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‘Fine Man’ accomplice walks free from 33 murders

February 20, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 

…DPP defends action as lawful practice

… Nigel Hughes wants explanation   

Director of Public Prosecutions (PPP), Shalimar Ali-Hack and Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes, continue to trade barbs over the withdrawal of charges against a man who confessed to being an accomplice of Rondell ‘Fineman’ Rawlins during a murderous crime spree which claimed the lives of 33 persons, namely those killed at Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek.

Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes

Attorney-at-Law, Nigel Hughes

Hack this past week, confirmed that the DPP Chambers did not enter into any formal plea bargaining agreement with the man who had the charges against him dropped 10 days before the trial and instead was used as a prosecution witness.
Hughes during an Alliance for Change (AFC) press conference yesterday said that it is for the public to judge the statements made by the DPP.
Hack, on Tuesday, in a missive to the media, stated that “based on the facts from the investigations, Dwane Williams was an accomplice…It is an old common law practice to allow an accomplice to an offence to testify for the prosecution…It has always been done in the criminal law practice, and continues to be done…It is a lawful practice with which all criminal law practitioners are quite familiar.
Hughes yesterday reminded that 10 days before Williams’s trial, the charges were dropped by the DPP with no reasons being proffered.
He said that at least with a Plea Bargaining Agreement, Williams would have received a reduced sentence for some other offence committed.
In his testimony during the trial, Williams told the court, “Me and Fine Man were tight…I was with him in Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek.”
Eleven persons were massacred in Lusignan, including children, another 12 were slaughtered in Bartica and another 10 met the same fate at Lindo Creek. The bodies from the Lindo Creek massacre were burnt.
In the court testimony, Williams conceded that 33 persons were killed, “when I was with Fine Man and I am not facing a single charge.”
He told the court that while he had no special role in the gang that committed the murders, he did accompany Fine Man and the gang as they went out on their rampage.

DPP, Shalimar Hack

DPP, Shalimar Hack

The public verbal back forth between Hughes and the DPP was sparked by a response he made to the People’s Progressive Party and the Guyana Chronicle regarding relating the issue of his “relationship with the Foreman of the jury in the Lusignan murder trial.”
Hughes took note of the fact that the ruling party made particular appeal to the victims of the Lusignan massacre, contending that he was responsible for the release and discharge of those persons who were responsible for the mass murders.
According to Hughes, “the people of Lusignan and Guyana appear not to have been made aware that the person who admitted and confessed to being with Fine Man and participating in the Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek massacres, Mr. Dwane Wiliams, was not and will not be prosecuted by the State for any of these 33 murders he participated in.”
Hughes contended that he was granted a free pass by the State for killing not only the people of Lusiganan but those in Bartica and Lindo Creek.
According to Hughes, the young man was the State’s sole eye witness who was jointly charged for the Lusignan murders but a mere week before the commencement of the trial the charges of murder against him, were mysteriously dropped by the State and he was released.
“Perhaps the people of Lusignan may wish to inquire of the Attorney General (Anil Nandlall) and the DPP (Shalimar Hack), why the State, which is responsible for protecting and serving them, would let a self confessed murderer of 33 citizens go free without a single charge…No other person in the history of this country has enjoyed such a pardon.”

Rondell ‘Fineman’Rawlins

Rondell ‘Fineman’Rawlins

The DPP in her response to Hughes, pointed to the original charge, but did not give a specific reason as to why those charges were dropped.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Good effort by Hughes, who repeated form 2 at saints, to deflect the focus from his own wicked actions.  But the damage has been done and the people don't trust him, it will especially be important when he is installed as leader of the AFC and cockeye is sent to the political graveyard like soapboy. 


AFC has a leadership crisis.


Guyanese vote on trust and they have a mistrust of the PNC. The leadership of the AFC is also now mistrusted.


The AFC is finished.


They will holler and make some noise but their credibility is down the drain.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Good effort by Hughes, who repeated form 2 at saints, to deflect the focus from his own wicked actions.  But the damage has been done and the people don't trust him, it will especially be important when he is installed as leader of the AFC and cockeye is sent to the political graveyard like soapboy. 

This is slander.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has a leadership crisis.


Guyanese vote on trust and they have a mistrust of the PNC. The leadership of the AFC is also now mistrusted.


The AFC is finished.


They will holler and make some noise but their credibility is down the drain.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Good effort by Hughes, who repeated form 2 at saints, to deflect the focus from his own wicked actions.  But the damage has been done and the people don't trust him, it will especially be important when he is installed as leader of the AFC and cockeye is sent to the political graveyard like soapboy. 

Nigel is all washed up and irrelavant. Give him time and some rope and he will hang himself.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Good effort by Hughes, who repeated form 2 at saints, to deflect the focus from his own wicked actions.  But the damage has been done and the people don't trust him, it will especially be important when he is installed as leader of the AFC and cockeye is sent to the political graveyard like soapboy. 

