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Former Member

Trump on Florida gay club mass shooting: I was right

WASHINGTON — In the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando, Donald Trump took to Twitter Sunday to say he was “right” about warning about the danger of radical Islamic extremists — but didn’t want his supporters to pat him on the back.

“Appreciate the congrats for being right on radical Islamic terrorism, I don’t want congrats, I want toughness & vigilance. We must be smart!,” tweeted Trump, who has called for a ban on Muslims from entering the US and the destruction of ISIS.

Trump took credit as law enforcement indicated shooter, 29-year-old Omar Mateen, had been on the FBI’s radar as an ISIS sympathizer. He opened fire around 2 a.m. Sunday at Pulse nightclub, an LGBT hot spot, in a rampage that killed 50 and injured at least 50 more.

The mogul first announced a “really bad shooting in Orlando” that police are investigating for “possible terrorism.” But when the police identified the murder as terrorism, his tweets grew more intense.

“Horrific incident in FL,” Trump tweeted in the afternoon “Praying for all the victims & their families. When will this stop? When will we get tough, smart & vigilant?”

Meanwhile, President Obama is slated to address the nation at 1:30 pm today following the deadliest mass shooting in US history. Vice President Biden canceled his trip to Miami to fundraise for Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz and instead will return to Washington.

“It certainly looks like another one of the extremist attacks, Islamic extremism,” Sessions (R-Ala.) told Fox News Sunday.

Sessions said the rampage will mean “further movement in the direction Donald Trump has set forth.”

“It’s not stopping, as we see apparently today,” Sessions said. “More of these attacks are coming. It’s a real part of the threat that we face. … We need to slow down and be careful about those we admit into the country.”

Democrats, include Bernie Sanders, quickly called for stricter gun control after police said Mateen use an AR-15 rifle and a handgun in the murder spree.

“He had an AR-15, an assault weapon,” New York Sen. Charles Schumer said Sunday. “It is very easy to get these kinds of guns in Florida. … But whatever happened, we have to get tougher on guns. We can’t have incident after incident after incident after incident. And in this country it is so easy for so many people to get these kinds of assault weapons whose only purpose is to shoot a whole lot of people.”

For her part, Hillary Clinton didn’t tackle gun control from the start.

“Woke up to hear the devastating news from FL. As we wait for more information, my thoughts are with those affected by this horrific act,” the presumptive Democratic nominee tweeted.

Sanders called for an assault weapons ban. “We should not be selling automatic weapons which are designed to kill people,” the Democratic presidential candidate told “Meet the Press.”

“We have got to do everything that we can on top of that to make sure that guns do not fall into the hands of people who should not have them, criminals, people who are mentally ill. So that struggles continues.”



Replies sorted oldest to newest

The FBI is too tolerant.  Minimal contact with a major terrorist (suicide bomber) = major threat.  The FBI screwed up for "political correctness".  There should be nothing like "minimal contact" when it comes to the threat of radical Islamist!  Any contact with radicals is major threats, no further questions!  Send them to the Caliphate or to Gitmo!!  Strip them of all rights and also anyone who knew and kept quiet!

Chief posted:

Trump is wrong and will continue to be wrong.

The greatest threats to the US are Trojan horse Islamist pretending to love America but hate its values!!  Trump is spot on, so is Rubio!

Last edited by Former Member

Trump was speaking the truth that nobody wants to hear. He don't need this despicable act of killing innocent people on American soil to win election, but it will give him a bonus for hitting where it hurts.

Obama said he can't blame the senseless killing on radical Muslims, but blame his administration for doing little or nothing to control these radicalized Muslims from killing innocent Americans and their way of life. San Bernardino was a wake up call that gone forgotten by Obama Administration.

I can't wait for Trump to set foot in the White House come January 2017.

Last edited by Former Member
Cobra posted:

Trump was speaking the truth that nobody wants to hear. He don't need this despicable act of killing innocent people on American soil to win election, but it will give him a bonus for hitting where it hurts.

Obama said he can't blame the senseless killing on radical Muslims, but blame his administration for doing little or nothing to control these radicalized Muslims from killing innocent Americans and their way of life. San Bernardino was a wake up call that gone forgotten by Obama Administration.

I can't wait for Trump to set foot in the White House come January 2017.

Cobra, ALL Americans say there will be acts of terrorism by those who claim Islam to be their religion and they're doing it in the name of religion.

