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Quit your hypocrisy.  Jagdeo is running around screaming that he is going to "take back Guyana for Indians".  He is NOT talking about creating a society, where all, including Africans, can feel respected and equitably treated.

The PPP has absolutely NO respect for blacks and has been resoundingly rejected by them as a result.

You love to talk race when it suits the purposes of the PPP and then want to squelch such discussion once PPP racism is being exposed.

So how are Jagdeo's screams helping Guyana?  It is merely generating a backlash where people are saying that the PPP was quite racist, so who the hell are they to complain.

In addition the PPP will NOT win elections based only on the Indian vote. So how does Jagdeo implying that he will take back Guyana from Indians, meaning that he is taking it away from another group(s) lead to racial harmony.

If indeed there is racism against Indians there is a more inclusive way to deal with it.  And a starting point is for the PPP to acknowledge that the vast majority of Africans and mixed people also perceive the PPP to be hostile to them.

Last edited by Former Member
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How much respect does Granger and the PNC have for Indians.  NONE!!!!

That may or may not be true but that doesn't change the fact that Jagdeo's behavior since last year has been blatantly racist and he is DESTROYING the PPP.

The PPP cannot win based only on the Indian vote, and screaming that he will take back Guyana for Indians does NOT win him friends among non Indians. It also alienates those Indians who understand that the survival of Guyana rests on cross ethnic ALLIANCES and not inter ethnic confrontation.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Let us reflect on the journey that began with the Slave Trade that underdeveloped Africa.  Let us pay homage to those who labored tirelessly for freedom.  Many of us have benefited from their hard work and sacrifice.

Let us caution ourselves not to divide and conquer but to work toward a common peace. Happy Emancipation Day!!!

Unlike past years, GNI's Afro members have dwindled to a trickle now. So on behalf of all black men, women, boys and girls, as a friend of Afros in Guyana and the diaspora, I wish to thank Miss Haniffa for her positive and impressive Emancipation Day Message. 

Gilbakka posted:

Unlike past years, GNI's Afro members have dwindled to a trickle now. So on behalf of all black men, women, boys and girls, as a friend of Afros in Guyana and the diaspora, I wish to thank Miss Haniffa for her positive and impressive Emancipation Day Message. 

Yes the blatant racism against blacks made many of them wonder why they should bother to be involved in what at times looks like an anti black hate site.

Bibi is a hypocrite, so as a black man I reject her message.  This is like Hitler wishing Jews Happy Chanukah.

caribny posted:
Django posted:

Happy Emancipation Day !

From you I will accept it as you have revealed yourself to be one who favors inclusion.  Though because of this Bibi considers you to be a self hating Indians who is selling out to blacks.

You are welcome Caribny.

What others think of me doesn't hurt a bone in my body,i grew up in a mixed village and give jack his jacket.

Last edited by Django
caribny posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Unlike past years, GNI's Afro members have dwindled to a trickle now. So on behalf of all black men, women, boys and girls, as a friend of Afros in Guyana and the diaspora, I wish to thank Miss Haniffa for her positive and impressive Emancipation Day Message. 

Yes the blatant racism against blacks made many of them wonder why they should bother to be involved in what at times looks like an anti black hate site.

Bibi is a hypocrite, so as a black man I reject her message.  This is like Hitler wishing Jews Happy Chanukah.

HAHAHA  Look who is talking.  This RACIST PIG just needs to get someone to explain to him his own writings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kp posted:

Caribj is that the best you can do for the Black Brothers and Sisters,

Yes because the person who is doing so is condoning a racist who screams " he gun tek back Guyana for Indians". 

Well to think that one pretends to congratulate blacks on Emancipation Day while implying that Guyana belongs to Indians only and that it must be snatched back for their use only is rank hypocrisy.

If some one wishes me a happy birthday and I know that they would rather I die now why should I thank them?  THAT is Bibi with her fake thread.

When Bibi admits that Jagdeo was out of order to make that comment, and that his method of dealing with ethnic exclusion is wrong headed, especially when most blacks think that he is no better, than I will accept her congrats. 

As of now its toxic and dangerous and a plot to divert attention from Jagdeo's latest outburst of open racism.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

How much respect does Granger and the PNC have for Indians.  NONE!!!!

