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Originally posted by lynn:
Originally posted by asj:
Certain music links are having problems; expected to be fixed later:


asj u got #34!!

nice tune...didnt know Mumtaz is in this movie!!!

Lynnie, I like that name, it was easy remind me in PM and let you know.
That is one of Saeed Bhai's Fave.

Originally posted by asj:

nice tune...didnt know Mumtaz is in this movie!!!

Lynnie, I like that name, it was easy remind me in PM and let you know.
That is one of Saeed Bhai's Fave.

i didnt recognise it by name b4..i just listened to song and realised i know it...hmmm..

Last edited {1}
Originally posted by Saeed:
ASJ Bhai .... I noticed that my recent work has more than the usual level of typos and errors Frown I don't suppose I can be given the right to edit this thread; be wonderful if I could. Please ask the Big Kahuna. Big Grin

Saeed, the reason it might seems a lot, is that the workload has increased tenfold Big Grin Make a note of all the typos and changes with the song#; send me a pm or em, and I will have the honor to edit: maybe some has already been changed, as if I noticed a small error, I will go ahead and edit, not worry to point out to you.

Originally posted by asj:
Saeed, the reason it might seems a lot, is that the workload has increased tenfold Big Grin Make a note of all the typos and changes with the song#; send me a pm or em, and I will have the honor to edit: maybe some has already been changed, as if I noticed a small error, I will go ahead and edit, not worry to point out to you.

. bhaiya too nice to usaeed..if wuz me..i would put some good lick pun yuh....hehehe Wink

u 2 lucky man!!! lol Wink
Originally posted by Riya:
Originally posted by asj:


I know this was a sad song, but after reading the meaning, it made me sad!

Ri, that is what Mukesh is all about Sadness,
Feelings, Heart wrenching Emotions and Griefs, sometimes we do take solace in having the pleasure of listening to such an artiste now and again just for the sake of stirring up the human emotions within.

The singer that came the closest to imitate Mukesh was Babla Mehta:

No, this is a different Babla from Babla and Kanchan fame:

Some says that our own Davendra Pooran was closest, also there was other singers from GY long ago, singers like Gobin Ram, Mohan Nandu, Balkarran Boys, Kumar but my opinion is that Babla Mehta take the cake:

Next we will listen to some renditions of Babla Mehta imitating The Great Muka:

Stay tuned:


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