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PPP/C fixing to return to power

– open to disappointed APNU supporters


The People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) is preparing to return to power at the next elections and will use the time between now and then to fix the things that led to it becoming the opposition and appeal to disaffected APNU supporters.

Speaking at the opening of the party’s three-day Congress at Cotton Field Secondary School on the Essequibo Coast,

A section of the gathering at the opening of the PPP/C Congress yesterday; seated in the front row from left are: former minister Manzoor Nadir, Peter Ramsaroop, and former minister Juan Edghill and former PM Sam Hinds.

Executive Member Bharrat Jagdeo urged members to work hard to return the party to power.

“We need to look at ourselves; two days we would have to talk about what went wrong and we must have an honest assessment. Then we can fix the problems that led us to opposition,” he said.

Without elaborating, Jagdeo, who is the Leader of the Opposition, added, “We know about the stealing, the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”

He said that to rebuild the party, members could not be “trapped by an philosophy or anything of that sort. We cannot be trapped by historical notions about what path of development we must pursue…” However, he said, the party needed to remain true to its founding principles, and use the methodology that the late president Cheddi Jagan used to effect change.

He emphasized that this does not mean, “getting rid of the old people and bringing in the young people. How can we get rid of comrades who have given their lives for the struggle in this country?”

At the head table from right: Executive Secretary Zulfikar Mustapha, General Secretary Clement Rohee, Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo, former president Donald Ramotar and other executive members

Speaking directly to the older members, he told them that they have a very important role to play and that is to encourage the young. The women, he said, also have an important role to play in the party.

Jagdeo encouraged the members to take the message to the villages across the country that the PPP/C is “open to people even if they have not supported the PPP/C in the past. We have to stop being exclusionary.”

He promised to treat everyone fairly, even disappointed APNU+AFC supporters as only then would they would have the moral right to fight discrimination.

If this is done, he said confidently, things are going to change and the PPP/C would resume office.

He said the PPP/C “has demonstrated a track record of progress. We have a plan that the first day we assume office, we are going to return to enhancing that progress…”

In almost every village, there is an educational facility and a health hub and many Amerindians are studying to be doctors and engineers, nurses and teachers, because of the PPP/C he stated.

Turning to the APNU+AFC government, he stated that it has allocated $150 million for the establishment of three new radio stations, and claimed that the one in the North Rupununi had announced that the General Secretary of the PPP/C was in jail and there would be fighting at the Congress. He told the party members from the Rupununi that by the time they leave the Congress they would be armed with enough information to point out the fallacies of those statements.

According to Jagdeo, the private sector knew this was the fastest growing economy in the Caribbean and one of the fastest in the western hemisphere for the past 10 years; the government was liberal and promoted investment.

The Opposition Leader told the large gathering that in 19 months of the current government, there has not been a single foreign investment and questioned how the country would provide jobs for people.

Also giving brief remarks at the Congress held under the theme ‘Strengthen the Party, Defend Democracy, Onward to Victory,’ were General Secretary Clement Rohee, Irfaan Ali, who spoke on behalf of the Progressive Youth Organisation; Indra Chandarpal of the Women’s Progressive Organisation, Komal Chand of the Guyana Agriculture and General Workers’ Union and Dharamkumar Seeraj of the Rice Producers Association.

The opening of the Congress, which was chaired by Pauline Sukhai, a member of the Central Executive Committee also had in attendance former president Donald Ramotar, former prime minister Samuel Hinds, former ambassador to India Ronald Gajraj, among others.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Looks like the resident PNC apologist don't know how to read properly. Jagdeo is looking to stop the stealing under the current crop of thieves you support. Notable to your claim is that after umpteen forensic audits,  zero state assets were recovered that were purported to have been stolen by the PPP operatives and zero PPP jailed for corruption. I may be wrong but DG can chime in on this as he has a thread to track this. Come in DG and give us an update on the amounts of state assets recovered and PPP jailed. Also please update on the new development by the PNC making sure not to include Kitty market  and 10 billion durban park. 

Nehru posted:





Is We time coming back.

The AFC/PNC clowns could not even build a toilet in 19 Months. 

All that they are capable of is sporting and wining down.

