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Former Member



In 1980, there were close to 100,000 workers in the public sector. This meant that one in every four employable Guyanese worked for the government.
However by 1986, the total number of workers in the public sector had been slashed to about 78,000, close to a twenty-five per cent decline.
It was not as if these workers had simply gone over to jobs in the private sector. The private sector in those days was economically enfeebled and would have been unable to accommodate the close to twenty-two thousand workers who had left.
The greater part of those leaving was retrenched. In 1982 alone, some four thousand government workers received their dreaded redeployment letters. It was a traumatic experience that led to the wholesale vending that has now taken over the country.
People had to make money and though there was little to sell, people could not go hungry. And so they peddled whatever there was to sell, which in those days of import restrictions amounted to tamarind balls, sugar cakes, plantain chips and locally manufactured chewing gums and mints. Do you know how many persons in this country avoided starvation by selling mints?
A great many persons also departed these shores never to return. They have tried to suppress that memory of what happened to them when they lost their jobs. It was a terrible period in the countryโ€™s history, one caused by economic mismanagement and particularly by an earlier expansion of government employment.
In those days if you wanted a government job, it helped, helped considerably if you had a party card for the ruling party. The party office was a virtual Ministry. In fact the Ministry of National Mobilization was a virtual party office and employed senior party operatives.
When they sent a worker to a government agency, it was not a case of the ministry examining whether a job was available. It was a case of the ministry being forced to find a job for that employee.
Three sets of problems arose because of this practice. The first was the ballooning of the State sector. The State sector became too large and this meant that large sums, sums not being earned because of the falling production and productivity, had to be found each month to pay wages. As a result, central government finances were thrown into disequilibrium.
The second problem was that there were many square pegs in round holes. You had persons sitting in front of typewriters who punched the keys with one finger while there were young girls just out of typing school typing at 120 words per minute who could not find a job even in this over-bloated public sector.
You had a great many incompetents holding down office. Some of them are still around. They did not have clue about the jobs to which they were assigned and this was one of the primary reasons why the economy instead of recovering continued to go into a tailspin.
The third problem that arose was discrimination. They were many ably qualified persons who were bypassed for promotion because party hacks had to be catered for. There were many individuals who were catapulted into senior government positions simply because they knew some top official, not because they could do the job. Many of them are still around, waiting for their retirement packages.
The lesson that this present generation should heed from this experience is one related to dispossession. There are many ways to rob a man of what he has. And a great deal of wealth has through rank criminality, been taken from innocent hard working persons and found its way into the hands of crooks.
But the most humiliating form of dispossession is for a man to lose the source of his livelihood. When over twenty thousand workers lost their jobs in the public sector in the six years beginning 1980, it caused real distress in homes because there is nothing worse, nothing more humiliating to a man than not being able to provide for his family. Those retrenchment letters that were received caused many families to suffer grievously.
Today, the tables have turned and now the private sector is the largest employer. In fact, one foreign company is now the largest private employer in Guyana. But GUYSUCO remains the largest public sector company and still employs thousands of Guyanese.
Those who make reckless statements about Guyana exiting sugar and who urge that ethanol and fish farms be considered are making the same sort of promises that the retrenched workers received during the period 1980 -1986.
Those workers were told that they were redeployed, that they would be placed elsewhere. Those jobs never materialized and people suffered.
If an alternative to sugar is to be found, it has to be phased in and phased in extremely gradually because there is no way that Guyana can ever recover from the dispossession that will result if the sugar industry is closed without the immediate prospects of finding alternative employment for displaced workers.
The 1980s must never again be repeated in this country.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

What mad man Viera does not understand is that improving the efficiency of the sugar industry is vital to the country's economy because of its effects on balance of payments, fiscal revenue and employment.


Cane cutta pay PAYE right???  16,000 of them plus all them managers and office workers at Guysuco.


How more dumb can Veira and the PNC get?


This is a racist agenda from the PNC, they want to destory sugar all because it is dominated by East Indians.


So the PPP destroyed Linden in their racist annilation, now it is time for pay back time.


Well I said before NOT ONE proper EAST INDIAN will vote for the APNU this time because they following mad Veira.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

What mad man Viera does not understand is that improving the efficiency of the sugar industry is vital to the country's economy because of its effects on balance of payments, fiscal revenue and employment.


