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Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

It took a lot of moxie and intestinal fortitude to wipe out the uncivilized elements of the PNC, but Barath Jagdeo did not waver. He got the job done.




Dirty PNC Indians like Tarron Khemraj and Gerhard Ramsaroop have never forgiven President Jagdeo for ridding Guyana of the barbaric and ill bred types above---even today Tarron deeply mourns the loss of those savages--no wonder he hates the PPP and is intoxicated by hatred and animosity against Jagdeo.




BGurd: Gerhard and TK's motives are much simpler for following the PNC crowd. They were refused a seat at the PPP soup table and acted in revenge. 



Tarron and Gerard were also denied a seat at the AFC table---wasn't Gerard denied an MP position----poor boy slaved his a$$ away----and came up empty.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

.Guyanese punished under PNC rule with their incompetence and pencil test before you qualify for a job.. 

And the PPP have kept the comb test.  Just that you arent allowed to get a good job unless the comb falls off your head.


If you can prove that Afros have all these wonderful jobs, please let Jagdeo know so that he stops being afraid to testify against Kissoon.  He cant prove his case so he sent Luncheon, who responded "I dont know", when asked why blacks were minimally present in top posts in govt corporations, and commissions.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

By Malcolm harripaul.


 I was a PPP activist in the late 1970’s on the West Bank Demerara and I will now tell the youths about the PPP’s arson and murders in the Canals Polder after the elections. .
Malcolm Harripaul

Curious to hear what druggie and baseman and the others who live to rant "evil black man, innocent Indian" will say.  I see that this is what they wish to happen to any Indian who doesnt fall into Indo Nazi dictates.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Curious to hear what druggie and baseman and the others who live to rant "evil black man, innocent Indian" will say.  I see that this is what they wish to happen to any Indian who doesnt fall into Indo Nazi dictates.

The troublemakers in Guyana today are no longer afro Guyanese---evil afros were vaporized by the Jagdeo administration---the troublemakers in Guyana today are the Dirty PNC Indians.




How should Dirty PNC Indians be handled by the current administration ?





Originally Posted by Rev Al:

The troublemakers in Guyana today are no longer afro Guyanese---evil afros were vaporized by the Jagdeo administration---.


How should Dirty PNC Indians be handled by the current administration ?





And yet Jagdeo still screams that "evil" blacks are giving Indians  ahard time.  This after he said NOTHING about the Chronicle EDITORIAL which lambasted blacks, long after Fineman was killed.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Bruddaman:
Originally Posted by alena06:
The usual Jagdeo critics who cannot walk in his shoes for five minutes. The speech is another classic to be added to the Jagdeo hall of fame speeches.

The intent of the speech is to bring awareness of the struggles of the Ppp and the naysayers who seek to disrupt the smooth running of the government.

No real man walks in high heels.

You should not be saying that in this day and age. Even antimen have a right to be heard. A person's sexual preference should not be used to pass judgement on their opinion.

Can you balance well on high heels?


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