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"Our legislative agenda will create a regulatory framework to enhance sustainable productivity, but with a human face and in an environmentally friendly atmosphere."  The writer of this section of Ali's speech doesn't know the definition of sustainable development.  Can sustainable "productivity" be anything other than with a human face and environmentally friendly?  

@Totaram posted:

The elections petition will likely see an early election that the Coalition will win.  

That's why Granger said recount of the 2020 elections ,they have a handle on the skulduggery . Claudette said before the declaration the two leaders should talk, Jagdeo the power grabber by FRAUD told Granger ,declaration first then talks.

@Django posted:

Oh please ,Rajkumarie Singh daughter of Dr.Jung Bahudur Singh is hated by the PPP. Perhaps there may be some ridicule in the archieves on this Forum ,her son Kidmost and another family member Bushmaster was forum members. The writer of the speech didn't have the manners to append Dr. to J.B.Singh name.

I met Dr. Dyal NP Singh when he was a professor at American University of Antigua; a very distinguished and tenured professor who wrote some medical books. He told me he was Bushmaster on GNI. Sadly he died 2 years ago.  

Last edited by Former Member
@seignet posted:

We will see, if there is truth to his words. The last time the PPP was the government, Irfaan was the Minister of Housing and Water also he held the portfolio for the Ministry of Tourism, Commmerce and Industry. Getting to see him was a real drama, he would sneak out the back door of Housing or simply seys he is not in.

Personally, I do not have confidence in none of dem words, PNC the same. As for the PNC Black ppl dem, dem rass does check you name out, cooolie names, prepare for ATTITUDE. Observations started 1989.

The only thing I see so far, is an Indian lead government, cooolie ppl happy, blackman sour and Granger seems to pick up adrenilene(sp) which will dissipate in no time. Black ppl should dump the fool. Imagine him and his promises, he had plenty plenty words too, all big big lies.

God help Guyana. With COVID NOTHING WILL BE DONE, all dem government minister cannot travel, hopefully after 3 years when the world has this Chinese Virus under control. Ppl seying another Chinese virus is on its way to America. I tink dem meking it, Trump should bax xiping in 2021.  

Don't compare this time to the last time. You should be more positive about our new beginning.  President Ali is an honest and sincere person. He will ensure that the Promises made in the manifesto will be done.

@Tola posted:

One of the first things the PPP  should do is show more respect  to the ordinary people who voted for them.  The PNC was no different, unless you are in their circle of friends.   We had our 'non-meeting' with Ali.  

We are waiting to see if the Agriculture Minister  will change his attitude towards farmers and meet with them on controversial issues. Instead of suddenly changing the venue for meetings, without telling the framers, when he was regional officer. He carries a lot of baggage that caused his replacement.  

Go back and read the speech.  This is not what has been done but what is going to be done.  Have some faith in Your President. 

@Django posted:

Their rights and entitlements must be protected, or the struggle of our great labour leaders Jung Bahadur Singh, J.A. Nicholson, Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow and Ashton Chase would have been in vain.

The BGCP was formed in June 1946, with its leadership included Jung Bahadur Singh, J.A. Nicholson, Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow and Ashton Chase.[1] It contested 13 of the 14 seats in the 1947 elections, winning five of them and becoming the largest party in the Legislative Council.[1]

In 1949 Forbes Burnham became party leader, and the following year it merged with the Political Affairs Committee to form the People's Progressive Party.[2]

[British Guiana Labour Party (BGCP) was a political party in British Guiana]

Wow....history have been created with  the paragraph in Irfaan Ali speech today. I knew something rings a bell.

Also no mention of the fighter for workers rights and the people of Guyana ,Dr. C.B. Jagan.

Not a word about Dr. J who dedicated his life to the PPP, victorious in 1992, etc.  


Let us focus on what is important. Excerpts from President Ali's address.

With a full heart, I thank the majority of the electorate of Guyana who reposed in me their confidence to serve as President of our beloved nation.

I thank the supporters, volunteers and members of my party, the PPP/C for their extraordinary support at the March 2nd polls.