Cane cutta pay PAYE right???  16,000 of them plus all them managers and office workers at Guysuco.


How more dumb can Veira and the PNC get?


This is a racist agenda from the PNC, they want to destory sugar all because it is dominated by East Indians.


So the PPP destroyed Linden in their racist annilation, now it is time for pay back time.


Well I said before NOT ONE proper EAST INDIAN will vote for the APNU this time because they following mad Veira.

Earth to Kishan - sugar is already destroyed, compliments of the PPP. 

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

What mad man Viera does not understand is that improving the efficiency of the sugar industry is vital to the country's economy because of its effects on balance of payments, fiscal revenue and employment.


Cane cutta pay PAYE right???  16,000 of them plus all them managers and office workers at Guysuco.


How more dumb can Veira and the PNC get?


This is a racist agenda from the PNC, they want to destory sugar all because it is dominated by East Indians.


So the PPP destroyed Linden in their racist annilation, now it is time for pay back time.


Well I said before NOT ONE proper EAST INDIAN will vote for the APNU this time because they following mad Veira.

Earth to Kishan - sugar is already destroyed, compliments of the PPP. 

Mars  - sugar is badly wounded, but not destroyed.  Nothing can destroy sugar because sugar is 80,000 people and they shall overcome.


I know you in the PNC really want to kill sugar but you shall fail just like how the PPP will fail.




The first thing Guysuco must achieve is to stabalize the level of production at around 230,000 tonnes and safe guard the financial viability

through a minimal two-year capital investment program for urgently needed
equipment and machinery to help GUYSUCO meet its basic capital and
maintenance requirement.


Central Government has to pump some of that EU sugar money back into the industry.


I think we need more private cane famers in the industry and more private sector participation within an efficient and competitive environment.


Man we need even to sell a 25% of the company shares to local and foreign investors with a guaranteed rate of return for the first 3 years to secure vital capital to buy the cane harvestors and convert more field to mechanization swifter.


Sugar can survive with a bolt on of ethanol.






Not replace sugar production with ethanol.


1 replaces one = 1

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

What mad man Viera does not understand is that improving the efficiency of the sugar industry is vital to the country's economy because of its effects on balance of payments, fiscal revenue and employment.


Cane cutta pay PAYE right???  16,000 of them plus all them managers and office workers at Guysuco.


How more dumb can Veira and the PNC get?


This is a racist agenda from the PNC, they want to destory sugar all because it is dominated by East Indians.


So the PPP destroyed Linden in their racist annilation, now it is time for pay back time.


Well I said before NOT ONE proper EAST INDIAN will vote for the APNU this time because they following mad Veira.

Earth to Kishan - sugar is already destroyed, compliments of the PPP. 

Mars  - sugar is badly wounded, but not destroyed.  Nothing can destroy sugar because sugar is 80,000 people and they shall overcome.


I know you in the PNC really want to kill sugar but you shall fail just like how the PPP will fail.



I'm not in the PNC or in any other party.


Guysuco has to make drastic changes in order to survive. It will not overcome with the current production numbers caused by PPP mismanagement, incompetence and corruption. Diversification and an overhaul of the way sugar is produced have to be considered seriously since the current model is not competitive with the world market. 

Originally Posted by KishanB:

I think we need more private cane famers in the industry and more private sector participation within an efficient and competitive environment.


Man we need even to sell a 25% of the company shares to local and foreign investors with a guaranteed rate of return for the first 3 years to secure vital capital to buy the cane harvestors and convert more field to mechanization swifter.


Sugar can survive with a bolt on of ethanol.






Not replace sugar production with ethanol.


1 replaces one = 1

I think Veira is dead wrong and he should be banished from the APNU before he cause them more harm.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:



what you got to say about Veira and the PNC wanting to close down the sugar estates?

You're a confused man. You rightfully stated that there was no suggestion to close down the sugar estates on this thread. It is another wicked PPP lie.


Well what a LIE from the PPP?  BUSTED



APNU, AFC denying calling for closure of sugar industry

Posted By Staff Writer On March 14, 2014 @ 5:17 am In Local News | No Comments

APNU and the AFC yesterday denied calling for the closure of the sugar industry and flayed the government for what they said were years of failed policies, mismanagement and questionable deals which culminated in disastrous production and a `white elephantโ€™ Skeldon factory.