Hinds urges Govt to reach out to Indian communities

Political Activist, Dr David Hinds has stated that Government needs to get serious and address the ethnic insecurities faced by East Indian communities.
When a Political Activist have to beg the government to pay attention to the Indian community, it proves that Indians are crying for a day of emancipation of a modern-time slavery from a dictatorship regime in Guyana.
Bibi Haniffa posted:

In retrospect.  Leader of the Opposition playing "Emancipation" drums.


And a few days ago screaming that he will take the country away for Indians.

So what will happen to blacks in this land that Jagdeo has taken away for Indians?

Of course Jagdeo has much in common with the old slave masters who saw blacks good only for low level work, sex, and entertainment.

Prashad posted:

Happy Emancipation day to all African Guyanese. May you continue to educate yourselves about the goodness of having a pure African culture and experiencing the strength that a united African nuclear and extended family brings. Always be proud of the greatness of the different cultures of the African continent.

Unlike you we don't pretend as if any "pure" culture exists.  Our culture is the creole culture, which wasw developed by the descendants of Africans as they sought to make sense of the new environment within which they found themselves.

Because of this they are more broad minded and better able to function within multi cultural contexts then miserable people like you who yearn for the multiplicities of cultures which existed in India in 1880.  This despite the fact that these have long since disappeared, as India itself has adjusted to the outside world.

And in fact you are hardly an example of "pure" Indian culture given that aside from you no Indians live in your house and I very much doubt that your wife has abandoned that creole culture within which she was raised in.  Most likely she has broadened it to take into account the cultural characteristics of the man who she married.

And as you acknowledge the variety of cultures which exist from Senegal to Angola, which ones do you suggest that Afro Guyanese adopt, given that our ancestries are as broad as this?  And do you know that Africans laugh at New World blacks when we try to "play African". 

In fact attempts by Afro Guyanese to be "play African" are met with derision as some combine attire from Tanzania with that from Nigeria, this NOT being "African", because within Africa such combinations don't exist.

caribny posted:
Prashad posted:

Happy Emancipation day to all African Guyanese. May you continue to educate yourselves about the goodness of having a pure African culture and experiencing the strength that a united African nuclear and extended family brings. Always be proud of the greatness of the different cultures of the African continent.

Unlike you we don't pretend as if any "pure" culture exists.  Our culture is the creole culture, which wasw developed by the descendants of Africans as they sought to make sense of the new environment within which they found themselves.

Because of this they are more broad minded and better able to function within multi cultural contexts then miserable people like you who yearn for the multiplicities of cultures which existed in India in 1880.  This despite the fact that these have long since disappeared, as India itself has adjusted to the outside world.

And in fact you are hardly an example of "pure" Indian culture given that aside from you no Indians live in your house and I very much doubt that your wife has abandoned that creole culture within which she was raised in.  Most likely she has broadened it to take into account the cultural characteristics of the man who she married.

And as you acknowledge the variety of cultures which exist from Senegal to Angola, which ones do you suggest that Afro Guyanese adopt, given that our ancestries are as broad as this?  And do you know that Africans laugh at New World blacks when we try to "play African". 

In fact attempts by Afro Guyanese to be "play African" are met with derision as some combine attire from Tanzania with that from Nigeria, this NOT being "African", because within Africa such combinations don't exist.

You have a point. A man from Kenya told me once that he is not an African but a Kenyan. But the diversity of Africa is not the issue here. Select an African tribe, study its values and norms and incorporate it's goodness into your life instead of being a Eurocentric mimic.

Kari posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

How much respect does Granger and the PNC have for Indians.  NONE!!!!

Suh quickly (in minutes) the warm feelings for our African brothers and sisters were dispossed of you?

So warmth and you don't mix?

Bibis friend posted evidence that Jagdeo isn't a racist.

He talks of OUR people who live in the rural areas, and you know who these people are, PPP supporters [in fact 32-40% of the rural dwellers are NOT PPP supporters].  He proceeds to talk of systemic ethnic based discrimination, even as Luncheon was screaming that PPP blacks were being treated even worse.

He claims that it is only rural people who are being punished (he already said that only Indians are being punished and that rural people are OUR people, PPP supporters).

Then he says that WE are going to take back the country. He has already established that its OUR (Indian PPP supporters).

He could have spoken of the vendors and about civil servants who were promised pay increases that they didn't get. No its only OUR people who he ranted about and that said that he is going to take back the country.

