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kp posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Who is this lady? HMM!

A very special Lady. 

Lady in RED.


Unlike PNC which has jumbie will woman Amna and Vulgar Volda.

hey hey hey 

Last edited by Former Member
Amral posted:

Test for Dave, the last reply was 19 hours ago. This thread went down the line as other threads were started and others were active. 

Thanks for your prompt response Amral. I will keep a tab on this. 


Bai Dave, I predicted the largest PPP victory ever. The only worry is PNC sponsored post election violence. 
Looks like PPP will have a whopping 50,000 plus victory margin. Perhaps larger. 

Dave posted:

Massive Turn Out In Herstelling  EBD By PPPC Supporters. The supporters are crazy for Jagdeo. It reminds me of Dr Jagan days.


And the pretty girls/ladies with huge smiles.    


Fools used to accuse the PPP of using state funds to by food and drinks to get crowds. So where are they getting the state funds from to afford these huge crowds now. These spectacles are giving the Coalition lots of shittings. 

Zara posted:

Comrade Granger and all Coalition comrades  not too very concerned. PPP comrades stage big crowd for show.  

Coalition crowd will show at voting place. 

Indeed, indeed, indeed ... Zara ...

They will show up, as stated by the PNCR minister Volda Lawrence, to ensure that election boxes filled only with PNCR+AFC votes are securely locked for tabulation by GECOM.


One of the sources ...


‘You cannot give David Granger no one-seat majority’- Volda Lawrence to supporters

, Source -- ,

The APNU+AFC Coalition is urging its supporters to be vigilant at the March 2, 2020 elections and to give the incumbent Government more than a one-seat majority in Parliament.

“This is not a time for sleeping, they must not catch us sleeping on the job. At 6pm, you return to work at the places of polling and you will remain out there and let our staff inside know you’re out there,” she told those gathered.

She further noted that party members will follow the ballot boxes to GECOM.

“And then our nice strong men will be mobilized to follow that ballot box until it go into that container and the APNU+AFC padlock and chain is placed on that container. Joke ah joke but them vote, we nah mek none joke wid them so we are prepared to do what we say we’re going to do,” Lawrence said. of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R) Volda Lawrence. [APNU+AFC photo]

Source and rest of the article --

Last edited by Former Member
Zara posted:

Comrade Granger and all Coalition comrades  not too very concerned. PPP comrades stage big crowd for show.  Coalition crowd will show at voting place. 

Tell The traitor Nagaaaa they will have to bus them .. Ayo time done.. GET OUT.. your children are starving. 



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They have destroyed Guyana between 1964 to 1992.. PPPC rebuilt it, then from 2011 with their 1 seat majority they are again destroying the country.  Time to go. 

They resort to destroying Political Bill boards and muzzle democracy, the same way they  do on this site for the last month. 




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Last edited by Former Member

it was your mom, Janet Jagan, who brought Exxon to Guyana in 1999 … and by the by the way … oil was discovered in April 2015 under the PPP … oh and the report says that the man you are praising, Trotman, lost Guyana US$55B


Fatboy tarassss. 

skeldon_man posted:

I heard that PNC renting Brazilians to attend their meetings. Is this true? What happened? Is it too expensive to rent from GT/Buxton/Agricola?

 Senior Hearsay pun de wuk.

Last edited by cain
Totaram posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I heard that PNC renting Brazilians to attend their meetings. Is this true? What happened? Is it too expensive to rent from GT/Buxton/Agricola?

You heard too much

Shit Battie TotaRawan, where there's smoke, there is fire. I got some ears in my ass too. You want to come and listen in on some of the conversations?

cain posted:

Fatboy tarassss. 

skeldon_man posted:

I heard that PNC renting Brazilians to attend their meetings. Is this true? What happened? Is it too expensive to rent from GT/Buxton/Agricola?

 Senior Hearsay pun de wuk.

Dude, you are a senior too. Brazilian Putagees are cheap to rent. They "will work for food".

skeldon_man posted:
Totaram posted:
skeldon_man posted:

I heard that PNC renting Brazilians to attend their meetings. Is this true? What happened? Is it too expensive to rent from GT/Buxton/Agricola?

