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Hundreds turn up at AFC Public Meeting in Berbice

The AFC on July 16 2011 conducted a public meeting in Rosignol, West Coast Berbice. Speakers at this meeting include Dr. Ramaya, Mr. Pradeep Bachan and others. This meeting which was attended by approximately 500 people and was hailed as an outstanding success. Party activists distributed the key and interacted with residents.

Mr. Bachan apprised residents of the work the AFC has been doing to provide representation for the people of Region 5. He cited the example of Mr. Davekumar Jainauth who was injured while on duty at the Blairmont estate where his employer took no responsibity of his injury. Bachan also mentioned the flood victims of Bath/Woodley park as well as residents of no. 30 village whose cause the AFC adopted with vigour.

Dr. Ramaya spoke on a number of specific issues which affect people on a daily basis in the Berbice region. These include the numerous problems sugar workers face accessing their NIS benefits. He also looked at the difficulties facing the health and education sectors.

Recently the AFC adopted the cause of the poor in Rosignol who were affected by the breakdown of the M.B. Sandaka. Presidential candidate Khemraj Ramjattan joined the picket line to express solidarity with the poor who could not afford the ridiculous tolls charged by the Berbice Bridge.


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albert was kind enough to point out that one of the reasons the AFC is doing so well in Cane Grove was because we got the Gov't to finally act after TEN YEARS of misery for the residents:

A rice mill at Cane Grove that has been polluting hundreds of residents with dust for years was Thursday given six weeks to convince authorities that modifications will bring an end to the environmental problem. Residents complain that the mill, which is owned by Faizul Hack, creates a cloud of dust over their East Coast Demerara community when it is in operation.

A community meeting of more than 100 persons was told by the Head of Guyana's Environmental Protection Agency, Indarjit Ramdass that vents at the top of the silos would be removed and a duct system would be installed to collect the dust that would be pulled by an extractor fan and collected in a bag-house. “We expect this system to work. There is still some fine-tuning to be done, some further testing but, together with the consultants at the University of Guyana, they have come up with a good solution to the problem here,” Ramdass said. He acknowledged that the new system would be somewhat expensive but expressed confidence that it would work.

Hack said work has already begun on the modifications. Agriculture Minister, Robert Persaud said there would be two trial-periods leading up to the end of August to ascertain whether the modification would work. Inspections are to be conducted by officials of the EPA, Guyana Rice Development Board and the Faculty of Technology along with 10 community representatives. Lecturer at the Faculty of Technology, Isidro Espinosa expressed optimism that the modification that has been borrowed from Robert Badal’s mill would work on Hack’s facility. Espinosa said between 90 to 96 percent of the dust would be collected by the new facility.

Despite a previous recommendation by the EPA that the mill be removed from the community, Agriculture Minister, Robert Persaud remained adamant that the facility remain at Cane Grove and allowed to resume operations only after the mill is fitted to stop dust pollution. “Unless the facility is fixed, the mill will not be allowed to operate or certified,” he said, cautioning that if the mill is shut down permanently it would affect the rice growing community. Under pressure from one of three vocal residents, Hack admitted that the mill was constructed without permission from the relevant authorities. Persaud then insisted that Hack receives all approvals and permissions before it resumes operation. In an apparent reference to the Alliance For Change (AFC) that has spoken out on the issue, the Agriculture Minister urged residents to guard against people “shopping around grievances.”

Thursday’s community meeting was a follow-up to a closed door session with community representatives, President Bharrat Jagdeo and the Agriculture Minister.

Originally posted by Bookman:
Bookman nah see 500 people in dis pictcha. De place too dark.
BTW Gerhard, why did the cameraman take out the folks from the back? That leaves a doubt as to whether those people are real Berbicians. Maybe they were bussed/rice-trucked into the meeting? dunno

lol The only parties that engage in bussing are the PPP and PNC. Please ask albert to confirm that the PPP sent three buses for the Cane Grove people to go to OP. Mind you this is after 10 years of misery, and only after the AFC highlighted the problem.

And darkness seems to be a recurring theme of AFC meetings compliments of the PPP. During the Cane Grove meeting tonight, there was another blackout.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Eh-eh, bhai Gerhard .. yuh back fram dee meetin'? Big Grin

How many were at the meeting? Big Grin
I would say about a hundred at its peak, in the direct vicinity. There was also a fair flow of residents in and out who stopped to listen. Plus there were those in the rum shop, further up the dam and street, on their steps, verandahs and landings who were listening.

