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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

The point was about memory/remembrance of some bad ethnic-based violence/discrimination in a group's recent past.

And yet Africans have also suffered violence under the PPP.


So where does this leave Guyana?


I would never deign to ask Blacks or any group to forget anything. We don't have to hold each other guilty for past injustices though.


No one here holds Blacks guilty for anything. I certainly don't.


However, I (and the overwhelming majority of Indos) view the PNC as a toxic brand even if their new CEO is Jesus (and Granger is pretty close to my idea of political Jesus).


The PNC here is the issue. Not Black people. Many Indians stopped hating Black people a while ago. Perhaps you didn't notice.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!

Yes its good to sit down 2500 miles away and scream hysteria, and then when we see what this leads to one can run and pretend as if hysterical screams of a Holocaust didn't create an environment where some over zealous PPP thug probably decided to act....yes to "kick ass" as Shaitaan and Jagdeo demand.


You're too old and too damn educated to be this stupid.

You are intelligent and so now see where your rhetoric is headed, and now you also understand that Indians now are worried about possible retaliation.


And what embarrasses you is it is the same APNU AFC who you will have to rely on to prevent such retaliation.


Indians do NOT have a unique interest of ethnically based violence directed against them, so why is it only Indians who should remember. And of what good is it to wallow in the past, rather than focusing on strategies to ensure that it isn't repeated?

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

scare the shit out of Indos . . . isn't that what your job here has been here on GNI this past week?


This coward has been living in the safety of NYC screaming "Indian Holocaust" and that "Indians should kick ass".  Now he lies quaking about whether blacks will be stupid enough to rise to the bait and retaliate.



The PNC is usually only good for retaliating against Indian peasants, women, and children. That is well established. So for 2015 to degenerate into more of the same would not shock anyone.


(Excusing your other "Indian Holocaust" nonsensical quote mining since you're on one of your usual racial rants tonight)

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!


That you're an unsophisticated idiot I cannot help. I believe my comment was to the point of demanding Guyanese Indians forget their ethnic violations is AKIN to asking the Armenians to forget their Genocide and the Jews their Holocaust. Analogies sometimes confuse stupid people I understand. No one ever said or implied the scale was identical in murder and horror. I used to think you were just driven by your agenda. Now I suspect you're just stupid.

actually, it's because you overestimate your "sophistication" (keeping company with mediocre people tends to cause that), that u indulge in what i call "[over]reaching for cleverness" and end up with obscene "analogies" like yours above


yep . . . "unsophisticated" is the word


Lemme splain moh clear fuh abbe dunce hey:


The point was about memory/remembrance of some bad ethnic-based violence/discrimination in a group's recent past.

suh u reach for the two most notorious cases of genocide in modern times by way of analogy to 'think/remember' blackman on Indo violence at Wismar, Georgetown, Agricola and Buxton. . . hmmm?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!

Yes its good to sit down 2500 miles away and scream hysteria, and then when we see what this leads to one can run and pretend as if hysterical screams of a Holocaust didn't create an environment where some over zealous PPP thug probably decided to act....yes to "kick ass" as Shaitaan and Jagdeo demand.


You're too old and too damn educated to be this stupid.

You are intelligent and so now see where your rhetoric is headed, and now you also understand that Indians now are worried about possible retaliation.


And what embarrasses you is it is the same APNU AFC who you will have to rely on to prevent such retaliation.


Indians do NOT have a unique interest of ethnically based violence directed against them, so why is it only Indians who should remember. And of what good is it to wallow in the past, rather than focusing on strategies to ensure that it isn't repeated?


That we even have to broach the topic of "Indians" having to worry about retaliation over some guy's death speaks volumes about the mindset of the Coalition. Nothing has changed. NOTHING!


Do you want us to be grateful for this act of PNC charity in not beating/killing Coolies tonight?


FYI, I'm actually kinda curious as to see how much or how little has changed.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I would never deign to ask Blacks or any group to forget anything. We don't have to hold each other guilty for past injustices though.



You cannot be so foolish and asinine to put 100% of the blame on the PNC.


The PPP and the PNC are creatures of Guyana's ethnic insecurity dilemma.  You should be advocating a solution.  Right now you aren't.


