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ISIS militants released a video Tuesday purporting to show a captive Jordanian pilot being burned alive in a cage, just days after the militants beheaded a Japanese journalist.

Lt. Muath al Kasasbeh was on a bombing run over Syria in December when he was forced to eject and was immediately captured by ISIS fighters. His continued captivity — and ISIS threats to murder him — have been a national trauma for Jordan.

A 22-minute video released by the al-Furqan Media Foundation — one of the official media arms of ISIS — shows Kasasbeh with a black eye at a table and, later, standing in a cage as he is burned alive. The tape appears consistent with other ISIS videos, according to Flashpoint Intelligence, a global security firm and NBC News consultant.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

A religious Muslim was burnt alive in a cage by these sub- humans. For those who argued here that Islam is responsible for these acts, show me how these animals are anything close to Islam.


Note that the tribes in Syria/Iraq that this pilot came from will do the same to Bhadadi as the Sunni awakening did to Zarqawi. This might be a turning point in the fight against these thugs.

Originally Posted by Kari:

A religious Muslim was burnt alive in a cage by these sub- humans. For those who argued here that Islam is responsible for these acts, show me how these animals are anything close to Islam.


Note that the tribes in Syria/Iraq that this pilot came from will do the same to Bhadadi as the Sunni awakening did to Zarqawi. This might be a turning point in the fight against these thugs.

doan start that shit kari, what religion are they (ISIS)? They're not Mormons, Jehovahs, Hari Krishnas, they are ........(fill inthe blanks)


They are murderers doing this in the name of Islam.


Kari I do not blame all Muslims for any of this, what I am pissed off about is when you guys say they ain't...that's all I argue about.


It is the same thing when a woman is raped in Guyana by let's say, a Government official's son, we tend to get pissed off at the Governing party because they are the ones getting away with all that's wrong in Guyana and posters here say, "Oh this got nothing to do with the PPP." Yes it dam well does. They do not condone it, it is on their heads.



The ISIS killers are Muslim, the rapist in Guyana is associated with the PPP...story done.


I look forward to Jordan ( Good Muslims) taking out some of these sickos.(Bad Muslims)

Originally Posted by TI:

Jordan religious bais retaliatingM

They will behead the woman suicide bomber and and some other jihadis tomorrow.

Good. ISIS wanted that lady real bad. Now she will pay the price long overdue.These ISIS guys got some balls though. wanted to negotiate the release of a guy they already killed. SOB's

Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Kari:

A religious Muslim was burnt alive in a cage by these sub- humans. For those who argued here that Islam is responsible for these acts, show me how these animals are anything close to Islam.


Note that the tribes in Syria/Iraq that this pilot came from will do the same to Bhadadi as the Sunni awakening did to Zarqawi. This might be a turning point in the fight against these thugs.

doan start that shit kari, what religion are they (ISIS)? They're not Mormons, Jehovahs, Hari Krishnas, they are ........(fill inthe blanks)


They are murderers doing this in the name of Islam.


Kari I do not blame all Muslims for any of this, what I am pissed off about is when you guys say they ain't...that's all I argue about.


It is the same thing when a woman is raped in Guyana by let's say, a Government official's son, we tend to get pissed off at the Governing party because they are the ones getting away with all that's wrong in Guyana and posters here say, "Oh this got nothing to do with the PPP." Yes it dam well does. They do not condone it, it is on their heads.



The ISIS killers are Muslim, the rapist in Guyana is associated with the PPP...story done.


I look forward to Jordan ( Good Muslims) taking out some of these sickos.(Bad Muslims)

Jordan is not going to do a damn thing. The saudis and the Gulf states that are in danger of ISIS infiltration will also not do a damn thing. In the end it will take western powers going in and bleeding for these ungrateful bastards who can only chime the usual bilge about invasion of "muslim lands".


