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GTAngler posted:
Princess posted:

Fulla men are the worse I know because I live with one; that can’t be anything good; how can one be president... sorry I’m not sorry! A few years ago ; Ali had a big fancy wedding as a matter of fact 2 receptions; it was the talk of the town then he treated that beautiful intelligent smart girl like thrash; but god don’t sleep; she found a once in a lifetime husband, how can one treat the people of a country if he can’t treat his own wife properly.... and now poor me she didn’t believe Hindus and Muslims can’t make a life or a home

Please don't generalize because you were unfortunate to have been involved with, in your opinion and who knows maybe others', one of the bad ones. It oozes bigotry and ignorance. By the way, why are you still with the bad "fulla"?

Yes are a see the bigotry in your first statement???

yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Its only a backward country like Guyana a 

I guess you eyes jook on Indos. How about an old, hapless and half dead PNC Presidential candidate ?

It might shock you to know how many might prefer a half dead Granger to a fully living Alli……..or is it that Jagdeo will be the president.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Its only a backward country like Guyana a 

I guess you eyes jook on Indos. How about an old, hapless and half dead PNC Presidential candidate ?

It might shock you to know how many might prefer a half dead Granger to a fully living Alli……..or is it that Jagdeo will be the president.

Who the hell cares what you think ! Go and support the walking dead ! Good for you.

yuji22 posted:

Listen man, you stated clearly that you are not supporting the PPP. None of this matters.

Go and support an old, hapless and half dead Granger. End of story !

Do you read what you write? As long as someone does not support the PPP their opinion doesn't matter.

Hugh Jorgan posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Princess posted:

Fulla men are the worse I know because I live with one; that can’t be anything good; how can one be president... sorry I’m not sorry! A few years ago ; Ali had a big fancy wedding as a matter of fact 2 receptions; it was the talk of the town then he treated that beautiful intelligent smart girl like thrash; but god don’t sleep; she found a once in a lifetime husband, how can one treat the people of a country if he can’t treat his own wife properly.... and now poor me she didn’t believe Hindus and Muslims can’t make a life or a home

The once in a lifetime husband that she found is Ralph Ramkarran son.   

So, the PPP's Presidential candidate's ex-wife is now married to your cousin? Talk about party loyalty.

I think the ex-wife is BIBI!

Nehru posted:

GT, can you tell us who, how the PNc Candidate is selected???, Please

I am aware your question is directed to GT.

Can you educate, who don't know how the PNC elect their candidates and Leader of their Party.

skeldon_man posted:
Princess posted:

Btw I didn’t fake my credentials; I’m one that received my Bsc before my MBa and subsequently my PhD, Ali must be the first I’m history to get a PhD before a degree... what fools we make of ourselves in placing our trust in someone like this to be a leader of the Guyanese populace 

Princess, wah you nah shet you bakside. Me get wan Ph.D. fram wan online skool fuh $100.00 tuition. Yes, me wan kane cuttah who use to hide fram skool. Me nah even pass fuss standad. Me waan so big dat me phambily dem tink me prappa smart fuh get dem big big degreee like dah.

Yes bro...we can tell you gat you PhD shows....maybe you can sell it to Irfaan!!

yuji22 posted:
Bai stop with your Blackman dis and Blackman dat. Who the hell cares about your nonsense and constant Blackman dis and Blackman dat BS !


OK so you can chant Indian this and Indian that and which ever Indian doesnt peddle that rant is a neemakaram.

The Coalition is hoping that you ignore the 50% of the population which is black or mixed, neither being well disposed to the PPP because of characters like Irfaan.  Yes they will vote a half dead man like Granger ahead of a living buffoon like Alli.

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:

.......You are most welcome to join the PPP family, just leave your suitcase of baggage outside.

You are oh so right with this one. PPP got so much baggage there just ain't enough room left for people. Let's say welcome to their Warehouse of Corruption.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Its only a backward country like Guyana a man like Irfaan Alli would be a presidential candidate.  At least Donald Trump has entertainment appeal. Alli is a bore, dump, sloppy and stupid.  And a thief. bursting dem boys bubble...

cain posted:
yuji22 posted:

.......You are most welcome to join the PPP family, just leave your suitcase of baggage outside.

