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Django posted:
alena06 posted:

"The PSA signed by Trotman also ensures that Guyana stands the cost of even the interest added to loans taken by ExxonMobil for the purpose of the operation."

With the constant decline of the Guyana dollar and the uncertainty in the fluctuations in interest rates who knows how much they will end up paying.  And what other costs are there that we have not heard about??

Suh the G$$ will decline when the black gold flows??

There wouldn't have been any bitching,if the PPP were in control,nah suh.

I don’t think it will decline if USD flows into the treasury. Appreciation might be seen but slow as the currency has been debased to these levels. 

The GOG might want to consider a new currency, reverse split say 20/1 to reduce the Huge piles of cash one needs to cart around.  But this is just window dressing!

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

While the $460M covers cost from 1999 to 2015, was it agreed upon in the 1999 agreement that Guyana would be responsible for that cost sharing or was it agreed to in 2016 when the agreement was revised?

It normal to add this now, that oil is discovered. We can expect year to year variations of capital expenditures. 

I am still hoping to learn if it was agreed upon in the 1999 agreement or if it was added to the 2016 agreement for the first time. I don't feel like reading either the 1999 or 2016 agreements now.

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

While the $460M covers cost from 1999 to 2015, was it agreed upon in the 1999 agreement that Guyana would be responsible for that cost sharing or was it agreed to in 2016 when the agreement was revised?

It normal to add this now, that oil is discovered. We can expect year to year variations of capital expenditures. 

I am still hoping to learn if it was agreed upon in the 1999 agreement or if it was added to the 2016 agreement for the first time. I don't feel like reading either the 1999 or 2016 agreements now.

I really don't know. But the KN article is insinuating that it is being added now.  

Annex C of the contract speaks to Cost Recovery. The list of items to be included in this aspect is vast.

One of the many expenses that Guyana will have to stand is what is referred to as β€œpre-contract cost.” The pre-contract cost is referred to in the contract as the β€œcost incurred by contractor with petroleum cooperation carried out pursuant to the 1999 Petroleum Agreement.”

Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:
ksazma posted:

While the $460M covers cost from 1999 to 2015, was it agreed upon in the 1999 agreement that Guyana would be responsible for that cost sharing or was it agreed to in 2016 when the agreement was revised?

It normal to add this now, that oil is discovered. We can expect year to year variations of capital expenditures. 

I am still hoping to learn if it was agreed upon in the 1999 agreement or if it was added to the 2016 agreement for the first time. I don't feel like reading either the 1999 or 2016 agreements now.

I really don't know. But the KN article is insinuating that it is being added now.  

Annex C of the contract speaks to Cost Recovery. The list of items to be included in this aspect is vast.

One of the many expenses that Guyana will have to stand is what is referred to as β€œpre-contract cost.” The pre-contract cost is referred to in the contract as the β€œcost incurred by contractor with petroleum cooperation carried out pursuant to the 1999 Petroleum Agreement.”

Maybe we will get some further clarification tomorrow. Things always become clearer when the sun comes up. 


True, everyone getting hyper and carried away.  Let’s hear what the opposition have to say.  They entered into the original exploration contract with Exxon.  They must have a perspective and solid understanding if what’s playing out now was the spirit of the agreement.  

In anycase, I would advise the GOG to engage an expert audit firm to begin to vet what Exxon is charging to the agreement.  Exxon will apply very liberal interpretations that suits their interests.   Guyana needs to have their facts and challenge and push back. This is standard in any such contracts!

Baseman posted:

True, everyone getting hyper and carried away.  Let’s hear what the opposition have to say.  They entered into the original exploration contract with Exxon.  They must have a perspective and solid understanding if what’s playing out now was the spirit of the agreement.  

