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Jagdeo has destroyed the PPP causing it to lose the 2011 General Elections and finally being thrown out of government NEVER to return to power.
JAGDEO'S political History - He was offered a PPP scholarship because he could not pay for higher education.
Jagdeo was granted a scholarships when I was a member of the PPP youth arm, PYO, central COMMITTEE.
We granted him that scholarship to study in Moscow. Did he study?? Did he obtain a certification??
Those of us who know how the Russian Stalinist school of FALSIFICATION operates can conclude that they dont issue degrees. That is why JAGDEO and Irfat Ali are so DESPERATE to get PhD degrees. What is the obsession about having a degree ?
Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, the father of the nation, did NOT get the opportunity to even complete his primary education. He was a "self made" person- becoming the leader of the first trade Union in Guyana and the English-speaking Caribbean - the Guyana Labour Union.
CORRUPTION AND THEFT of Public Resources - that is what at stake in their quest for political power.
Jagdeo has led a team of CORRUPT leaders. He MISMANAGED our country's economy- causing greater long -term negative consequences to our country's economic stability.
Under the housing laws - no one can possess two house lots within a period of 10 years. Yet JAGDEO was able to do so. Why? Is he above the LAWS of Guyana?? Must we not take away the presidential immunity privileges of any future president ???
That is a breach of the Housing Laws of Guyana, whilst thousands of poor people have no homes for them and their kids.
JAGDEO purchased his first house lot at Pradoville 1 - built a mansion and sold it for $200 million.
Shortly after he engaged the PPP Ministerial cabinet to arrange for the sale of house lots around Spaarindam, East Coast, Demerara. It was prime lands and they turned it into a "gated community" - exclusively for the PPP political elite and top officials of government. Former minister, Robert Persaud offered to pay the difference or give back the lands - an admission of guilt.
This was a highly Illegal act causing huge underdevaluation for those lands, which is a loss to the Guyanese people. Must we - as citizens - not be very alarmed about such improper behaviour??? Why should we knowingly VOTE in CROOKS to manage our country's resources??
At the centre of all of this is IRFAT ALI - the over bloated former Housing minister - at the time. He is facing trial for alleged fraud and CORRUPTION. JAGDEO calls it a witch hunt. We call it a manhunt.
Despite this highly alarming case, we see JAGDEO appointing Irfat Ali as his presidential candidate knowing full well that Irfat Ali is charged for 19 offences.
JAGDEO did not allow the DEMOCRATIC steps that would have allowed the membership of the PPP to elect their presidential candidate. He carried out a "palace coup".
The PPP is a Marxist-Leninist party - not a Coolieman party, as JAGDEO had turned it into.
Under the leadership of Jagdeo, the PPP leaders have become multi millionaires.
Today the PPP is not the JAGANITE party that was set up in 1950. JAGDEO made it into a BIG BUSINESSMAN party, backed by the Private Sector COMMISSION - a mouthpiece for a CORRUPT elite business circle.
There is no place for the poor and the oppressed anymore in the PPP. They are treated as house slaves - they have no say in the direction of the PPP.
I challenge JAGDEO to call a SPECIAL PARTY conference to elect the Presidential candidate, as the PNC did at their last Congress, where they elect all of their EXECUTIVE MEMBERS and their presidential candidate.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

skeldon_man posted:

How come you don't acknowledge the PNC thieves like that Ferguson lady to lived in a banaff and in three years she built a 60 million dollar home? Ah weh dis neanderthal get all dis munny so fass? Is this the tip of the PNC iceberg we are starting to see?

Banna you joking ,post the big house Ferguson built.

What you think about Jinnah commentary ?