Last edited by Former Member
Drugb posted:

Looks like the resident PNC apologist don't know how to read properly. Jagdeo is looking to stop the stealing under the current crop of thieves you support. Notable to your claim is that after umpteen forensic audits,  zero state assets were recovered that were purported to have been stolen by the PPP operatives and zero PPP jailed for corruption. I may be wrong but DG can chime in on this as he has a thread to track this. Come in DG and give us an update on the amounts of state assets recovered and PPP jailed. Also please update on the new development by the PNC making sure not to include Kitty market  and 10 billion durban park. 

"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”

Aww bhai you comprehension skills degrading,

aren't  you tired of making a fool of your self,you got to be a low achiever at Saints,

my eldest son,niece,her husband and nephew were educated there and they are doing great,one is a multi millionaire in Canada.


I'm going to be fair with Mr Jagdeo. It takes courage and honesty to concede at no less a forum than a PPP congress that "stealing took place on a massive scale" during the PPP regime. I am also heartened by his declaration that his party "need to fix" the problem. I'm accepting his promise in good faith.

In fact, during the past week Mr Jagdeo did a few praiseworthy things in my view. His analysis of the 2017 national budget was good and enlightening. No doubt about it, this budget is terrible for households and businesses alike and will have a negative impact on the economy. This is a tax and spend budget. A deficit budget. The Consolidated Fund will have a much larger negative balance than when the PPP regime ended. As Mr Jagdeo observed, 91 percent of local commercial bank loans is now taken up by the government, leaving a measly 8 percent or so for businesses. Not to forget: the Larry Singh drug bond scandal and the D'Urban Park scandal. Initially, the government had said that it didn't have to spend $1 on that park project. Now, it has tabled nearly $1 Billion in costs. 

One more thing. I appreciate Mr Jagdeo advising PPP members not to turn away disaffected and disappointed APNU+AFC supporters and not to turn their backs on the older stalwarts of the party who still have a positive role to play.




He emphasized that this does not mean, “getting rid of the old people and bringing in the young people. How can we get rid of comrades who have given their lives for the struggle in this country?”

There is retirement, the party needs change from top to bottom. Jagdeo must not lead the party, he was the boss when the thieving took place, if he is back ,well , he will be another PUTIN. Jagdeo and crew must use their expertise and stop the PNC government from Thieving.


"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”

If he can keep this(we stole and they did too) "up front" and remind the Guyanese population about the stealing by both parties, it might do the PPP good the next election, barring massive rigging by the PNC. The PNC refused to admit that they stole everything and are still stealing.


Last edited by Former Member
kp posted:

He emphasized that this does not mean, “getting rid of the old people and bringing in the young people. How can we get rid of comrades who have given their lives for the struggle in this country?”

There is retirement, the party needs change from top to bottom. Jagdeo must not lead the party, he was the boss when the thieving took place, if he is back ,well , he will be another PUTIN. Jagdeo and crew must use their expertise and stop the PNC government from Thieving.

When Jagdeo says - "How can we get rid of comrades who have given their lives for the struggle in this country?” Can BJ explain how the House of Israel that he and Donald Ramotar brought into the PPP and gave them plumb jobs, gave their lives and struggle for their country. Has he forgotten that these are the same people who killed PPP members and Father Drake who were fighting for their Guyana? Is he also defending  Donald Ramotar the loser he picked that sold the country out to the AFC/APNU? Is he defending Gail Texeira who ran to the US Embassy and rat on her own party? Is he defending Clement Rohee who could not run his Ministry of Home Affairs. He was so corrupt that he gave all in the Police Force fat raises while encouraging, by doing nothing, the Police to continue to accept bribes? IS BJ not ashamed to admit that, on his watch, he did nothing to stop the massive stealing going on in his administration OR were they following the leader? The leadership of the Party has not seen the light yet - because they refuse to blame themselves for what happened and continue to push blame for their loss on the PPP voters who they continue to take for granted. 



After 23 years of the PPP in office, we ended up with a broken health care system; the highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region; and the poorest country in the hemisphere.....

Mitwah posted:

After 23 years of the PPP in office, we ended up with a broken health care system; the highest infant/mother mortality rate in the region; and the poorest country in the hemisphere.....

