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Sanders has demonstrated throughout his civic life that he is not in politics for selfish pursuits but maybe time has passed him by. The free tuition and healthcare sound like music to the ears but I doubt they will ever be materialized. I think that Buttigieg is balanced enough to cleanse the current state of the Oval Office but I am not sure how much of a hindrance his sexual orientation is. Klobachar is gaining appeal because she is seen as moderate also. I think Warren is too left and Biden is too plastic.

Dave posted:
Ray posted:

I don't think Sanders will win the nomination....seems the moderate democrats are holding sway over the progressives

No Matter Who, Vote Blue!

I like that.. No Matter Who, Vote Red March 2-2020. Good slogan to use.. 

Who else running other than fatboy, BJ? 

How bout:

No matter how he look, vote for the crook

No matter he kinda fat, vote red that's where its at

Last edited by cain
Ray posted:

I think it will be between Klobacher and Buttigieg

I don't think Sanders will win the nomination....seems the moderate democrats are holding sway over the progressives

No Matter Who, Vote Blue!

Could be ...

Biden -- President Candidate

Klobacher -- Vice President Candidate


Klobacher -- President Candidate

Biden -- Vice President

Dave posted:
cain posted:
Dave posted:
Ray posted:

I don't think Sanders will win the nomination....seems the moderate democrats are holding sway over the progressives

No Matter Who, Vote Blue!

I like that.. No Matter Who, Vote Red March 2-2020. Good slogan to use.. 

Who else running other than fatboy, BJ?

Support Red Cain 

Nahh, I doan like red much, my favorite colour is green. Red is commie colour, green is erb colour. 


Bernie is a social democrat. Trump will kill Bernie with "socialism". Bernie is all talk about giving everything including the kitchen sink. As a senator, he should realize he will have to push these policies through the house and the senate. Most of his socialism stuff is DOA.
Mayor Pete will be an also-ran. His sexual orientation will be rejected from the democratic evangelicals, his alienation from the black community, especially in SC makes him suspect. He is a very well-spoken man. If Bernie or Mayor Pete is the candidate against Trump, Trump wins. If not Biden, I hope Bloomberg or Klobuchar is the one.


The evangelicals will not vote for Buttigeig and they make up a significant portion of the voting population. Democrats are like a party searching for a candidate and just can’t make up their minds. 

Klobuchar and Buttigeig are untested and America is still not ready for a female or Openly Gay President or VP. 

Their mistake was putting all of their eggs in one basket for Biden who faded even before the race started.

One cannot deny Bernie’s popularity and he appears to be going the mileage. Denying Bernie will be major mistake since his supporters are very loyal and most will stay home if he is denied the nomination. 

Bloomberg is a billionaire who is trying to buy his way in and will be resented by the far left of the party. He also has not been tested but it appears as if the Democrat establishment is willing to give him the nod and this will create a civil war in the party if that happens. 

Basically, the Democrats are undecided and don’t have a consensus candidate to defeat Trump. The Democrat establishment will wait for their preferred candidate and may be willing to take a loss this round and as such Trump gets a free pass. 

They were hoping that the Mueller Report and impeachment would hurt Trump but it all backfired on them.

To highlight Abu’s point, Amy and Butt Boy don’t have black or Hispanic support. 

Last edited by Former Member
Sean posted:

Democrats just can’t make up their minds. From a billionaire who is buying his way to the top to a socialist on the left. GNI is a reflection of the chaos in the Democrat party in disarray. 

A house divided will fall. 

Republicans made up their filthy minds, hence sleaze in office. They are a bunch of misfit chickenshits...except for Romney and even he cast one of his votes  fort the worm even though it is blatant the worm is guilty.

Last edited by cain
Sean posted:

Democrats just can’t make up their minds. From a billionaire who is buying his way to the top to a socialist on the left. GNI is a reflection of the chaos in the Democrat party in disarray. 

A house divided will fall. 

The Republicans did the same by electing Trump, now they have a Dictator.  Americans are fed up with the political turmoil  they will look for stability come November. The Democrats is the only solution,  not a gay nor a woman but a strong experience leader.

Sean posted:

Democrats just can’t make up their minds. From a billionaire who is buying his way to the top to a socialist on the left. GNI is a reflection of the chaos in the Democrat party in disarray. 

A house divided will fall. 

The Democrats problem is that they set very high standards for themselves. The Republicans don’t have that problem hence Trump being their current leader.

Ray posted:
ksazma posted:

Bloomberg is pragmatic and balanced enough to win for the Democratic Party. Sure he is resented for some hard decisions when he was mayor but sometimes hard decisions are necessary. Cyant please everyone. Just enough will do.

those comments may hurt him

Maybe. But he may be the most balanced candidate for the Democratic Party. It doesn’t look like he will run out of money either.

ksazma posted:
Sean posted:

Democrats just can’t make up their minds. From a billionaire who is buying his way to the top to a socialist on the left. GNI is a reflection of the chaos in the Democrat party in disarray. 

A house divided will fall. 

The Democrats problem is that they set very high standards for themselves.

The Republicans don’t have that problem hence Trump being their current leader.

Democrats = on the stage.

Republicans = on the first of 20 steps trying hard to be on the stage.

ksazma posted:
Sean posted:

Democrats just can’t make up their minds. From a billionaire who is buying his way to the top to a socialist on the left. GNI is a reflection of the chaos in the Democrat party in disarray. 

A house divided will fall. 

The Democrats problem is that they set very high standards for themselves. The Republicans don’t have that problem hence Trump being their current leader.


Bai Kaz. What high standards when the party is now pinning its hopes on a racist billionaire ? 

Butt Boy also had racist policies. He ain’t any better. He has zero black support. 

Bernie is a socialist but he is as clean as a whistle. I wonder why the dems establishment is against an honest candidate ? He is the most experienced and honest candidate to give Trump a run for his money. Most democrats support medical care for all. It works, it’s working perfectly here in Canada ðŸ‡ĻðŸ‡Ķ 

Biden is corrupt and arrogant to the core and American voters caught on After he was exposed by the President lawyers at the impeachment hearing. It backfired on the dems. Karma is a bytch.

The Democrat nomination process is like watching a comedy show. It will only get worse for them. Their selection process is rigged in order for them to allow the super rich and super delegates to override the people’s choice of candidate.

The party needs to shake up the old school establishment of elitists. 

Last edited by Former Member

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