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yuji22 posted:

Nehru Bhai,

I agree with you on improvements.

I have great deal of respect and admiration for Cheddi and Janet. They sacrificed their lives for the working class in Guyana and would have been supportive of the PPP under any circumstances.

Joey and Nadira assisted in propelling the PNC to power by making outlandish statements regarding the PPP. Their granddaughter is now acting like an ass. They should go back and read their grandfather’s West on Trail and then start opening their mouths. They should stand shoulder to shoulder with oppressed Indos in Guyana and then they can start having a little credibility.

Moving the PPP from their communist ways is a good step forward. Having secret Ballots in selecting a leader is a major step forward. The old communists in the PPP need to respect a democratic process. Their favoured (and mine) candidate Anil did not win. So what ? That’s how democracy works.

Some Indos are like Crabdawgs. They need to rally around Ali and put party first. The Jagans are not royalty. Jagan and Janet were humble. They need to fix up there dysfunctional family before attacking the larger PPP family.

What next for them ? Joining ANUG ?

You stick with your party for life and through thick and thin.

Jagan’s grand daughter is totally out of line here !


This is why Guyana is where it is now. Blind ignorance. Support Irfaan regardless of what he has of late proven to be and rally around the party even though it's a one man dog and pony show.

Princess posted:
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

@ Princess.

Please tell us specifically what has she done for the Guyanese working class ? You are being an ass just like her.

STFU you ahole

It’s the poor that needs help; if u pay attention you would know ; how about you start a tread here to help the poor; the poor that champion the cause for Jagdeo and Ali, foolish Guyanese; the very ones that put the ppp into power to help themselves and fill their pockets,.. listen fool while u r busy campaigning for Ali, he is busy sipping moet and dp  by his poolside mansion while u do all the hard work; he didn’t do those Guyanese he gave house lots to a favor, they deserve it ; check the records; he give himself and his friends mansion (s), when the poor still have to pay for the houselots fyi no houselot in Guyana is free; but the tycoons cAn get acres of land for free to build housing scheme and hotels under the ppp, now get your facts straight, and when u have a first hand look at what I’m talking about then come back; for now I won’t firther indulge u in conversation because like u related to Rohee 

This looks like Irfaan PhD dissertation.   

Bibi Haniffa
Baseman posted:

She grand daddy invented manipulation.  She should ask Balram Singh Rai!

And you are correct, they lived comfortable while the masses suffered due to his policies.  Joey could not find a place when Cheddi was alive!  The odda Banna cast aside 200 years lineage. So what?

Jagdeo’s son will rise to the occasion in 15 or so years.

In 15 years Venezuela or USA will own Guyana. 

Gilbakka posted:

Jagan's granddaughter probably doesn't know that Irfaan's popular and hardworking grandmother made populous Leonora what it is today --- 

So what. Her grandson is an odious creature who represents the worst of the Jagdeo/Ramotar era.   We still remember his frantic efforts to remove documents when he was no longer minister.  

His selection has actually opened up the possibility that the PPP might well lose, even as the Coalition has disappointed. Now all that needs to be done is to select which brand of corrupt incompetents will be selected to rape Guyana and turn it into Equatorial Guinea once oil money comes in.

No signs that the PPP has learned its lesson as to why they failed to win majorities in the last 2 national elections.

Gilbakka posted:

Jagan's granddaughter probably doesn't know that Irfaan's popular and hardworking grandmother made populous Leonora what it is today --- a formidable PPP stronghold worth almost one seat in parliament. This is not to say that Irfaan deserves his presidential candidature solely because of his grandmother. Irfaan himself has contributed immeasurably more than Vrinda to the PPP, assuming that she contributed anything at all.

I agree with everything you say here Gilly. Irfan’s grandmother Sakina was a PPP champion in Leonora. She was always in the front leading every march from Leonora, Anna Catherina, Cornelia Ida etc. I remember her fondly.

Princess posted:

Fulla men are the worse I know because I live with one; that can’t be anything good; how can one be president... sorry I’m not sorry! A few years ago ; Ali had a big fancy wedding as a matter of fact 2 receptions; it was the talk of the town then he treated that beautiful intelligent smart girl like thrash; but god don’t sleep; she found a once in a lifetime husband, how can one treat the people of a country if he can’t treat his own wife properly.... and now poor me she didn’t believe Hindus and Muslims can’t make a life or a home

The once in a lifetime husband that she found is Ralph Ramkarran son.   