No one gets credit for anything over this despicable act. Trump is not smarter than anyone to claim you see I was RIGHT. Right about something every American and the rest of the world knows? There might be another mass shooting tomorrow. That's not to say I'm RIGHT if it were to happen. If I shout there there will be some road accidents tomorrow =does that make me RIGHT because no one else thought about it?

We talked here ad nauseum about the important difference between religion and ideology.

Show me how Trump can control these lone wolves terrotists - both domestic and foreign (and now mostly "Islamic" 'terrorism - and note the quotation marks around Islamic, as these are not Islamic people at all.

Do you know that all these ISIS recruits in the West are druggies and thieves and jailbirds and whore mongers? Do you see where they go to mosques to get radicalized?

San Bernadino was a FBI failure as they had the wife on their watch list. Obama does not go to work for the FBI as far as I know, nor would any President. So Cobra tamp down your Obama hatred and your Islamic hatred and contribute sensibly to how we stop people like Omar. What about the AR-15 assault rifles? Should any civilian have such weapons? There are more Omars out there, how can Trump stop them. You can't stop people if they want to commit suicide, can you? Obama's efforts are to beat this ideology of hatred. He actually runs a government - Trump doesn't. Obama knows what tools he need, including Muslim allies. So does he propose banning Muslims from coming to America? Does he go and bomb Pakistan?

Just contribute something sensibly as a Guyanese-American, and clewar the radical lunacy in America's politics. Sam goes for Ba$eman. Be your own thinker and not follow these fringe uneducated waste of society. Let them vote Trump, but let me think you're smart by not puppeting and echoing their uneducated ramble about dark-skinned and Muslim people. You're dark-skinned too and thee lunatics won't care whether you carry Trump's water for him - they will lynch you in a heart beat.

Kari posted:
Cobra posted:

Trump was speaking the truth that nobody wants to hear. He don't need this despicable act of killing innocent people on American soil to win election, but it will give him a bonus for hitting where it hurts.

Obama said he can't blame the senseless killing on radical Muslims, but blame his administration for doing little or nothing to control these radicalized Muslims from killing innocent Americans and their way of life. San Bernardino was a wake up call that gone forgotten by Obama Administration.

I can't wait for Trump to set foot in the White House come January 2017.

Cobra, ALL Americans say there will be acts of terrorism by those who claim Islam to be their religion and they're doing it in the name of religion.

No one gets credit for anything over this despicable act. Trump is not smarter than anyone to claim you see I was RIGHT. Right about something every American and the rest of the world knows? There might be another mass shooting tomorrow. That's not to say I'm RIGHT if it were to happen. If I shout there there will be some road accidents tomorrow =does that make me RIGHT because no one else thought about it?

We talked here ad nauseum about the important difference between religion and ideology.

Show me how Trump can control these lone wolves terrotists - both domestic and foreign (and now mostly "Islamic" 'terrorism - and note the quotation marks around Islamic, as these are not Islamic people at all.

Do you know that all these ISIS recruits in the West are druggies and thieves and jailbirds and whore mongers? Do you see where they go to mosques to get radicalized?

San Bernadino was a FBI failure as they had the wife on their watch list. Obama does not go to work for the FBI as far as I know, nor would any President. So Cobra tamp down your Obama hatred and your Islamic hatred and contribute sensibly to how we stop people like Omar. What about the AR-15 assault rifles? Should any civilian have such weapons? There are more Omars out there, how can Trump stop them. You can't stop people if they want to commit suicide, can you? Obama's efforts are to beat this ideology of hatred. He actually runs a government - Trump doesn't. Obama knows what tools he need, including Muslim allies. So does he propose banning Muslims from coming to America? Does he go and bomb Pakistan?

Just contribute something sensibly as a Guyanese-American, and clewar the radical lunacy in America's politics. Sam goes for Ba$eman. Be your own thinker and not follow these fringe uneducated waste of society. Let them vote Trump, but let me think you're smart by not puppeting and echoing their uneducated ramble about dark-skinned and Muslim people. You're dark-skinned too and thee lunatics won't care whether you carry Trump's water for him - they will lynch you in a heart beat.

Actually, if ISIS and their foot soldiers have their way, they will cut off all us infidels heads in a flash!  The only "lunatics" are these Muslim extremist and their sympathizers!

Trump is the only person to deal with this problem.  Crooked Hillary is pandering and will talk around the issue.  Obama is still convinced we are dealing with a JV squad!

