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I got a lot of threats” – outgoing Canadian High Commissioner Chatterjee

5-month attempt to rig elections

By Jarryl Bryan

Outgoing Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, Lilian Chatterjee will soon take up her next diplomatic mission in Barbados. But she is unlikely to forget the five-month election controversy in Guyana and the threats that came her way.

Outgoing Canadian High Commissioner Lilian Chatterjee receiving her award from President Irfaan Ali on Wednesday

In an exclusive interview with this publication on Saturday, Chatterjee admitted that those five months saw a number of threats being made against her. She revealed that at the insistence of the Canadian Government, her security was even beefed up to a 24/7 security detail. British High Commissioner to Guyana, Greg Quinn; Ambassador of the European Union Delegation to Guyana, Fernando Ponz-Canto; US Ambassador to Guyana, Sarah-Ann Lynch; and Canadian High Commissioner to Guyana, Lilian Chatterjee, walking out of the Office of the Region Four Returning Officer amid major irregularities in the vote tabulation process (Don Singh Photo)

It was unfamiliar territory for the diplomat. But according to her, she was never intimidated, nor did she flinch from carrying out her duties and insisting on the will of the people as expressed in the polls, being respected.
“The Canadian Government insisted that I take on 24/7 security. I wouldn’t say I was frightened. But I was under attack and that was an unfamiliar experience for me to be criticised (for my position). Because Canada does not take sides. We do not have a horse in the race. We just wanted it to be a free and fair elections. That’s all we were calling for.”
“And so, it was surprising to me that people fabricated things about what I may have done or said. Because that’s not how we are. But I wasn’t going to back down. I wasn’t intimidated, I wasn’t frightened. But I did get a lot of threats,” Chatterjee explained.
It was only a few days ago that Chatterjee and her fellow ABCE diplomats (former British High Commissioner to Guyana Greg Quinn, US Ambassador to Guyana Sarah-Ann Lynch and European Union Ambassador Fernando Ponce-Canto) were honoured by the Guyana Manufacturing and Services Association (GMSA).
Asked about how she felt when she received her award, the High Commissioner said the experience was a humbling one. According to her, she was not even fully aware of the significance of her advocacy for democracy, until after President Dr Irfaan Ali was inaugurated.
“It was humbling, because when you go through it you just feel like you’re doing your job. And it has only been since the inauguration of President Ali, that so many people come up to me, thanking me for my role… I was speaking up on behalf of our Canadian Government. Just advocating for our principles of respecting the will of the people,” Chatterjee said.
“But I didn’t think that it was so appreciated by Guyanese people. One of the things that really touched me was a six-year-old, coming up to me saying thank you so much. And I was taken aback. This six-year-old thanking me. And I would be in grocery stores or different areas. And people would come up and say, thank you. And that has humbled me and warmed me, that it was so recognised.”
Chatterjee and her three counterparts were vocal in their calls for democracy to prevail in Guyana, and for the will of the Guyanese people to be respected after the former A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) coalition Government refused to concede defeat at the March 2 polls and demit office.
The Western diplomats had deemed the tabulation process for Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica) – Guyana’s largest voting district – as lacking transparency and credibility. As the electoral impasse continued months after the March polls, the ABCE diplomatic community continued mounting pressure on the former Government to concede defeat, warning of Guyana facing isolation and consequences.
In fact, the United States had gone ahead to impose visa sanctions against several Government and electoral officials and their immediate family members for their role in the controversy. The UK, Canada, as well as the EU had also indicated that they were considering doing likewise.
Even now there are two election petitions before the High Court, which seek to vitiate the elections and cause fresh elections to be called. However, there is also an application from Attorney General Anil Nandlall that seeks to strike out one of the petitions on the grounds of its service breaching the National Assembly Validity of Elections Act. A decision is expected to be made next month.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@kp posted:

I got a lot of threats” – outgoing Canadian High Commissioner Chatterjee

5-month attempt to rig elections

By Jarryl Bryan

The Western diplomats had deemed the tabulation process for Region Four (Demerara-Mahaica) – Guyana’s largest voting district – as lacking transparency and credibility. As the electoral impasse continued months after the March polls, the ABCE diplomatic community continued mounting pressure on the former Government to concede defeat, warning of Guyana facing isolation and consequences.
In fact, the United States had gone ahead to impose visa sanctions against several Government and electoral officials and their immediate family members for their role in the controversy. The UK, Canada, as well as the EU had also indicated that they were considering doing likewise.
Even now there are two election petitions before the High Court, which seek to vitiate the elections and cause fresh elections to be called. However, there is also an application from Attorney General Anil Nandlall that seeks to strike out one of the petitions on the grounds of its service breaching the National Assembly Validity of Elections Act. A decision is expected to be made next month.

Interesting times ahead.


Ms. Chatterjee doesn't know the first thing about being a diplomat.  She speaks like a political activist.  The Canadian government should recall her. I am sure she is better suited for another line of work.