It isn't about two nations at war.  Its about different parts of the SAME NATION tearing itself to pieces.  So some PPP lunatic quite likely instigated this murder.  If some lunatic PNC retaliates then it will bring a reaction. That is 100% of what 1962-64 was all about.



Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

scare the shit out of Indos . . . isn't that what your job here has been here on GNI this past week?


This coward has been living in the safety of NYC screaming "Indian Holocaust" and that "Indians should kick ass".  Now he lies quaking about whether blacks will be stupid enough to rise to the bait and retaliate.



The PNC is usually only good for retaliating against Indian peasants, women, and children. That is well established. So for 2015 to degenerate into more of the same would not shock anyone.


(Excusing your other "Indian Holocaust" nonsensical quote mining since you're on one of your usual racial rants tonight)

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!


That you're an unsophisticated idiot I cannot help. I believe my comment was to the point of demanding Guyanese Indians forget their ethnic violations is AKIN to asking the Armenians to forget their Genocide and the Jews their Holocaust. Analogies sometimes confuse stupid people I understand. No one ever said or implied the scale was identical in murder and horror. I used to think you were just driven by your agenda. Now I suspect you're just stupid.

actually, it's because you overestimate your "sophistication" (keeping company with mediocre people tends to cause that), that u indulge in what i call "[over]reaching for cleverness" and end up with obscene "analogies" like yours above


yep . . . "unsophisticated" is the word


Lemme splain moh clear fuh abbe dunce hey:


The point was about memory/remembrance of some bad ethnic-based violence/discrimination in a group's recent past.

suh u reach for the two most notorious cases of genocide in modern times by way of analogy to 'think/remember' blackman on Indo violence at Wismar, Georgetown, Agricola and Buxton. . . hmmm?


If it bothers you so much, you spend the time thinking for me of two apposite instances of ethnic violence or whatever and let me know and I will be happy to amend my statement so as to not sound so harsh. I assumed you could get my point. I was obviously wrong. You got stuck on the 1 million Armenians and 6 million Jews? You are mentally taxing chap.




Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


That we even have to broach the topic of "Indians" having to worry about retaliation over some guy's death speaks volumes about the mindset of the Coalition. Nothing has changed. NOTHING!


Do you want us to be grateful for this act of PNC charity in not beating/killing Coolies tonight?


FYI, I'm actually kinda curious as to see how much or how little has changed.

And here you go with this racist rhetoric.  Even predicting a PNC backlash, because "of course" only the PNC has been involved in  violence, even when an act of PPP violence is staring right at you.


Did you notice that not ONE person is referring to this incident as being any thing other than the act of some lunatic PPP supporter (who mightn't even be Indian) maybe following instructions from higher up authorities, or maybe not.


But of course you have to bring at the black bogeyman, and ironically you have to hope that the very people who you portray as demons will save the day.


BOTH Indians and Africans have been involved in violent acts against each other, and BOTH have suffered as a result. People like you pouring gasoline on this doesn't help.


You engaged in some very irresponsible rants, and it is clear that you are now embarrassed by this.


Last edited by Former Member

I see no reason for anyone to kill this fellow except for his practice of being a political gadfly.The probability for his death and the circumstances of his execution being other than as they present themselves is zero. I am inclined he died as a consequence of his political activism.


I like how Rohee immediately plants the seeds of a PNC false flag strategy here. He died because Seelall the grand torturer was installed and he is a bulldog for police efficacy. PPP opponents  do not want his strong leadership skills at the head of the police at this time so they are out to destabilize the society!


I hope calm prevails because discord is exactly what the PPP is itching for to happen before the elections. They can always scare the PPP sheep that way.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


I would never deign to ask Blacks or any group to forget anything. We don't have to hold each other guilty for past injustices though.



You cannot be so foolish and asinine to put 100% of the blame on the PNC.


The PPP and the PNC are creatures of Guyana's ethnic insecurity dilemma.  You should be advocating a solution.  Right now you aren't.


It isn't about two nations at war.  Its about different parts of the SAME NATION tearing itself to pieces.  So some PPP lunatic quite likely instigated this murder.  If some lunatic PNC retaliates then it will bring a reaction. That is 100% of what 1962-64 was all about.