Their efforts, and the PPP/Cā€™s formation of the Government, will be transformed into a victory not for them alone, but for all Guyanese who aspire to a vibrant nation that delivers benefits for all.

To those of you, who may not have supported me, I also thank you for your adherence to democracy and the rule of law.

And, I promise one and all ā€“ those who supported me and those who didnā€™t ā€“ that I will be the President for all the people of Guyana, and I will serve each of you with affection, without discrimination and with every attention to fairness and equity.

In my service to Guyana, I will not see a nation divided by ethnicity; I will see a nation cemented in unity. This land of Guyana is our common homeland; it is our common heritage. And every citizen within it is equal and will be treated equally.


The once greatest contributor to our nationā€™s economy, has been beaten down to its knees, and the workers tossed to a heap of unemployment and misery.

We intend to raise up the industry and to help it and its workers resume the once proud place in our economy.

It is bad enough that I must draw your attention to the sore in the sugar industry that has been allowed to fester - neglected and forsaken.

But, sadly, it is not the only sector of our economy where workers have suffered from poor policies of the previous administration that even more poorly implemented.
The workers bore the brunt of this incompetence, inefficiency and irresponsibility.
My Government will dismantle the policies of the previous administration that created an environment completely unfavourable to workers.

The people of this country must not be second- and third-class citizens in their own land.
Their rights and entitlements must be protected or the struggle of our great labour leaders Jung Bahadur Singh, J.A. Nicholson, Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow and Ashton Chase would have been in vain.

The new Ministry of Labour that we have just created will be tasked with the noble undertaking of creating nobility in work, of rewarding labour with adequate wages, and of respecting the rights of workers in every sector, every industry, every business.
We intend to give workers the place of pride they deserve and the rewards that they merit.

Last edited by Former Member

The wealth of our country must reach the pockets of our people in a fair and equitable manner, so that we can climb to the mountain top of prosperity, respected by all.
Over the next five years, my Government will build the ladder on which we will climb together, as a nation, to that mountain top ā€“ in unity and with dignity and with pride.
I am conscious that while we are building our nation to give a better life to our current generation, we are also laying foundations for future generations.

That is why I have appointed many young persons into my Cabinet.
We will chart the future, and they will have a strong hand in the future we chart.
Additionally, I will establish a Youth Advisory Committee in the coming weeks that will reflect our country's rich religious and ethnic diversity.

The future is theirs; it is right that, even now, they should help to shape it.


And, always, we will enhance parliamentary democracy, support an independent and efficient judiciary and ensure that the rule of law and the constitutional rights of every Guyanese are respected by all.

All of us are painfully aware of the trauma and anguish that our people endured over the past five months as vigorous attempts were made to destroy our democratic credentials, and deny the will of the electorate.

All of us have an obligation to the nation and to ourselves to ensure that never again should any generation of our people be subjected to such unlawful behaviour.
Therefore, a review of events - related to the electoral process over the last five months - will begin shortly in order to determine, forensically, exactly what transpired, and to hold accountable any persons who sought to pervert and corrupt the system.

More importantly, we will pursue the necessary reforms to make our democracy stronger and our electoral process more transparent.


Part and parcel of a strong democracy is robust security.

Every citizen, every home and every business place must feel safe from criminals and from crime.

The air that we breathe in our beloved Guyana must be free of the stench of crime.
Therefore, my Government will strengthen the police force by providing it with the tools it needs to keep our people safe, including training, modern equipment, adequate vehicles, and the capacity for rapid response.

Every life in our nation matters, and my Government will ensure that every life is protected from harm.

@Former Member posted:

I met Dr. Dyal NP Singh when he was a professor at American University of Antigua; a very distinguished and tenured professor who wrote some medical books. He told me he was Bushmaster on GNI. Sadly he died 2 years ago.  

Bushmaster, yes I remember his posts. Back in those days, there were some interesting ppl on this site. Eddie, Leslie, Cain who wasn't cain back then, one other guy, his name skips me right now. Interesting fellow, a christian. Ah! his name came back to me, Bonus. Coolio and host of others, great conversations then. Not to mention the posse that made some serious anti-indo comments.