They haven't achieved much to be praised,a few toasters [Concrete Building] scattered across the country are considered to be economic development,they wasted  money on projects Amalia road,High speed Internet Cable and more the list is long.

The Manufacturing Industry declined under their tenure,there are more imports of products than what is produced in the country,bear in mind most of these products can be produced locally.

skeldon_man posted:

"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”

If he can keep this(we stole and they did too) "up front" and remind the Guyanese population about the stealing by both parties, it might do the PPP good the next election, barring massive rigging by the PNC. The PNC refused to admit that they stole everything and are still stealing.


The gave us the Skeldon factory and the High toll Berbice bridge with no pedestrian crossing.

Mitwah posted:
skeldon_man posted:

"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”

If he can keep this(we stole and they did too) "up front" and remind the Guyanese population about the stealing by both parties, it might do the PPP good the next election, barring massive rigging by the PNC. The PNC refused to admit that they stole everything and are still stealing.


The gave us the Skeldon factory and the High toll Berbice bridge with no pedestrian crossing.

Good to find fault. but what .the PNC  has done for over eighteen months  no new ventures  job losses and better yet thieving in the open.  Foreign currency restrictions .Durban Park scam. Drug bond  .

Django posted:

"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”

Aww bhai you comprehension skills degrading,

aren't  you tired of making a fool of your self,you got to be a low achiever at Saints,

my eldest son,niece,her husband and nephew were educated there and they are doing great,one is a multi millionaire in Canada.

 He meant the stealing by the PNC operatives, where did he mention PPP supporters stealing?

Django posted:

The PPP still clinging on to Marxism and Leninism they are Communist.

Look Django. You better look after your PNC and leave we PPP alone, eh. Peeping Tom. Me gon tell comrade Bibi Haniffa pon yuh.


Regardless of if the PPP is in power or not poor East Indian people will be on the receiving end from racist forces. They are on the receiving end from this racist anti-koolie gang that now rules them and they will be on the receiving end from racist anti-koolies when they become targets when the PPP returns to power. The only solution is for the peaceful creation of an independent sovereign country.

Last edited by Prashad
Django posted:

"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”


Django - It would be good to get Jagdeo to explain what he meant...could it be that he meant stealing of votes by the PNC and fixing the election machinery or maybe I just gave him an out 

VVP posted:
Django posted:

"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”


Django - It would be good to get Jagdeo to explain what he meant...could it be that he meant stealing of votes by the PNC and fixing the election machinery or maybe I just gave him an out 

Read the paragraph before the one Django highlighted: "“We need to look at ourselves; two days we would have to talk about what went wrong and we must have an honest assessment. Then we can fix the problems that led us to opposition,” he said."

TRANSLATION: Comrades, for 2 days at this congress we must examine ourselves honestly and talk about the wrongs we did in government. 

So, "what went wrong" and "the stealing took place on a massive scale" share the same context.

Gilbakka posted:
VVP posted:
Django posted:

"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”


Django - It would be good to get Jagdeo to explain what he meant...could it be that he meant stealing of votes by the PNC and fixing the election machinery or maybe I just gave him an out 

Read the paragraph before the one Django highlighted: "“We need to look at ourselves; two days we would have to talk about what went wrong and we must have an honest assessment. Then we can fix the problems that led us to opposition,” he said."

TRANSLATION: Comrades, for 2 days at this congress we must examine ourselves honestly and talk about the wrongs we did in government. 

So, "what went wrong" and "the stealing took place on a massive scale" share the same context.

I hope he was not that dumb.  If what you are thinking is what he meant then that would be perfect fodder to use against the PPP come next elections.  I think there will be further explanations.


On one consolation, the PPP stealing has made a bedrock foundation for Guyana. Yes, I agree that all government officials steal. We would have gotten an extended and modernized airport and AmalIa Hydro power plant among other major development projects in the works, if the PPP was in power. The PPP would not have waited for oil money to stimulate the economy. We have to sit and pray to see what tomorrow brings with the current government. 

Django posted:

PPP/C fixing to return to power

– open to disappointed APNU supporters



Without elaborating, Jagdeo, who is the Leader of the Opposition, added, “We know about the stealing, the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”


Druggie this Portuguese boys beat you up as you were weak and stupid. The priests chased you out of their classes as they considered you a complete and irredeemable dunce.