The solution is not asking Indians to vote PNC. Find any other solution you like. Anyone that removes the PPP from power.


I do not put almost any blame on the PNC for 1957 to 1992. I do however judge harshly the track record of 1992 to the present. These mudheads at Congress Place couldn't even pretend to stand Coolies to lie to us. They had to resort to beat/kill coolies on the streets.


They could have targeted ministers or important Indians but no. They chose Indian peasants. That is unforgivable.


You are correct, we are not two nations at war. We are Brothers and Sisters of the same nation. Which is why Indians as ordinary people disconnected from politics shouldn't have to worry every time the PNC is upset about something. But we do. That is the Coolieman's Burden.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. I was obviously wrong. You got stuck on the 1 million Armenians and 6 million Jews? You are mentally taxing chap.

I assume that your political career is over, because no way one can win any thing in your part of Queens without some black support.  Your enemies will gladly let the folks who live on the other side of Van Wyck about your blood curdling screams about blacks.


Yes. Even as both the PPP and the PNC, supported by their respective supporters, have engaged in violence, you blame only the PNC, and therefore blacks.  Obviously you don't see blacks as "your" people, so I don't know why any would vote for you.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:



It isn't about two nations at war.  Its about different parts of the SAME NATION tearing itself to pieces. .



The solution is not asking Indians to vote PNC. Find any other solution you like. Anyone that removes the PPP from power.


I do not put almost any blame on the PNC for 1957 to 1992. I do however judge harshly the track record of 1992 to the present. These mudheads at Congress Place couldn't even pretend to stand Coolies to lie to us. They had to resort to beat/kill coolies on the streets.


They could have targeted ministers or important Indians but no. They chose Indian peasants. That is unforgivable.


You are correct, we are not two nations at war. We are Brothers and Sisters of the same nation. Which is why Indians as ordinary people disconnected from politics shouldn't have to worry every time the PNC is upset about something. But we do. That is the Coolieman's Burden.

  I said the opposite.  It is NOT about two nations at war, even if racially hostile people like you think it is.  Blacks and Indians are stuck with each other so when they fight it is two parts of the SAME nation.


PNC supporters attacked Indians.....but they did NOT kill 400 of them.


PPP supporters killed 400 blacks, including some exercising their democratic rights in Linden, and now tonight on the East Coast.


Now you can play this game of blaming the other side.  Pretending that you are innocent.  Screaming about "kicking ass", and then running away when you see the consequences of this.


Indians are not obligated to support the PNC.  What they are NOT entitled to is participating and condoning a system which is racially hostile to their fellow Guyanese, merely because they happen to be black.  Any more than blacks were under the Burnham regime.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by redux:

scare the shit out of Indos . . . isn't that what your job here has been here on GNI this past week?


This coward has been living in the safety of NYC screaming "Indian Holocaust" and that "Indians should kick ass".  Now he lies quaking about whether blacks will be stupid enough to rise to the bait and retaliate.



The PNC is usually only good for retaliating against Indian peasants, women, and children. That is well established. So for 2015 to degenerate into more of the same would not shock anyone.


(Excusing your other "Indian Holocaust" nonsensical quote mining since you're on one of your usual racial rants tonight)

Shaitaan, this past week, you compared "PNC" treatment of Indians in Guyana to the Armenian genocide and to The Holocaust


i bit my tongue and did not confront you for personal reasons


do not come here tonight and lie!


That you're an unsophisticated idiot I cannot help. I believe my comment was to the point of demanding Guyanese Indians forget their ethnic violations is AKIN to asking the Armenians to forget their Genocide and the Jews their Holocaust. Analogies sometimes confuse stupid people I understand. No one ever said or implied the scale was identical in murder and horror. I used to think you were just driven by your agenda. Now I suspect you're just stupid.

actually, it's because you overestimate your "sophistication" (keeping company with mediocre people tends to cause that), that u indulge in what i call "[over]reaching for cleverness" and end up with obscene "analogies" like yours above


yep . . . "unsophisticated" is the word


Lemme splain moh clear fuh abbe dunce hey:


The point was about memory/remembrance of some bad ethnic-based violence/discrimination in a group's recent past.

suh u reach for the two most notorious cases of genocide in modern times by way of analogy to 'think/remember' blackman on Indo violence at Wismar, Georgetown, Agricola and Buxton. . . hmmm?


