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Jagdeo in New York: His Venezuelan remark


The media in Guyana did not report on Jagdeo’s presentation in New York to a group of Guyanese that with the exception of Dr. Asquith Rose consisted of East Indians only. I guess one can seriously argue from a journalistic perspective, that his presentation wasn’t news.

Why should a media house report on the systemization of propagandistic fictions of a former president who just lost his country’s national elections? But the press in Georgetown should at least carry the section of his delivery in relation to Venezuela. Jagdeo is playing a dangerous came that can get him into legal trouble.

Did the attendees believe the things Jagdeo told          them about the destruction of Guyana under the APNU-AFC Government? One can tell from the angry reaction that Dr. Rose received when he asked his questions, that some people are destined to be essentially flawed humans.

Here is a summary of Jagdeo’s descent into Hitlerite delusions. I will leave his Venezuelan remark for the end. He said that ballot boxes were stuffed in Georgetown. PPP voters were intimidated by APNU polling agents. The PPP did not have polling agents to cover the entirety of Region Four thus rigging took place. GECOM and the ABC countries were determined to see the PPP out of office.

There was only one rational point by Jagdeo that came close to an understanding of how the world has changed since Cheddi Jagan won in 1992. He referred to the lack of capacity by PPP supporters to utilize social media during the election campaign. I will come to that.

Judging from the reports I got, it was clear that if Jagdeo had told that audience that a parade of elephants from Africa came to Guyana during the election, and stole the ballot boxes they would have believed.

When I was very young, I heard a rebuttal from a man who was annoyed with another person. It is so far back I cannot recall the exact nature of the incident. But the aggrieved person said to the ignorant gentleman; “Do you have children?” Any school boy can interpret what he was getting at. The point made was, this person was so foolish that he is likely to populate the world with more foolish people. It is too cynical a statement to repeat but the poignancy of it is there although it is an unpleasant analogy.

How sane, rational people with young children could have sat there and digested what Jagdeo said? They clapped him and when Dr. Rose got up and pointed out that the Emperor was wearing no clothes at all, they wanted to crucify him. Jagdeo was mouthing off the most appalling, disgusting, nauseating nonsense ever to come out of the mouth of a Guyanese politician, and Guyanese in the 21st century living in the most-post-modern country in the world, jumped for joy when they saw his delusions at work.

It is possible that humans are so stupid that Donald Trump can rule the most powerful nation in the world

I will touch on the only sensible part of Jagdeo’s rhetoric. He said that social media was used effectively against the PPP during the election, and PPP supporters must begin to understand how to use it. But even here Jagdeo was on illusive turf. Social media was indeed used against the PPP because the PPP was giving the users of social media ammunition with which to fight the PPP during the election campaign. Bheri Ramsarran threatened to slap and strip a feminist activist, then the next day was unapologetic when he was recorded as saying he is a lady’s man and his ladies would have beaten up the activist. This went viral.

Then it created a tsunami when the President supported Ramsarran. There would have been no viral ubiquity if Ramotar had castigated Ramsarran and Jagdeo instead of cussing down the army. Those are the things social media used to hurt the PPP during the campaign.

Finally, Jagdeo is treading dangerously with his rhetoric on Venezuela. I am not convinced that Jagdeo and the PPP have demonstrated emotional and nationalist protection of Guyana over the insane wear-mongering of Venezuela.

Jagdeo told his audience that APNU+AFC Government jeopardized the rice deal with Venezuela because of the government’s hostility to Venezuela. He went on to say that our use of military exercises was too threatening.

It was a crowd of sixty persons; ten of them tried to wrest the microphone from Dr. Rose, and sought to assault and evict him. Jagdeo is learning about life. He appealed to the thugs to leave Rose alone.



Replies sorted oldest to newest

This is complete bullshit.  I was there and none of this was said or happened.  Freddie Kissoon should be ashamed of himself.  There were a group of people from Kaietuer News who showed up with questions written on pieces of paper.  Jagdeo allowed everyone of them to ask their questions and he answered appropriately in a civil and courteous manner.


Other than Dr. Rose there were other Afro-Guyanese there.  Everyone was treated in a civil manner.  Dr. Asquith Rose (??) - I never met the gentleman and did not know his name was given a chance with the microphone as he requested and immediately started accusing Jagdeo of being a racist among other things.