In anycase, I would advise the GOG to engage an expert audit firm to begin to vet what Exxon is charging to the agreement.  Exxon will apply very liberal interpretations that suits their interests.   Guyana needs to have their facts and challenge and push back. This is standard in any such contracts!

we see the ppp is silent 

warrior posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The number of people moving to New York these days Flatbush and Richmond Hill will be declared GuyZones before any benefits from oil is realized. Guyanese waiting for a big pay day from Exxon will be sorely disappointed.

that is your wish u will be disappointed do not curse a blessing 

lots ah dem wish bad pon Guyana

warrior posted:
Nehru posted:

Riff, what happen you cannot deal with DACTS. Everything the PNC touches including your KSI turns to FILTH!!! I am surprise you do not know this, so getting Billions from Oil will only turn to FILTH!!!

you already stinking up the place so one more filth will not make too much difference 

Yeah Warria, get off the board.


The FACT though is that Guyanese are /were better off under a PPP Govt. The FACTS are clear. Is any of the two Parties perfect or did all they can possible do for the Guyanese people? NO but I will ALWAYS pick the better of the two. THe EVIL and INCOMPETENT PNC VS THE CARING AND DEMOCRATIC PPP. BALLOT BOX THIEVES ARE NOT LEADERS!!1


Exactly how were they better?

Seems people were complaining of the same things that they are complaining about now...

and don't tell me about sugar etc...the effort of move away from sugar started a while back...

I agree that there wasn't a plan in place to figure out what will happen to the sugar workers when they became jobless...


Nehru posted:

The Economy was doing better, more resources were given to the Citizens instead of the top Govt officials, the mood and confidence of Businesses and workers were high, more were employed, Bonuses were receives by Sugar workers, Security Services and the Civil Service.

I can't verify what you said....

SO, why did the PPP lose?


They LOST because a Namakaram Crabdaag promised some a better life, a Democratic, Transparent and humane Govt. Now the people know that they were duped they are not just angry and disgusted but have only Curses and condemnation for the Govt!!

Also, the PPP was lackadaisical, too confident and some Govt officials were acting like Drunk Canecutters. In addition, the British and US Govt as usual did their thing.

Riff posted:
warrior posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The number of people moving to New York these days Flatbush and Richmond Hill will be declared GuyZones before any benefits from oil is realized. Guyanese waiting for a big pay day from Exxon will be sorely disappointed.

that is your wish u will be disappointed do not curse a blessing 

lots ah dem wish bad pon Guyana

Worst wish was the wish for change. You have it and can't deal with it.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
Riff posted:
warrior posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

The number of people moving to New York these days Flatbush and Richmond Hill will be declared GuyZones before any benefits from oil is realized. Guyanese waiting for a big pay day from Exxon will be sorely disappointed.

that is your wish u will be disappointed do not curse a blessing 

lots ah dem wish bad pon Guyana

Worst wish was the wish for change. You have it and can't deal with it.

I never wish bad pon Guyana like some of you...does not matter who in power

Riff posted:
Nehru posted:

The Economy was doing better, more resources were given to the Citizens instead of the top Govt officials, the mood and confidence of Businesses and workers were high, more were employed, Bonuses were receives by Sugar workers, Security Services and the Civil Service.

I can't verify what you said....

SO, why did the PPP lose?

The election was rigged by the ABC countries to have a puppet to control. Why was there not a recount when requested?To make it worst Moses and Rumjaat joined the PNC, sell out the AFC, They are no longer AFC members, what have they done lately for the AFC, NOTHING.

kp posted:
Riff posted:
Nehru posted:

The Economy was doing better, more resources were given to the Citizens instead of the top Govt officials, the mood and confidence of Businesses and workers were high, more were employed, Bonuses were receives by Sugar workers, Security Services and the Civil Service.

I can't verify what you said....

SO, why did the PPP lose?

The election was rigged by the ABC countries to have a puppet to control. Why was there not a recount when requested?To make it worst Moses and Rumjaat joined the PNC, sell out the AFC, They are no longer AFC members, what have they done lately for the AFC, NOTHING.

So why alyuh wasting time with the current PPP posey.  Clearly leadership was an issue. 

Riff posted:

Well...if you say the ABC don't want PPP in power, then might as well forget ever being in power

forget about who crossover...that's been happening a long time...Nehru said things were sweet under PPP, if it was so sweet, then they should have won going away


Jagdeo did not listened and followed what the US wanted, he was more independent, The Carter Foundation is more of an arm of the CIA, His purpose was to oversee a fair and free election, but he cut and run before the votes were counted, he was anticipating civil unrest and violence , he knew the rigging machinery was set in place.