If it bothers you so much, you spend the time thinking for me of two apposite instances of ethnic violence or whatever and let me know and I will be happy to amend my statement so as to not sound so harsh. I assumed you could get my point. I was obviously wrong. You got stuck on the 1 million Armenians and 6 million Jews? You are mentally taxing chap.

doesn't "bother" me a bit . . . i enjoy watching the not-so-occasional shaitaan train wreck, dust off and stumble 'round


actually, i am enjoying it less now that i am coming to the conclusion that you are either criminally deranged or a political hore of the worst tribal kind


nothing personal since i don't know u bai . . . just sad

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Chief:

These PPP thieves and goons will stop at nothing. They raid the treasury now they  are turning to violence violence to keep them in power.


Look at dis fullahman hypocrite hey.

AFC + APNU watching as Nandalall Floor cloth calling anyone who do not bend over ..... Hypocrite.

Anil admit PPP got only lowlife Chat-3 left supporting them....

Why Anil marry a Fullaman instead of one of one Aya Chat-3.


Do you have some special knowledge or

some evidence linking this to the PPP?

Stooge .....(1) Dhar Poke Anil threaten the man and try Hauling him before de court.

(2) Dhar Poke Anil is on Tape saying people will be shot & Killed by PPP agents....Dem na get time fuh waste in Court.

(3) Donald tell de Amerindian Brother...what Bharat will do to them.

(4) Bharat tell de nation he will Kick ass

(3) Goatman Rohee say Bharat right fuh Kick them Ass.

(6) Sattaur e-mail confirm they are all in this together...and will cover one another.

Lowlife Chat-3 cussing Muslim......WHA MO PROOF YUH WANT?????


Please share since the rest of us don't.

This is where we have to Draw de line.... U continue fuh be a Scum,


What we would all like in life is proof; some firm evidence that would ...

The body of Courtney Crum-Ewing with the loud hailer next to him [photo from Nigel Hughes Facebook Page)

The body of Courtney Crum-Ewing with the loud hailer next to him (photo from Nigel Hughes Facebook Page)

What we would all like in life is proof; some firm evidence that would ...



What we would all like in life is proof; some firm evidence that would ...


 What we would all like in life is proof; some firm evidence that would ...



I unlike you

will not sell my soul

for One Drop of Blood

weather it is

Blackman, Coolie or any Human.


Crab Louse

Now everything yuh been saying

exposed who you are....


Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
. I was obviously wrong. You got stuck on the 1 million Armenians and 6 million Jews? You are mentally taxing chap.

I assume that your political career is over, because no way one can win any thing in your part of Queens without some black support.  Your enemies will gladly let the folks who live on the other side of Van Wyck about your blood curdling screams about blacks.


Yes. Even as both the PPP and the PNC, supported by their respective supporters, have engaged in violence, you blame only the PNC, and therefore blacks.  Obviously you don't see blacks as "your" people, so I don't know why any would vote for you.


PNC therefore Blacks? WTF? Are you mad? Did you join the Gold Teet Brigade? Where the hell have I ever said almost anything about Black people or even demonstrated a habit of using "PNC" as code for Black. You are lying now. I hate to accuse you of this. But you're lying.


And that you have the nerve to presume that I do not see Black people as my people is beyond news to me. I think you go to far here. As a gentleman, you ought to withdraw that remark. You go too far. It's unworthy of both you and I.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


PNC therefore Blacks? WTF? Are you mad? Did you join the Gold Teet Brigade? Where the hell have I ever said almost anything about Black people or even demonstrated a habit of using "PNC" as code for Black. You are lying now. I hate to accuse you of this. But you're lying.


And that you have the nerve to presume that I do not see Black people as my people is beyond news to me. I think you go to far here. As a gentleman, you ought to withdraw that remark. You go too far. It's unworthy of both you and I.

PNC is code for blacks.  Caribbean blacks are familiar with the racism which many Guyanese Indians have towards blacks in general, and not just Guyanese blacks.  Some black Americans have also become aware of this.