You are oh so right with this one. PPP got so much baggage there just ain't enough room left for people. Let's say welcome to their Warehouse of Corruption.

And here was I thinking that Jagdeo would select someone fresh with less baggage, making it less easy to tar with the brush of the corrupt post Jagan PPP era.

But he is so filled with arrogance and greed that he selects the man who will do as is told.  What we just learned is that he doesnt totally trust Anil to follow orders, maybe because Anil knows that he wouldn't have to.

Nehru posted:

Yuji, anyone but an Indian for President is what he is saying . Just coded.

Dem rass are using code words and beating dem drums. These are the same culprits who supported the AFC PNC the last time around. 

The message this time should be, stray dogs with baggage are not allowed. 

PPP needs to focus on their strengths and not waste unnecessary resources like the last time around.

Last edited by Former Member
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

Listen man, you stated clearly that you are not supporting the PPP. None of this matters.

Go and support an old, hapless and half dead Granger. End of story !

Do you read what you write? As long as someone does not support the PPP their opinion doesn't matter.

Bai GT, like you want us to be as independent as our PNC brother Django or what? We all have our biases, but sometimes we have to let it go. I was not happy with Anil's selection but I realize that no matter what I think or write here, my frustration stays with me. We do not control the events in Guyana.

We are not in Guyana to vent our disappointment.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Its only a backward country like Guyana a man like Irfaan Alli would be a presidential candidate.  At least Donald Trump has entertainment appeal. Alli is a bore, dump, sloppy and stupid.  And a thief. bursting dem boys bubble...

What de rass you doing here then if Guyana is a backwards country ? Vish you behaving like a Hypocrite ! 

Dondadda posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Jagan's granddaughter probably doesn't know that Irfaan's popular and hardworking grandmother made populous Leonora what it is today --- a formidable PPP stronghold worth almost one seat in parliament. This is not to say that Irfaan deserves his presidential candidature solely because of his grandmother. Irfaan himself has contributed immeasurably more than Vrinda to the PPP, assuming that she contributed anything at all.

I agree with everything you say here Gilly. Irfan’s grandmother Sakina was a PPP champion in Leonora. She was always in the front leading every march from Leonora, Anna Catherina, Cornelia Ida etc. I remember her fondly.

She was a champion in Uitvlugt too. I vividly remember seeing her and teacher Ruth Persaud helping women in U Pasture organize a WPO group in 1965.

VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Princess posted:

Btw I didn’t fake my credentials; I’m one that received my Bsc before my MBa and subsequently my PhD, Ali must be the first I’m history to get a PhD before a degree... what fools we make of ourselves in placing our trust in someone like this to be a leader of the Guyanese populace 

Princess, wah you nah shet you bakside. Me get wan Ph.D. fram wan online skool fuh $100.00 tuition. Yes, me wan kane cuttah who use to hide fram skool. Me nah even pass fuss standad. Me waan so big dat me phambily dem tink me prappa smart fuh get dem big big degreee like dah.

Yes bro...we can tell you gat you PhD shows....maybe you can sell it to Irfaan!!

DAN MoleMan, I got 2. One MD and one in Mathematics. Dem big big. One tek ovah wan hole side ah me banaff wall. Wen me laarn fuh tek out pitcha, me guh pose dem hey fuh you see.

VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Its only a backward country like Guyana a man like Irfaan Alli would be a presidential candidate.  At least Donald Trump has entertainment appeal. Alli is a bore, dump, sloppy and stupid.  And a thief. bursting dem boys bubble...

Nah, neither of you should flatter yourselves.  Cribby cussing Indian politicians, nothing new. I remember back in the day the cussing and ridicule a young BJ came under. Well, he got them shitting their pants today!!

As Indians in Guyana, Cribby attitude towards us was the everyday norm.

Gilbakka posted:
Dondadda posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Jagan's granddaughter probably doesn't know that Irfaan's popular and hardworking grandmother made populous Leonora what it is today --- a formidable PPP stronghold worth almost one seat in parliament. This is not to say that Irfaan deserves his presidential candidature solely because of his grandmother. Irfaan himself has contributed immeasurably more than Vrinda to the PPP, assuming that she contributed anything at all.