Following A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) press conference on Tuesday in which it called for a revamping and diversification of the flailing industry, the government and the ruling party accused it and later the Alliance for Change of calling for the shutdown of the industry.

In separate statements yesterday, both groups denied this. APNU said it is calling for a restructuring of the Board of Directors and its filling with competent professionals as a first step in tackling the problems of the industry.

In addition, it wants GAWU and other unions in the industry and the workers they represent to demand urgent changes to GuySuCoโ€™s management at all levels.

APNU called again yesterday for a Commission of Inquiry into the sugar industry and argued that there can be no cure for the severe problems of the industry without an expert analysis and diagnosis.

โ€œAPNU stands ready to contribute meaningfully to the search for a solution. The sugar industry is our national patrimony and must not be treated as the exclusive preserve or property of any political partyโ€, the main opposition asserted.

It added that there is no dispute that over the past decade the industry has deteriorated calamitously and this seems beyond the capacity of its current โ€œpolitically appointed Board of Directorsโ€ to reverse.


Life support

โ€œIt is enough to point to some glaring blunders: the awarding of the Skeldon Sugar factory to a Chinese contractor when an Indian or Brazilian contractor (sugar producing countries) could have done a better job at a much lower price; the failure of the PPP Administration to protect sugar workersโ€™ interests through contractual arrangements regarding warranties and payment terms; the questionable arrangements surrounding this deal; other opaque deals including the Enmore packaging plant and supply of pumps involving Surendra Engineering, the Indian Company. The placing of political appointees to top positions and the loss of its once competent engineers and middle management have put GuySuCo on life supportโ€, APNU charged.

APNU argued that a once vibrant and profitable industry was now โ€œtotally insolventโ€ with sugar workers and their families uncertain about their future.

โ€œOne restructuring plan after another by the PPP Administration have failed to generate increased production. In fact, almost every strategic plan was obsolete before the ink was dry. Successive Ministers of Agriculture have had their way with this corporation, with nothing but failure to show the people who toil all day in sun and rain for a livelihood.

โ€œThe square pegs in round holes currently in charge of GuySuco have no solution to its problems and there is no evidence that the Donald Ramotar Administration is capable of making the necessary changes. Only competent professionals can bring about a credible, strategic turnaround of the sugar industryโ€, APNU said.

The AFC in its statement said that it wished to categorically state that it never promoted a position to close the industry.

โ€œThis is downright political wickedness on the part of the tottering PPP/C Governemnt. The headline in the PPP controlled Guyana Chronicle of Thursday, March 13, 2014 is nothing but gross misrepresentation. This government is hard-headed and cannot understand the difference between transformation and closure. To make it clear, the AFCโ€™s call for transformation would ensure the survival and sustainability of the industry based on complete sacking and replacement of the Board of Directors with competent persons, a Commission of Inquiry into the Skeldon Factory where $44 billion of taxpayers money went into modernising this โ€˜white elephantโ€™, diversification to include ethanol production and alcohol products and involve the Union in the management of the Corporationโ€, the AFC said. It charged that after some 21 years in power, it was the PPP government that has brought the sugar industry to ruination through mismanagement, cronyism and disregard for the livelihoods of sugar workers.

โ€œWhile it accuses the AFC of supporting the closure of the sugar industry it is in fact the government that is slowly tightening the noose around GuySuCoโ€™s neck by continuing to place square pegs in round holes to manage the industry. The government is also guilty of siphoning off billions of dollars from the EU that could have been spent to turn the industry around but instead used much of the EU funds intended for sugar to prop-up the economy while it allowed sugar to slide into further failuresโ€, the AFC declared.

On Wednesday, the main sugar union GAWU called on the government to transfer to the industry all the monies that the EU had given to Guyana since 2007 to cushion the impact on the sugar industry here of reforms to the EU sugar regime.

โ€œThe position of the Alliance For Change is that GuySuCo must be transformed to make it economically viable and this can be done by ensuring better management of the corporation, retooling the industry to ensure better production and moving towards meaningful diversification and integration of other by-products such as  ethanol productionโ€, the AFC argued.