Seasons of time, someday we all have to go. Sad to hear of Bushmaster.


My brothers and sisters, we stand at the beginning of a road that could lead us all to a bright and prosperous future - a future that could take us to the famed ā€˜El Doradoā€™, that eluded past generations.

I assure you that we can take that road and march up it bravely, confident that we can find not only harmony as one people, but also prosperity as one nation. Our destiny can be a great country in which all who reside within it have the opportunity to achieve and the means to succeed.

I pledge to you today, as your President, to work in your interest ā€“ all of you ā€“ without fear or favour, with great affection and no discrimination. This is our land ā€“ our collective homeland ā€“ that we all love and for which we want only the best.

I offer you my hand to grasp yours.

Let us join as one people, one nation, in the single purpose to build our beloved country for the good of all.

Thank you. God bless you and God bless our dear land of Guyana.

@Former Member posted:

Part and parcel of a strong democracy is robust security.

Every citizen, every home and every business place must feel safe from criminals and from crime.

The air that we breathe in our beloved Guyana must be free of the stench of crime.
Therefore, my Government will strengthen the police force by providing it with the tools it needs to keep our people safe, including training, modern equipment, adequate vehicles, and the capacity for rapid response.

Every life in our nation matters, and my Government will ensure that every life is protected from harm.

First thing, remove the law that allows policemen to stop cars on the road for hours. Promise myself 3 years ago not to return to Guyana. Damn policemen juss wouldn't release the driver.

@seignet posted:

First thing, remove the law that allows policemen to stop cars on the road for hours. Promise myself 3 years ago not to return to Guyana. Damn policemen juss wouldn't release the driver.

I agree. They used to harass us even when we rode bicycles. I would like to see a national task force to seek out and confiscate all illegal firearms as that would greatly reduce the crime rate.


Let us hope he does it. Politicians love to speak of utopia when in reality it is not all pie in the sky. I want to believe him, but Presidents of Guyana are not in a position to initiate new vision. Their job does not entail going to parliament and their time is mostly spent out of the country. So who is responsible for Ali's wriiten vision?

Last edited by seignet
@seignet posted:

Bushmaster, yes I remember his posts. Back in those days, there were some interesting ppl on this site. Eddie, Leslie, Cain who wasn't cain back then, one other guy, his name skips me right now. Interesting fellow, a christian. Ah! his name came back to me, Bonus. Coolio and host of others, great conversations then. Not to mention the posse that made some serious anti-indo comments.

Seasons of time, someday we all have to go. Sad to hear of Bushmaster.

He told me it was superhot in those days with 200+ members posting: a strong PPP team vs. a strong PNC team. He had another nick: Dr. DNP and wrote professorially, scaring away the badmen.   As Bushmaster, he fought the PNC members like a street thug.   Sounds like he was quite a character and kept the forum going. Life in Edmonton, the frozen tundra, took its toll and sadly he passed in Nov. 2017. 

@seignet posted:

Let us hope he does it. Politicians love to speak of utopia when in reality it is not all pie in the sky. I want to believe him, but Presidents of Guyana are not in a position to initiate new vision. Their job does not entail going to parliament and their time is mostly spent out of the country. So who is responsible for Ali's written vision?

The Grand Mufti himself, Bharat Jagdeo.

@Former Member posted:

The Grand Mufti himself, Bharat Jagdeo.

Hate is a terrible thing. Hate starts destroying its host first before destroying other people. I wish all those haters who walk on tight ropes get down and accept reality. There will be no election petition and there will be no new election. Granger, the PNC, and their followers should accept the reality that the Guyanese people have spoken clear and loud. It's time to move on.

@Former Member posted:

As Bushmaster, he fought the PNC members like a street thug.   Sounds like he was quite a character and kept the forum going.

Life in Edmonton, the frozen tundra, took its toll and sadly he passed in Nov. 2017. 

Edmonton, Alberta is indeed a very cold place in the winter time, but it is a wonderful place to live. 

Relocating from Winnipeg, Manitoba, I am now living in Edmonton for over 30 years  now. 


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