You heard too much

Shit Battie TotaRawan, where there's smoke, there is fire. I got some ears in my ass too. You want to come and listen in on some of the conversations?

Obviously , because all you hear is S..T.



So you are saying that the PPP failed to gain a majority in the National Assembly because of Kaieteur News! You are saying that it was Kaieteur News that swayed all those die-hard PPP supporters to stay away from the polls!
Kaieteur News must then be a very powerful force, so powerful that it created history in this country, because this is the first time since the return to democracy that the PPP has failed to gain a majority.
I don’t know what you mean that Kaieteur News is the cause of the election result because of its reporting about the sordid things that were taking place within the government.
The job of a newspaper is to report what is happening. Kaieteur News did not manufacture the news, they only reported the news and if the news was not sordid in the first place, if the rut had not stepped in within the administration, there would have been nothing bad to report. So don’t blame Kaieteur News because the people were seeing all along what was taking place. The people are not stupid. Their eyes were open and they know who were responsible for what was going on.
It was not Kaieteur News that signed any contract disposing of the Sanata Complex. It was not Kaieteur News that was responsible for the sale of a major piece of real estate to someone else after the government had spent millions refurbishing the place. It was not Kaieteur News that decided that after the top bidder was no longer interested in a property that the second highest bidder should be bypassed in favour of the third bidder who just happened to be a friend of you know who. It was not Kaieteur News that was refusing to disclose the name of the investor who was to originally build the Mariott Hotel.
It was not Kaieteur News that was refusing to give information about the Mariott Hotel deal. It was not Kaieteur News that has refused to conduct an investigation into the biggest financial disaster in Guyana, the collapse of CLICO.
It was not Kaieteur News that awarded a US$15.4M road contract to Fip. It was not Kaieteur News that allowed for a piece of the reserve to be taken up by a prominent businessman when all around the country people were being removed from off the reserves by the man known as the Hammer.
It was not Kaieteur News that first refused to pay the Diamond sugar estate workers their severance and only when the AFC took up the workers’ cause saw it fit to reverse itself and pay the workers.
It was not Kaieteur News which first issued an invitation for tenders for the one laptop per family project, only to later amend the specifications.

It was not Kaieteur News which in the past gave a waiver from tender board procedures for the award of contracts in the health sector. It was not Kaieteur News that was responsible for the price of the hydroelectric project increasing significantly within a matter of months.
It was not Kaieteur News that was responsible for failing to have many controversial deals laid in parliament. But it was Kaieteur News that had to find out from a newspaper in Jamaica that a deal had been reached with a Chinese firm for the extension of this country’s international airport.
It was not Kaieteur News that purchased three excavators for US$1.5 million dollars when the same could have been had cheaper.
But it was Kaieteur News that showed the high cost of “pumping” in Guyana.
It was not Kaieteur News that built any one-flat building for $69 million. But it was Kaieteur News that asked for the bills of quantities.
It was not Kaieteur News that to date cannot produce an accounting statement for the money that was spent to build the National Stadium. It was not Kaieteur News that removed state ads from the private dailies.
It was not Kaieteur News that built a huge house that caused the public to say, “OooooooH!” And it was not Kaieteur News that took little boys and gave them big wuk and caused the people to say AaaaaaaH!” Some of them lil’ boy also build big house.
It was not Kaieteur News, when the PPP was seemingly cruising to a comfortable electoral majority, that decided to settle scores with old enemies and turned the PPP’s election campaign into a big cuss-out affair. It was not Kaieteur News that banned reporters because they did not ask “positive” questions and retract stories.
It was not Kaieteur News which called sections of the media carrion crows and vultures.
It was not Kaieteur News when the PPP was away ahead in the polls who decided to aggravate the opposition supporters by claiming that one of their leaders had “blood on his hands.”
So, you still want to know why the PPP failed to gain a majority? You still want to know that? Ask the people. They will tell you that it was the barefaced thieving that caused them to stay away, and it was the vicious buse-out on the political platform that turned them off.

It was the fattening of the geese that made the PPP supporters stay away from the polls and caused the PPP to not gain a majority. The people saw who were enriching themselves at the public pipe and they decided to vote with their feet, by staying home or walking over to the other side. That is why the PPP failed to gain a majority.