So your antipathy towards blacks has been exposed.  NO WHERE in any of your rhetoric is any acknowledgement that blacks have the same right to remember the POST 1992 racism directed to them as do Indians.  Because if you did, rather than marshalling the Indian troops to go into battle, and playing that PPP race card to the hilt, you would be advocating some solution.  A SOLUTION which benefits BOTH!


But you don't plan any more involvement in Queens politics so you don't care.




I was gonna leave you alone for the sake of our past affiliation but you're apparently too stupid for your own good.


So explain some stuff for me chap. Let's recap your admissions to me  privately:


1) Since I'm a stooge, why do you still have daily conversations with Donald Ramotar advising him what to do while at the same time bein all de Coalition poster you can be?


2) Tell us about Nagamootoo's secret invites to negotiate with the PPP?


3) Tell us more about how you're playing up for maximum potential benefit your personal ties to the PPP and the AFC.


Foucking hypocrite!

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



I was gonna leave you alone for the sake of our past affiliation but you're apparently too stupid for your own good.


So explain some stuff for me chap. Let's recap your admissions to me  privately:


1) Since I'm a stooge, why do you still have daily conversations with Donald Ramotar advising him what to do while at the same time bein all de Coalition poster you can be?


2) Tell us about Nagamootoo's secret invites to negotiate with the PPP?


3) Tell us more about how you're playing up for maximum potential benefit your personal ties to the PPP and the AFC.


Foucking hypocrite!

Some how none of this surprises me.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:


PNC therefore Blacks? WTF? Are you mad? Did you join the Gold Teet Brigade? Where the hell have I ever said almost anything about Black people or even demonstrated a habit of using "PNC" as code for Black. You are lying now. I hate to accuse you of this. But you're lying.


And that you have the nerve to presume that I do not see Black people as my people is beyond news to me. I think you go to far here. As a gentleman, you ought to withdraw that remark. You go too far. It's unworthy of both you and I.

PNC is code for blacks.  Caribbean blacks are familiar with the racism which many Guyanese Indians have towards blacks in general, and not just Guyanese blacks.  Some black Americans have also become aware of this.


So your antipathy towards blacks has been exposed.  NO WHERE in any of your rhetoric is any acknowledgement that blacks have the same right to remember the POST 1992 racism directed to them as do Indians.  Because if you did, rather than marshalling the Indian troops to go into battle, and playing that PPP race card to the hilt, you would be advocating some solution.  A SOLUTION which benefits BOTH!


But you don't plan any more involvement in Queens politics so you don't care.


I speak for myself chap. I do not think or use PNC as some shorthand for Black people.


I think I've been pretty clear that Blacks are being marginalized in Guyana and it's something that needs to be addressed. In case you've missed it I've often said here and in other places that we need a "just settlement" between Blacks and Indians so we can move on. Whatever within reason is needed to make Blacks and Indians members of a modern just secular democratic state should be done.


You do me great injustice by saying I don't care about Blacks. That is actually the only personal attack on this Board that I am sorry to read. I am sorry that you think it to be so. It also pains me to read it. From you especially.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



I was gonna leave you alone for the sake of our past affiliation but you're apparently too stupid for your own good.


So explain some stuff for me chap. Let's recap your admissions to me  privately:


1) Since I'm a stooge, why do you still have daily conversations with Donald Ramotar advising him what to do while at the same time bein all de Coalition poster you can be?


2) Tell us about Nagamootoo's secret invites to negotiate with the PPP?


3) Tell us more about how you're playing up for maximum potential benefit your personal ties to the PPP and the AFC.


Foucking hypocrite!

Some how none of this surprises me.


You Coalition partner chap. Not mine. My pen belongs to me. It ain't for rent or sale.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



I was gonna leave you alone for the sake of our past affiliation but you're apparently too stupid for your own good.....

This would mek meh friend Chief Crack-up Laughing.....

"Chief ....Ow Bhai...Look at this lil midget Gutter Rat.....messing Big Man from De Mansion".......Chief he go and suck de Gal BT after you gone....And now he Cussing Fullaman.


So explain some stuff for me chap.

Let's recap your admissions to me  privately:

Look at this Lil Crablouse....Anil buss up yuh bag.