So it is understood why comprehension isn't your forte.

Jagdeo spoke of stealing which "TOOK" place, not is taking place.  Je admitted that this was a reason why the PPP was in opposition.

Now even a simple person would understand that this reference is to what occurred during the PPP era (past tense) and that disgust with this was part of the reason why the PPP lost.

So druggie please respond as to where you see reference to current corruption under APNU/AFC and explain how this current corruption would be the reason why the PPP is in the opposition.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”

Aww bhai you comprehension skills degrading,

aren't  you tired of making a fool of your self,you got to be a low achiever at Saints,

my eldest son,niece,her husband and nephew were educated there and they are doing great,one is a multi millionaire in Canada.

 He meant the stealing by the PNC operatives, where did he mention PPP supporters stealing?

Druggie quit while you are ahead.  Clearly he was referencing corruption under the PPP and a clue for even a dim wit like you is the assertion that this is one of the reasons why the PPP lost.

Drugb posted:
Django posted:

"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”

Aww bhai you comprehension skills degrading,

aren't  you tired of making a fool of your self,you got to be a low achiever at Saints,

my eldest son,niece,her husband and nephew were educated there and they are doing great,one is a multi millionaire in Canada.

 He meant the stealing by the PNC operatives, where did he mention PPP supporters stealing?

Given the levels of incompetence that we have seen by the APNU/AFC please explain how they could have managed to steal an election while NOT in gov't without the PPP being aware of this until afterwards.

You give APNU/AFC way too much credit.  Crude rigging is all that they can do, and not being in power at the time of the election, this was not possible.

Last edited by Former Member

Mr Jagdeo is not a fool. He had read the forensic audit reports and realised that his administration and the Ramotar administration were screwed big time by certain officials they had placed in high positions in government ministries and departments, people whom they had trusted and thought better of. Some months ago at his press conference Mr Jagdeo had said that the culprits should be charged and let the chips fall where they may. But the government for some mystifying reason or sheer incompetence seems unable to act.

VVP posted:
Django posted:

"the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”


Django - It would be good to get Jagdeo to explain what he meant...could it be that he meant stealing of votes by the PNC and fixing the election machinery or maybe I just gave him an out 


Reading the Stabroek News article quoting Jagdeo statement,it's an admission that it's is revealed that massive stealing took place,doesn't seem to be related to electoral rigging.

Could not respond earlier,had to go to Queens NY for a short visit.

full article here

Quote from article.

“We need to look at ourselves; two days we would have to talk about what went wrong and we must have an honest assessment. Then we can fix the problems that led us to opposition,” he said.

Without elaborating, Jagdeo added, “We know about the stealing, the stealing took place on a massive scale but that’s not the only reason we are in opposition today and we need to fix those too.”

Last edited by Django

Dhango - if he acknowledge "massive stealing" during the PPP administration that would be the dumbest thing he would have done so far.  It will certainly be used against the PPP in the next elections.

SN should ask him to clarify that statement.

VVP posted:

Dhango - if he acknowledge "massive stealing" during the PPP administration that would be the dumbest thing he would have done so far.  It will certainly be used against the PPP in the next elections.

SN should ask him to clarify that statement.


Seems like by admitting to stealing he is reaching out to the PPP supporters that defected to come back home,taking in to consideration the Indo Guyanese population have dropped to 39.8 % of which all are not voters,the PPP chances of winning by ethnic based voting are slim.

Just my two cents,I may be wrong.

VVP posted:

Dhango - if he acknowledge "massive stealing" during the PPP administration that would be the dumbest thing he would have done so far.  It will certainly be used against the PPP in the next elections.

SN should ask him to clarify that statement.

You cannot change that which you do not acknowledge. Supporters in the diaspora let Jagdeo know what they think on his recent visit. Many do not support his posit that the election was rigged. Finally he is coming around to reality and finally stepping out of its denial mode. Now that he is  finally admitting that the PPP/C lost the last elections fair and square and that the demographics have changed, they can now move on with new strategies to win. Note he lost the past two elections. With Jagdeo at the head, the PPP will loose again. Too many old farts in control.

Last edited by Mitwah

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