The US is the only power who can sterilize that place of its fanatical islamic infestation. They beat Saddam and his million man army with 300 planes twice that number of tanks plus radar support etc in just over a week. They can take out these ragtag people who depend on cruelty as a deterrence in a few days.


They have no central communication system, no secure resupply lines,m no heavy armor, no planes etc. They never faced modern weapons or soldiers with 360 degree support. And in time, the US will have to decide if it cares enough to go in. Right now it does not.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Kari:

A religious Muslim was burnt alive in a cage by these sub- humans. For those who argued here that Islam is responsible for these acts, show me how these animals are anything close to Islam.


Note that the tribes in Syria/Iraq that this pilot came from will do the same to Bhadadi as the Sunni awakening did to Zarqawi. This might be a turning point in the fight against these thugs.

Without prejudice.

Back in 12th century, the muslims boiled the hindus in oil. Were they muslims that did that act back then? I would think, Islam is a religion of barbarians. Timid people who join that religion suddenly is empowered with immense zeal to kill. It is interesting to note, that muslims are proud when christians become muslims. It seems Islam attracts the sadist. As the many recruits are revealing themselves to be.



Originally Posted by Sheik101:
Originally Posted by TI:

Jordan religious bais retaliatingM

They will behead the woman suicide bomber and and some other jihadis tomorrow.

Good. ISIS wanted that lady real bad. Now she will pay the price long overdue.These ISIS guys got some balls though. wanted to negotiate the release of a guy they already killed. SOB's

Not wise to take her life. They should look for the Imam and stone him alive. Better yet send him to Saudie Arabia.


Storm, I don't quite agree with you. The Jordanian King was under a lot of pressure by the jordanian people way before word came that the pilot had been killed.. So much so, that he cut short his visit to washington due to this situation. It is my belief that Jordan will execute Al Rishawi at the crack of dawn tomorrow. And if they do, and I think they will; you can't say that they did nothing. Let's wait a few hours more.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Kari:

A religious Muslim was burnt alive in a cage by these sub- humans. For those who argued here that Islam is responsible for these acts, show me how these animals are anything close to Islam.


Note that the tribes in Syria/Iraq that this pilot came from will do the same to Bhadadi as the Sunni awakening did to Zarqawi. This might be a turning point in the fight against these thugs.

Without prejudice.

Back in 12th century, the muslims boiled the hindus in oil. Were they muslims that did that act back then? I would think, Islam is a religion of barbarians. Timid people who join that religion suddenly is empowered with immense zeal to kill. It is interesting to note, that muslims are proud when christians become muslims. It seems Islam attracts the sadist. As the many recruits are revealing themselves to be.



Really Sagga bai. Yuh had to go jump pun yuh hate Islam bilge? If they were Christians and Sadists before they became attracted to Islam, how come yuh nah see dat as a Christian problem? "More people slip with their tongue than their feet" Muhammad.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by Kari:

A religious Muslim was burnt alive in a cage by these sub- humans. For those who argued here that Islam is responsible for these acts, show me how these animals are anything close to Islam.


Note that the tribes in Syria/Iraq that this pilot came from will do the same to Bhadadi as the Sunni awakening did to Zarqawi. This might be a turning point in the fight against these thugs.

doan start that shit kari, what religion are they (ISIS)? They're not Mormons, Jehovahs, Hari Krishnas, they are ........(fill inthe blanks)


They are murderers doing this in the name of Islam.


Kari I do not blame all Muslims for any of this, what I am pissed off about is when you guys say they ain't...that's all I argue about.


It is the same thing when a woman is raped in Guyana by let's say, a Government official's son, we tend to get pissed off at the Governing party because they are the ones getting away with all that's wrong in Guyana and posters here say, "Oh this got nothing to do with the PPP." Yes it dam well does. They do not condone it, it is on their heads.



The ISIS killers are Muslim, the rapist in Guyana is associated with the PPP...story done.