โ€œThe position of the Alliance For Change is that GuySuCo must be transformed to make it economically viable and this can be done by ensuring better management of the corporation, retooling the industry to ensure better production and moving towards meaningful diversification and integration of other by-products such as  ethanol productionโ€, the AFC argued.


But Veira want to shut the place down.


Them racist crabs in the PNC want to destroy the East indians.


Vera knows sugar, no doubt about that but he want to run it his way with him on TOP and the East Indian at the bottom.



Originally Posted by KishanB:

โ€œThe position of the Alliance For Change is that GuySuCo must be transformed to make it economically viable and this can be done by ensuring better management of the corporation, retooling the industry to ensure better production and moving towards meaningful diversification and integration of other by-products such as  ethanol productionโ€, the AFC argued.


But Veira want to shut the place down.


Them racist crabs in the PNC want to destroy the East indians.


Vera knows sugar, no doubt about that but he want to run it his way with him on TOP and the East Indian at the bottom.



Massa day done and the dark skin man can rule Guyana.  Hoyte was dark skin and did a fine job as President between 1988 to 1992.


Better than most of the other President we had.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

โ€œThe position of the Alliance For Change is that GuySuCo must be transformed to make it economically viable and this can be done by ensuring better management of the corporation, retooling the industry to ensure better production and moving towards meaningful diversification and integration of other by-products such as  ethanol productionโ€, the AFC argued.


But Veira want to shut the place down.


Them racist crabs in the PNC want to destroy the East indians.


Vera knows sugar, no doubt about that but he want to run it his way with him on TOP and the East Indian at the bottom.



Vieira's position is also for Guysuco to diversify, not to shut down sugar production completely.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mars you are confused, I said what a lie but what I really mean is 


"What a lie to label the AFC like this."


I know the PNC want to destroy sugar.

I read the excerpts from the APNU press conference. APNU also proposes that Guysuco should diversify and not close down sugar production entirely. That is a blatant lie the PPP manufactured to pit an important voting base (sugar workers) against APNU and to deflect the blame for them destroying the sugar industry.  

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mars you are confused, I said what a lie but what I really mean is 


"What a lie to label the AFC like this."


I know the PNC want to destroy sugar.

I read the excerpts from the APNU press conference. APNU also proposes that Guysuco should diversify and not close down sugar production entirely. That is a blatant lie the PPP manufactured to pit an important voting base (sugar workers) against APNU and to deflect the blame for them destroying the sugar industry.  

I remember the days when only when you had a PNC card you could have been a manager at Guysuco.


Now I suspect it is the same with the PPP.


That crap got to change.


It is not the card, it is the competence.




Same shyte.

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mars you are confused, I said what a lie but what I really mean is 


"What a lie to label the AFC like this."


I know the PNC want to destroy sugar.

I read the excerpts from the APNU press conference. APNU also proposes that Guysuco should diversify and not close down sugar production entirely. That is a blatant lie the PPP manufactured to pit an important voting base (sugar workers) against APNU and to deflect the blame for them destroying the sugar industry.  


Blatant lie for true. PPP have their spy KishanB here selling the lies. They spy on AFC and take info to PPP.

Originally Posted by KishanB:

Let us make it clear AFC is not in bed with APNU.


Young pup cannot sleep with OLD DAAG.


AFC has the world ahead of it.


The PNC with hammie and carbin in the executive is a finished party.

kishan when the last time you hear hammie  or corbin give a input on the APNU.The APNU will always have the ppp as a minority in parliament i am not a member of no political party but the facts is the facts and one more thing sugar is dead in guyana,Trinidad and the rest of the Caribbean make the right move when they close out sugar.the production of sugar in guyana cannot compete on the world market.this ppp government have to stop using sugar as a political tool and move on  

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mars you are confused, I said what a lie but what I really mean is 


"What a lie to label the AFC like this."


I know the PNC want to destroy sugar.

I read the excerpts from the APNU press conference. APNU also proposes that Guysuco should diversify and not close down sugar production entirely. That is a blatant lie the PPP manufactured to pit an important voting base (sugar workers) against APNU and to deflect the blame for them destroying the sugar industry.  

I remember the days when only when you had a PNC card you could have been a manager at Guysuco.


Now I suspect it is the same with the PPP.


That crap got to change.


It is not the card, it is the competence.