1) Since I'm a stooge, why do you still have daily conversations with Donald Ramotar advising him what to do while at the same time bein all de Coalition poster you can be?.....

This Stooge got it all wrong....Not Daily....Hourly....

Anil cannot do me anything....I never ask him fuh a Raise...and yes his Boss who refused to meet with you ....still respect me.....


2) Tell us about Nagamootoo's secret invites to negotiate with the PPP?

Moses is my friend....and he too avoided you in Guyana....How come both Moses & Donald tell me yuh is a Cock man.....and not to be Trusted....and it aint no secret anymore.


3) Tell us more about how you're playing up for maximum potential benefit your personal ties to the PPP and the AFC.

Low life Crablouse they know me and respect me.....

and the Do not want to know you....

and have no respect for you....HOW COME....


Foucking hypocrite!

and as Ray say....."F OFF CRABLOUSE"


Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



I was gonna leave you alone for the sake of our past affiliation but you're apparently too stupid for your own good.....

This would mek meh friend Chief Crack-up Laughing.....

"Chief ....Ow Bhai...Look at this lil midget Gutter Rat.....messing Big Man from De Mansion".......Chief he go and suck de Gal BT after you gone....And now he Cussing Fullaman.


So explain some stuff for me chap.

Let's recap your admissions to me  privately:

Look at this Lil Crablouse....Anil buss up yuh bag.


1) Since I'm a stooge, why do you still have daily conversations with Donald Ramotar advising him what to do while at the same time bein all de Coalition poster you can be?.....

This Stooge got it all wrong....Not Daily....Hourly....

Anil cannot do me anything....I never ask him fuh a Raise...and yes his Boss who refused to meet with you ....still respect me.....


2) Tell us about Nagamootoo's secret invites to negotiate with the PPP?

Moses is my friend....and he too avoided you in Guyana....How come both Moses & Donald tell me yuh is a Cock man.....and not to be Trusted....and it aint no secret anymore.


3) Tell us more about how you're playing up for maximum potential benefit your personal ties to the PPP and the AFC.

Low life Crablouse they know me and respect me.....

and the Do not want to know you....

and have no respect for you....HOW COME....


Foucking hypocrite!

and as Ray say....."F OFF CRABLOUSE"



Some artful aversions, some lies, but good enough.



Originally Posted by Shaitaan:

I speak for myself chap. I do not think or use PNC as some shorthand for Black people.


I think I've been pretty clear that Blacks are being marginalized in Guyana and it's something that needs to be addressed. In case you've missed it I've often said here and in other places that we need a "just settlement" between Blacks and Indians so we can move on. Whatever within reason is needed to make Blacks and Indians members of a modern just secular democratic state should be done.


You do me great injustice by saying I don't care about Blacks. That is actually the only personal attack on this Board that I am sorry to read. I am sorry that you think it to be so. It also pains me to read it. From you especially.

  The fact that you focus on PNC brutality against Indians, and say nothing about PPP brutality against blacks speaks loudly about the fact that you consider blacks to be an "outside" group. Your identity doesn't encompass them as people who you care about.  You don't begin to empathize with their problems.


So your attitude towards blacks in Queens will be disguised, but if you are elected on office, clearly you cannot be trusted to represent their interests to the same degree that you will represent Indians.


Indeed when I was discussing with you the specific ways that racism directed against blacks by Indians manifests, you denied it, and then suggested that it was trivial.


Now I am not claiming that people must vote APNU AFC, or else.  What I expect from you is an acknowledgement that ethnic conflict is Guyana's biggest problem.  That the PPP is partially to blame for it, and indeed its recent screams at Babu John that it is a "collie party" should remove all argument that it isn't.  And that voting PPP isn't going to resolve the problems of ethnic conflict which bedevils Guyana, and that Indians will suffer if this continues, as indeed will other Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



I was gonna leave you alone for the sake of our past affiliation but you're apparently too stupid for your own good.


So explain some stuff for me chap. Let's recap your admissions to me  privately:


1) Since I'm a stooge, why do you still have daily conversations with Donald Ramotar advising him what to do while at the same time bein all de Coalition poster you can be?


