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Real change is needed in our country

STABROEK NEWS, MARCH 25 --- The elections on May 11 are already underway and the implications for our nation are going to affect our citizens for a long time to come. For me, even though I have welcomed coalition politics and have attended a luncheon with Guyanese business leaders in New York hosting Mr Granger and Mr Nagamootoo, I am still evaluating carefully all the ramifications of this important general election to determine, in my mind as a child of the PPP and knowing that there are still good Guyanese patriots in this post-Jagan party who are constricted and cornered by the autocratic rule of ‘democratic centralism’ – a communist mechanism designed to stifle democracy in that party – how do I bring myself to vote against the PPP? I am sure that by the end of April, I will be much better informed, feel the correct vibes and make a concrete decision as to my vote.

The voters, especially young people, have to examine, very carefully, the pros and cons of where to put their ‘X’, remembering that real change is needed in our country. Change will not come by re-living the past or resurrecting our former leaders. My father, President Cheddi, is no longer with us and no one party/ethnic group can claim his legacy; his honest life and contribution to our country now belongs to all Guyanese, and guess what? That is what Jagan would have desired and all of those who are shouting his name should be silent and quietly fulfil his dreams. President Cheddi is dead and gone and cannot help us now, but he gave us all the tools to help ourselves: Be truthful and don’t ‘thief’; love Guyana more than yourself; political coalition for racial and economic unity; Guyana should be self-sufficient; take care of the poor, the needy, the working classes. Let those political players who admire his good deeds divest themselves of their Rolls Royce (Cadillac) living and consummate a new relationship with the working man and woman to transform our donkey-cart economy into a vibrant Singapore type economic odyssey. Jagan now belongs to the ages! Let the young political cadres take the centre stage for a great future.Hopefully, this election will bring serious changes, of which the most important should be the commitment by the victors to hand over our future to the young generation. The voters should remember, especially the young ones, that what is important is the future and thus the ramifications of each party’s economic, political and social solutions for our country. Voters have to decide which contestant will solve our growing crime situation, corruption in government, better job and living opportunities with new foreign investment and trade (especially with the USA, Canada and Europe). Voters need to look carefully at who will commit and seek a new and creative approach to our constitutional affairs with the unity of our nation being paramount in all discussions and settlements, and the foremost item on the agenda, the immediate execution of local elections, too long overdue.

All voters, indeed all Guyanese, should demand of their leaders a commitment to lower the value added tax (VAT) which has been highway robbery on the working people of this country, who are already heavily taxed, and at the most, should not exceed 11%, a reasonable but still high tax, but more in line with a standard state tax in the USA, for example.

The voter should not succumb to race-baiting or bad-mouthing politicians and reject any violent acts in order to make this election the most peaceful this country has ever known. But most importantly, on May 11, voters should get up early, get themselves ready for changes long overdue, and then go out to vote with a smile on their faces, purpose in their hearts and peaceful intent in their brains. They should exercise their God-given right of freedom and their individual duty to this beautiful country. No matter what – they should get out and vote!


Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Joey hoping the PPP get their senses. But that corrupt entity is too far gone.


I wonder if Joey ever stood at attention for the Guyana National Anthem or even saluted the Guyana Flag. Those two articles are what forges the bond of citizens. I doan think PPP supporters care much for such things.


He is asking the people consider many conditions before they vote-PPP supporters only consider one condition-DO NOT LET THE BLACKMAN to govern. That in itself stifles growth for every one.


I am bewildered by the likes of Moses, Ralph, Joey and others who sees the fault of the PPP at election time. I guess they were too busy wid the good life to bother about Guyana and impoverished future.


Advice for Joey Jagan. Go and get Indians to vote for APNU+AFC. Hoping the PPP loose so bad. And the thieves abandon Freedom House. That way, I could return and re-build the party. Because if the Jagans tek it over, it will be no different than Bharrat Jagdeo. 


Real Change could have come with the Third Force which is now in the wilderness.  Joey never did advocate change in his political life.  Joey Jagan quit the PPP because his mother didn't give him a ministerial position. He forgot that his father spoke out against nepotism.  He had it all but turned himself into an idiot.  Why would the Central executive committee of the PPP respect him?  This party is no longer jagan's party. 