Bibi Haniffa
yuji22 posted:

Irfaan gave out more house lots to the poor in Guyana than any other Guyanese in the history of the country. He will make a greater President than Cheddi !

Yes and black people remember that he used to put them at the back with no facilities.   And then he sent goons to threaten them with loss of these lots if they didn't vote PPP. 

Of the 4 candidates the PPP just picked the one who will be easiest to beat.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Irfaan gave out more house lots to the poor in Guyana than any other Guyanese in the history of the country. He will make a greater President than Cheddi !

Yes and black people remember that he used to put them at the back with no facilities.   And then he sent goons to threaten them with loss of these lots if they didn't vote PPP. 

Of the 4 candidates the PPP just picked the one who will be easiest to beat.

We are not talking about black people.  Why you derailing this thread?

Bibi Haniffa
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

Nehru Bhai,

I agree with you on improvements.

I have great deal of respect and admiration for Cheddi and Janet. They sacrificed their lives for the working class in Guyana and would have been supportive of the PPP under any circumstances.

Joey and Nadira assisted in propelling the PNC to power by making outlandish statements regarding the PPP. Their granddaughter is now acting like an ass. They should go back and read their grandfather’s West on Trail and then start opening their mouths. They should stand shoulder to shoulder with oppressed Indos in Guyana and then they can start having a little credibility.

Moving the PPP from their communist ways is a good step forward. Having secret Ballots in selecting a leader is a major step forward. The old communists in the PPP need to respect a democratic process. Their favoured (and mine) candidate Anil did not win. So what ? That’s how democracy works.

Some Indos are like Crabdawgs. They need to rally around Ali and put party first. The Jagans are not royalty. Jagan and Janet were humble. They need to fix up there dysfunctional family before attacking the larger PPP family.

What next for them ? Joining ANUG ?

You stick with your party for life and through thick and thin.

Jagan’s grand daughter is totally out of line here !


This is why Guyana is where it is now. Blind ignorance. Support Irfaan regardless of what he has of late proven to be and rally around the party even though it's a one man dog and pony show.

None of your business who PPP chooses. The PPP will do what the PPP has to do !

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Princess posted:

Fulla men are the worse I know because I live with one; that can’t be anything good; how can one be president... sorry I’m not sorry! A few years ago ; Ali had a big fancy wedding as a matter of fact 2 receptions; it was the talk of the town then he treated that beautiful intelligent smart girl like thrash; but god don’t sleep; she found a once in a lifetime husband, how can one treat the people of a country if he can’t treat his own wife properly.... and now poor me she didn’t believe Hindus and Muslims can’t make a life or a home

The once in a lifetime husband that she found is Ralph Ramkarran son.   

So, the PPP's Presidential candidate's ex-wife is now married to your cousin? Talk about party loyalty.

yuji22 posted:
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

Nehru Bhai,

I agree with you on improvements.

I have great deal of respect and admiration for Cheddi and Janet. They sacrificed their lives for the working class in Guyana and would have been supportive of the PPP under any circumstances.

Joey and Nadira assisted in propelling the PNC to power by making outlandish statements regarding the PPP. Their granddaughter is now acting like an ass. They should go back and read their grandfather’s West on Trail and then start opening their mouths. They should stand shoulder to shoulder with oppressed Indos in Guyana and then they can start having a little credibility.

Moving the PPP from their communist ways is a good step forward. Having secret Ballots in selecting a leader is a major step forward. The old communists in the PPP need to respect a democratic process. Their favoured (and mine) candidate Anil did not win. So what ? That’s how democracy works.

Some Indos are like Crabdawgs. They need to rally around Ali and put party first. The Jagans are not royalty. Jagan and Janet were humble. They need to fix up there dysfunctional family before attacking the larger PPP family.

What next for them ? Joining ANUG ?

You stick with your party for life and through thick and thin.

Jagan’s grand daughter is totally out of line here !


This is why Guyana is where it is now. Blind ignorance. Support Irfaan regardless of what he has of late proven to be and rally around the party even though it's a one man dog and pony show.

None of your business who PPP chooses. The PPP will do what the PPP has to do !

My mistake. I thought the people had a choice. Carry on smartly.