I look forward to Jordan ( Good Muslims) taking out some of these sickos.(Bad Muslims)

Jordan is not going to do a damn thing. The saudis and the Gulf states that are in danger of ISIS infiltration will also not do a damn thing. In the end it will take western powers going in and bleeding for these ungrateful bastards who can only chime the usual bilge about invasion of "muslim lands".


The US is the only power who can sterilize that place of its fanatical islamic infestation. They beat Saddam and his million man army with 300 planes twice that number of tanks plus radar support etc in just over a week. They can take out these ragtag people who depend on cruelty as a deterrence in a few days.


They have no central communication system, no secure resupply lines,m no heavy armor, no planes etc. They never faced modern weapons or soldiers with 360 degree support. And in time, the US will have to decide if it cares enough to go in. Right now it does not.

My personal viewpoint. Baal was a false god in that region. Creation of Lucifer. Among the Assyrians, Syrians, Medes, Persians and Babylonians-killing and be killed has been an unending history for them. They have celestial guidance(Lucifer and the host of demons). Those countries will promote the false religion in the region and there is nothing America and her allies can do it. The Bible seys, there will be wailing on the entire earth.  You see dem women, men and children just begging for peace. Isn't Islam suppose to be the religion of peace.


I know you won't agree AND I AM not asking you to either. Just a point of view.

Originally Posted by Kari:

A religious Muslim was burnt alive in a cage by these sub- humans. For those who argued here that Islam is responsible for these acts, show me how these animals are anything close to Islam.


Note that the tribes in Syria/Iraq that this pilot came from will do the same to Bhadadi as the Sunni awakening did to Zarqawi. This might be a turning point in the fight against these thugs.


My Dear Friend,


I know you are sincere in your sentiments. However, we must accept that these men are motivated by Islam. It may not be your interpretation of Islam. and I'm sure it isn't. But they read the same Quran and the same Hadiths and have arrived at their barbaric conclusions.


Now, the Christians and the Jews have similar Stone Age verses and if Christians and Jews followed them they would also be acting in accordance with their religions.


The thing is that Christians and Jews have learned to ignore those Stone Age verses in favor of modern secular behavior.


Islam still has yet to embrace the modern secular world. Even those who don't support ISIS may also believe in death for apostasy, the subjugation of women, and other such medieval nonsense. Look at Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Iran etc. Are all these people not "real" Muslims?


We need to to simply accept that Islam motivates these men as they themselves claim. To try to claim that these are not "real" Muslims strikes non-Muslims as disingenuous and perhaps outright apologetic for Islamic terrorism.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Kari:

A religious Muslim was burnt alive in a cage by these sub- humans. For those who argued here that Islam is responsible for these acts, show me how these animals are anything close to Islam.


Note that the tribes in Syria/Iraq that this pilot came from will do the same to Bhadadi as the Sunni awakening did to Zarqawi. This might be a turning point in the fight against these thugs.

Without prejudice.

Back in 12th century, the muslims boiled the hindus in oil. Were they muslims that did that act back then? I would think, Islam is a religion of barbarians. Timid people who join that religion suddenly is empowered with immense zeal to kill. It is interesting to note, that muslims are proud when christians become muslims. It seems Islam attracts the sadist. As the many recruits are revealing themselves to be.



Really Sagga bai. Yuh had to go jump pun yuh hate Islam bilge? If they were Christians and Sadists before they became attracted to Islam, how come yuh nah see dat as a Christian problem? "More people slip with their tongue than their feet" Muhammad.

Maybe Muhammad made the reference to the Imams. They imparted the wrong messages to the converts and even their own flock.


on the other hand Shaitan...they may just be using the religion because they know the effect they are causing. They want conflict.

Yuh think if they said they were buddists tekking over, the world will bat an eye?

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

on the other hand Shaitan...they may just be using the religion because they know the effect they are causing. They want conflict.

Yuh think if they said they were buddists tekking over, the world will bat an eye?




