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Originally Posted by Freaky:

all other other Caribbean countries send dere picknees to FIU or NOVA in So Fla, Guyanese elites send theirs to LaGU BagU or UcLA or LAU


Bai...Guyanese send their kids to great places. While this thread is meant to burn the heart of the old timers, I hope it does the more important task of educating our people to make a good financial choice on where to spend money as they make their most important financial choice. Another great school is Hunter, CUNY. Cheap and sweet and if you commute there will be zero debt. 

Originally Posted by Freaky:

like Mullah Edul Ahmad, i am a grad of de prestigious Baruch College in NYC

so i agree some CUNY schools are great bargain

note i said some College of LaGU BaGU dont cut it

Bai Baruch is great. Meh have some family who do dem master's right dare. But shucks was not aware Ed went there. 

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:

like Mullah Edul Ahmad, i am a grad of de prestigious Baruch College in NYC

so i agree some CUNY schools are great bargain

note i said some College of LaGU BaGU dont cut it

Bai Baruch is great. Meh have some family who do dem master's right dare. But shucks was not aware Ed went there. 

Mr. Ahmad worked as a police detective in Guyana before joining a Guyanese immigration wave to New York City in the early 1980s. A private portion of his Facebook profile, accessible by more than 250 of his friends on the Web site, states that he earned degrees from Baruch College in Manhattan. However, the college has no record of him.




I thought Baruch was in Brooklyn?

Originally Posted by Freaky:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Freaky:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Freaky:

like Mullah Edul Ahmad, i am a grad of de prestigious Baruch College in NYC

so i agree some CUNY schools are great bargain

note i said some College of LaGU BaGU dont cut it

Bai Baruch is great. Meh have some family who do dem master's right dare. But shucks was not aware Ed went there. 

Mr. Ahmad worked as a police detective in Guyana before joining a Guyanese immigration wave to New York City in the early 1980s. A private portion of his Facebook profile, accessible by more than 250 of his friends on the Web site, states that he earned degrees from Baruch College in Manhattan. However, the college has no record of him.




I thought Baruch was in Brooklyn?

nah it's on Lexington Ave & 23rd St

de orignial UcLA


LOL..Ed actually has an MBA too

Originally Posted by JoKer:

Where's LaGuardia Community College on that list?


Or as I like to refer to it...LaGu Bag U

Laguardia has its role. It was the launching point of many new immigrants. I know someone doing maths at Queensboro...I gave the kid a copy of Mathematica. The guy will move on very very far. Don't diss the place because of that disgrace of a poke eating cuttahs loving sycophant.  

Originally Posted by Freaky:

crazy eddie is just continuing a fine ppp crime family inc. tradition of fake and dubious academic credentials

1. robert persaud, dubious UG degree, fake UWI mba
2. irfaan ali baba, fake UG degree and everything else that follows including his pHd studies
3. kellawan lall, russian trained ‘journalist’
4. bherri ramsarran, russian trained ‘doctor’
5. bharrat jagdeo, russian trained ‘ecunomist’
5. donald ramotar, russian trained ‘ecunomist’
6. juan edghill, magical doctorate in something
and on and on and on


Bai...I don't know about the others. The UWI executive MBA is an authentic degree. The problem is however there is a loop hole with these programs that allow semi online. Elizabeth Daly would have played a critical role there. The business school at Cave Hill is now a global leader. But they have to be careful when unscrupulous peple will use the Dalys. 


As I told TK many times, those who fail in the real world turn to teaching to compensate for their failures. But to give TK credit, he trying a thing in the real world with the AFC, even thought misguided it still is a step in the right direction. The only problem is that Guyana don't need theorists, it needs people with real world experience. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I told TK many times, those who fail in the real world turn to teaching to compensate for their failures. But to give TK credit, he trying a thing in the real world with the AFC, even thought misguided it still is a step in the right direction. The only problem is that Guyana don't need theorists, it needs people with real world experience. 



I find your train of thought particularly instructive. As a matter of fact, it helps me to understand why Guyana will always be a dankey cart economy with uneven development and ethnic conflicts. In your world street hustling, smuggling and the like are the hallmark of achievement. Teachers are losers in your world - they don't know anything so that's why they teach. The world is governed by whims and fancy of the blowing air - what I call the piss in the wind strategy in your piss in the wind world. That is why you guys fell lock stock and barrel for the most asinine development plan ever conceived - LCDS. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I told TK many times, those who fail in the real world turn to teaching to compensate for their failures. But to give TK credit, he trying a thing in the real world with the AFC, even thought misguided it still is a step in the right direction. The only problem is that Guyana don't need theorists, it needs people with real world experience. 