 In 2020, should the coalition dissolve, because of greed, well the result can be a free for all election. America already stole what they need, Exxon Mobil control of Guyana Oil, and the setting up of Offices/bases on Guyana's soil.

Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Riff posted:
Nehru posted:

The Economy was doing better, more resources were given to the Citizens instead of the top Govt officials, the mood and confidence of Businesses and workers were high, more were employed, Bonuses were receives by Sugar workers, Security Services and the Civil Service.

I can't verify what you said....

SO, why did the PPP lose?

The election was rigged by the ABC countries to have a puppet to control. Why was there not a recount when requested?To make it worst Moses and Rumjaat joined the PNC, sell out the AFC, They are no longer AFC members, what have they done lately for the AFC, NOTHING.

So why alyuh wasting time with the current PPP posey.  Clearly leadership was an issue. 

Guyana too small for a viable Third Party, at the races you have two horses, PPP and PNC, so place your bet, your chances of picking a winner is good, 50/50 one or the other will win.,It will be like that for the next 20 years.

 As PPP supporters,we have two and half years to bring changes, they do listen to the diaspora , and reps from NA do give big donations, thus want to be heard.

 Jagdeo will not run 2020, but paving the way for a qualified successor.

kp posted:
Riff posted:

Well...if you say the ABC don't want PPP in power, then might as well forget ever being in power

forget about who crossover...that's been happening a long time...Nehru said things were sweet under PPP, if it was so sweet, then they should have won going away


Jagdeo did not listened and followed what the US wanted, he was more independent, The Carter Foundation is more of an arm of the CIA, His purpose was to oversee a fair and free election, but he cut and run before the votes were counted, he was anticipating civil unrest and violence , he knew the rigging machinery was set in place.

 In 2020, should the coalition dissolve, because of greed, well the result can be a free for all election. America already stole what they need, Exxon Mobil control of Guyana Oil, and the setting up of Offices/bases on Guyana's soil.

Reading this, the Jagan philosophy still deh round.  Alyuh gon sit on the back bench for a while, just good.  

America will never let at anti US group preside over an oil rich Guyana.  Guyana needs a totally re-educated group to run the PPP, it needs a β€œChicago boys” scenario like they had in Chile.  Purge all those anti-American nitwits and move on.  They are not serving the people well and in the best interest!

Dont know why alyuh nah bin run to Cuba when Burnham kick your asses!

kp posted:
Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Riff posted:
Nehru posted:

The Economy was doing better, more resources were given to the Citizens instead of the top Govt officials, the mood and confidence of Businesses and workers were high, more were employed, Bonuses were receives by Sugar workers, Security Services and the Civil Service.

I can't verify what you said....

SO, why did the PPP lose?

The election was rigged by the ABC countries to have a puppet to control. Why was there not a recount when requested?To make it worst Moses and Rumjaat joined the PNC, sell out the AFC, They are no longer AFC members, what have they done lately for the AFC, NOTHING.

So why alyuh wasting time with the current PPP posey.  Clearly leadership was an issue. 

Guyana too small for a viable Third Party, at the races you have two horses, PPP and PNC, so place your bet, your chances of picking a winner is good, 50/50 one or the other will win.,It will be like that for the next 20 years.

 As PPP supporters,we have two and half years to bring changes, they do listen to the diaspora , and reps from NA do give big donations, thus want to be heard.

 Jagdeo will not run 2020, but paving the way for a qualified successor.

BS.  If that mysterious β€œqualified successor” want to stand a chance, he needs to start pounding the pavement and pressufledh yesterday. Other than that he will just be viewed as a BJ lackey and get no respect from the international community.

The diaspora don’t run Guyana, they are of very limited value except some funds.  Beyond that, the people of Guyana will decide. And BTW, it was a third party which did your PPP in.  And they will do it again if you don’t watch out!

Last edited by Former Member

Complaining is a natural human reaction. Even people who have more than they need complain that they don’t have enough. The Coalition use that element to trick Guyanese into falling into the current cesspool. 

Back to the original topic. When was it explicitly agreed upon that Guyana will be responsible for this $460M?


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