Last edited by Django
Django posted:

Jagdeo has destroyed the PPP causing it to lose the 2011 General Elections and finally being thrown out of government NEVER to return to power.
JAGDEO'S political History - He was offered a PPP scholarship because he could not pay for higher education.
Jagdeo was granted a scholarships when I was a member of the PPP youth arm, PYO, central COMMITTEE.
We granted him that scholarship to study in Moscow. Did he study?? Did he obtain a certification??
Those of us who know how the Russian Stalinist school of FALSIFICATION operates can conclude that they dont issue degrees. That is why JAGDEO and Irfat Ali are so DESPERATE to get PhD degrees. What is the obsession about having a degree ?
Hubert Nathaniel Critchlow, the father of the nation, did NOT get the opportunity to even complete his primary education. He was a "self made" person- becoming the leader of the first trade Union in Guyana and the English-speaking Caribbean - the Guyana Labour Union.
CORRUPTION AND THEFT of Public Resources - that is what at stake in their quest for political power.
Jagdeo has led a team of CORRUPT leaders. He MISMANAGED our country's economy- causing greater long -term negative consequences to our country's economic stability.
Under the housing laws - no one can possess two house lots within a period of 10 years. Yet JAGDEO was able to do so. Why? Is he above the LAWS of Guyana?? Must we not take away the presidential immunity privileges of any future president ???
That is a breach of the Housing Laws of Guyana, whilst thousands of poor people have no homes for them and their kids.
JAGDEO purchased his first house lot at Pradoville 1 - built a mansion and sold it for $200 million.
Shortly after he engaged the PPP Ministerial cabinet to arrange for the sale of house lots around Spaarindam, East Coast, Demerara. It was prime lands and they turned it into a "gated community" - exclusively for the PPP political elite and top officials of government. Former minister, Robert Persaud offered to pay the difference or give back the lands - an admission of guilt.
This was a highly Illegal act causing huge underdevaluation for those lands, which is a loss to the Guyanese people. Must we - as citizens - not be very alarmed about such improper behaviour??? Why should we knowingly VOTE in CROOKS to manage our country's resources??
At the centre of all of this is IRFAT ALI - the over bloated former Housing minister - at the time. He is facing trial for alleged fraud and CORRUPTION. JAGDEO calls it a witch hunt. We call it a manhunt.
Despite this highly alarming case, we see JAGDEO appointing Irfat Ali as his presidential candidate knowing full well that Irfat Ali is charged for 19 offences.
JAGDEO did not allow the DEMOCRATIC steps that would have allowed the membership of the PPP to elect their presidential candidate. He carried out a "palace coup".
The PPP is a Marxist-Leninist party - not a Coolieman party, as JAGDEO had turned it into.
Under the leadership of Jagdeo, the PPP leaders have become multi millionaires.
Today the PPP is not the JAGANITE party that was set up in 1950. JAGDEO made it into a BIG BUSINESSMAN party, backed by the Private Sector COMMISSION - a mouthpiece for a CORRUPT elite business circle.
There is no place for the poor and the oppressed anymore in the PPP. They are treated as house slaves - they have no say in the direction of the PPP.
I challenge JAGDEO to call a SPECIAL PARTY conference to elect the Presidential candidate, as the PNC did at their last Congress, where they elect all of their EXECUTIVE MEMBERS and their presidential candidate.

I think Jinnah Rahaman has lost his freeking mind. What respectable person would refer to a presidential candidate as IRFAT when his name is IRFAN. Epithets like IRFAT are more fitting for knuckleheads like us here who does not have to behave respectable.

But my highlighted part above is really funny. He is admitting to giving Jagdeo a scholarship to study in Moscow when he knew that the school which he granted Jagdeo a scholarship don't issue degrees. These fools can't even pretend to make sense. 

There desperation is screaming loudly. 

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

But my highlighted part above is really funny. He is admitting to giving Jagdeo a scholarship to study in Moscow when he knew that the school which he granted Jagdeo a scholarship don't issue degrees. These fools can't even pretend to make sense. 

Me thinks most members of PPP studied in Eastern Europe and Cuba .