2) Tell us about Nagamootoo's secret invites to negotiate with the PPP?


3) Tell us more about how you're playing up for maximum potential benefit your personal ties to the PPP and the AFC.


Foucking hypocrite!

Some how none of this surprises me.


You Coalition partner chap. Not mine. My pen belongs to me. It ain't for rent or sale.



If yuh want people know about you

they will know....


Just Imagine CaribJ laughing

how yuh stupid.


You Defending the

slaughtering of a Black Brother

because he encouraging People

to Support the AFC-APNU Alliance.



Originally Posted by yuji22:

This could possibly be an act committed by the PNC to incite racial tensions. We saw this happening during the Linden riots.


I sincerely hope that Guyanese do not buy into this attempt by the opposition to create racial tensions.



Oh yes, the PNC will instigate an action which will panic Indians back to the PPP.


I tell you when intelligence was being handed out you were at the back of the line.


The only people who THINK that they can benefit from racial panic is the PPP, because they are still locked in an era when Indians were the majority vote.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:



I was gonna leave you alone for the sake of our past affiliation but you're apparently too stupid for your own good.....

This would mek meh friend Chief Crack-up Laughing.....

"Chief ....Ow Bhai...Look at this lil midget Gutter Rat.....messing Big Man from De Mansion".......Chief he go and suck de Gal BT after you gone....And now he Cussing Fullaman.


So explain some stuff for me chap.

Let's recap your admissions to me  privately:

Look at this Lil Crablouse....

Anil buss up yuh bag.


1) Since I'm a stooge, why do you still have daily conversations with Donald Ramotar advising him what to do while at the same time bein all de Coalition poster you can be?.....

This Stooge got it all wrong....

Not Daily....Hourly....

Anil cannot do me anything....

I never ask him fuh a Raise...

and yes ....Anil Boss refused to meet with you ....

still respect me.....Go tell CaribJ

Quote CaribJ.....Some how none of this surprises me.


2) Tell us about Nagamootoo's secret invites to negotiate with the PPP?

Moses is my friend....

and he too avoided you in Guyana....

How come both Moses & Donald tell me yuh is a Cock man.....

and not to be Trusted....and it aint no secret anymore....

You mek CaribJ know....Paglee Sk*nt.

 Quote CaribJ.....Some how none of this surprises me.



3) Tell us more about how you're playing up for maximum potential benefit your personal ties to the PPP and the AFC.

Low life Crablouse they know me and respect me.....

and the Do not want to know you....

and have no respect for you....HOW COME....

You mek CaribJ know....

Paglee Sk*nt.

Quote CaribJ.....Some how none of this surprises me.


Foucking hypocrite!

and as Ray say.....


Quote CaribJ.....Some how none of this surprises me.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This could possibly be an act committed by the PNC to incite racial tensions. We saw this happening during the Linden riots.


I sincerely hope that Guyanese do not buy into this attempt by the opposition to create racial tensions.



they most certainly were mean to you in your allocation of gray matter! And who is the "we" that saw what?


Who benefits here?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This could possibly be an act committed by the PNC to incite racial tensions. We saw this happening during the Linden riots.


I sincerely hope that Guyanese do not buy into this attempt by the opposition to create racial tensions.



Oh yes, the PNC will instigate an action which will panic Indians back to the PPP.


I tell you when intelligence was being handed out you were at the back of the line.


The only people who THINK that they can benefit from racial panic is the PPP, because they are still locked in an era when Indians were the majority vote.


PNC is rallying their troops. A PNC meeting will soon be  held in Linden.


This could be an attempt to intimidate PPP voters into not voting in GT.


PNC can never hide their brutality in order to hang on to their base.


Breaking News



Former army officer  Courtney CrumEwing

gunned down at Diamond on the East Bank of Demerara.  


CrumEwing held a one man protest

for months calling for the

resignation of the Attorney General Anil Nandlall.




If yuh want people know about you

they will know....


Just Imagine CaribJ laughing

how yuh stupid.


You Defending the

slaughtering of a Black Brother

because he encouraging People

to Support the AFC-APNU Alliance.



