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Dave posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

This is not really a win for the PPP. This should not be reffered to the courts. The government is illegal if his decision stands. The illegal PNC is now squatting in office.

Intervention by ABC is now needed to remove them.

There is always the option of taking questionable results of an important vote to the courts. See Bush vs Gore and the PPP in the 2015 elections. Are you trying to subvert democracy in the favor of the PPP?

Are you dumb or what? Don't you understand the meaning of the Constitution 106.7? Find someone with a bit of a brain to explain it to you. The speaker addressed this in today's ruling. 

So why wasn’t this part of the constitution not applied in 2015. 

The present government has until after General Elections to remain in office. That's what the Constitution says. The PPP lost the General Elections in 2015, so they resigned. Do I really need to explain this to you people?

Mars posted:
Dave posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

This is not really a win for the PPP. This should not be reffered to the courts. The government is illegal if his decision stands. The illegal PNC is now squatting in office.

Intervention by ABC is now needed to remove them.

There is always the option of taking questionable results of an important vote to the courts. See Bush vs Gore and the PPP in the 2015 elections. Are you trying to subvert democracy in the favor of the PPP?

Are you dumb or what? Don't you understand the meaning of the Constitution 106.7? Find someone with a bit of a brain to explain it to you. The speaker addressed this in today's ruling. 

So why wasn’t this part of the constitution not applied in 2015. 

The present government has until after General Elections to remain in office. That's what the Constitution says. The PPP lost the General Elections in 2015, so they resigned. Do I really need to explain this to you people?

Nah Nah Nahee ... The constitution say a NCM is a defeat of the government and election must be held within 90 days or as agree by two third majority vote in parliament if To remains longer. 

The government should resign and respect the constitution pending any court decisions. 

We gon continue to disagree even if the court rule in the opposition favour. 

Let’s see what the court says.. I see the delay in court proceedings will take election to its due date .

Maybe Granger ( a very fair person I think) will work something out with Jagdeo. 

Dave posted:
Mars posted:
Dave posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

This is not really a win for the PPP. This should not be reffered to the courts. The government is illegal if his decision stands. The illegal PNC is now squatting in office.

Intervention by ABC is now needed to remove them.

There is always the option of taking questionable results of an important vote to the courts. See Bush vs Gore and the PPP in the 2015 elections. Are you trying to subvert democracy in the favor of the PPP?

Are you dumb or what? Don't you understand the meaning of the Constitution 106.7? Find someone with a bit of a brain to explain it to you. The speaker addressed this in today's ruling. 

So why wasn’t this part of the constitution not applied in 2015. 

The present government has until after General Elections to remain in office. That's what the Constitution says. The PPP lost the General Elections in 2015, so they resigned. Do I really need to explain this to you people?

Nah Nah Nahee ... The constitution say a NCM is a defeat of the government and election must be held within 90 days or as agree by two third majority vote in parliament if To remains longer. 

The government should resign and respect the constitution pending any court decisions. 

We gon continue to disagree even if the court rule in the opposition favour. 

Let’s see what the court says.. I see the delay in court proceedings will take election to its due date .

Maybe Granger ( a very fair person I think) will work something out with Jagdeo. 

Correct. The constitution says that the government shall resign. It also states when the government shall resign in 106.7 which the Speaker of the House alluded to. Read 106.7 below. I left a little hint for you. Hopefully, you're bright enough to understand what it means.

Article 106 (7) states as follows:  

“Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

Last edited by Mars
Dave posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:


Nehru posted:

the govt and Parliament is ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!

Both of you are clueless.

Dude you still beating a dead horse. You were smarter that this banna. Be the real you . 

All this nonsense could have been avoided if the PNC/AFC boys knew their arithmetic well and proper. It's time to get a couple of third graders from one of the schools and educate the PNC. I think the kids would do a better job of understanding the numbers game. Come on Basil, try it.

skeldon_man posted:
Dave posted:
Django posted:
yuji22 posted:


Nehru posted:

the govt and Parliament is ILLEGAL and UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!

Both of you are clueless.

Dude you still beating a dead horse. You were smarter that this banna. Be the real you . 

All this nonsense could have been avoided if the PNC/AFC boys knew their arithmetic well and proper. It's time to get a couple of third graders from one of the schools and educate the PNC. I think the kids would do a better job of understanding the numbers game. Come on Basil, try it.

So fitting the phrase," them can't even run a cake shop".


I am really confused about what is going on in the National Assembly in Guyana today. Please help me understand.

NCM passed on December 21, 2018. Charandass removed from AFC. That leaves 32 members for the combined APNU\AFC.  Therefore, in my view no other replacement for Charandass should be made. The Speaker was requested to review his decision. A new member Mrs. Pilgrim was named a new MP to replace Charandass. In my view his is unconstitutional. The Speaker upheld his original decision, and apparently suggested that the Courts decide the matter. I thought that Parliament is the Highest Court of the land. Am I incorrect here. As well, is Mrs. Pilgrim entitled to pay and benefits after NCM failed and upon review upheld by the Speaker. 