You just cannot trust any Islamist regardless what they say in public.  I saw that Islamic group hosting that Muslim cleric calling for death to Gays say they are having a private event so he will speak his hate!  These people double talk.  They are using the freedoms in American to help destroy America!

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted

. What about the AR-15 assault rifles? Should any civilian have such weapons? There are more Omars out there, how can Trump stop them. You can't stop people if they want to commit suicide, can you? Obama's

Trump says that every one who wants a gun should be able to get one. Terrorist or not.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Kari posted

. What about the AR-15 assault rifles? Should any civilian have such weapons? There are more Omars out there, how can Trump stop them. You can't stop people if they want to commit suicide, can you? Obama's

Trump says that every one who wants a gun should be able to get one. Terrorist or not.

America has one of the most laxed gun laws in the world. Any nut can legally get an assault gun.

caribny posted:
Kari posted

. What about the AR-15 assault rifles? Should any civilian have such weapons? There are more Omars out there, how can Trump stop them. You can't stop people if they want to commit suicide, can you? Obama's

Trump says that every one who wants a gun should be able to get one. Terrorist or not.


Bibi Haniffa
Kari posted:
Cobra posted:

Trump was speaking the truth that nobody wants to hear. He don't need this despicable act of killing innocent people on American soil to win election, but it will give him a bonus for hitting where it hurts.

Obama said he can't blame the senseless killing on radical Muslims, but blame his administration for doing little or nothing to control these radicalized Muslims from killing innocent Americans and their way of life. San Bernardino was a wake up call that gone forgotten by Obama Administration.

I can't wait for Trump to set foot in the White House come January 2017.

Cobra, ALL Americans say there will be acts of terrorism by those who claim Islam to be their religion and they're doing it in the name of religion.

No one gets credit for anything over this despicable act. Trump is not smarter than anyone to claim you see I was RIGHT. Right about something every American and the rest of the world knows? There might be another mass shooting tomorrow. That's not to say I'm RIGHT if it were to happen. If I shout there there will be some road accidents tomorrow =does that make me RIGHT because no one else thought about it?

We talked here ad nauseum about the important difference between religion and ideology.

Show me how Trump can control these lone wolves terrotists - both domestic and foreign (and now mostly "Islamic" 'terrorism - and note the quotation marks around Islamic, as these are not Islamic people at all.

Do you know that all these ISIS recruits in the West are druggies and thieves and jailbirds and whore mongers? Do you see where they go to mosques to get radicalized?

San Bernadino was a FBI failure as they had the wife on their watch list. Obama does not go to work for the FBI as far as I know, nor would any President. So Cobra tamp down your Obama hatred and your Islamic hatred and contribute sensibly to how we stop people like Omar. What about the AR-15 assault rifles? Should any civilian have such weapons? There are more Omars out there, how can Trump stop them. You can't stop people if they want to commit suicide, can you? Obama's efforts are to beat this ideology of hatred. He actually runs a government - Trump doesn't. Obama knows what tools he need, including Muslim allies. So does he propose banning Muslims from coming to America? Does he go and bomb Pakistan?

Just contribute something sensibly as a Guyanese-American, and clewar the radical lunacy in America's politics. Sam goes for Ba$eman. Be your own thinker and not follow these fringe uneducated waste of society. Let them vote Trump, but let me think you're smart by not puppeting and echoing their uneducated ramble about dark-skinned and Muslim people. You're dark-skinned too and thee lunatics won't care whether you carry Trump's water for him - they will lynch you in a heart beat.

Muslims get their inspiration from the mid-east. They are pawns in the greater ploy of the end times.

The caliphate, is desperately trying to make the events a reality. Syria and Iraq is important to the Islamic prophecies. The rest of the Islamic world is of no importance to the authentic interpreters of the Koran.

These mass shootings are mainly connected to dialogue that goes on in the locality. ISIS, is just the banner.

Just on this BB, it can be assumed, some members are not sympathetic to ISIS. However, they fail to recognize the fact, they live in a society that is not predominant muslim and fail to live discretely within the society. They complain and bitch and justify poor behavior.

In the end, individuals with Muslim names does the act of settling these scores on the assumption they are acting in the interest of Islam. And, the complainers  goes on  the offensive claiming such men are not muslims because they went prison, whore mongers, etc, etc. 

Stop complaining and live peacefully. 

Words are wars.

ba$eman posted:

Trump is the only person to deal with this problem. 