I agree with everything you say here Gilly. Irfan’s grandmother Sakina was a PPP champion in Leonora. She was always in the front leading every march from Leonora, Anna Catherina, Cornelia Ida etc. I remember her fondly.

She was a champion in Uitvlugt too. I vividly remember seeing her and teacher Ruth Persaud helping women in U Pasture organize a WPO group in 1965.

While you reminisce over events of 1965 please know that the average voter in Guyana was born after 1985.  I suspect that more people in Canada care about 1965 than in Guyana.

VishMahabir posted:

Damn!....too much bullcrap on this thread...I got homework to do

...yall try and make some sense...everybody shouting over each other's head...yall even confusing Skeldon-Man!

Ow man.....he meant Irfaan.

yuji22 posted:
VishMahabir posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Its only a backward country like Guyana a man like Irfaan Alli would be a presidential candidate.  At least Donald Trump has entertainment appeal. Alli is a bore, dump, sloppy and stupid.  And a thief. bursting dem boys bubble...

What de rass you doing here then if Guyana is a backwards country ? Vish you behaving like a Hypocrite ! 

Dem is Carib words words on the bottom of his....

skeldon_man posted:
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

Listen man, you stated clearly that you are not supporting the PPP. None of this matters.

Go and support an old, hapless and half dead Granger. End of story !

Do you read what you write? As long as someone does not support the PPP their opinion doesn't matter.

Bai GT, like you want us to be as independent as our PNC brother Django or what? We all have our biases, but sometimes we have to let it go. I was not happy with Anil's selection but I realize that no matter what I think or write here, my frustration stays with me. We do not control the events in Guyana.

We are not in Guyana to vent our disappointment.

You mean ALI.

Gilbakka posted:
Dondadda posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Jagan's granddaughter probably doesn't know that Irfaan's popular and hardworking grandmother made populous Leonora what it is today --- a formidable PPP stronghold worth almost one seat in parliament. This is not to say that Irfaan deserves his presidential candidature solely because of his grandmother. Irfaan himself has contributed immeasurably more than Vrinda to the PPP, assuming that she contributed anything at all.

I agree with everything you say here Gilly. Irfan’s grandmother Sakina was a PPP champion in Leonora. She was always in the front leading every march from Leonora, Anna Catherina, Cornelia Ida etc. I remember her fondly.

She was a champion in Uitvlugt too. I vividly remember seeing her and teacher Ruth Persaud helping women in U Pasture organize a WPO group in 1965.

What kind of name is Uitv***t? European???

kp posted:
skeldon_man posted:
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

Listen man, you stated clearly that you are not supporting the PPP. None of this matters.

Go and support an old, hapless and half dead Granger. End of story !

Do you read what you write? As long as someone does not support the PPP their opinion doesn't matter.

Bai GT, like you want us to be as independent as our PNC brother Django or what? We all have our biases, but sometimes we have to let it go. I was not happy with IRFAN'S selection but I realize that no matter what I think or write here, my frustration stays with me. We do not control the events in Guyana.

We are not in Guyana to vent our disappointment.

You mean ALI.

Yep. Sorry about that.

yuji22 posted:PPP needs to focus on their strengths and not waste unnecessary resources like the last time around.

Yes.  Just focus on the Indo 40-45% voters.  Clearly no need to reinvent the PPP.

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Its only a backward country like Guyana a man like Irfaan Alli would be a presidential candidate.  At least Donald Trump has entertainment appeal. Alli is a bore, dump, sloppy and stupid.  And a thief.

And only in a country like Guyana a half dead military man is President.  I don’t like Irfaan but he has one over Granger.