Princess posted:

Btw I didn’t fake my credentials; I’m one that received my Bsc before my MBa and subsequently my PhD, Ali must be the first I’m history to get a PhD before a degree... what fools we make of ourselves in placing our trust in someone like this to be a leader of the Guyanese populace 

Princess, wah you nah shet you bakside. Me get wan Ph.D. fram wan online skool fuh $100.00 tuition. Yes, me wan kane cuttah who use to hide fram skool. Me nah even pass fuss standad. Me waan so big dat me phambily dem tink me prappa smart fuh get dem big big degreee like dah.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Irfaan gave out more house lots to the poor in Guyana than any other Guyanese in the history of the country. He will make a greater President than Cheddi !

Yes and black people remember that he used to put them at the back with no facilities.   And then he sent goons to threaten them with loss of these lots if they didn't vote PPP. 

Of the 4 candidates the PPP just picked the one who will be easiest to beat.

We are not talking about black people.  Why you derailing this thread?

Oh I see.  So the PPP plans to vote blacks from voting?  Blacks and mixed are a large % of the electorate, but I guess you forgot about 2015.

Now I know that you favor Indesh and your goal is to render non Indians as irrelevant to the political process in Guyana, but you need to try harder if you think that only the opinions of Indians matter win who will govern the country.   This isnt 1992 when Indians were the majority of the electorate.

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

GT, can you tell us who, how the PNc Candidate is selected???, Please

Dem rass eye jook on the PPP when the PNC has a hapless, old, walking dead Granger running as President. Dem na see dat !

yuji22 posted:

PPP will carry on smartly. They do not need anti PPP forces telling them what to do. You are most welcome to join the PPP family, just leave your suitcase of baggage outside.

I supportED the PPP before until it morphed into what it is now. As long as Jagdeo and his entourage of crooks are still involved in Guyana's politics and are part of the PPP, I will never support the PPP. You people refuse to accept the truth.

caribny posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Irfaan gave out more house lots to the poor in Guyana than any other Guyanese in the history of the country. He will make a greater President than Cheddi !

Yes and black people remember that he used to put them at the back with no facilities.   And then he sent goons to threaten them with loss of these lots if they didn't vote PPP. 

Of the 4 candidates the PPP just picked the one who will be easiest to beat.

We are not talking about black people.  Why you derailing this thread?

Oh I see.  So the PPP plans to vote blacks from voting?  Blacks and mixed are a large % of the electorate, but I guess you forgot about 2015.

Now I know that you favor Indesh and your goal is to render non Indians as irrelevant to the political process in Guyana, but you need to try harder if you think that only the opinions of Indians matter win who will govern the country.   This isnt 1992 when Indians were the majority of the electorate.

Bai stop with your Blackman dis and Blackman dat. Who the hell cares about your nonsense and constant Blackman dis and Blackman dat BS !

PNC is running an old, hapless and half dead man as President ! All you try deh !

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Nehru posted:

GT, can you tell us who, how the PNc Candidate is selected???, Please

Dem rass eye jook on the PPP when the PNC has a hapless, old, walking dead Granger running as President. Dem na see dat !

Seriously, show me where I have said that Granger has proven to be what we expected. Otherwise ......

yuji22 posted:

PPP will carry on smartly. They do not need anti PPP forces telling them what to do. You are most welcome to join the PPP family, just leave your suitcase of baggage outside.

I see.  The PPP is planning to rig the election so dont need to care about what the voters think of their choice.   

Irfaan is the best choice...……………..for the PNC. Riddled with baggage and stupid and sloppy and unpresidential.  We should have guessed this would have been the choice when Jagdeo screamed that he will be highly visible in the campaign, Ally is seriously hopeless. 

Jagdeo knows fully well that if Irfaan leads the campaign the PPP will be trounced.

Last edited by Former Member
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

PPP will carry on smartly. They do not need anti PPP forces telling them what to do. You are most welcome to join the PPP family, just leave your suitcase of baggage outside.

I supportED the PPP before until it morphed into what it is now. As long as Jagdeo and his entourage of crooks are still involved in Guyana's politics and are part of the PPP, I will never support the PPP. You people refuse to accept the truth.

You can support who the hell you want to support ! 

Nehru posted:

GT, can you tell us who, how the PNc Candidate is selected???, Please

Nehru, I understand what you're trying to prove. What I'm saying is why did the other candidates suddenly withdraw?

yuji22 posted:
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

PPP will carry on smartly. They do not need anti PPP forces telling them what to do. You are most welcome to join the PPP family, just leave your suitcase of baggage outside.