I find your train of thought particularly instructive. As a matter of fact, it helps me to understand why Guyana will always be a dankey cart economy with uneven development and ethnic conflicts. In your world street hustling, smuggling and the like are the hallmark of achievement. Teachers are losers in your world - they don't know anything so that's why they teach. The world is governed by whims and fancy of the blowing air - what I call the piss in the wind strategy in your piss in the wind world. That is why you guys fell lock stock and barrel for the most asinine development plan ever conceived - LCDS. 

Career professors are indeed failures. There are those who after excelling in the real world turn to teaching so as to share their valuable experience, you don't fall into this category.  The world is governed by those intellectuals that are not stuck behind a lectern pondering what might have been. Should you with your flirtations with the AFC achieve real world experience then you would have completed your intellectual journey in economics. Until then you will continue to be a theorist. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I told TK many times, those who fail in the real world turn to teaching to compensate for their failures. But to give TK credit, he trying a thing in the real world with the AFC, even thought misguided it still is a step in the right direction. The only problem is that Guyana don't need theorists, it needs people with real world experience. 



I find your train of thought particularly instructive. As a matter of fact, it helps me to understand why Guyana will always be a dankey cart economy with uneven development and ethnic conflicts. In your world street hustling, smuggling and the like are the hallmark of achievement. Teachers are losers in your world - they don't know anything so that's why they teach. The world is governed by whims and fancy of the blowing air - what I call the piss in the wind strategy in your piss in the wind world. That is why you guys fell lock stock and barrel for the most asinine development plan ever conceived - LCDS. 

Career professors are indeed failures. There are those who after excelling in the real world turn to teaching so as to share their valuable experience, you don't fall into this category.  The world is governed by those intellectuals that are not stuck behind a lectern pondering what might have been. Should you with your flirtations with the AFC achieve real world experience then you would have completed your intellectual journey in economics. Until then you will continue to be a theorist. 

BG_S not sure if i share your views.  It is these same professors who are turning out the best trained minds here in the US to run businesses and the economy.  The professors job is to teach the theoretical concepts and try to relate to the real world happenings.  It's the student duty to take it and apply to his real wold situation and become successful.  They all will do it in their own way, some better than other an some will be more successful that others.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I told TK many times, those who fail in the real world turn to teaching to compensate for their failures. But to give TK credit, he trying a thing in the real world with the AFC, even thought misguided it still is a step in the right direction. The only problem is that Guyana don't need theorists, it needs people with real world experience. 



I find your train of thought particularly instructive. As a matter of fact, it helps me to understand why Guyana will always be a dankey cart economy with uneven development and ethnic conflicts. In your world street hustling, smuggling and the like are the hallmark of achievement. Teachers are losers in your world - they don't know anything so that's why they teach. The world is governed by whims and fancy of the blowing air - what I call the piss in the wind strategy in your piss in the wind world. That is why you guys fell lock stock and barrel for the most asinine development plan ever conceived - LCDS. 

Career professors are indeed failures. There are those who after excelling in the real world turn to teaching so as to share their valuable experience, you don't fall into this category.  The world is governed by those intellectuals that are not stuck behind a lectern pondering what might have been. Should you with your flirtations with the AFC achieve real world experience then you would have completed your intellectual journey in economics. Until then you will continue to be a theorist. 

BG_S not sure if i share your views.  It is these same professors who are turning out the best trained minds here in the US to run businesses and the economy.  The professors job is to teach the theoretical concepts and try to relate to the real world happenings.  It's the student duty to take it and apply to his real wold situation and become successful.  They all will do it in their own way, some better than other an some will be more successful that others.


They teach the theory but the best minds take it a step further and put that theory into practice.  

Originally Posted by baseman:

The professors job is to teach the theoretical concepts and try to relate to the real world happenings.



However, there are those who maintain their outstanding theoretical approaches, those who have gained the profound transferable practical experience to make apt suggestions and then ... there are those who wildly step into the world to babble nonsense.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The professors job is to teach the theoretical concepts and try to relate to the real world happenings.



However, there are those who maintain their outstanding theoretical approaches, those who have gained the profound transferable practical experience to make apt suggestions and then ... there are those who wildly step into the world to babble nonsense.