The APNU and the AFC had a chance to make changes but they didn't.  All they want was power.  They had a majority in Parliament and didn't know how to use it.    In their quest for power, Ramoutar got the better of them.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The APNU and the AFC had a chance to make changes but they didn't.  All they want was power.  They had a majority in Parliament and didn't know how to use it.    In their quest for power, Ramoutar got the better of them.

the worse fool is a old fool

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

Real Change could have come with the Third Force which is now in the wilderness.  Joey never did advocate change in his political life.  Joey Jagan quit the PPP because his mother didn't give him a ministerial position. He forgot that his father spoke out against nepotism. 

True, Cheddi Jagan spoke out against nepotism, but as soon as he became President he named his brother Dereck Jagan as Speaker of the National Assembly.

Dereck had left active politics since 1975 while Joey was still campaigning for the PPP through the Association of Concerned Guyanese in the US.


It's a shame when the founders' children are not with the PPP of today.

"They have made my father's house a den of thieves."


The PPP of today is not the party of Jagan anymore.

There is not going to be a changeOriginally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Real change will come with the Coalition.  PPP cork duck.


It will be a new model of governance based on planning and accountability.  Guyana will rise again.

That model will never work.  The coalition is nothing but a house of rejects.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
There is not going to be a changeOriginally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Real change will come with the Coalition.  PPP cork duck.


It will be a new model of governance based on planning and accountability.  Guyana will rise again.

That model will never work.  The coalition is nothing but a house of rejects.

Lo and behold, Rama! The house of rejects will become a temple of reconciliation. And one day in May, the reconciliationists will overcome the divisionists. And one day soon after, the prophet Moses will summon the Robb Street robbers and rapists and say unto them: Show me freely all that ye have amassed since the year of our Lord 1992 and where in the four corners of the earth ye have hidden your cash and gold, and tell me frankly how many job-seeking young maidens ye have forcibly penetrated with thine dirty iron. And those who will not come forth truthfully will be consigned to a place where there is neither Peace nor Progress nor Prosperity nor Civility.


Nice Gilbakka.


There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, including those $2.1 million cleaned teeth.


The PPP make Burnham look like a Sunday School boy.  They can't help themselves; they have an addiction to stealing.

Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dr Joey J the real leader of the PPP.

If Joey had supported his sister when she exposed the Corruption and Thiefing in the PPP a few years ago.....he could have been a Hero.


But instead at that time.....Joey & His Son ..... remained quiet....

His son worked for Jagdeo and both went on the PPP Corrupt Platform..... and never said a single word to support Nadira Jagan.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dr Joey J the real leader of the PPP.

If Joey had supported his sister when she exposed the Corruption and Thiefing in the PPP a few years ago.....he could have been a Hero.


But instead at that time.....Joey & His Son ..... remained quiet....

His son worked for Jagdeo and both went on the PPP Corrupt Platform..... and never said a single word to support Nadira Jagan.


He could at least join the Alliance's platform this time.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dr Joey J the real leader of the PPP.

If Joey had supported his sister when she exposed the Corruption and Thiefing in the PPP a few years ago.....he could have been a Hero.


But instead at that time.....Joey & His Son ..... remained quiet....

His son worked for Jagdeo and both went on the PPP Corrupt Platform..... and never said a single word to support Nadira Jagan.


He could at least join the Alliance's platform this time.

Nominations Day is 10 days from now. I understand there are private proposals and negotiations by both the PPP and APNU+AFC to various individuals in a political seduction drive. It has also been reported that APNU+AFC is courting Ralph Ramkarran. In due course we shall know which personality endorses what political party. Stay tuned.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dr Joey J the real leader of the PPP.

If Joey had supported his sister when she exposed the Corruption and Thiefing in the PPP a few years ago.....he could have been a Hero.


But instead at that time.....Joey & His Son ..... remained quiet....

His son worked for Jagdeo and both went on the PPP Corrupt Platform..... and never said a single word to support Nadira Jagan.


He could at least join the Alliance's platform this time.

Seriously bro, are you courting his name (Jagan) or the contents of his mind or his persuasion of the minds of the Indoes? 

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dr Joey J the real leader of the PPP.

If Joey had supported his sister when she exposed the Corruption and Thiefing in the PPP a few years ago.....he could have been a Hero.


But instead at that time.....Joey & His Son ..... remained quiet....

His son worked for Jagdeo and both went on the PPP Corrupt Platform..... and never said a single word to support Nadira Jagan.


He could at least join the Alliance's platform this time.

Seriously bro, are you courting his name (Jagan) or the contents of his mind or his persuasion of the minds of the Indoes? 