I don't doubt that some (principally leadership) are very much aware of using Islam as an organizing principle of politcs. You do have a point.


But we cannot lie to ourselves.Just look at how ISIS fighters run away from Kurdish female fighters because these Muslims really believe that if they get killled by as woman Allah won't let them into Paradise with many virgins. This is a certain reading of Islam. This isn't some political theory or strategy of warfare.


How come more Muslims don't share your sentiments about terrorism? I have never once heard you terrorist sympathize here.


You even once said that you would report any Muslim who spouts radicalism. This is what we would have expected of our fellow Muslim citizens of these Western countries. Yet, that is not the case. Most Muslims are happy to press their luck with kicking the kuffar with their own liberal laws and turning these societies own freedoms against them.

Cainsta,  you're indulging in semantics. I conclude you hate the religion of Islam because it is barbaric and you hate Muslims. No sweat,  we Muslims know you got our backs (as in targets).

Stormy, you need to understand that while American troops fought alongside Iraqi troops, Cainsta point about Arabs (note I do not say Muslims) condoning Arab violence ring true, without the Sunni themselves we'd still be in Iraq. So that jingoistic view is misplaced.
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

on the other hand Shaitan...they may just be using the religion because they know the effect they are causing. They want conflict.

Yuh think if they said they were buddists tekking over, the world will bat an eye?

Islam has a history of killing people. Do u refuse to read that history. If u were an Arab, you can be excused. But u being an East Indian. Are u aware, that Islam of the Middle -East expects the emergence of the Caliphate. It is the peoples belief. What makes u think they care three hoot about converted muslims. In the end, non-Arabs will get the same dose as Christians. We waiting for Christ to come and deal with this mess. So these thing with the Arab muslims have to happen.


Then again, u doan read the Fairy Tale Book. 

Originally Posted by TI:

Jordanian like Guyanese, little wussies

they came to Washungton to beg Obama to help.


Yep. Those wussy kuffar. Look how abbe ISIS bais ah f u c k dem rass up good an prapa.


Allah ho akbar!

Originally Posted by Kari:

(1) A religious Muslim was burnt alive in a cage by these sub- humans. For those who argued here that Islam is responsible for these acts, show me how these animals are anything close to Islam.


(3) Paranoid link: Male and female gender neutralization of harm 

Judaism cancellation of Islam (إلغاء اليهودية للإسلام)

Islam cancellation of Judaism (ביטול האיסלאם ליהדות)

System processing......Ron Control



Originally Posted by TI:

(2) Jordan religious bais retaliatingM

They will behead the woman suicide bomber and and some other jihadis tomorrow.


Ronald Anthony Arjune
Originally Posted by TI:

What do enemies usually do when they capture a pilot who is bombing them?

whats the accepted protocol ?

The Americans killed North Vietnamese mercilessly when they were caught. The collateral of wars. 

Originally Posted by TI:

You think when Jordan behead the terrorist lady they will put in on a video too?

I hope they show the world that they are civilised by sparing the lady's life.

Originally Posted by TI:

What do enemies usually do when they capture a pilot who is bombing them?

whats the accepted protocol ?


Usually, civilized nations follow the Geneva Convention. With Muslims, they follow the "perfect" behavior of Muhammad who wasn't above torturing and beheading prisoners of war. Especially in search of fabled Jewgold.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TI:

You think when Jordan behead the terrorist lady they will put in on a video too?

I hope they show the world that they are civilised by sparing the lady's life.


Has the mental rot in Western civilization gone so far? Are you really sure ISIS will be so impressed by this act of "civility"?


When people wanna kill you, you have to kill them first. It's not that complicated.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TI:

What do enemies usually do when they capture a pilot who is bombing them?

whats the accepted protocol ?


Usually, civilized nations follow the Geneva Convention. With Muslims, they follow the "perfect" behavior of Muhammad who wasn't above torturing and beheading prisoners of war. Especially in search of fabled Jewgold.