Same shyte.

look how KishanB, this cheap, lying, racist con man quick-stepping past Mars, runnin for cover in a non sequitur latrine when challenged with FACTS


memo to this liard PPP tool/klown: stop playing the fool; ROAR days done


Ravi is now full out PPP . . . whither u?



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mars you are confused, I said what a lie but what I really mean is 


"What a lie to label the AFC like this."


I know the PNC want to destroy sugar.

I read the excerpts from the APNU press conference. APNU also proposes that Guysuco should diversify and not close down sugar production entirely. That is a blatant lie the PPP manufactured to pit an important voting base (sugar workers) against APNU and to deflect the blame for them destroying the sugar industry.  

I remember the days when only when you had a PNC card you could have been a manager at Guysuco.


Now I suspect it is the same with the PPP.


That crap got to change.


It is not the card, it is the competence.




Same shyte.

I agree with Kishan on this point 100%.


Same rubbish with the Corbin /Hammie/ Granger = Jagdeo/Ramutar GANG

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mars you are confused, I said what a lie but what I really mean is 


"What a lie to label the AFC like this."


I know the PNC want to destroy sugar.

I read the excerpts from the APNU press conference. APNU also proposes that Guysuco should diversify and not close down sugar production entirely. That is a blatant lie the PPP manufactured to pit an important voting base (sugar workers) against APNU and to deflect the blame for them destroying the sugar industry.  

I remember the days when only when you had a PNC card you could have been a manager at Guysuco.


Now I suspect it is the same with the PPP.


That crap got to change.


It is not the card, it is the competence.




Same shyte.

look how KishanB, this cheap, lying, racist con man quick-stepping past Mars, runnin for cover in a non sequitur latrine when challenged with FACTS


memo to this liard PPP tool/klown: stop playing the fool; ROAR days done


Ravi is now full out PPP . . . whither u?



Originally Posted by KishanB:

I am happy the AFC distance themselves from that wild and reckless statement from Veira.



This man does have mental problems since his wife run off with a younger hispanic man in Miami.  Now he is possessed with a serious strain of MAD COW disease.

I did not know this?




He always seem unstable to me upstairs like he is some massa - the Vera man.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mars you are confused, I said what a lie but what I really mean is 


"What a lie to label the AFC like this."


I know the PNC want to destroy sugar.

I read the excerpts from the APNU press conference. APNU also proposes that Guysuco should diversify and not close down sugar production entirely. That is a blatant lie the PPP manufactured to pit an important voting base (sugar workers) against APNU and to deflect the blame for them destroying the sugar industry.  

I remember the days when only when you had a PNC card you could have been a manager at Guysuco.


Now I suspect it is the same with the PPP.


That crap got to change.


It is not the card, it is the competence.




Same shyte.

look how KishanB, this cheap, lying, racist con man quick-stepping past Mars, runnin for cover in a non sequitur latrine when challenged with FACTS


memo to this liard PPP tool/klown: stop playing the fool; ROAR days done


Ravi is now full out PPP . . . whither u?






Govt. guilty of strangling sugar industry โ€“ AFC

March 14, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

The Alliance for Change (AFC) yesterday vehemently denied that the party ever proposed that the countryโ€™s sugar industry should close down and accused the government of strangling the industry. Moses Nagamootoo said yesterday that government continues to peddle misinformation about the sugar industry when in fact the AFC wants and is calling for a transformation to ensure the survival and sustainability of the industry. Nagamootoo said that there should be the complete sacking and replacement of the Board of Directors with competent persons. He stressed that โ€œthere is the need for a commission of inquiry into the Skeldon Factory, where $44 billion of taxpayersโ€™ money went into modernizing this โ€˜white elephantโ€™โ€. According to Nagamootoo, government continues to be hard-headed and cannot understand the difference between transformation and closure.  He said that after some 21 years in power, it is the PPP government that has brought the sugar industry to its knees through mismanagement, cronyism and downright disregard for the livelihoods of sugar workers. Nagamootoo said that while government accuses the AFC of supporting the closure of the sugar industry, it is in fact the government that is slowly tightening the noose around the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo)โ€™s neck by โ€œcontinuing to place square pegs in round holesโ€ to manage the industry. โ€œThe government is also guilty of siphoning off billions of dollars from the EU that could have been spent to turn the industry around, but instead used much of the EU funds intended for sugar to prop-up the economy, while it allowed sugar to slide into further failures,โ€ Nagamootoo asserted. He said that the position of the Alliance For Change is that GuySuCo must be transformed to make it economically viable and this can be done by ensuring better management of the corporation, retooling the industry to ensure better production and moving towards meaningful diversification and integration of other by-products such as ethanol production. โ€œAt the end of the day, it is the livelihoods of thousands of ordinary workers that are being threatened as the government continues to fool around with the sugar industryโ€ Nagamootoo said.