Freddie Kissoon - you have reached a new low.  When does rubbish like this become journalism?  The worse part is there are people out there who read this nonsense and believe it.  Shame on KN and Freddie Kissoon.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

This is complete bullshit.  I was there and none of this was said or happened.  Freddie Kissoon should be ashamed of himself.  There were a group of people from Kaietuer News who showed up with questions written on pieces of paper.  Jagdeo allowed everyone of them to ask their questions and he answered appropriately in a civil and courteous manner.


Other than Dr. Rose there were other Afro-Guyanese there.  Everyone was treated in a civil manner.  Dr. Asquith Rose (??) - I never met the gentleman and did not know his name was given a chance with the microphone as he requested and immediately started accusing Jagdeo of being a racist among other things.


Freddie Kissoon - you have reached a new low.  When does rubbish like this become journalism?  The worse part is there are people out there who read this nonsense and believe it.  Shame on KN and Freddie Kissoon.

Gal, Kruger is nothing but a Book THIEF.  Nah Bada wid dat IDIOT!!!

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

This is complete bullshit.  I was there and none of this was said or happened.  Freddie Kissoon should be ashamed of himself.  There were a group of people from Kaietuer News who showed up with questions written on pieces of paper.  Jagdeo allowed everyone of them to ask their questions and he answered appropriately in a civil and courteous manner.


Other than Dr. Rose there were other Afro-Guyanese there.  Everyone was treated in a civil manner.  Dr. Asquith Rose (??) - I never met the gentleman and did not know his name was given a chance with the microphone as he requested and immediately started accusing Jagdeo of being a racist among other things.


Freddie Kissoon - you have reached a new low.  When does rubbish like this become journalism?  The worse part is there are people out there who read this nonsense and believe it.  Shame on KN and Freddie Kissoon.

I live in Richmond Hill also. I attended the meeting, but a little late. I concur with everything you are saying here. The problem is I do not know where this anti-Indian Kissoon is getting his information from. It is truly a different version to what happen. Rose was heckled by a few people because of his unprofessional and accusatory remarks towards Jagdeo. Indeed, it was civil. I hope someone who was there could pen a letter to the editor of KN to correct this nonsense...the Afro racists will surely take this nonsense and run with it and say..."look, we told you so". 


Look AHOLE like Kruger will always be an AHOLE!!!  Rose the JACKASS was allowed to BRAY like the DONKEY he is. And I am happy he was able to CERTIFY himself as a GADAHA!!!!  Bloody IDIOT he is and will always be.


For all the anti PPP rant Freddie did before the election, he was hoping for a government job. But, the PNC put Freddie to the curb, he is a COOLIE in BLACKMAN clothing,he will continue to beg.


Nehru- the event was taped.  I was sitting two feet away from the videographer.  I get the sense that the PPP team just dismiss Freddie Kissoon and his constant attacks.  But this guy is causing a lot of damage.  I would not have even seen this article if Mars did not post it here on GNI.


Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Nehru- the event was taped.  I was sitting two feet away from the videographer.  I get the sense that the PPP team just dismiss Freddie Kissoon and his constant attacks.  But this guy is causing a lot of damage.  I would not have even seen this article if Mars did not post it here on GNI.


Is there anyway to get a copy of the tape???  I want to send it to a friend of mine...he promise to write a letter, but he wants the evidence...

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

This is so outrageous, I am stunned.  VishMahabir, I wish I knew who you were.  I would have like to meet you in person.  I was the last girl who spoke. 


Was Kwame .... De Sweet Homan

who tried to take away the mic

from Dr Rose.


Jagdeo could not answer DR Rose Question....

why there were no

Top Black Guyanese Diplomat when he was President?


Jagdeo said all GECOM workers is Black.

Dr Rose told Jagdeo.....

 it was like that since Jagan was President.

It remained the same..when Jagdeo Became President.


FURTHER....If it was a Problem

as he is telling his few Indian Racist who were there

at Narissa Palace and supporting Him...

Jagdeo did not make any changes at GECOM.

With Same GECOM....

PPP won Elections in 1997, 2001 & 2005


So GECOM was OK then.