Geneva that like a sex thing like Abu Gharaib or a lil torture like Guantanamo Bay?  

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by TI:

What do enemies usually do when they capture a pilot who is bombing them?

whats the accepted protocol ?


Usually, civilized nations follow the Geneva Convention. With Muslims, they follow the "perfect" behavior of Muhammad who wasn't above torturing and beheading prisoners of war. Especially in search of fabled Jewgold.

Geneva that like a sex thing like Abu Gharaib or a lil torture like Guantanamo Bay?  


I'm sure we do torture people not covered by the Geneva Convention. I didn't know al-Qaeda and ISIS were signatory parties who signed, ratified, and accessed to this Convention.


I thank Allah we tortured those pig-dogs at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo. I personally was a little disappointed at how little we tortured.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Kari:

A religious Muslim was burnt alive in a cage by these sub- humans. For those who argued here that Islam is responsible for these acts, show me how these animals are anything close to Islam.


Note that the tribes in Syria/Iraq that this pilot came from will do the same to Bhadadi as the Sunni awakening did to Zarqawi. This might be a turning point in the fight against these thugs.

Without prejudice.

Back in 12th century, the muslims boiled the hindus in oil. Were they muslims that did that act back then? I would think, Islam is a religion of barbarians. Timid people who join that religion suddenly is empowered with immense zeal to kill. It is interesting to note, that muslims are proud when christians become muslims. It seems Islam attracts the sadist. As the many recruits are revealing themselves to be.



Really Sagga bai. Yuh had to go jump pun yuh hate Islam bilge? If they were Christians and Sadists before they became attracted to Islam, how come yuh nah see dat as a Christian problem? "More people slip with their tongue than their feet" Muhammad.

Maybe Muhammad made the reference to the Imams. They imparted the wrong messages to the converts and even their own flock.

I guess reading nah yuh strong point bai.


“And there shall wait on them [the Muslim men] young boys of their own, as fair as virgin pearls.”

Hadith Number 16245, Volume Title: “The Sayings of the Syrians,” Chapter Title: “Hadith of Mu’awiya Ibn Abu Sufyan”:

“I saw the prophet – pbuh – sucking on the tongue or the lips of Al-Hassan son of Ali, may the
prayers of Allah be upon him. For no tongue or lips that the prophet sucked on will be tormented (by hell fire)

He (the Prophet) lift up his (al Hassan’s) shirt and kissed his (little) penis..”
روى أنه صلى الله عليه و سلم قبل زبيبة الحسن أو الحسين
He (the prophet) kissed the (little) penis of al Hassan or al Husein
رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
He (the prophet) put Husein’s legs apart and kissed his (little) penis

Another Hadith. Majma al-Zawa’id, Ali ibn Abu Bakr al-Haythami, 299/9 مجمع الزوائد لعلي بن أبى بكر الهيثمي

رأيت رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم فرج ما بين فخذي الحسين و قبل زبيبته
رواه الطبراني و إسناده حسن
translated into English: “I saw the Messenger of Allah pbuh putting Husein’s legs apart and kissing his (little) penis.”

Related by Al-Tabarani and it’s authentication is fully validated by Islamic scholars.

Hussein and Hassan is not the same name, so clearly this is of two accounts and he kissed more than one penis.