@Totaram posted:

Ms. Chatterjee doesn't know the first thing about being a diplomat.  She speaks like a political activist.  The Canadian government should recall her. I am sure she is better suited for another line of work.

I have watched most of her interviews ,not impressive.


Trudeau was recently mouthing off about Indian farmers and put in check by the Indian government.

Ms. Chatterjee, or any other diplomat, is not officially mandated to becoming involved in another country's internal political affairs, as she did in Guyana.   

@Nehru posted:

Obviously, some have their heads up dem Kakahole! Education FREE go help yuhself!

You have yours up Ali's but it has room for KP's too. Maybe he'll give you one of those online scholarships .  You could study Kakaholology since you have a background in it.

@Totaram posted:

You have yours up Ali's but it has room for KP's too. Maybe he'll give you one of those online scholarships .  You could study Kakaholology since you have a background in it.

Baldy, I think you need a Hobby and or a Hubby. Stop playing with yourself, put on your trousers.

@kp posted:

Baldy, I think you need a Hobby and or a Hubby. Stop playing with yourself, put on your trousers.

Maybe you could join Nehru in the Kakaholology class.  You could use each other  as lab specimens.   


That anti- koolie serial Greene referred to this woman on that Ben Chopsticks outfit (that koolie with specks of white blood that makes him superior to the rest of us koolies) as a woman of East Indian extraction.

@Tola posted:

Trudeau was recently mouthing off about Indian farmers and put in check by the Indian government.

Ms. Chatterjee, or any other diplomat, is not officially mandated to becoming involved in another country's internal political affairs, as she did in Guyana.   

Knucklehead Tola,

What did she do that other people did not do? She wanted to prevent a slide into Burnhamism, something you seem to love.

See Freddie Kissoon article today.


Ms. Chatterjee did a good job during her post as Canadian high Commissioner. She and all other diplomats voiced their concern over the past elections which played an very important part. I'm sure if she was doing such a lousy job, she would have been called back.

@Totaram posted:

You have yours up Ali's but it has room for KP's too. Maybe he'll give you one of those online scholarships .  You could study Kakaholology since you have a background in it.

It seems SFB's stupid post you replied to was removed by admin and that is how it should be done. If those same type of stupid posts are made, the individual should be expelled for adding absolutely nothing to any discussion.

@VishMahabir posted:

Knucklehead Tola,

What did she do that other people did not do? She wanted to prevent a slide into Burnhamism, something you seem to love.

See Freddie Kissoon article today.

Knucklehead VishMahabir,

Grow up and learn about diplomatic missions.

Fred Kissoon is a loose cannon. It looks like you believe his crap, it is not worth reading. 

@Bigan Choka posted:

Ms. Chatterjee did a good job during her post as Canadian high Commissioner. She and all other diplomats voiced their concern over the past elections which played an very important part. I'm sure if she was doing such a lousy job, she would have been called back.

After Trudeau was reprimanded by India for sticking his nose in their internal farming business, what else do you expect from Ms. Chatterjee. But election is coming up.

@cain posted:

It seems SFB's stupid post you replied to was removed by admin and that is how it should be done. If those same type of stupid posts are made, the individual should be expelled for adding absolutely nothing to any discussion.

I do not agree with the removal of posts unless it is posting someone's personal information or spamming. This removal or altering of posts is the reason I deleted my membership the first time around. The altering of posts is very dangerous as the moderator/admin can insert or remove content which the poster is responsible for, especially on a political forum.

If @Django finds something offensive then let him call out the poster on the thread.

For some reason @Django refuses to publicly admonish Nehru or revoke his posting privileges and post a thread saying why. Altering or removing the posts of this vulgar reprobate Nehru is not the answer. These actions concern me.

@Tola posted:

After Trudeau was reprimanded by India for sticking his nose in their internal farming business, what else do you expect from Ms. Chatterjee. But election is coming up.

She did a good job in my books. Whats your beef with her anyways?

The farmers/india thing is a whole different topic and has nothing to do with Chatterjee. Please start another thread if you want to discuss

@Bigan Choka posted:

She did a good job in my books. Whats your beef with her anyways?

The farmers/india thing is a whole different topic and has nothing to do with Chatterjee. Please start another thread if you want to discuss

Maybe you should learn more to understand, about the purpose of diplomatic missions and one government interfering into  another government's internal affairs.

@Former Member posted:

I do not agree with the removal of posts unless it is posting someone's personal information or spamming. This removal or altering of posts is the reason I deleted my membership the first time around. The altering of posts is very dangerous as the moderator/admin can insert or remove content which the poster is responsible for, especially on a political forum.

If @Django finds something offensive then let him call out the poster on the thread.

For some reason @Django refuses to publicly admonish Nehru or revoke his posting privileges and post a thread saying why. Altering or removing the posts of this vulgar reprobate Nehru is not the answer. These actions concern me.

You half right. Look what is being done to trump when he makes offensive bullshit posts, it is censored. I do understand it shows some of the filth so that we can appreciate the decent conversations, so I'll agree Django should do what he believes is the appropriate thing and stop with the childish back and forth fighting.