There you are trying to sound smart but only jumbled crap is the outcome. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I told TK many times, those who fail in the real world turn to teaching to compensate for their failures. But to give TK credit, he trying a thing in the real world with the AFC, even thought misguided it still is a step in the right direction. The only problem is that Guyana don't need theorists, it needs people with real world experience. 



I find your train of thought particularly instructive. As a matter of fact, it helps me to understand why Guyana will always be a dankey cart economy with uneven development and ethnic conflicts. In your world street hustling, smuggling and the like are the hallmark of achievement. Teachers are losers in your world - they don't know anything so that's why they teach. The world is governed by whims and fancy of the blowing air - what I call the piss in the wind strategy in your piss in the wind world. That is why you guys fell lock stock and barrel for the most asinine development plan ever conceived - LCDS. 

Career professors are indeed failures. There are those who after excelling in the real world turn to teaching so as to share their valuable experience, you don't fall into this category.  The world is governed by those intellectuals that are not stuck behind a lectern pondering what might have been. Should you with your flirtations with the AFC achieve real world experience then you would have completed your intellectual journey in economics. Until then you will continue to be a theorist. 



You have it completely reversed thus your displayed ignorance. It is much more likely for a prof to start a business than for a business owner/CEO to become a prof. Being a CEO don't mean you can generate original publications + teach. As a matter of fact, I know guys who could not get tenure-track academic jobs and went private sector to make more money...but they would leave in a jiffy to enter academia if the chance arrives. And when profs are denied tenure they move into private sector, then they always make more money. Unless you are the head of the division someone will write your conclusion for you...but hey the money is good...that's not my personality...what I write is determined by the science...that's why I love my world...the freedom is wonderful...but you will never experience it.  

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The professors job is to teach the theoretical concepts and try to relate to the real world happenings.



However, there are those who maintain their outstanding theoretical approaches, those who have gained the profound transferable practical experience to make apt suggestions and then ... there are those who wildly step into the world to babble nonsense.

There you are trying to sound smart but only jumbled crap is the outcome. 

Continue babbling your nonsense.  

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The professors job is to teach the theoretical concepts and try to relate to the real world happenings.



However, there are those who maintain their outstanding theoretical approaches, those who have gained the profound transferable practical experience to make apt suggestions and then ... there are those who wildly step into the world to babble nonsense.

There you are trying to sound smart but only jumbled crap is the outcome. 

Continue babbling your nonsense.  

Not babbling...just showing the world how much of a joker you are. I will keep updating this thread when Princeton, Forbes, US News, etc, bring out theirs...and I will post legitimate links. 


        De-ole_Guy          Godie_Walla 


Dem_Guy forget to say he was de Senior Engineer for the Failed Burnham Hydro Project.


Big_Seed forget to tell us how eee was sucessful in use de walla as a sack fuh smuggleing.



TK these fellas only exposing demselves....leave class


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

As I told TK many times, those who fail in the real world turn to teaching to compensate for their failures. But to give TK credit, he trying a thing in the real world with the AFC, even thought misguided it still is a step in the right direction. The only problem is that Guyana don't need theorists, it needs people with real world experience. 



I find your train of thought particularly instructive. As a matter of fact, it helps me to understand why Guyana will always be a dankey cart economy with uneven development and ethnic conflicts. In your world street hustling, smuggling and the like are the hallmark of achievement. Teachers are losers in your world - they don't know anything so that's why they teach. The world is governed by whims and fancy of the blowing air - what I call the piss in the wind strategy in your piss in the wind world. That is why you guys fell lock stock and barrel for the most asinine development plan ever conceived - LCDS. 

Career professors are indeed failures. There are those who after excelling in the real world turn to teaching so as to share their valuable experience, you don't fall into this category.  The world is governed by those intellectuals that are not stuck behind a lectern pondering what might have been. Should you with your flirtations with the AFC achieve real world experience then you would have completed your intellectual journey in economics. Until then you will continue to be a theorist. 

BG_S not sure if i share your views.  It is these same professors who are turning out the best trained minds here in the US to run businesses and the economy.  The professors job is to teach the theoretical concepts and try to relate to the real world happenings.  It's the student duty to take it and apply to his real wold situation and become successful.  They all will do it in their own way, some better than other an some will be more successful that others.


They teach the theory but the best minds take it a step further and put that theory into practice.  

Being a professor is a profession in itself and the most you can expect it for them to open the minds of the students.  Many students take it and apply it and become very successful.  The professor who groomed that student is then successful in his own right.