Nigel is all washed up and irrelavant. Give him time and some rope and he will hang himself.


Very true.


Originally Posted by Stinger:
God I hate dis lady Shalimar, take that silly headgear off ur in GY not Saudi Arabia

I pray that one day that you or your siblings can walk in her footsteps.


Silly headgear??? Bro check yourself you are slowly skidding into a bottomless pit, I pray that you take stock and watch what is coming  out of your mouth. Do not bring the wrath of God upon yourself. 

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
God I hate dis lady Shalimar, take that silly headgear off ur in GY not Saudi Arabia

I pray that one day that you or your siblings can walk in her footsteps.


Silly headgear??? Bro check yourself you are slowly skidding into a bottomless pit, I pray that you take stock and watch what is coming  out of your mouth. Do not bring the wrath of God upon yourself. 


I'm not afraid of your pagan moon good allah bai. Figures that only a desert tribal god would be upset over some rag on a woman's head

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
God I hate dis lady Shalimar, take that silly headgear off ur in GY not Saudi Arabia

I pray that one day that you or your siblings can walk in her footsteps.


Silly headgear??? Bro check yourself you are slowly skidding into a bottomless pit, I pray that you take stock and watch what is coming  out of your mouth. Do not bring the wrath of God upon yourself. 


I'm not afraid of your pagan moon good allah bai. Figures that only a desert tribal god would be upset over some rag on a woman's head

Thought it was Freak and not you.

The two of you interchanged so much with the various handles it's a shame.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
God I hate dis lady Shalimar, take that silly headgear off ur in GY not Saudi Arabia

I pray that one day that you or your siblings can walk in her footsteps.


Silly headgear??? Bro check yourself you are slowly skidding into a bottomless pit, I pray that you take stock and watch what is coming  out of your mouth. Do not bring the wrath of God upon yourself. 


I'm not afraid of your pagan moon good allah bai. Figures that only a desert tribal god would be upset over some rag on a woman's head

Thought it was Freak and not you.

The two of you interchanged so much with the various handles it's a shame.

Anyway it goes for you as well, as an aspiring attorney hope one day you can walk in her fine footsteps.

Originally Posted by TI:

The man joker get shake up by those Arabs. He traumatized by headwear now.


I hated the Middle East. I saw how they treat coolies like slaves. The hindus even have to adopt muslim names.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
God I hate dis lady Shalimar, take that silly headgear off ur in GY not Saudi Arabia

I pray that one day that you or your siblings can walk in her footsteps.


Silly headgear??? Bro check yourself you are slowly skidding into a bottomless pit, I pray that you take stock and watch what is coming  out of your mouth. Do not bring the wrath of God upon yourself. 


I'm not afraid of your pagan moon good allah bai. Figures that only a desert tribal god would be upset over some rag on a woman's head

Thought it was Freak and not you.

The two of you interchanged so much with the various handles it's a shame.

Anyway it goes for you as well, as an aspiring attorney hope one day you can walk in her fine footsteps.


I would never ever want to walk in that bytch's diabolical footsteps. She will burn in hell for her assistance to murderers and buggerers.

Originally Posted by Stinger:
But is why Chief insulted yuh suh fah? Long ago ole ladies in GY never wore de burqa


Didn't you know Chief is descended from pure arabs? He's not coolie

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
God I hate dis lady Shalimar, take that silly headgear off ur in GY not Saudi Arabia

I pray that one day that you or your siblings can walk in her footsteps.


Silly headgear??? Bro check yourself you are slowly skidding into a bottomless pit, I pray that you take stock and watch what is coming  out of your mouth. Do not bring the wrath of God upon yourself. 


I'm not afraid of your pagan moon good allah bai. Figures that only a desert tribal god would be upset over some rag on a woman's head

Thought it was Freak and not you.

The two of you interchanged so much with the various handles it's a shame.

Anyway it goes for you as well, as an aspiring attorney hope one day you can walk in her fine footsteps.


Take the advice from an experienced and successful man. 




An aspiring attorney needs to conduct himself or herself in a way that the public has respect and admiration for. You can start now. Never too late.

FM the President is seen walking hand-in-hand with King 'Abdullah in Texas during a 2008 visit. When the king arrived, he and the President exchanged two kisses on the cheeks.

Bush with Saudi king

Perhaps an explanation of some Middle East and Saudi customs and protocols would be helpful....he he, kissing up!

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Good effort by Hughes, who repeated form 2 at saints, to deflect the focus from his own wicked actions.  But the damage has been done and the people don't trust him, it will especially be important when he is installed as leader of the AFC and cockeye is sent to the political graveyard like soapboy. 

Nigel is all washed up and irrelavant. Give him time and some rope and he will hang himself.