Originally Posted by KishanB:



So the PPP destroyed Linden in their racist annilation, now it is time for pay back time.



Why,  Isn't that what the PPP has done to black people?  Don't Indians scream that Lindeners are a bunch of lazy people who don't need help, yet sing a different when Guysuco is concerned.


Guymine was a drain to taxpayers and so was sold.  Guysuco should also be sold.  What the new owners do to it is their business.  After all who cared when BOSAI came in and laid off thousands of workers.  PPP supporters laughed at the fate of "dem lazy black man".



It is clear that gov't doesn't have the ability to run Guysuco.  So they should exit the business.  If sugar is potentially profitable its new owners will rebuild it.  If it isn't then the sugar woerkers will suffer the same fate that the bauxite workers did.  Just as the bauxite workers had to find something else to do then so should the sugar workers.


I am sick and tired of black people being constantly demonized and then being told that we should have different standards for Indians.


BTW Indians aren't going to vote APNU so stop pretending as if that is a possibility.  The type of things that APNU will have to do in the HOPE of getting this vote will guarantee that they lose the support of their core base who are tired of living in an Indian dominated Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mars you are confused, I said what a lie but what I really mean is 


"What a lie to label the AFC like this."


I know the PNC want to destroy sugar.

I read the excerpts from the APNU press conference. APNU also proposes that Guysuco should diversify and not close down sugar production entirely. That is a blatant lie the PPP manufactured to pit an important voting base (sugar workers) against APNU and to deflect the blame for them destroying the sugar industry.  

I remember the days when only when you had a PNC card you could have been a manager at Guysuco.


Now I suspect it is the same with the PPP.


That crap got to change.


It is not the card, it is the competence.




Same shyte.

look how KishanB, this cheap, lying, racist con man quick-stepping past Mars, runnin for cover in a non sequitur latrine when challenged with FACTS


memo to this liard PPP tool/klown: stop playing the fool; ROAR days done


Ravi is now full out PPP . . . whither u?



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mars you are confused, I said what a lie but what I really mean is 


"What a lie to label the AFC like this."


I know the PNC want to destroy sugar.

I read the excerpts from the APNU press conference. APNU also proposes that Guysuco should diversify and not close down sugar production entirely. That is a blatant lie the PPP manufactured to pit an important voting base (sugar workers) against APNU and to deflect the blame for them destroying the sugar industry.  

I remember the days when only when you had a PNC card you could have been a manager at Guysuco.


Now I suspect it is the same with the PPP.


That crap got to change.


It is not the card, it is the competence.




Same shyte.

look how KishanB, this cheap, lying, racist con man quick-stepping past Mars, runnin for cover in a non sequitur latrine when challenged with FACTS


memo to this liard PPP tool/klown: stop playing the fool; ROAR days done


Ravi is now full out PPP . . . whither u?



What is there to respond to???

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:



what you got to say about Veira and the PNC wanting to close down the sugar estates?

You're a confused man. You rightfully stated that there was no suggestion to close down the sugar estates on this thread. It is another wicked PPP lie.


Well what a LIE from the PPP?  BUSTED



APNU, AFC denying calling for closure of sugar industry

Posted By Staff Writer On March 14, 2014 @ 5:17 am In Local News | No Comments

APNU and the AFC yesterday denied calling for the closure of the sugar industry and flayed the government for what they said were years of failed policies, mismanagement and questionable deals which culminated in disastrous production and a `white elephantโ€™ Skeldon factory.

Following A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) press conference on Tuesday in which it called for a revamping and diversification of the flailing industry, the government and the ruling party accused it and later the Alliance for Change of calling for the shutdown of the industry.

In separate statements yesterday, both groups denied this. APNU said it is calling for a restructuring of the Board of Directors and its filling with competent professionals as a first step in tackling the problems of the industry.