BG_S, professor/teacher is a very demanding job and there are all types.  I don't think it's fair to label the profession as "losers".

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by cain:

Feel free to call him Goadieman, go ahead it does feel real good. Baseman distancing eee self from Godieman.

Nah, I distance myself from issues, not people.  I don't agree with his position here.  I know TK but we disagree on things and we agree on others.  Baseman is a man of issues, not personality.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The professors job is to teach the theoretical concepts and try to relate to the real world happenings.



However, there are those who maintain their outstanding theoretical approaches, those who have gained the profound transferable practical experience to make apt suggestions and then ... there are those who wildly step into the world to babble nonsense.

There you are trying to sound smart but only jumbled crap is the outcome. 

Continue babbling your nonsense.  

Not babbling...just showing the world how much of a joker you are. I will keep updating this thread when Princeton, Forbes, US News, etc, bring out theirs...and I will post legitimate links. 

Continue to manifest your profound ways of being the joker.


Your research would not change the fact on the ranking and remuneration at the universities in the US-of-A.

Originally Posted by TK:



You have it completely reversed thus your displayed ignorance. It is much more likely for a prof to start a business than for a business owner/CEO to become a prof. Being a CEO don't mean you can generate original publications + teach. As a matter of fact, I know guys who could not get tenure-track academic jobs and went private sector to make more money...but they would leave in a jiffy to enter academia if the chance arrives. And when profs are denied tenure they move into private sector, then they always make more money. Unless you are the head of the division someone will write your conclusion for you...but hey the money is good...that's not my personality...what I write is determined by the science...that's why I love my world...the freedom is wonderful...but you will never experience it.  

You have it all wrong, those who leave academia to work in private industry are the bright ones looking for fulfillment out of the classroom. You don't fit into this category, at least not yet.

Three Reasons Why College Professors Leave Academia to Work in the Private Sector

Bright people can make more money in the private sector (i.e., in corporate America) than they can on the college campus, so it is no wonder that many college professors leave academia. But there are more complex reasons for scholars' decision to leave academia. Here are the top three reasons.

Reason one: to feel more significant. Many college professors leave academia to work in the private sector so they will feel like they are making a difference in the real world. Although teaching students can be satisfying, it lacks the practicality of solving real-world problems in corporate America. While typical professors spend their working hours discussing real-world issues in an abstract way,their private-sector counterparts encounter real, concrete problems that truly need to be solved. There is a sense among many professors thatmerely talking about problems is less satisfying than actually solving problems that matter to people. So, in addition to the ability to make more money, working in the private sector provides a chance to make a difference for many such professors.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:



You have it completely reversed thus your displayed ignorance. It is much more likely for a prof to start a business than for a business owner/CEO to become a prof. Being a CEO don't mean you can generate original publications + teach. As a matter of fact, I know guys who could not get tenure-track academic jobs and went private sector to make more money...but they would leave in a jiffy to enter academia if the chance arrives. And when profs are denied tenure they move into private sector, then they always make more money. Unless you are the head of the division someone will write your conclusion for you...but hey the money is good...that's not my personality...what I write is determined by the science...that's why I love my world...the freedom is wonderful...but you will never experience it.  

You have it all wrong, those who leave academia to work in private industry are the bright ones looking for fulfillment out of the classroom. You don't fit into this category, at least not yet.

Three Reasons Why College Professors Leave Academia to Work in the Private Sector

Bright people can make more money in the private sector (i.e., in corporate America) than they can on the college campus, so it is no wonder that many college professors leave academia. But there are more complex reasons for scholars' decision to leave academia. Here are the top three reasons.

Reason one: to feel more significant. Many college professors leave academia to work in the private sector so they will feel like they are making a difference in the real world. Although teaching students can be satisfying, it lacks the practicality of solving real-world problems in corporate America. While typical professors spend their working hours discussing real-world issues in an abstract way,their private-sector counterparts encounter real, concrete problems that truly need to be solved. There is a sense among many professors thatmerely talking about problems is less satisfying than actually solving problems that matter to people. So, in addition to the ability to make more money, working in the private sector provides a chance to make a difference for many such professors.

It' a really tough call.  If they mandate professors to have real-world experience out of Corporate, the salaries would have to go up significantly.  The other option is to offer to retired execs and many of the successful just wasn't to retire quietly and do other non-committal things with their lives.