I should have taken a head count, but the residents were so eager to engage us and I was busy talking with them from start to finish. It would appear the mantra for Cane Grove is change.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Eh-eh, bhai Gerhard .. yuh back fram dee meetin'? Big Grin

How many were at the meeting? Big Grin

I would say about a hundred at its peak, in the direct vicinity. There was also a fair flow of residents in and out who stopped to listen. Plus there were those in the rum shop, further up the dam and street, on their steps, verandahs and landings who were listening.

I should have taken a head count, but the residents were so eager to engage us and I was busy talking with them from start to finish.

It would appear the mantra for Cane Grove is change.

Conducting the meetings is indeed important.

The real results would translate at the polls for the 2011 election.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Eh-eh, bhai Gerhard .. yuh back fram dee meetin'? Big Grin

How many were at the meeting? Big Grin
I would say about a hundred at its peak, in the direct vicinity. There was also a fair flow of residents in and out who stopped to listen. Plus there were those in the rum shop, further up the dam and street, on their steps, verandahs and landings who were listening.

I should have taken a head count, but the residents were so eager to engage us and I was busy talking with them from start to finish. It would appear the mantra for Cane Grove is change.

Gerhard, there's a little handheld gadget I used to call a clicker. Dem cinema staff used to pass through the aisle during shows and press de ting click click click while they counted cinemagoers in the rows. You should get one of those. Then, at your public meetings hand it to a lil bai and tell he to move through the crowd and click away. Mek sure you give de bai a frek, eh.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I should have taken a head count, but the residents were so eager to engage us and I was busy talking with them from start to finish.

Be an effective listener, interact accordingly and keep personal astute observations.
Thank you Uncle Dem_Guy flag I believe I did better than the last time, but my ending was weak.
Originally posted by Bookman: Gerhard, there's a little handheld gadget I used to call a clicker. Dem cinema staff used to pass through the aisle during shows and press de ting click click click while they counted cinemagoers in the rows. You should get one of those. Then, at your public meetings hand it to a lil bai and tell he to move through the crowd and click away. Mek sure you give de bai a frek, eh.
The PPP is going to have some trouble in Berbice during the next election. Only Dr.Cheddi and Mama Janet can help them here.

Alot of people are angry with the economic situation that they are in particularly the cost of crossing the bridge. One man from Rose hall told me a few months ago. "Why I have to pay so much money to cross the bridge while them people in Georgetown can cross their bridge so cheap"
Originally posted by Wally:
The PPP is going to have some trouble in Berbice during the next election. Only Dr.Cheddi and Mama Janet can help them here.

Alot of people are angry with the economic situation that they are in particularly the cost of crossing the bridge. One man from Rose hall told me a few months ago. "Why I have to pay so much money to cross the bridge while them people in Georgetown can cross their bridge so cheap"

The PPP is having problems is some core specific quarters of their constituency. This is bad new for them, at least for their buldozer style of rule. They will have big problems holding onto the absolute majority.
Originally posted by Mitwah:
People are angry that they have to depend on remittances and barrels for their survival.They want back their dignity.

You really think so, Mits? My feedback indicates people are happy for remittances and barrels. The more the better. They don't have (want?) to work hard for their daily bread. And "dignity" can't buy a bottle rum and Blackberry phone like remittances can.
Originally posted by Bookman:
Originally posted by Mitwah:
People are angry that they have to depend on remittances and barrels for their survival.They want back their dignity.

You really think so, Mits? My feedback indicates people are happy for remittances and barrels. The more the better. They don't have (want?) to work hard for their daily bread. And "dignity" can't buy a bottle rum and Blackberry phone like remittances can.
Marnin Cde Bookman wavey. I have spoken to parents and village elders who are very concerned at the shift in our culture. But of course, there are many, as you've rightly pointed out who are none too pleased to lime at the street corner, etc.

Now Cde Bookman, the trend is very recognisable, and for many years too. In that regard the AFC has been urging that we try to focus those monies and gifts toward bettering the communities and increasing opportunities. Of course, you cannot simply take control of what people are sending to their families. But through awareness programmes, initiated by our foreign consulates, commissions and embassies, and then propagated through the various Guyanese groups and religious organisations, we can influence some of the remittances and barrels to more positive uses.

The awareness would cover not only the positives of focused remittances etc, but the negatives they are presently causing in our society. And emphasise the fact too, that when these people eventually end up abroad, they will be coming with some bad habits and attitudes that could additionally burden the very families who would have already made sacrifices for them while they were in Guyana.