Maybe. But why is Rahaman criticizing his own actions now? If he knew that those schools were useless, why did he grant the scholarship to it?

alena06 posted:

Who is this dude?  I betcha he can’t even shine Jagdeo’s shoes.   Jagdeo transformed Guyana from pit latrines and hits to modern infrastructure.  Who paid him to write this garbage right around elections time. 😀

Don't dismiss him , he an old time PPP man, lived in England for awhile, have legit qualifications. Return back to Guyana in the early 90's .Find out from old folks who know him.

Last edited by Django
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

But my highlighted part above is really funny. He is admitting to giving Jagdeo a scholarship to study in Moscow when he knew that the school which he granted Jagdeo a scholarship don't issue degrees. These fools can't even pretend to make sense. 

Me thinks most members of PPP studied in Eastern Europe and Cuba .

Maybe. But why is Rahaman criticizing his own actions now? If he knew that those schools were useless, why did he grant the scholarship to it?

At that time he was with the PPP.

alena06 posted:

Who is this dude?  I betcha he can’t even shine Jagdeo’s shoes.   Jagdeo transformed Guyana from pit latrines and hits to modern infrastructure.  Who paid him to write this garbage right around elections time. 😀

The fool sounds desperate. He also sounds like a neanderthal referring to Irfan as Irfat. No sensible person would take his comments seriously given that he chose to conduct himself in such an uncivilized manner.

Django posted:
alena06 posted:

Who is this dude?  I betcha he can’t even shine Jagdeo’s shoes.   Jagdeo transformed Guyana from pit latrines and hits to modern infrastructure.  Who paid him to write this garbage right around elections time. 😀

Don't dismiss him , he an old time PPP man, lived in England for awhile, have legit qualifications. Find out from old folks who know him.

Dismiss his ass.  He is a mentally ill narcissist.  When the man open his mouth he can only talk about revolution and hate this and hate that.  Badal is spending big money on his campaign so Jinnah decide to drink lil soup while he smears people.  He is wined and dined well at the Pegasus by Badal.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

But my highlighted part above is really funny. He is admitting to giving Jagdeo a scholarship to study in Moscow when he knew that the school which he granted Jagdeo a scholarship don't issue degrees. These fools can't even pretend to make sense. 

Me thinks most members of PPP studied in Eastern Europe and Cuba .

Maybe. But why is Rahaman criticizing his own actions now? If he knew that those schools were useless, why did he grant the scholarship to it?

At that time he was with the PPP.

So you saying he compromised his conscience and acted in the interest in a PPP member because he was at the time with the PPP?

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

But my highlighted part above is really funny. He is admitting to giving Jagdeo a scholarship to study in Moscow when he knew that the school which he granted Jagdeo a scholarship don't issue degrees. These fools can't even pretend to make sense. 

Me thinks most members of PPP studied in Eastern Europe and Cuba .

Maybe. But why is Rahaman criticizing his own actions now? If he knew that those schools were useless, why did he grant the scholarship to it?

At that time he was with the PPP.

So you saying he compromised his conscience and acted in the interest in a PPP member because he was at the time with the PPP?

They were all in the bosom of Marxist ,that their ideology.

Django posted:
alena06 posted:

Who is this dude?  I betcha he can’t even shine Jagdeo’s shoes.   Jagdeo transformed Guyana from pit latrines and hits to modern infrastructure.  Who paid him to write this garbage right around elections time. 😀

Don't dismiss him , he an old time PPP man, lived in England for awhile, have legit qualifications. Return back to Guyana in the early 90's .Find out from old folks who know him.

We granted him that scholarship to study in Moscow.

Listen to this educated moron. What does he mean with "WE"?

Those of us who know how the Russian Stalinist school of FALSIFICATION operates can conclude that they don't issue degrees.

If he knew this, why did he (from the WE) send Jagdeo to Moscow?

Did someone from Jagdeo's crew give him blow, the reason he's so bitter?
This Jinnah jackass is an old bitter senile fool. His education is useless to him.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

But my highlighted part above is really funny. He is admitting to giving Jagdeo a scholarship to study in Moscow when he knew that the school which he granted Jagdeo a scholarship don't issue degrees. These fools can't even pretend to make sense. 