The thinking process of problem-solving could the taught, but you can never teach every real world situation.  This is what will differential people and the professor is hardly to blame.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:



You have it completely reversed thus your displayed ignorance. It is much more likely for a prof to start a business than for a business owner/CEO to become a prof. Being a CEO don't mean you can generate original publications + teach. As a matter of fact, I know guys who could not get tenure-track academic jobs and went private sector to make more money...but they would leave in a jiffy to enter academia if the chance arrives. And when profs are denied tenure they move into private sector, then they always make more money. Unless you are the head of the division someone will write your conclusion for you...but hey the money is good...that's not my personality...what I write is determined by the science...that's why I love my world...the freedom is wonderful...but you will never experience it.  

You have it all wrong, those who leave academia to work in private industry are the bright ones looking for fulfillment out of the classroom. You don't fit into this category, at least not yet.

Three Reasons Why College Professors Leave Academia to Work in the Private Sector

Bright people can make more money in the private sector (i.e., in corporate America) than they can on the college campus, so it is no wonder that many college professors leave academia. But there are more complex reasons for scholars' decision to leave academia. Here are the top three reasons.

Reason one: to feel more significant. Many college professors leave academia to work in the private sector so they will feel like they are making a difference in the real world. Although teaching students can be satisfying, it lacks the practicality of solving real-world problems in corporate America. While typical professors spend their working hours discussing real-world issues in an abstract way,their private-sector counterparts encounter real, concrete problems that truly need to be solved. There is a sense among many professors thatmerely talking about problems is less satisfying than actually solving problems that matter to people. So, in addition to the ability to make more money, working in the private sector provides a chance to make a difference for many such professors.



I keep telling you jokers mining Google search will not help fill obvious deficiencies. But again I find your train of thought instructive. I get insights into why Guyana will remain a dankey cart economy with ethnic conflicts and uneven development. The article was most likely written by someone was denied tenure or someone who tried the academic market but could not get in. Profs make real life contributions all is sad the Jadgeoites can't see that; hence they allowed UG to pine away. Instead of focusing on the science for enhancing Guyana's obvious potentials, your boys focus on wine down entertainment, copyright infringements, brothels, gambling, LCDS nonsense, and turned a blind eye on smuggling. That is what you guys mean by real world. Smugglers and hustlers have reached the pinnacle of PPP's enlightenment culture. 


1. Profs sit on boards.

2. Profs consult with businesses and government on a daily basis - whether it is science, business, finance or foreign policy. Perhaps the writer could not get consulting gigs.

3. Profs develop the basic research which firms have to commercialize. And when they need to commercialize they have to turn to the kids profs train to do that.

4. Profs are on TV all day giving opinions and commentary - law, econ, finance, business. Check out Bloomberg, CNBC, etc.

5. Profs develop the theoretical framework which govt and business will use - theory is reality and reality is only explained by theory. 

6. Many profs form businesses. But CEOs can't be profs that easily. The publication barrier is too high. 

7. Profs help CEOs to develop scientific and other papers - see recent paper published by Google's Brin - coauthored with a prof. 

8. Profs are there in civil society to expose elected oligarchy, exploitation of the poor and the powerlessness and be a thorn in your boys sides. 

9. When companies want to go public and grow - especially science ones - they have to turn to profs and their students. See Microsoft, Google, Facebook, etc. 




Originally Posted by cain:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by cain:

Feel free to call him Goadieman, go ahead it does feel real good.




Big Goady Seed

You guys need to be more respectful.

I do respect decent human beings, not scumbags who's aim is to discredit anyone on the side of fairness.

Purely subjective, you disagree with my views and use this as an excuse to show personal disrespect, attacking the poster instead of refuting the post. Should I sink to your level and make up a derogatory name for you when I disagree with your many incoherent ramblings?  

Originally Posted by TK:



I keep telling you jokers mining Google search will not help fill obvious deficiencies. But again I find your train of thought instructive. I get insights into why Guyana will remain a dankey cart economy with ethnic conflicts and uneven development. The article was most likely written by someone was denied tenure or someone who tried the academic market but could not get in. Profs make real life contributions all is sad the Jadgeoites can't see that; hence they allowed UG to pine away. Instead of focusing on the science for enhancing Guyana's obvious potentials, your boys focus on wine down entertainment, copyright infringements, brothels, gambling, LCDS nonsense, and turned a blind eye on smuggling. That is what you guys mean by real world. Smugglers and hustlers have reached the pinnacle of PPP's enlightenment culture. 