Additionally, we have a University that can be made use of to study and provide solutions to mitigate these types of social problems. These studies can then also be circulated electronically throughout the Guyanese communities abroad and would add to the efforts of the foreign service.

And finally, the question begs, given this is a phenomenon that has been steadily worsening over a period exceeding 20 years, why hasn't the Gov't made any effort whatsoever to mitigate it? As is, the Gov't just blows wind when it speaks of efforts to keep our people here. Redirected remittances that are successful in creating opportunities will most certainly keep more people here.
Originally posted by SuperMike:

i know bro..look bout 100 hundred people show up at the AFC meeting...dem PPP bhais muss be shitting dem pants rass. yippie

They are because when teh AFC attracts these its because they come to listen.

When the PPP does so they are either bussed in, or come for free food and T shirts. I heard at one of your meetings an irate woman screamed out "why y'all don' done talk so I can collect me food".
I am not surprised since your ears big like wan Jackass/Donkey wan.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by SuperMike:

i know bro..look bout 100 hundred people show up at the AFC meeting...dem PPP bhais muss be shitting dem pants rass. yippie

They are because when teh AFC attracts these its because they come to listen.

When the PPP does so they are either bussed in, or come for free food and T shirts. I heard at one of your meetings an irate woman screamed out "why y'all don' done talk so I can collect me food".
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
I am leaving shortly to go speak at the AFC public meeting in Victoria.

Remember to watch the pitch of your voice and don't scream. You should do a mock run through with your wife or someone who will give you honest feedback before taking the stage. And don't insult the people's intelligence by telling them that the AFC will solve all the nations ills while lowering vat and eliminating corruption, both are impossible tasks.
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I am leaving shortly to go speak at the AFC public meeting in Victoria.

Mix and communicate with the people.

Listen carefully and assess what they are saying .. not what you want to hear.

Stay calm and avoid getting "worked and rilled" up.

Stay focused on your speech .. short brief opening, the middle with relevant explanations and the last few minutes to recapture and drive home a few key points.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
I am leaving shortly to go speak at the AFC public meeting in Victoria.

Remember to watch the pitch of your voice and don't scream. You should do a mock run through with your wife or someone who will give you honest feedback before taking the stage. And don't insult the people's intelligence by telling them that the AFC will solve all the nations ills while lowering vat and eliminating corruption, both are impossible tasks.

Druggie I am glad that you and DG are helping GR. Maybe with people like him there will be hope if he takes your advise. He is young but I have confidence in him. He is intelligent and conveys integrity and a true caring for Guyana.
Originally posted by Nehru:
DG, Good you can give advise to a Lil Party. We need to encourage them so that in two decades they can become a force to reckon with. :-) :-)

Maybe they might get enough votes now to reduce the PPP into being a minority govt, and next time when GR has grown up he might campaign better than Ramjattan.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I am leaving shortly to go speak at the AFC public meeting in Victoria.

Mix and communicate with the people.

Listen carefully and assess what they are saying .. not what you want to hear.

Stay calm and avoid getting "worked and rilled" up.

Stay focused on your speech .. short brief opening, the middle with relevant explanations and the last few minutes to recapture and drive home a few key points.
I believed I followed this to a T Uncle D_G wavey Thank you!
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
I am leaving shortly to go speak at the AFC public meeting in Victoria.

Remember to watch the pitch of your voice and don't scream. You should do a mock run through with your wife or someone who will give you honest feedback before taking the stage. And don't insult the people's intelligence by telling them that the AFC will solve all the nations ills while lowering vat and eliminating corruption, both are impossible tasks.
Thanks again BGurd_See, I did as you suggested, and did the mock run while driving on the way up. It did help. Thanks! wavey
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

I am leaving shortly to go speak at the AFC public meeting in Victoria.

Mix and communicate with the people.

Listen carefully and assess what they are saying .. not what you want to hear.

Stay calm and avoid getting "worked and rilled" up.

Stay focused on your speech .. short brief opening, the middle with relevant explanations and the last few minutes to recapture and drive home a few key points.

I believed I followed this to a T Uncle D_G wavey Thank you!

Keep working at it, Gerhard, and eventually, you will easily make adjustments to suit specific situations.

Have a set of about six key points, with of course sub-points, specific for your personal presentation. Always keep them up-to-date and in time you would be able to speak with all or a few points, specific to the situation; even without your notes.
Originally posted by Demerara_Guy: Have a set of about six key points, with of course sub-points, specific for your personal presentation. Always keep them up-to-date and in time you would be able to speak with all or a few points, specific to the situation; even without your notes.
Great idea Uncle D_G, thanks again Smile

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