He is one of t he most sought after attorneys so how is he washed up? You may not disagree with him politically but not a damn thing he did can be construed as inappropriate or not allowed. The persistent disingenuous and malicious assault he gets from the corrupt PPP is because they see him as a threat to their hegemony over the minds of coolie sheep defecting from their fold  and a rock in the way of their need to poach at least 5 percent of African votes to stay in office. To date the only dope around anyone's neck is the one around the PPP's for their corrupt time in office

Originally Posted by TI: the President is seen walking hand-in-hand with King 'Abdullah in Texas during a 2008 visit. When the king arrived, he and the President exchanged two kisses on the cheeks.

Bush with Saudi king

Perhaps an explanation of some Middle East and Saudi customs and protocols would be helpful....he he, kissing up!

I hoped GW told him "in texas we do not play that way!"

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
God I hate dis lady Shalimar, take that silly headgear off ur in GY not Saudi Arabia

I pray that one day that you or your siblings can walk in her footsteps.


Silly headgear??? Bro check yourself you are slowly skidding into a bottomless pit, I pray that you take stock and watch what is coming  out of your mouth. Do not bring the wrath of God upon yourself. 

It is silly..none of the dalits who came from india dressed as she does. That is the revivalist tradition of arabization taking over the community and bringing us fundamentalism in the process.  God dont have shit to do with head gear.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

AFC has a leadership crisis.


Guyanese vote on trust and they have a mistrust of the PNC. The leadership of the AFC is also now mistrusted.

Who can trust yuji22? He doesn't honour his own words. He presents his wild conjectures as facts.

yuji22 has a credibility crisis.

Originally Posted by JoKer:
Originally Posted by Stinger:
But is why Chief insulted yuh suh fah? Long ago ole ladies in GY never wore de burqa


Didn't you know Chief is descended from pure arabs? He's not coolie

Yo me and you have the same color.

Originally Posted by Chief:



Why Mary covered her head?


Mary did not wear a history has given us, the people of the area covered their head against the elements. The bible has no directive to burkaize or even to cover the head  ( except while praying). Head cover for a woman is her to keep their natural hair. You sell a false doctrine if  you use the icons of the catholic church as evidence of head cover. I bet Mary had long flowing hair down her ass.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:

All the old pics of indentured laborers, show Indian women with heads covered.



D2 is an atheist and detests people who choose to follow the religion of their fore parents.


I have a deep sense of respect and admiration of women, especially muslim women who chooses to cover their heads. I see a lot of younger muslim women who cover their heads and they do so with pride and dignity.


Westerners try to create an impression that women who follow their religion are not "western" enough. This is nonsense.


Listen to a well cultured muslim woman speak as she displays confidence in the way she speaks and conducts herself.


It is all about free choice and those who resent or disrespect any woman who so chooses to follow their religion are acting out of ignorance.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by TI:

All the old pics of indentured laborers, show Indian women with heads covered.

Indian women wore functional head wear to keep their hear from obstructing their work. None of that crap that anonymize women was ever enforced.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by TI:

All the old pics of indentured laborers, show Indian women with heads covered.

Indian women wore functional head wear to keep their hear from obstructing their work. None of that crap that anonymize women was ever enforced.

Are you now an authority on East Indian women?

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by TI:

All the old pics of indentured laborers, show Indian women with heads covered.



D2 is an atheist and detests people who choose to follow the religion of their fore parents.


I have a deep sense of respect and admiration of women, especially muslim women who chooses to cover their heads. I see a lot of younger muslim women who cover their heads and they do so with pride and dignity.


Westerners try to create an impression that women who follow their religion are not "western" enough. This is nonsense.


Listen to a well cultured muslim woman speak as she displays confidence in the way she speaks and conducts herself.


It is all about free choice and those who resent or disrespect any woman who so chooses to follow here religion are acting out of ignorance.

What does atheism has to do with history? If the truth be told and you care to look carefully at your beliefs you will realize that Brahma is all so you are Brahma and it is a name for reality not god. In short, god is philosophy.


you are too much a calcified fool to examine the beauty of Hinduism from its Samkhya origins to its multiple expressions in at least a dozen different traditions some of which ie the Buddhist and the jains who do not speak of god but of the philosophy or path to knowing and being of the essence of the universe as they see it


This stupid concept of westerners is also a consequence of your ignorance. Islam is completely of the western tradition. While the religious community resist analysis of the origin of their theology it is clear from those who do it is not only borrowed frown the jews bit abstracted a hell of a lot from the christian and apocryphal christian tradition


Instead of opening you straight jacketed mind in ignorance I suggest you do as your tradition advises you and peal away they layers of ignorance with contemplation on its history and philosophy.


Hinduism sets zero barriers to woman or men. It does not have sin in the christian pile up bad karma and do so as long as you are stupid. If you are wise you accept god is everywhere and you are of it and so is every being about you so ( get it dummy) there is no differentiation.


All of those platitudes of appropriate behavior are in fact you karmic ankle weight. None of that bullshit matters.


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