1. Profs sit on boards.

2. Profs consult with businesses and government on a daily basis - whether it is science, business, finance or foreign policy. Perhaps the writer could not get consulting gigs.

3. Profs develop the basic research which firms have to commercialize. And when they need to commercialize they have to turn to the kids profs train to do that.

4. Profs are on TV all day giving opinions and commentary - law, econ, finance, business. Check out Bloomberg, CNBC, etc.

5. Profs develop the theoretical framework which govt and business will use - theory is reality and reality is only explained by theory. 

6. Many profs form businesses. But CEOs can't be profs that easily. The publication barrier is too high. 

7. Profs help CEOs to develop scientific and other papers - see recent paper published by Google's Brin - coauthored with a prof. 

8. Profs are there in civil society to expose elected oligarchy, exploitation of the poor and the powerlessness and be a thorn in your boys sides. 

9. When companies want to go public and grow - especially science ones - they have to turn to profs and their students. See Microsoft, Google, Facebook, etc. 




I don't mean to diminish your worth as an academic, however where I object is this notion that somehow because you are a professor, you know what is good for the rest of us. You will note that govt rarely seeks out the advice of your kind other than as a second opinion. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by TK:



I keep telling you jokers mining Google search will not help fill obvious deficiencies. But again I find your train of thought instructive. I get insights into why Guyana will remain a dankey cart economy with ethnic conflicts and uneven development. The article was most likely written by someone was denied tenure or someone who tried the academic market but could not get in. Profs make real life contributions all is sad the Jadgeoites can't see that; hence they allowed UG to pine away. Instead of focusing on the science for enhancing Guyana's obvious potentials, your boys focus on wine down entertainment, copyright infringements, brothels, gambling, LCDS nonsense, and turned a blind eye on smuggling. That is what you guys mean by real world. Smugglers and hustlers have reached the pinnacle of PPP's enlightenment culture. 


1. Profs sit on boards.

2. Profs consult with businesses and government on a daily basis - whether it is science, business, finance or foreign policy. Perhaps the writer could not get consulting gigs.

3. Profs develop the basic research which firms have to commercialize. And when they need to commercialize they have to turn to the kids profs train to do that.

4. Profs are on TV all day giving opinions and commentary - law, econ, finance, business. Check out Bloomberg, CNBC, etc.

5. Profs develop the theoretical framework which govt and business will use - theory is reality and reality is only explained by theory. 

6. Many profs form businesses. But CEOs can't be profs that easily. The publication barrier is too high. 

7. Profs help CEOs to develop scientific and other papers - see recent paper published by Google's Brin - coauthored with a prof. 

8. Profs are there in civil society to expose elected oligarchy, exploitation of the poor and the powerlessness and be a thorn in your boys sides. 

9. When companies want to go public and grow - especially science ones - they have to turn to profs and their students. See Microsoft, Google, Facebook, etc. 




I don't mean to diminish your worth as an academic, however where I object is this notion that somehow because you are a professor, you know what is good for the rest of us. You will note that govt rarely seeks out the advice of your kind other than as a second opinion. 


I have never claimed to know what is good for the rest of the people. All we do is ventilate ideas. 

Originally Posted by TK:


 Another great school is Hunter, CUNY. Cheap and sweet and if you commute there will be zero debt. 

Depends on how much you want to spend.  I don't know how much Hunter can compete with other colleges but of course it depends on the child and the parent and their goals 


We always aim for our children to go to better universities than us, both my girls are aiming for Ivy League though they are still young. 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TK:


 Another great school is Hunter, CUNY. Cheap and sweet and if you commute there will be zero debt. 

Depends on how much you want to spend.  I don't know how much Hunter can compete with other colleges but of course it depends on the child and the parent and their goals 


We always aim for our children to go to better universities than us, both my girls are aiming for Ivy League though they are still young. 

for those in the know, Hunter is a hidden gem as far as value-for-money is concerned

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TK:


 Another great school is Hunter, CUNY. Cheap and sweet and if you commute there will be zero debt. 

Depends on how much you want to spend.  I don't know how much Hunter can compete with other colleges but of course it depends on the child and the parent and their goals 


We always aim for our children to go to better universities than us, both my girls are aiming for Ivy League though they are still young. 

for those in the know, Hunter is a hidden gem as far as value-for-money is concerned


That's where i want my boy to go...Perhaps City College. The man don't ever want to be in a class I will teach . For PhD he will then go to the best school in his field. That may or may not be an Ivy


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