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caribny posted:
Drugb posted:
Stormborn posted:

You lie like a skunk. If 75 percent of Indians were middle class how come we barely beat Haiti on the poverty index? Indians make up the majority of immigrants from Gy to the Caribbean. 

That's because the bucks and blacks skew the results, they make up more than 50% of the population. 

Druggie I know that literacy isn't your thing, but didn't you notice the bit about poverty among rural AGRICULTURAL families. Now from what you know of Guyana you will admit that this includes lots of Indians.


How many rural farmers are there in Guyana? 1000 at most. Go get a life and stop spewing your bilge without solid proof. 

Kari posted:

Bibi is anti-Indian. She exalts the oligarch Indians (see PPP clique and family) and ignores the 90% of poor Indians. She is your typical class warrior.


CORRECTION: Class defender, not class warrior. Only those of us who struggle against class privilege and social inequality are truly class warriors. Those who defend the status quo are not class warriors.


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