Please say how. Tell us what has Trump said he will do to stop events like
San Bernadino and Orlando. He does not say much about what he will do about anything if he were President, but you Ba$eman seem to have his policy emailed to you, so please let us on the inside as to what Trump will do.

ba$eman posted:

The FBI is too tolerant.  Minimal contact with a major terrorist (suicide bomber) = major threat.  The FBI screwed up for "political correctness".  There should be nothing like "minimal contact" when it comes to the threat of radical Islamist!  Any contact with radicals is major threats, no further questions!  Send them to the Caliphate or to Gitmo!!  Strip them of all rights and also anyone who knew and kept quiet!

Dude, none of us know what is in the heart of another. I am sure there are murderers, pedophiles, wife beaters racists among the people we may have spoken to and even break bread with. They do not tell you they are horrible creatures. Contact here is considered minimal.The FBI has a responsibility to make the distinction otherwise the law falls apart. If the contacts tell you and you of their intent and criminal bent and you do not inform the authorities then and only then you have crossed a threshold in the law.

Cobra posted:


Trump on Florida gay club mass shooting: I was rightemocratic presidential candidate told “Meet the Press.”

“We have got to do everything that we can on top of that to make sure that guns do not fall into the hands of people who should not have them, criminals, people who are mentally ill. So that struggles continues.”


What a hypocrite. If Trump is right your sorry behind should be in a dimly lit room somewhere being interrogated as we speak for the statements you made here  

Note I also commented on your anti american statements elsewhere. You are also on record saying you have converted to islam because of the evil of other religion and that is also on this site somewhere if someone search. You are truly mad.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Trump has now secured all the LGBT votes.

LGBT people are not stupid. Trump is dangerous and his nativism acts against them as well. If you listen to representatives of the community local to the area and at the present Pride events you get the picture. The massaging of hate for Muslims by Trump is dangerous to all of us. It is racism manifest. All of us need to be more tempered and speak to our common humanity rather than cherry picking who we hate. LGBT people know to make the distinction between religious homophones from all sides. Most of Trump followers are anti LGBT

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted

. What about the AR-15 assault rifles? Should any civilian have such weapons? There are more Omars out there, how can Trump stop them. You can't stop people if they want to commit suicide, can you? Obama's

Trump says that every one who wants a gun should be able to get one. Terrorist or not.


That is what he says implicitly if he is against any restriction to the rights to bear arms. He is a second amendment purist and believe possessing any kind of "arms" is a constitutional right. If there are no background checks, no limit on the types of guns one might own one gives a blanket permission to all kinds of weapons being in possession by all kinds of people including those who should not have them.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted

. What about the AR-15 assault rifles? Should any civilian have such weapons? There are more Omars out there, how can Trump stop them. You can't stop people if they want to commit suicide, can you? Obama's

Trump says that every one who wants a gun should be able to get one. Terrorist or not.

America has one of the most laxed gun laws in the world. Any nut can legally get an assault gun.

He was not a "nut" but  trained security guard and licensed to cary a weapon.  However, I do agree that guns capable of rapid fire needs to be curtailed!

RiffRaff posted:

His ex wife said he was mentally unstable

Correct, but that as not a medical assessment just an opinion coming out of a internal domestic issue.  Almost every ex will say that and maybe it has merit and maybe not.  They law cannot just go on that.  There was nothing in his background which indicated the risk.

Nehru posted:

They preach much worst than that in Mosques all over this great Country.  I have Muslim Friends who dont go the Mosques anymore because of the things they heard while there.

What they heard? Speak up or they become  part of the conspiracy.

Do you want me to ask the Feds to contact you?

Nehru posted:

They preach much worst than that in Mosques all over this great Country.  I have Muslim Friends who dont go the Mosques anymore because of the things they heard while there.

maybe you should go and hear fuh yuself

ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

His ex wife said he was mentally unstable

Correct, but that as not a medical assessment just an opinion coming out of a internal domestic issue.  Almost every ex will say that and maybe it has merit and maybe not.  They law cannot just go on that.  There was nothing in his background which indicated the risk.

how come other mass shooters are mentally unstable but Muslims are not? 

This shows bias against Muslim mass shooters...they need to be treated equally

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

They preach much worst than that in Mosques all over this great Country.  I have Muslim Friends who dont go the Mosques anymore because of the things they heard while there.

What they heard? Speak up or they become  part of the conspiracy.

Do you want me to ask the Feds to contact you?