Me thinks most members of PPP studied in Eastern Europe and Cuba .

Maybe. But why is Rahaman criticizing his own actions now? If he knew that those schools were useless, why did he grant the scholarship to it?

At that time he was with the PPP.

So you saying he compromised his conscience and acted in the interest in a PPP member because he was at the time with the PPP?

They were all in the bosom of Marxist ,that their ideology.

Exactly. So the only thing that has changed is which bosom he is in now. By his own admission, he is one who compromise truth and good for soup. 

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

But my highlighted part above is really funny. He is admitting to giving Jagdeo a scholarship to study in Moscow when he knew that the school which he granted Jagdeo a scholarship don't issue degrees. These fools can't even pretend to make sense. 

Me thinks most members of PPP studied in Eastern Europe and Cuba .

Bhai, you see me post Annette Ferguson's house. You see am?

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t listen to Django.  

Jinnah was charged with Treason by Burnham.  In the middle of the night he escaped from Guyana and went to Suriname.  When Burnham found out he was there he boarded a plane and went to Holland.  Then he found his way to England.  When PPP won election in 1992 he crawled back into Guyana.  When Jagdeo was made President he start to ketch fits. 

You don't know the whole story , the charge was still there when he returned ,one of the targeted pardoned him.

skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

But my highlighted part above is really funny. He is admitting to giving Jagdeo a scholarship to study in Moscow when he knew that the school which he granted Jagdeo a scholarship don't issue degrees. These fools can't even pretend to make sense. 

Me thinks most members of PPP studied in Eastern Europe and Cuba .

Bhai, you see me post Annette Ferguson's house. You see am?

There is no picture , will find and post.

Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t listen to Django.  

Jinnah was charged with Treason by Burnham.  In the middle of the night he escaped from Guyana and went to Suriname.  When Burnham found out he was there he boarded a plane and went to Holland.  Then he found his way to England.  When PPP won election in 1992 he crawled back into Guyana.  When Jagdeo was made President he start to ketch fits. 

You don't know the whole story , the charge was still there when he returned ,one of the targeted pardoned him.

I know the whole story.  Jinnah told me the story.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
skeldon_man posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

But my highlighted part above is really funny. He is admitting to giving Jagdeo a scholarship to study in Moscow when he knew that the school which he granted Jagdeo a scholarship don't issue degrees. These fools can't even pretend to make sense. 

Me thinks most members of PPP studied in Eastern Europe and Cuba .

Bhai, you see me post Annette Ferguson's house. You see am?

There is no picture , will find and post.

Image result for Minister Ferguson house in Guyana

This is regular house !!!

Last edited by Django
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:

Don’t listen to Django.  

Jinnah was charged with Treason by Burnham.  In the middle of the night he escaped from Guyana and went to Suriname.  When Burnham found out he was there he boarded a plane and went to Holland.  Then he found his way to England.  When PPP won election in 1992 he crawled back into Guyana.  When Jagdeo was made President he start to ketch fits. 

You don't know the whole story , the charge was still there when he returned ,one of the targeted pardoned him.

I know the whole story.  Jinnah told me the story.

Did he tell you, who was the other targeted person ?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

Maybe. But why is Rahaman criticizing his own actions now? If he knew that those schools were useless, why did he grant the scholarship to it?

At that time he was with the PPP.

So you saying he compromised his conscience and acted in the interest in a PPP member because he was at the time with the PPP?

Don’t listen to Django.  Jinnah was charged with Treason by Burnham.  In the middle of the night he escaped from Guyana and went to Suriname. When Burnham found out he was there he boarded a plane and went to Holland. Then he found his way to England. When PPP won election in 1992 he crawled back into Guyana.  When Jagdeyo was made President he start to ketch fits.  

So Burnham is suddenly your litmus test of good?  Yuh rass like a hyperactive chimp jumping heh and deh for validation.

Anyone charged with Treason by Burnham must have guts and it’s not a negative then and now.  Charrandass was also accused of treason.


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