago?  The current situation involving Anil and Ashni will suggest otherwise.

Inability to understand issues is your major challenge.

You are very dotish.


Tom and Jerry (Moses and Ramjattan) do not want to see among Afro Guyanese protesting against the PPP in fear of losing Indo Votes Guyanese in Berbice.


What a rotten and racist bunch, Tom and Jerry !


They sent poor Nigel to protest while hiding from Afro Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member


Quote Mits:

Yugi do us a favour.

Grasp your ears firmly and

remove your head from your ass.



Yugi Really Stupid....


Yuh don't put yuh top Batsman....

Fuh Open De Innings.....


Look .....Ramotar Still Hiding....

Yuh gon see when he call Election...


Yuh gon see de whole Team...


Na Tek Worries Bhai..

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Tom and Jerry (Moses and Ramjattan) do not want to see among Afro Guyanese protesting against the PPP in fear of losing Indo Votes Guyanese in Berbice.


What a rotten and racist bunch, Tom and Jerry !


They sent poor Nigel to protest while hiding from Afro Guyanese.

Yugi do us a favour.  Grasp your ears firmly and remove your head from your  ass.

Originally Posted by Jalil:


2,500 Protest Peacefully...

The crowd signaled their agreement, with load cheers and applause, whenever speakers hinted that “Donald Ramotar must go.”

Chairman of the AFC, Nigel Hughes addresses the crowd.

Chairman of the AFC,

Nigel Hughes addresses the crowd.


Also joining the APNU was the minority opposition Party – the Alliance for Change (AFC).


The Party’s Chairman, Nigel Hughes submitted that the President has changed this Republic into a kingdom; urging those gathered that it was a situation to take very seriously and not joke about.


“We must be serious lest we walk backward into colonialism,” he said; adding that “this is an unprecedented move that has thrown the country into deep waters and a political crisis.”


According to Hughes, Former President and PPP Leader, the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan must be “turning in his grave” to see the anti-democratic stance Ramotar has taken.


Hughes maintained that there will be no extra parliamentary engagement with the President during this period even as he drew attention to the Party’s intention to lobby international Bodies to have the President reverse his decision and reconvene Parliament.


He plugged too for constitutional reform; pointing out that the President has used constitutional provisions to embark on his dictatorial path.

Guyana is a different land now, this is not 1997, the PPP going down.


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