Fine, I welcome the Feds with open arms.

RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:

They preach much worst than that in Mosques all over this great Country.  I have Muslim Friends who dont go the Mosques anymore because of the things they heard while there.

maybe you should go and hear fuh yuself

NO!!  I dont have to, people with great INTEGRITY,  INTELLIGENCE and HONESTY heard the vile discussions hidden as Religion on many occasion and that is good enough for me.

Nehru posted:

They preach much worst than that in Mosques all over this great Country.  I have Muslim Friends who dont go the Mosques anymore because of the things they heard while there.

True.  One Imam in Queens opening preached in his mosque that the PPP is a Hindu party and offended many of the Muslim PPP supporters who were listening to him.

This is unfortunate as there are good decent Muslim people who have to bear the backlash of the hatred preached by a few. 

Bibi Haniffa
RiffRaff posted:
ba$eman posted:
RiffRaff posted:

His ex wife said he was mentally unstable

Correct, but that as not a medical assessment just an opinion coming out of a internal domestic issue.  Almost every ex will say that and maybe it has merit and maybe not.  They law cannot just go on that.  There was nothing in his background which indicated the risk.

how come other mass shooters are mentally unstable but Muslims are not? 

This shows bias against Muslim mass shooters...they need to be treated equally

Chief posted:

how come other mass shooters are mentally unstable but Muslims are not? 

This shows bias against Muslim mass shooters...they need to be treated equally

Chief, it is quite simple. You only have to look at GNI. The PPP hindoes on here openly discriminate against blacks, and secretly discriminate against muslims. Only white people openly discriminate against muslims. The end result of that is that muslims are viewed as folks who are not like "the rest of us".

The only true peaceful muslim was Mohamed Ali, who refused to go to war and kill people he had nothing personal against.

Nehru posted:

They preach much worst than that in Mosques all over this great Country.  I have Muslim Friends who dont go the Mosques anymore because of the things they heard while there.

You are on the money, Nehru. I witness that myself.

Cobra posted:
Nehru posted:

They preach much worst than that in Mosques all over this great Country.  I have Muslim Friends who dont go the Mosques anymore because of the things they heard while there.

You are on the money, Nehru. I witness that myself.

You need to go to the FBI.

You and Nehru are witholding information that can place all of us in harm's way.

This is serious shit and I STRONGLY  suggest that you guys call the FBI.

Chief posted:
Cobra posted:
Nehru posted:

They preach much worst than that in Mosques all over this great Country.  I have Muslim Friends who dont go the Mosques anymore because of the things they heard while there.

You are on the money, Nehru. I witness that myself.

You need to go to the FBI.

You and Nehru are witholding information that can place all of us in harm's way.

This is serious shit and I STRONGLY  suggest that you guys call the FBI.

I don't need to go to the FBI. All Mosques are under constant surveillance by the FBI. Thank you!

Last edited by Former Member
Danyael posted:
ba$eman posted:

The FBI is too tolerant.  Minimal contact with a major terrorist (suicide bomber) = major threat.  The FBI screwed up for "political correctness".  There should be nothing like "minimal contact" when it comes to the threat of radical Islamist!  Any contact with radicals is major threats, no further questions!  Send them to the Caliphate or to Gitmo!!  Strip them of all rights and also anyone who knew and kept quiet!

Dude, none of us know what is in the heart of another. I am sure there are murderers, pedophiles, wife beaters racists among the people we may have spoken to and even break bread with. They do not tell you they are horrible creatures. Contact here is considered minimal.The FBI has a responsibility to make the distinction otherwise the law falls apart. If the contacts tell you and you of their intent and criminal bent and you do not inform the authorities then and only then you have crossed a threshold in the law.

No, but that fact he was in contact, albeit not frequent, with a suicide bomber, he should be deemed high risk.  It means he was in deep but being clever.

Cobra posted:
Nehru posted:

They preach much worst than that in Mosques all over this great Country.  I have Muslim Friends who dont go the Mosques anymore because of the things they heard while there.

You are on the money, Nehru. I witness that myself.

A lot of hate comes from those mosques.  And the hate goes in many direction.  Imagine, lil Muslim kids who never went to Guyana attending the Queens masjid hate the PPP because they are thought it's a Hindu "coolie" power structure.  Who indoctrinate them with that hatred.  And nuff dem bais posting right here in GNI.  They know who they are!!

Many mosques have become hot-bed of radicalization and this needs to be addressed!


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