Well that's what the Indoes want. Why do you think BGEIA was telling Cheddi that 1953 was too early for universal adult suffrage?

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dr Joey J the real leader of the PPP.

If Joey had supported his sister when she exposed the Corruption and Thiefing in the PPP a few years ago.....he could have been a Hero.


But instead at that time.....Joey & His Son ..... remained quiet....

His son worked for Jagdeo and both went on the PPP Corrupt Platform..... and never said a single word to support Nadira Jagan.


He could at least join the Alliance's platform this time.

Nominations Day is 10 days from now. I understand there are private proposals and negotiations by both the PPP and APNU+AFC to various individuals in a political seduction drive. It has also been reported that APNU+AFC is courting Ralph Ramkarran. In due course we shall know which personality endorses what political party. Stay tuned.

I need to strongly qualify my statement.


Why would Granger and Ramjattan want to include those old frigging closet thieves of the PPP(whether it is Joey Jagan or Ralph Ramkarran) THE COUNTRY HAS GREATER MEN THAN those who had a silver spoon stuck up the baxsides all their lives. This selection of old useless pricks are the works of Moses Nagamoottoo. Cronyism is written all over that Madrassie. At times, I see hope in him. Then at times I see the useless the methodology of CBJ all over him.


Please Mr. Granger, doan tek Moses NONE-SENSE.    

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dr Joey J the real leader of the PPP.

If Joey had supported his sister when she exposed the Corruption and Thiefing in the PPP a few years ago.....he could have been a Hero.


But instead at that time.....Joey & His Son ..... remained quiet....

His son worked for Jagdeo and both went on the PPP Corrupt Platform..... and never said a single word to support Nadira Jagan.


He could at least join the Alliance's platform this time.

Seriously bro, are you courting his name (Jagan) or the contents of his mind or his persuasion of the minds of the Indoes? 

Well that's what the Indoes want. Why do you think BGEIA was telling Cheddi that 1953 was too early for universal adult suffrage?

This thing about Adult Suffrage seems the way Cheddie put it in the West on Trial was his idea. But the fact is, the Creole Community of Georgetown governing class had the promise in the late 30's of the British Government  giving to the colony that right. A Commission of Inquiry heard all the petitions. The war intervened.


Only a few weeks before the last election Joey was supporting the opposition then he and Peter switch sides on Benschop internet radio.  Will there be a repeat performance.  Only time will tell.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Prashad:
Dr Joey J the real leader of the PPP.

If Joey had supported his sister when she exposed the Corruption and Thiefing in the PPP a few years ago.....he could have been a Hero.


But instead at that time.....Joey & His Son ..... remained quiet....

His son worked for Jagdeo and both went on the PPP Corrupt Platform..... and never said a single word to support Nadira Jagan.


He could at least join the Alliance's platform this time.

Nominations Day is 10 days from now. I understand there are private proposals and negotiations by both the PPP and APNU+AFC to various individuals in a political seduction drive. It has also been reported that APNU+AFC is courting Ralph Ramkarran. In due course we shall know which personality endorses what political party. Stay tuned.

I need to strongly qualify my statement.


Why would Granger and Ramjattan want to include those old frigging closet thieves of the PPP(whether it is Joey Jagan or Ralph Ramkarran) THE COUNTRY HAS GREATER MEN THAN those who had a silver spoon stuck up the baxsides all their lives. This selection of old useless pricks are the works of Moses Nagamoottoo. Cronyism is written all over that Madrassie. At times, I see hope in him. Then at times I see the useless the methodology of CBJ all over him.


Please Mr. Granger, doan tek Moses NONE-SENSE.    

Take it easy there, Siggy. We're at an age where we need to control our blood pressure. Don't let dem Guyana bai rile yuh up.

Originally Posted by Wally:

Only a few weeks before the last election Joey was supporting the opposition then he and Peter switch sides on Benschop internet radio.  Will there be a repeat performance.  Only time will tell.


Joey is one confused and useless individual. He is a disgrace to Dr. Jagan and Janet. The PNC can keep him.


I do not honestly know too much about Nadira and will not label her a nutcase as Joey. 


Joey does not drink the PPP's cool aid and he speaks his mind, not scared of anyone.  The PPP can only work with "yes" men.


Joey brings symbolic value.  I would not make him a candidate for anything; he does not have the discipline.


PPP should be ashamed that the founders children are not with them.


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