I notice that the Speaker is allowing normal business in the house. Should the National Assembly not be suspended pending a decision of the Court? Should he still occupy that seat as Speaker afterrendering his decision? Is the Speaker not colluding with Government to continue the nonsense going on there right now? Is what he is doing unconstitutional or constitutional?




kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:


Thank you, now you have to break this down to ABC language for them to understand.

106.6 simply states that the Government has to resign if they are defeated in a No Confidence Motion. It does not give a time when the Government has to resign. If you see a time in 106.6, point it out for us, Numbnuts. 106.7 is the continuation of 106.6 and it states the time when the Government has to resign. English Language seems to be a challenge for you Clowns.

Article 106 (7)   

“Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

Mars posted:
Dave posted:
Mars posted:
Dave posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:

This is not really a win for the PPP. This should not be reffered to the courts. The government is illegal if his decision stands. The illegal PNC is now squatting in office.

Intervention by ABC is now needed to remove them.

There is always the option of taking questionable results of an important vote to the courts. See Bush vs Gore and the PPP in the 2015 elections. Are you trying to subvert democracy in the favor of the PPP?

Are you dumb or what? Don't you understand the meaning of the Constitution 106.7? Find someone with a bit of a brain to explain it to you. The speaker addressed this in today's ruling. 

So why wasn’t this part of the constitution not applied in 2015. 

The present government has until after General Elections to remain in office. That's what the Constitution says. The PPP lost the General Elections in 2015, so they resigned. Do I really need to explain this to you people?

Nah Nah Nahee ... The constitution say a NCM is a defeat of the government and election must be held within 90 days or as agree by two third majority vote in parliament if To remains longer. 

The government should resign and respect the constitution pending any court decisions. 

We gon continue to disagree even if the court rule in the opposition favour. 

Let’s see what the court says.. I see the delay in court proceedings will take election to its due date .

Maybe Granger ( a very fair person I think) will work something out with Jagdeo. 

Correct. The constitution says that the government shall resign. It also states when the government shall resign in 106.7 which the Speaker of the House alluded to. Read 106.7 below. I left a little hint for you. Hopefully, you're bright enough to understand what it means.

Article 106 (7) states as follows:  

“Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

How is “office” defined in Art.106(7) of the Constitution? Does it mean remaining in Parliament? How does the Intrpretations Act define “office”? Anyone knows?

kp posted:

Article 106 sub sect. 6 deals directly with NO CONFIDENCE, so for all you nay sayer , READ IT. Sub section 7 deals with the Loss at a General Election. If you can't understand that , stop posting.

Dem bais too dumb to understand that sec 6 deals specifically with a NO Confidence motion and section 7 deals with loss of a general election. Dem rass prappa stupid and bully. Dictatorship is part of their DNA. 

The speaker upheld section 6 and as such, election have to be held in 90 days. 

Any fair judge will throw the book at these clowns led by Jackass Williams. 

PPP already filed a motion that any matter relating or arising out of any challenge of the NC motion must be heard first. PPP was prepared for this outcome from the speaker. 

What really matters is that the speaker upheld the NC vote. He did give them a little time for to squat by making the court an option. Where he erred is that since his decision is final, the courts will not intervene an overturn a legislative decision since it would create a dangerous precedence. 

It is time for the PNC squatters to vacate office and have democratically held elections. The biggest fear now is rigging. 

Why is it about these these bullies who refuse to respect  the will if the people ?

Dem rass have 10 members on their side who have foreign residency or citizenship and yet they have the balls to challange Charandass standing as an MP. Dem rass prappa wrong and strong. 

Last edited by Former Member
Ray posted:

actually...if I read correctly, they don't vacate until after 90 days when elections are held

Riff, they are in a caretaker role until elections are held in 90 days. They need 2/3 of parliamentarians to be extend the date of the election. The NC motion stands. 

It would be in the interest of Guyana for the opposition leader and Granger to sit down and set a date for election. It would calm investors, foreign and local companies and the country at large. Delaying further can create uncertainty and instability. 

I fought a few successful legal battles and the PNC has no ground to stand on except to squat. Moses laang his mouth when the speaker said that his NC declaration stands.

I await Anil’s professional analysis and an official PPP statement.

yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Article 106 sub sect. 6 deals directly with NO CONFIDENCE, so for all you nay sayer , READ IT. Sub section 7 deals with the Loss at a General Election. If you can't understand that , stop posting.

Dem bais too dumb to understand that sec 6 deals specifically with a NO Confidence motion and section 7 deals with loss of a general election. Dem rass prappa stupid and bully. Dictatorship is part of their DNA. 

The speaker upheld section 6 and as such, election have to be held in 90 days. 

Any fair judge will throw the book at these clowns led by Jackass Williams. 