In addition, it wants GAWU and other unions in the industry and the workers they represent to demand urgent changes to GuySuCoโ€™s management at all levels.

APNU called again yesterday for a Commission of Inquiry into the sugar industry and argued that there can be no cure for the severe problems of the industry without an expert analysis and diagnosis.

โ€œAPNU stands ready to contribute meaningfully to the search for a solution. The sugar industry is our national patrimony and must not be treated as the exclusive preserve or property of any political partyโ€, the main opposition asserted.

It added that there is no dispute that over the past decade the industry has deteriorated calamitously and this seems beyond the capacity of its current โ€œpolitically appointed Board of Directorsโ€ to reverse.


Life support

โ€œIt is enough to point to some glaring blunders: the awarding of the Skeldon Sugar factory to a Chinese contractor when an Indian or Brazilian contractor (sugar producing countries) could have done a better job at a much lower price; the failure of the PPP Administration to protect sugar workersโ€™ interests through contractual arrangements regarding warranties and payment terms; the questionable arrangements surrounding this deal; other opaque deals including the Enmore packaging plant and supply of pumps involving Surendra Engineering, the Indian Company. The placing of political appointees to top positions and the loss of its once competent engineers and middle management have put GuySuCo on life supportโ€, APNU charged.

APNU argued that a once vibrant and profitable industry was now โ€œtotally insolventโ€ with sugar workers and their families uncertain about their future.

โ€œOne restructuring plan after another by the PPP Administration have failed to generate increased production. In fact, almost every strategic plan was obsolete before the ink was dry. Successive Ministers of Agriculture have had their way with this corporation, with nothing but failure to show the people who toil all day in sun and rain for a livelihood.

โ€œThe square pegs in round holes currently in charge of GuySuco have no solution to its problems and there is no evidence that the Donald Ramotar Administration is capable of making the necessary changes. Only competent professionals can bring about a credible, strategic turnaround of the sugar industryโ€, APNU said.

The AFC in its statement said that it wished to categorically state that it never promoted a position to close the industry.

โ€œThis is downright political wickedness on the part of the tottering PPP/C Governemnt. The headline in the PPP controlled Guyana Chronicle of Thursday, March 13, 2014 is nothing but gross misrepresentation. This government is hard-headed and cannot understand the difference between transformation and closure. To make it clear, the AFCโ€™s call for transformation would ensure the survival and sustainability of the industry based on complete sacking and replacement of the Board of Directors with competent persons, a Commission of Inquiry into the Skeldon Factory where $44 billion of taxpayers money went into modernising this โ€˜white elephantโ€™, diversification to include ethanol production and alcohol products and involve the Union in the management of the Corporationโ€, the AFC said. It charged that after some 21 years in power, it was the PPP government that has brought the sugar industry to ruination through mismanagement, cronyism and disregard for the livelihoods of sugar workers.

โ€œWhile it accuses the AFC of supporting the closure of the sugar industry it is in fact the government that is slowly tightening the noose around GuySuCoโ€™s neck by continuing to place square pegs in round holes to manage the industry. The government is also guilty of siphoning off billions of dollars from the EU that could have been spent to turn the industry around but instead used much of the EU funds intended for sugar to prop-up the economy while it allowed sugar to slide into further failuresโ€, the AFC declared.

On Wednesday, the main sugar union GAWU called on the government to transfer to the industry all the monies that the EU had given to Guyana since 2007 to cushion the impact on the sugar industry here of reforms to the EU sugar regime.

โ€œThe position of the Alliance For Change is that GuySuCo must be transformed to make it economically viable and this can be done by ensuring better management of the corporation, retooling the industry to ensure better production and moving towards meaningful diversification and integration of other by-products such as  ethanol productionโ€, the AFC argued.

Let me clear to Redux since he hang up on this.


Mr Veira misled the APNU and the APNU wake up and did a 180 degree on him.


Look carefully, Veira will not speak for a long time on the APNU platform since he messed up the party


He is a mad man.

Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by KishanB:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by KishanB:

Mars you are confused, I said what a lie but what I really mean is 


"What a lie to label the AFC like this."


I know the PNC want to destroy sugar.

I read the excerpts from the APNU press conference. APNU also proposes that Guysuco should diversify and not close down sugar production entirely. That is a blatant lie the PPP manufactured to pit an important voting base (sugar workers) against APNU and to deflect the blame for them destroying the sugar industry.  