I supportED the PPP before until it morphed into what it is now. As long as Jagdeo and his entourage of crooks are still involved in Guyana's politics and are part of the PPP, I will never support the PPP. You people refuse to accept the truth.

You can support who the hell you want to support ! 

I sure as hell don't and won't support any party a racist pig like you is in and thanks for your permission.

yuji22 posted:
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

PPP will carry on smartly. They do not need anti PPP forces telling them what to do. You are most welcome to join the PPP family, just leave your suitcase of baggage outside.

I supportED the PPP before until it morphed into what it is now. As long as Jagdeo and his entourage of crooks are still involved in Guyana's politics and are part of the PPP, I will never support the PPP. You people refuse to accept the truth.

You can support who the hell you want to support ! 

Yuji so dumb you are that the votes that you lost to the AFC in places like GT you might still not get back.  A man like GTAngler reflects the sentiments of many.


Nehru posted:

Trying to prove.??? LIKE when shit right in yuh face yuh does cant smell it???/ Al Tuh just full of SHIT!!


FYI, Irfan is 100 times better than Granger or Vulga the PIG!!!!

Notice how dem rass have nothing to say when PNC has a hapless, old and half dead candidate running for President. They are always PPP dis and PPP dat.

yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Its only a backward country like Guyana a man like Irfaan Alli would be a presidential candidate.  At least Donald Trump has entertainment appeal. Alli is a bore, dump, sloppy and stupid.  And a thief.

Princess posted:

Fulla men are the worse I know because I live with one; that can’t be anything good; how can one be president... sorry I’m not sorry! A few years ago ; Ali had a big fancy wedding as a matter of fact 2 receptions; it was the talk of the town then he treated that beautiful intelligent smart girl like thrash; but god don’t sleep; she found a once in a lifetime husband, how can one treat the people of a country if he can’t treat his own wife properly.... and now poor me she didn’t believe Hindus and Muslims can’t make a life or a home


caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

PPP will carry on smartly. They do not need anti PPP forces telling them what to do. You are most welcome to join the PPP family, just leave your suitcase of baggage outside.

I supportED the PPP before until it morphed into what it is now. As long as Jagdeo and his entourage of crooks are still involved in Guyana's politics and are part of the PPP, I will never support the PPP. You people refuse to accept the truth.

You can support who the hell you want to support ! 

Yuji so dumb you are that the votes that you lost to the AFC in places like GT you might still not get back.  A man like GTAngler reflects the sentiments of many.


Go support the old, hapless and half dead Presidential Candidate. You have northing to say about that but you with still Blackman dis and Blackman dat. 

Get a life and reflect on the PNC Presidential half dead candidate and come back and talk !

You might wake up from your denial !

Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Trying to prove.??? LIKE when shit right in yuh face yuh does cant smell it???/ Al Tuh just full of SHIT!!


FYI, Irfan is 100 times better than Granger or Vulga the PIG!!!!

I see your vocabulary hasn't expanded or improved at all. So what are we going for now? The best of the worst? How does Frank for one compare?

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Its only a backward country like Guyana a 

I guess you eyes jook on Indos. How about an old, hapless and half dead PNC Presidential candidate ?

Baseman posted:
yuji22 posted:

The current generation of  Jagans think that they own the party. Where were they when Indos are being oppressed ? 

To hell with what the Jagans think. Joey joined with  the racist PNC to bring down the PPP.

The current generation of Jagans is one screwed up bunch.  They need to fix up their family first before condemning the Larger PPP family.

During Cheddie communist days, leaders were selected with a vote of hands. Ali was selected through secret ballot. They better get used to democracy and shred their communist ways. 

She grand daddy invented manipulation.  She should ask Balram Singh Rai!

And you are correct, they lived comfortable while the masses suffered due to his policies.  Joey could not find a place when Cheddi was alive!  The odda Banna cast aside 200 years lineage. So what?

Jagdeo’s son will rise to the occasion in 15 or so years.

Like you smokin...Jagdeo has a SON????

AND...who wants to start another Gandhi dynasty in Guyana?

yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Have you ever heard of the Primaries? That's where MORE THAN ONE candidate vies for the party nomination.


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