Muhammad would also invite young boys to see him wash his private parts:

Narrated Anas bin Malik:
Whenever Allah’s Apostle went to answer the call of nature, I along with another boy used to accompany him with a tumbler full of water. (Hisham commented, “So that he might wash his private parts with it.&rdquo (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 152; see also Numbers 153-154)

Other sick practices of Muhammad include having his young child bride wipe semen off his clothes:

Narrated ‘Aisha:
I used to wash the traces of Janaba (semen) from the clothes of the Prophet and he used to go for prayers while traces of water were still on it (water spots were still visible). (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 229)

Narrated Sulaiman bin Yasar:
I asked ‘Aisha about the clothes soiled with semen. She replied, “I used to wash it off the clothes of Allah’s Apostle and he would go for the prayer while water spots were still visible.” (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 231; see also Number 232)

Narrated ‘Aisha:
I used to wash the semen off the clothes of the Prophet and even then I used to notice one or more spots on them. (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 233)

Originally Posted by TI:

Ah, so a lill torture and sex thing is permitted then by civilized nations?

i wasn't really sure about this prisoner thing. I'm learning, Im learning.


Why do you personally care so much about some captured terrorists not getting treated according to the Geneva Convention?


Is it because your sympathies lay with them? Your fellow coreligionists?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

on the other hand Shaitan...they may just be using the religion because they know the effect they are causing. They want conflict.

Yuh think if they said they were buddists tekking over, the world will bat an eye?

Islam has a history of killing people. Do u refuse to read that history. If u were an Arab, you can be excused. But u being an East Indian. Are u aware, that Islam of the Middle -East expects the emergence of the Caliphate. It is the peoples belief. What makes u think they care three hoot about converted muslims. In the end, non-Arabs will get the same dose as Christians. We waiting for Christ to come and deal with this mess. So these thing with the Arab muslims have to happen.


Then again, u doan read the Fairy Tale Book. 

Bai, people kill people every day even in America. They found a man's body yesterday just before they charged his nephew with killing him. They were both Christians. The Guyanese woman killed a few years ago by her adopted son (who was actually her poor Guyanese cousin) was also Christians. So was her adopted son. But those are not sensational to you folks. Instead you give these lunatics in the Middle East all the sensation they relish. Don't you think they are sick enough to love the attention they get by you?

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TI:

What do enemies usually do when they capture a pilot who is bombing them?

whats the accepted protocol ?

The Americans killed North Vietnamese mercilessly when they were caught. The collateral of wars. 

Are you suggesting that what ISIS is doing is the collateral of war?

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by TI:

You think when Jordan behead the terrorist lady they will put in on a video too?

I hope they show the world that they are civilised by sparing the lady's life.

Women have been executed in America. Are you suggesting that America is not civilized?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

on the other hand Shaitan...they may just be using the religion because they know the effect they are causing. They want conflict.

Yuh think if they said they were buddists tekking over, the world will bat an eye?

Islam has a history of killing people. Do u refuse to read that history. If u were an Arab, you can be excused. But u being an East Indian. Are u aware, that Islam of the Middle -East expects the emergence of the Caliphate. It is the peoples belief. What makes u think they care three hoot about converted muslims. In the end, non-Arabs will get the same dose as Christians. We waiting for Christ to come and deal with this mess. So these thing with the Arab muslims have to happen.


Then again, u doan read the Fairy Tale Book. 

Bai, people kill people every day even in America. They found a man's body yesterday just before they charged his nephew with killing him. They were both Christians. The Guyanese woman killed a few years ago by her adopted son (who was actually her poor Guyanese cousin) was also Christians. So was her adopted son. But those are not sensational to you folks. Instead you give these lunatics in the Middle East all the sensation they relish. Don't you think they are sick enough to love the attention they get by you?


Here we go again. People get killed all the time. This is what Islamic apologists are reduced. It's always the media's fault. People picking on poor innocent Muslims.


Why can't you just have an honest discussion about Islamic Terrorism and just stick to that? Without trying to minimize or deflect.


Here's a little secret. I'm not really bothered by Islamic terrorism per se. I don't think ISIS is gonna come get me in NYC basement.


What outrages me is how seemingly intelligent Muslims in the West suckling on Mother Mary's luscious kuffar teats go to such lengths to engage in behavior that seem to aid the jihadi agenda.


Do you understand me? The kuffar are kinda mad about the excuses being made by people like you.


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