Bibi Haniffa
skeldon_man posted:
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Princess posted:

Btw I didn’t fake my credentials; I’m one that received my Bsc before my MBa and subsequently my PhD, Ali must be the first I’m history to get a PhD before a degree... what fools we make of ourselves in placing our trust in someone like this to be a leader of the Guyanese populace 

Princess, wah you nah shet you bakside. Me get wan Ph.D. fram wan online skool fuh $100.00 tuition. Yes, me wan kane cuttah who use to hide fram skool. Me nah even pass fuss standad. Me waan so big dat me phambily dem tink me prappa smart fuh get dem big big degreee like dah.

Yes bro...we can tell you gat you PhD shows....maybe you can sell it to Irfaan!!

DAN MoleMan, I got 2. One MD and one in Mathematics. Dem big big. One tek ovah wan hole side ah me banaff wall. Wen me laarn fuh tek out pitcha, me guh pose dem hey fuh you see.

No wonda you walking sideways...

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
Bai stop with your Blackman dis and Blackman dat. Who the hell cares about your nonsense and constant Blackman dis and Blackman dat BS !


OK so you can chant Indian this and Indian that and which ever Indian doesnt peddle that rant is a neemakaram.

The Coalition is hoping that you ignore the 50% of the population which is black or mixed, neither being well disposed to the PPP because of characters like Irfaan.  Yes they will vote a half dead man like Granger ahead of a living buffoon like Alli.

I was about to mention the same when he (yugi) laughed about a strong young man vs an ole man with one and a half foot in the grave. After the ole man wins I expect yugi to disappear for a wee bit from the shame.

Seriously though, after a lil meeting with my fren Sativa, Iman mind start workin finally and I start thinking BJ workin out something for APNU to stay in office while he be given some big ass position (after kicking the losing BIGass to the curb) perhaps BJ would be Minister of The Ministry within the Ministry of Finance showing dem rass how fi run business an hide shit good because as we all know, everybody han skratchin like rass for something.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

Look at this dunce. The Dems and Repubs do that all the time. Get with the times man, throw away that black and white TV !

Its only a backward country like Guyana a man like Irfaan Alli would be a presidential candidate.  At least Donald Trump has entertainment appeal. Alli is a bore, dump, sloppy and stupid.  And a thief.

And only in a country like Guyana a half dead military man is President.  I don’t like Irfaan but he has one over Granger.

"half-dead"?? Not nice choice of words, lips

Baseman posted:
ys bubble...

Nah, neither of you should flatter yourselves.  Cribby cussing Indian politicians, nothing new. I remember back in the day the cussing and ridicule a young BJ came under. Well, he got them shitting their pants today!!

As Indians in Guyana, Cribby attitude towards us was the everyday norm.

Amazingly folks come on GNI all day and scream "Indian this and Indian that" and then cuss scream and have melt downs when reminded that 55%+ of the electorate no longer is Indian.


Dem rass have a half dead man as leader.

The PNC would have demanded that a PPP leader resign and burnt down GT if the PPP refused. Dem leader riding plane like hire cars to Cuba ! 

Good news that he is running as PNC Presidential candidate. He will deliver his campaign speeches from Communist Cuba !

Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Yes bro...we can tell you gat you PhD shows....maybe you can sell it to Irfaan!!

DAN MoleMan, I got 2. One MD and one in Mathematics. Dem big big. One tek ovah wan hole side ah me banaff wall. Wen me laarn fuh tek out pitcha, me guh pose dem hey fuh you see.

No wonda you walking sideways...

At least I am not walking on all fours with my crack wide open inviting customers.

skeldon_man posted:
GTAngler posted:
yuji22 posted:

Listen man, you stated clearly that you are not supporting the PPP. None of this matters.

Go and support an old, hapless and half dead Granger. End of story !

Do you read what you write? As long as someone does not support the PPP their opinion doesn't matter.

Bai GT, like you want us to be as independent as our PNC brother Django or what? We all have our biases, but sometimes we have to let it go. I was not happy with Anil's selection but I realize that no matter what I think or write here, my frustration stays with me. We do not control the events in Guyana.

We are not in Guyana to vent our disappointment.

Skelly, at what time will the PPP supporters open their eyes, tell Jagdeo to piss off, select their own candidate and take charge of their future? I have said this before and I'll say it again, if the PPP loses the next election whenever it's held, you can blame Jagdeo.


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