I remember the days when only when you had a PNC card you could have been a manager at Guysuco.


Now I suspect it is the same with the PPP.


That crap got to change.


It is not the card, it is the competence.




Same shyte.

look how KishanB, this cheap, lying, racist con man quick-stepping past Mars, runnin for cover in a non sequitur latrine when challenged with FACTS


memo to this liard PPP tool/klown: stop playing the fool; ROAR days done


Ravi is now full out PPP . . . whither u?



What is there to respond to???

arite . . . leh me hold yuh delicate haan and direct u to what is in red/bold above


u know what "non sequitur" mean bai?

Last edited by Former Member

APNU is calling for the government to seriously consider including the opposition in more of the decision-making activities of the corporation and in the search for more profitable and feasible avenues, which may very well mean scrapping the now โ€œelusive dreamโ€ of having a viable sugar industry.


 This notion was expressed by APNUโ€™s Executive Member on Agricultural issues, Anthony Vieira.

Source  http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....d-aqua-farming-apnu/



Who talking gibberish now?


APNU since their message is all over the place as their pant get pull down fuh lying.

Last edited by Former Member

Vieira added that it would be wise to move in a most systematic way from relying on cane production and make moves towards ethanol production and aqua farming. He added that immediate partnership with Ecuador would be best to secure the success of such a project.
โ€œWe should produce sugar for the EU and take the profits and import sugar. I have done the work and we would be making two billion US a year rather than billions in losses.โ€
The Executive member of APNU stressed that the government needs to stop making excuses for its inability to run the sugar industry by removing political control and secrecy from all of GuySuCoโ€™s activities to offset the poor returns on investment.



Again KN.


I stand by my statement - only a madman will take Gusyuco to Acqua culture.


beni sankar is the foremost expert on acqua-culture in Guyana.


He is the President of the Aquaculture Association and this is what he said.


Vera talking balls as usual and he has his short skirt girls cheering for him on GNI with their racist agenda.


Having being born on a sugar plantation, Sankar is saddened with the state of the sugar industry today. However, he does not believe the industry should be closed or be replaced by aquaculture. โ€œThe sugar industry is very important and recent initiatives such as the Skeldon Sugar Factory and the Enmore Packaging Plant have deep rooted good principles. But, they were badly managed projects. With many countries not continuing with sugar production, Guyana essentially has an upper hand to sell to those markets. The heavy investments made in the sugar industry should have been able to allow Guyana to tap into those markets.โ€







Originally Posted by KishanB:

APNU is calling for the government to seriously consider including the opposition in more of the decision-making activities of the corporation and in the search for more profitable and feasible avenues, which may very well mean scrapping the now โ€œelusive dreamโ€ of having a viable sugar industry.


 This notion was expressed by APNUโ€™s Executive Member on Agricultural issues, Anthony Vieira.

Source  http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....d-aqua-farming-apnu/



Who talking gibberish now?


APNU since their message is all over the place as their pant get pull down fuh lying.

Tony Vieira's position on the sugar industry is NOT to kill the industry to punish East Indians in Guyana as you and your fellow Indoists in and out of the PPP would like us to believe:



"Vieira added that it would be wise to move in a most systematic way from relying on cane production and make moves towards ethanol production and aqua farming. He added that immediate partnership with Ecuador would be best to secure the success of such a project.
โ€œWe should produce sugar for the EU and take the profits and import sugar. I have done the work and we would be making two billion US a year rather than billions in losses.โ€



I hold no brief for some of the idiots, old criminals and sellouts occupying key positions in APNU, and Vieira could very likely be wrong, but how THIS translates to APNU plotting to impoverish Indo-Guyanese sugar workers is beyond me


you have taken to quoting Freddie Kissoon favorably lately; i remind you of his warning regarding people of your ilk wearing long coats to hide their scales:


Kissoon 08/26/09: "I was glad to see Mr. Rampertab writing about the need for newer political parties. But as he kept on sending in his letters the subtleties became crude and open. Mr. Rampertab may be an old thinker who subscribes to the oldest paradigm in Guyanese politics โ€“ โ€œI want to see a better Guyana but I want my race to do it.โ€"

Last edited by Former Member

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