PPP already filed a motion that any matter relating or arising out of any challenge of the NC motion must be heard first. PPP was prepared for this outcome from the speaker. 

What really matters is that the speaker upheld the NC vote. He did give them a little time for to squat by making the court an option. Where he erred is that since his decision is final, the courts will not intervene an overturn a legislative decision since it would create a dangerous precedence. 

It is time for the PNC squatters to vacate office and have democratically held elections. The biggest fear now is rigging. 

Why is it about these these bullies who refuse to respect  the will if the people ?

Dem rass have 10 members on their side who have foreign residency or citizenship and yet they have the balls to challange Charandass standing as an MP. Dem rass prappa wrong and strong. 

Listen to this dankey now trying to rewrite the Constitution. The Article 106 deals with the steps to take if the Government loses a No Confidence Vote. Clause number 6 states that the government must resign and clause number 7 states the time frame for resignation. 106.7 is strictly for a No Confidence Vote and that's why the Speaker referenced it today in his presentation. Stop writing nonsense now.

Last edited by Mars
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Article 106 sub sect. 6 deals directly with NO CONFIDENCE, so for all you nay sayer , READ IT. Sub section 7 deals with the Loss at a General Election. If you can't understand that , stop posting.

Dem bais too dumb to understand that sec 6 deals specifically with a NO Confidence motion and section 7 deals with loss of a general election. Dem rass prappa stupid and bully. Dictatorship is part of their DNA. 

The speaker upheld section 6 and as such, election have to be held in 90 days. 

Any fair judge will throw the book at these clowns led by Jackass Williams. 

PPP already filed a motion that any matter relating or arising out of any challenge of the NC motion must be heard first. PPP was prepared for this outcome from the speaker. 

What really matters is that the speaker upheld the NC vote. He did give them a little time for to squat by making the court an option. Where he erred is that since his decision is final, the courts will not intervene an overturn a legislative decision since it would create a dangerous precedence. 

It is time for the PNC squatters to vacate office and have democratically held elections. The biggest fear now is rigging. 

Why is it about these these bullies who refuse to respect  the will if the people ?

Dem rass have 10 members on their side who have foreign residency or citizenship and yet they have the balls to challange Charandass standing as an MP. Dem rass prappa wrong and strong. 

Listen to this dankey now trying to rewrite the Constitution. The entire Article 106 deals with the steps to take if the Government loses a No Confidence Vote. Clause number 6 states that the government must resign and clause number 7 states the time frame for resignation. 106.7 is strictly for a No Confidence Vote and that's why the Speaker referenced it today in his presentation. Stop writing nonsense now.

You are full of Shyte. You are trying to reinterpret article 106.7. No way Jose. 

yuji22 posted:
Mars posted:
yuji22 posted:
kp posted:

Article 106 sub sect. 6 deals directly with NO CONFIDENCE, so for all you nay sayer , READ IT. Sub section 7 deals with the Loss at a General Election. If you can't understand that , stop posting.

Dem bais too dumb to understand that sec 6 deals specifically with a NO Confidence motion and section 7 deals with loss of a general election. Dem rass prappa stupid and bully. Dictatorship is part of their DNA. 

The speaker upheld section 6 and as such, election have to be held in 90 days. 

Any fair judge will throw the book at these clowns led by Jackass Williams. 

PPP already filed a motion that any matter relating or arising out of any challenge of the NC motion must be heard first. PPP was prepared for this outcome from the speaker. 

What really matters is that the speaker upheld the NC vote. He did give them a little time for to squat by making the court an option. Where he erred is that since his decision is final, the courts will not intervene an overturn a legislative decision since it would create a dangerous precedence. 

It is time for the PNC squatters to vacate office and have democratically held elections. The biggest fear now is rigging. 

Why is it about these these bullies who refuse to respect  the will if the people ?

Dem rass have 10 members on their side who have foreign residency or citizenship and yet they have the balls to challange Charandass standing as an MP. Dem rass prappa wrong and strong. 

Listen to this dankey now trying to rewrite the Constitution. The entire Article 106 deals with the steps to take if the Government loses a No Confidence Vote. Clause number 6 states that the government must resign and clause number 7 states the time frame for resignation. 106.7 is strictly for a No Confidence Vote and that's why the Speaker referenced it today in his presentation. Stop writing nonsense now.

You are full of Shyte. You are trying to reinterpret article 106.7. No way Jose. 

Explain to us how this has anything to do with General Elections if it is a continuation of 106.6 and it also says that the government shall hold an election within three months. Within three months of what? Within three months of losing a No Confidence Vote Knucklehead. When dumbness was sharing you went back in the line too many times. 

106.7 “Notwithstanding its defeat, the Government shall remain in office and shall hold an election within three months, or such longer period as the National Assembly shall by resolution supported by not less than two-thirds of the votes of all the elected members of the National Assembly determine, and shall resign after the President takes the oath of office following the election.”

Last edited by Mars

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