@Bigan Choka posted:

Your dancing around my question. She came to Guyana to do her job and she did just that. What is your issue with her?

Maybe YOU should learn not to hijack ppl's thread and stay on topic

Your reply display the problem Guyana has for some people since independence. During the years we lived in Guyana, it is almost impossible to reach a consensus with someone in a discussion, who feels they already know everything. So its better to walk away and leave them to wallow in their ignorance.   

@Tola posted:

Your reply display the problem Guyana has for some people since independence. During the years we lived in Guyana, it is almost impossible to reach a consensus with someone in a discussion, who feels they already know everything. So its better to walk away and leave them to wallow in their ignorance.   

Hey Tola don't cry bredda. I just wanted to know why you have a problem with Canadian Commissioner. Its a public forum to discuss posted topics. Not everyone will agree with you, but just pointing out that you stray away from the topic at hand thats all. This thread has nothing to do with India and its farmers or Guyana Independence.

BTW I never claimed to know everything. The whole reason I joined this forum is to be more informed about what is happening in Guyana. I could have easily joined GNI, but I wanted to give this forum a chance. Don't make me regret it

@Former Member posted:

I do not agree with the removal of posts unless it is posting someone's personal information or spamming. This removal or altering of posts is the reason I deleted my membership the first time around. The altering of posts is very dangerous as the moderator/admin can insert or remove content which the poster is responsible for, especially on a political forum.

If @Django finds something offensive then let him call out the poster on the thread.

For some reason @Django refuses to publicly admonish Nehru or revoke his posting privileges and post a thread saying why. Altering or removing the posts of this vulgar reprobate Nehru is not the answer. These actions concern me.

Nehru doan do anybody no harm. He cuzz in hindi. Wah nat understood can be like wata on duck back.

@Bigan Choka posted:

Hey Tola don't cry bredda. I just wanted to know why you have a problem with Canadian Commissioner. Its a public forum to discuss posted topics. Not everyone will agree with you, but just pointing out that you stray away from the topic at hand thats all. This thread has nothing to do with India and its farmers or Guyana Independence.

BTW I never claimed to know everything. The whole reason I joined this forum is to be more informed about what is happening in Guyana. I could have easily joined GNI, but I wanted to give this forum a chance. Don't make me regret it

Lots a things happen here, when the mud is clear or settled, gems of ideas and opinions are found. Stay awhile, nothing wrong if you ALSO join Dave's gang at the Guyan Backdam.

@Totaram posted:

Ms. Chatterjee doesn't know the first thing about being a diplomat.  She speaks like a political activist.  The Canadian government should recall her. I am sure she is better suited for another line of work.

The woman was threatened and you are reprimanding her for her qualifications as a diplomat? What kind of a moron are you?

Barbados gain is Guyana loss.

@Nehru posted:

Bigan Choka, the DUMB Robbermen on GNI think they can fool everyone, just like the PNC they are skilled in fraud, theft and incompetence!!!

Note the libelous remarks against people posting here, accusing us of fraud, theft, etc. Then @Django refers to this as "unwanted remarks". SMFH. No sanction. Nothing.

Ganga, don't you belong to another forum? Why don't you stick to posting there if we are as you said above? It's a shame covid missed yuh.

@Former Member posted:

Note the libelous remarks against people posting here, accusing us of fraud, theft, etc. Then @Django refers to this as "unwanted remarks". SMFH. No sanction. Nothing.

Ganga, don't you belong to another forum? Why don't you stick to posting there if we are as you said above? It's a shame covid missed yuh.

Iguana, you are mean. He has a right to hang out on this forum as you do. To wish him dead is the lowest a person can become.

@cain posted:

You half right. Look what is being done to trump when he makes offensive bullshit posts, it is censored. I do understand it shows some of the filth so that we can appreciate the decent conversations, so I'll agree Django should do what he believes is the appropriate thing and stop with the childish back and forth fighting.

Nah, I'm 100% right. I repeat, @Django should not be altering or removing any posts unless they are posting personal information or spamming. If he alters my posts, he removes the context and puts words in my mouth. He cannot speak for me, or anyone here for that matter.

The nature of discussion on a forum is that participants provide their facts. Django cannot decide what is fact or not, that is a decision the reader makes.

You mention the social media giants and Trump, note these companies were dragged before the Senate to testify about their censorship! What you are proposing is outright censorship. If I find the content of my posts changed or they are removed when the thread gets stale, I"ll be gone again.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Iguana, you are mean. He has a right to hang out on this forum as you do. To wish him dead is the lowest a person can become.

I have tendency to roll in the gutter with a lowlife like him. I'll give as good as I get and I'll take care of his dumb ass. And yes, I can be mean. It's the only thing a turd like Nehru understands.

Last edited by Former Member
@Ramakant-P posted:

Iguana, you are mean. He has a right to hang out on this forum as you do. To wish him dead is the lowest a person can become.

What a hypocrite, lowest in the outhouse pit like you, after you wish a back man 'should be shot'.


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