All Elections were Free and Fair.


How did the Change in 2011 & 2015.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by VishMahabir:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Nehru- the event was taped.  I was sitting two feet away from the videographer.  I get the sense that the PPP team just dismiss Freddie Kissoon and his constant attacks.  But this guy is causing a lot of damage.  I would not have even seen this article if Mars did not post it here on GNI.


Is there anyway to get a copy of the tape???  I want to send it to a friend of mine...he promise to write a letter, but he wants the evidence...

I am not sure how to get it.  Will make some inquiries.  What would be the best way to contact you?

Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Nehru- the event was taped.  I was sitting two feet away from the videographer.  I get the sense that the PPP team just dismiss Freddie Kissoon and his constant attacks.  But this guy is causing a lot of damage.  I would not have even seen this article if Mars did not post it here on GNI.


Any airing of the event,i would have been there if i was not

two hrs away.Damn i miss out i would have get to know you.

Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Nehru- the event was taped.  I was sitting two feet away from the videographer.  I get the sense that the PPP team just dismiss Freddie Kissoon and his constant attacks.  But this guy is causing a lot of damage.  I would not have even seen this article if Mars did not post it here on GNI.


Any airing of the event,i would have been there if i was not

two hrs away.Damn i miss out i would have get to know you.

I don't know if the event would be aired.  I am not one of the organizers.  I would have loved to meet you too.  I had no interest in politics prior to May 11th.  But I started to pay attention recently and quickly caught up. BTW, this was not a PPP only event.  The public was invited and they came and were welcomed.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Originally Posted by kp:

For all the anti PPP rant Freddie did before the election, he was hoping for a government job. But, the PNC put Freddie to the curb, he is a COOLIE in BLACKMAN clothing,he will continue to beg.


Freddie is not the one Begging

Moses & Granger fuh quit the Investigation.


Freddie is not the one being Questioned

about $100 Million Private/Secret Rice Loan.


Freddie is not the one worried about what

Roger Khan told the US in his plea deal.


Freddie Kissoon is not the one who made

secret deals Resulting in

Skeldon Factory costing over 5 Times the Original Price.


Govt Losing US$15 Million on "De FIP HIGHWAY"


Losing NIS & NBC money to Clico & Sanford.


Using Govt Money to Build the Berbice Bridge

and turn it over to his friends for

Investment that is less than 10% of the Total Cost.



Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Nehru- the event was taped.  I was sitting two feet away from the videographer.  I get the sense that the PPP team just dismiss Freddie Kissoon and his constant attacks.  But this guy is causing a lot of damage.  I would not have even seen this article if Mars did not post it here on GNI.


Any airing of the event,i would have been there if i was not

two hrs away.Damn i miss out i would have get to know you.

I don't know if the event would be aired.  I am not one of the organizers.  I would have loved to meet you too.  I had no interest in politics prior to May 11th.  But I started to pay attention recently and quickly caught up. BTW, this was not a PPP only event.  The public was invited and they came and were welcomed.

Stick around good to have you here,when ever i visit

Queens NY will let you know.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Nehru- the event was taped.  I was sitting two feet away from the videographer.  I get the sense that the PPP team just dismiss Freddie Kissoon and his constant attacks.  But this guy is causing a lot of damage.  I would not have even seen this article if Mars did not post it here on GNI.


Yes it was Taped by Jagdeo People.

It will be Edited too.


An Independent person who was taping

was forced to Shut down his Camera

when Jagdeo noticed the Camera.


However, the part with Dr Rose asking Questions

was recorded on a Cell phone Camera...

so it will be interested to see what really happen....

and who is lieing.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Nehru- the event was taped.  I was sitting two feet away from the videographer.  I get the sense that the PPP team just dismiss Freddie Kissoon and his constant attacks.  But this guy is causing a lot of damage.  I would not have even seen this article if Mars did not post it here on GNI.


Yes it was Taped by Jagdeo People.

It will be Edited too.


An Independent person who was taping

was forced to Shut down his Camera

when Jagdeo noticed the Camera.


However, the part with Dr Rose asking Questions

was recorded on a Cell phone Camera...

so it will be interested to see what really happen....

and who is lieing.

You got to be kidding,was it a private event ???


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