Kaieteur News:

Mitwah posted:


So you are saying that the PPP failed to gain a majority in the National Assembly because of Kaieteur News! You are saying that it was Kaieteur News that swayed all those die-hard PPP supporters to stay away from the polls!
Kaieteur News must then be a very powerful force, so powerful that it created history in this country, because this is the first time since the return to democracy that the PPP has failed to gain a majority.
I don’t know what you mean that Kaieteur News is the cause of the election result because of its reporting about the sordid things that were taking place within the government.
The job of a newspaper is to report what is happening. Kaieteur News did not manufacture the news, they only reported the news and if the news was not sordid in the first place, if the rut had not stepped in within the administration, there would have been nothing bad to report. So don’t blame Kaieteur News because the people were seeing all along what was taking place. The people are not stupid. Their eyes were open and they know who were responsible for what was going on.
It was not Kaieteur News that signed any contract disposing of the Sanata Complex. It was not Kaieteur News that was responsible for the sale of a major piece of real estate to someone else after the government had spent millions refurbishing the place. It was not Kaieteur News that decided that after the top bidder was no longer interested in a property that the second highest bidder should be bypassed in favour of the third bidder who just happened to be a friend of you know who. It was not Kaieteur News that was refusing to disclose the name of the investor who was to originally build the Mariott Hotel.
It was not Kaieteur News that was refusing to give information about the Mariott Hotel deal. It was not Kaieteur News that has refused to conduct an investigation into the biggest financial disaster in Guyana, the collapse of CLICO.
It was not Kaieteur News that awarded a US$15.4M road contract to Fip. It was not Kaieteur News that allowed for a piece of the reserve to be taken up by a prominent businessman when all around the country people were being removed from off the reserves by the man known as the Hammer.
It was not Kaieteur News that first refused to pay the Diamond sugar estate workers their severance and only when the AFC took up the workers’ cause saw it fit to reverse itself and pay the workers.
It was not Kaieteur News which first issued an invitation for tenders for the one laptop per family project, only to later amend the specifications.

It was not Kaieteur News which in the past gave a waiver from tender board procedures for the award of contracts in the health sector. It was not Kaieteur News that was responsible for the price of the hydroelectric project increasing significantly within a matter of months.
It was not Kaieteur News that was responsible for failing to have many controversial deals laid in parliament. But it was Kaieteur News that had to find out from a newspaper in Jamaica that a deal had been reached with a Chinese firm for the extension of this country’s international airport.
It was not Kaieteur News that purchased three excavators for US$1.5 million dollars when the same could have been had cheaper.
But it was Kaieteur News that showed the high cost of “pumping” in Guyana.
It was not Kaieteur News that built any one-flat building for $69 million. But it was Kaieteur News that asked for the bills of quantities.
It was not Kaieteur News that to date cannot produce an accounting statement for the money that was spent to build the National Stadium. It was not Kaieteur News that removed state ads from the private dailies.
It was not Kaieteur News that built a huge house that caused the public to say, “OooooooH!” And it was not Kaieteur News that took little boys and gave them big wuk and caused the people to say AaaaaaaH!” Some of them lil’ boy also build big house.
It was not Kaieteur News, when the PPP was seemingly cruising to a comfortable electoral majority, that decided to settle scores with old enemies and turned the PPP’s election campaign into a big cuss-out affair. It was not Kaieteur News that banned reporters because they did not ask “positive” questions and retract stories.
It was not Kaieteur News which called sections of the media carrion crows and vultures.
It was not Kaieteur News when the PPP was away ahead in the polls who decided to aggravate the opposition supporters by claiming that one of their leaders had “blood on his hands.”
So, you still want to know why the PPP failed to gain a majority? You still want to know that? Ask the people. They will tell you that it was the barefaced thieving that caused them to stay away, and it was the vicious buse-out on the political platform that turned them off.

It was the fattening of the geese that made the PPP supporters stay away from the polls and caused the PPP to not gain a majority. The people saw who were enriching themselves at the public pipe and they decided to vote with their feet, by staying home or walking over to the other side. That is why the PPP failed to gain a majority.

Kaieteur News:



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