The body of Courtney Crum-Ewing with the loud hailer next to him [photo from Nigel Hughes Facebook Page)

The body of Courtney Crum-Ewing with the loud hailer next to him (photo from Nigel Hughes Facebook Page)


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This could possibly be an act committed by the PNC to incite racial tensions. We saw this happening during the Linden riots.


I sincerely hope that Guyanese do not buy into this attempt by the opposition to create racial tensions.



Oh yes, the PNC will instigate an action which will panic Indians back to the PPP.


I tell you when intelligence was being handed out you were at the back of the line.


The only people who THINK that they can benefit from racial panic is the PPP, because they are still locked in an era when Indians were the majority vote.


PNC is rallying their troops. A PNC meeting will soon be  held in Linden.


This could be an attempt to intimidate PPP voters into not voting in GT.


PNC can never hide their brutality in order to hang on to their base.

You are so smart it is amazing we can keep up with this relentless outpouring of concentrated wisdom! The APNU killed their own worker because they want to scare Indians!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

This could possibly be an act committed by the PNC to incite racial tensions. We saw this happening during the Linden riots.


I sincerely hope that Guyanese do not buy into this attempt by the opposition to create racial tensions.



Oh yes, the PNC will instigate an action which will panic Indians back to the PPP.


I tell you when intelligence was being handed out you were at the back of the line.


The only people who THINK that they can benefit from racial panic is the PPP, because they are still locked in an era when Indians were the majority vote.


PNC is rallying their troops. A PNC meeting will soon be  held in Linden.


This could be an attempt to intimidate PPP voters into not voting in GT.


PNC can never hide their brutality in order to hang on to their base.

You are so smart it is amazing we can keep up with this relentless outpouring of concentrated wisdom! The APNU killed their own worker because they want to scare Indians!


PNC killed their own in  Linden in order to spread riots and violence. PNC is a very violent organization.


Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I see no reason for anyone to kill this fellow except for his practice of being a political gadfly.The probability for his death and the circumstances of his execution being other than as they present themselves is zero. I am inclined he died as a consequence of his political activism.


I like how Rohee immediately plants the seeds of a PNC false flag strategy here. He died because Seelall the grand torturer was installed and he is a bulldog for police efficacy. PPP opponents  do not want his strong leadership skills at the head of the police at this time so they are out to destabilize the society!


I hope calm prevails because discord is exactly what the PPP is itching for to happen before the elections. They can always scare the PPP sheep that way.

If they kill people, now. U think dey going peacefully. 



There is going to be fighting within the DISCIPLINED forces. It is timely that Granger is a military man. It is interesting how Luncheon so months ago drew the observation of the military men with Granger.


The men and women of the PPP are not stupid. They studied the constitution carefully. They plan there moves. And I am certain, they have designed their rigged elections with Police and Army in mind. Just like the PNC.


Granger should preare Guyanese for the PPP assault.  

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I see no reason for anyone to kill this fellow except for his practice of being a political gadfly.The probability for his death and the circumstances of his execution being other than as they present themselves is zero. I am inclined he died as a consequence of his political activism.


I like how Rohee immediately plants the seeds of a PNC false flag strategy here. He died because Seelall the grand torturer was installed and he is a bulldog for police efficacy. PPP opponents  do not want his strong leadership skills at the head of the police at this time so they are out to destabilize the society!


I hope calm prevails because discord is exactly what the PPP is itching for to happen before the elections. They can always scare the PPP sheep that way.

If they kill people, now. U think dey going peacefully. 



There is going to be fighting within the DISCIPLINED forces. It is timely that Granger is a military man. It is interesting how Luncheon so months ago drew the observation of the military men with Granger.


The men and women of the PPP are not stupid. They studied the constitution carefully. They plan there moves. And I am certain, they have designed their rigged elections with Police and Army in mind. Just like the PNC.


Granger should preare Guyanese for the PPP assault.  


Utter nonsense. The opposition are preparing their excuses since the PPP will crush them at the upcoming elections.



Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by RiffRaff:

PPP reading the tea leaves...and it don't look good

Ray, I am ashamed of you. None of you have the facts BUT are quick to jump to ILLITERATE conclusions!!!!!

like you wanna kick some asses too

George Bush said he gun kick some Asses and he did.  Jagdeo is all talk and no action.


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