Well Ramkarran cut out all the BS and reduced it to what it is.  Jagdeo said that he was going to take back the country for Indians.

Jagdeo thinks that people are stupid and cannot penetrate his very obvious code language. We read it loud and clear as we did when last year he screamed that if Indians didn't vote PPP GDF and police (blackman) were going to rape and kill.  He told Amerindians the same.


Bibi Haniffa posted:

Let us reflect on the journey that began with the Slave Trade that underdeveloped Africa.  Let us pay homage to those who labored tirelessly for freedom.  Many of us have benefited from their hard work and sacrifice.

Let us caution ourselves not to divide and conquer but to work toward a common peace. Happy Emancipation Day!!!

I see no reason to celebrate emancipation day. It is just a day when the struggles of a people to overcome  resistance to reason that all share a common humanity. It is a day that  selfish and ignorant resistance recapitulated to a  declaration that all men are created equal capable as any other human.

The reality today is  that many still cling to the idea that they are rightful over lords and wish for the suzarain/serf status between themselves and black people. Emancipation did not erase the necrotic philosophy that engendered slavery as the model for an economic system.

Many Guyanese Indian still cling to these stupid notions. They forgot their underclass pedigree  as Sudras to  Brahamins  for thousands of years. Many recaste black people as the new sudra and place themselves as the new over lords. The lessons that produced a day of emancipation bypassed them.

You shpuld take heed and contemplate what it means because you seem to still have the racism rickets in your bones.

Stormborn posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Let us reflect on the journey that began with the Slave Trade that underdeveloped Africa.  Let us pay homage to those who labored tirelessly for freedom.  Many of us have benefited from their hard work and sacrifice.

Let us caution ourselves not to divide and conquer but to work toward a common peace. Happy Emancipation Day!!!


Many Guyanese Indian still cling to these stupid notions. They forgot their underclass pedigree  as Sudras to  Brahamins  for thousands of years. Many recaste black people as the new sudra and place themselves as the new over lords. The lessons that produced a day of emancipation bypassed them.


Yes Jagdeo told us this loud and clear. Guyana is for some people but not for others.  In order that some people continue to own Guyana they must fool their fellow ethnics, who are much poorer, that they are deserving of this dispensation.

This guy is like Trump and the masses of the PPP supporters are like the white working class. 

When Granger broke his promises PNC supporters began to complain, and even protest when he threatened their livelihood.  Others formed independent entities to contest LGE to reduce the power of central government.

Not the PPP who get simpletons like Bibi to do their dirty work. I bet she didn't get ONE PENNY from PPP corruption and look at how she is being used to protect Jagdeo and his cronies who wail as they fear that their ill gotten gains might be seized.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Let us reflect on the journey that began with the Slave Trade that underdeveloped Africa.  Let us pay homage to those who labored tirelessly for freedom.  Many of us have benefited from their hard work and sacrifice.

Let us caution ourselves not to divide and conquer but to work toward a common peace. Happy Emancipation Day!!!


Let me join you in saying that I agree with you 100 percent. Africans paved the way for our foreparents to leave foreign lands so that we can all have a better future.

It was politics and politicians like Burnham who saw Indos as enemies and wanted them destroyed. Jagan made serious mistakes that cost Indos immensely and caused them to suffer as a result of his flirting with communism.

These two politicians contributed to the racial divide between Afros and Indos.

Granger is equally racist, he was in Burnham's inner circle. Harmon is even more racist. They remain an obstacle to race relations in Guyana. Wiki Leaks have confirmed this.

Hopefully, we can someday move on and Guyana can become a better place. The current AFC/PNC had made the racial divide even worse.

Our PPP also needs new direction and leadership for a better Guyana.


yuji22 posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:


Hopefully, we can someday move on and Guyana can become a better place.

Guyana will move on when you get rid of the racist Jagdeo.  The PPP will not be taken seriously as an opposition party with a man screaming divisive rants.  Indians are a dwindling % of the population and the PPP will not win an election if it sees our people=rural Indians!

Drugb posted:

What is significant is that they are celebrating emancipation from the PPP. CaribJ confirmed this. Now we will see Blacks flourishing under the PNC, building mansions with pools and setting up businesses to move their race to the upper class all because the evil PPP is no longer there to keep them down. 



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