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Baseman posted:
kp posted:
Baseman posted:

Nuff pandit is same. WTR KP talking!

Agreed, I know of pandit tek away other man wife also Christian priest bugger in little boys but again this about Muslims plight under Indian rule. Can GNI help, Guyana has it's own problems, look after your own house First.

Bai, maybe them Pandit Bannaz promise Dem ladies nuff Larwah!!

The promised  Land, salvation. 


How come dem cyant tek de line of control and mek it de official border between dem two kuntry? How ayoo na seh nothin bout de Bhudda peopkle dem who like de change from Modi? Hey hey hey...yuh tink dem bhudda people want get de bhamian budda treatment? Hey hey hey...

Anyhow me rather be wan daaag dan wan terroris who kill innocent civilian and Yazadi...hey hey hey. 

cain posted:
Prashad posted:

Baseman the Buddhists buried a very large gold statue of the Buddha in Afghanistan before they were conquered by the Islamic invaders. No  one has found it but whoever does will be very rich if that person melts it down.  

I got a good metal detector and a few weeks to spare.

Plus I jus got me a real good lighter from the dollar store.

Last edited by cain
Stormborn posted:
Keffer posted:
Prashad posted:

Those Kashmiris keep grenades in their homes to throw at Indian soldiers. They should all be deported from India.

You ignorant dumb-ass latrine cleaner ! What evidence do you have to support your statement ? You have never been in India or anywhere even remotely close to India but suddenly, you now profess to know everything about what the situation is in India !  Take it from me; Modi is nothing but a bigoted moron !!

Why are you cussing and fussing and proclaiming you are the defacto authority on the region because you were there? We have not been to mars but we know a hell of a lot about its size, its climate, its composition etc One simply have to go out on the internet or on Amazon and buy books from those who actually spent a life studying these places. I have never visited these places but is interested in them. I am not interested in the cussing. 

Not even one of those who are hollering in support of Modi and his barbarity has ever been to Kashmir. As a function of my profession, I have visited not only Kashmir but each and every state of India many times. Those who are hollering and proclaiming their support of Modi’s prejudice, brutality and the blatant barbarity that he has visited on the Kashmiri people are Modi wannabes. Modi has openly and shamelessly expressed hatred and disdain for Muslims in India on scores of occasions; precisely as the dingbat Prashad (an uneducated latrine cleaner who works for the US army) and Nehru, an avowed and shameless hater of Muslims ! I urge you and others who are unfamiliar with Modi’s track record to read up on his putrid record while he was the Chief Minister of Gujerat state. As a function of my profession (MBA (University of Toronto) and Ontario Society of Management Accountant) and the number of visits (12 and counting to date) that I have made to India as a past Chairman and lead representative of Human Concern International (HCI), a Canadian humanitarian charitable organization that was registered in 1979 and works closely with and under the auspices of the United Nations in India and a number of other countries. You must have observed that a small number of participants in this facility, principally Prashad, a latrine cleaner in the US army, and Nehru, are vehement haters of Muslims ! Note, however, that neither of these two have ever ‘set foot’ in India! The verbose nature of their posts suggest ‘familiarity’ with India and the subject under discussion. One would have thought that, ‘in this day and age’, only deranged and/or uneducated people would be so shamelessly and so blatantly prejudiced ! Nehru and Prashad shamelessly support Modi, who as the Chief Minister of the State of Gujerat, refused to take action against a crowd of Hindus who attacked a train and slaughtered hundreds of passengers whose only error or infringement was being Muslims. This is the Narinder Modi who is now India’s prime minister, the shameless bigot who is being applauded by the likes of Prashad and Nehru; the same Modi who refused to lift a finger against thugs and murderers who slaughtered hundreds of people on that fateful train.....for no reason other than the fact that they happened to be Muslims !

Prashad posted:

Keffer is trying to get a white Arab wife. That is why he is trying to be an extremist to impress white Arab ladies. How come no other religious community in Kashmir has problems except these murderous haters. It all comes down to getting the Saudi Petrodollars.

Stop writing trash, you dumb-ass dingbat !  

You need to get yourself a man !

cain posted:

I do recall that story,  nasty stuff there. Have you ever visited Pakistan or heard stories from the other side?

I have visited both India and Pakistan several times and traveled widely across each of these countries. I have also been to a number of African and Middle Eastern countries with Human Concern International (past Chairman of the Board of Directors, past Secretary) for many years. HCI was registered as a Canadian humanitarian charity in 1979 after the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. We provide assistance to people affected by poverty and natural catastrophes.

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Dat is not all some Christians who converted fpr Crayon, drawing Book and Butter Ball sweetie more religious than Jerry Falwell(not that he is truly religious) But you know what, to each his own. No religion is going to fool me. I believe in Religion but will NEVER be a FANATIC, a blind follower!!

Seems like envy stepping in.

People getting g closer to their Lord i. Christianity and Islam and Chammars are getting g a heart attack.

Hey, you haramee hog eating fullahman, who the F..K give you the balls to label all Hindus Chammars? Most of you Muslims here berserk when someone labels Muslims something other than Muslims. You need to engage your brain before you push the power button on your computer.

Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:
Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Dat is not all some Christians who converted fpr Crayon, drawing Book and Butter Ball sweetie more religious than Jerry Falwell(not that he is truly religious) But you know what, to each his own. No religion is going to fool me. I believe in Religion but will NEVER be a FANATIC, a blind follower!!

Seems like envy stepping in.

People getting g closer to their Lord i. Christianity and Islam and Chammars are getting g a heart attack.

Hey, you haramee hog eating fullahman, who the F..K give you the balls to label all Hindus Chammars? Most of you Muslims here berserk when someone labels Muslims something other than Muslims. You need to engage your brain before you push the power button on your computer.

Give him shit. Dem is Moplahs, not the real mussalman. The Arab men who violated the defenceless Native woman name them so. Dey hustling fuh recognition.  

Chief posted:
Nehru posted:

Dat is not all some Christians who converted fpr Crayon, drawing Book and Butter Ball sweetie more religious than Jerry Falwell(not that he is truly religious) But you know what, to each his own. No religion is going to fool me. I believe in Religion but will NEVER be a FANATIC, a blind follower!!

Seems like envy stepping in.People getting g closer to their Lord i. Christianity and Islam and Chammars are getting g a heart attack.

You don't know nothing about the "Chamar"  educate yourself, lots of information out there, instead of peddling nonsense.. below is some info..


The caste of curriel's, tanners, and day-labourers found throughout Upper India. Theil' name is derived from the Sanskrit "charma-kara," a worker in leather," Traditionally the Chamar is the offspring of a Chandala woman by a man of the fisherman caste. The Karavara of Manuanu, "who cuts leather," is descended from a Nishada father and Vaideha mother. The Nishada,again, is said to be the child of a Brahman and a Sudra woman, and the Vaideha of a Vaisya father and a Brahman mother.

By-  W.CROOKE, B.A.,

Last edited by Django
Prashad posted:

Prashad has always said that if it was not for loyalty to the millions of ancestors who died on the battlefields of India then he may have been a Muslim. It is a vastly better religion than most.


I am not getting into the comparison aspects of each religion as I am trying to veer away from that. However I would say that Islam is a very beautiful religion but unfortunately gets a bad rap.

Keffer posted:
cain posted:

I do recall that story,  nasty stuff there. Have you ever visited Pakistan or heard stories from the other side?

I have visited both India and Pakistan several times and traveled widely across each of these countries. I have also been to a number of African and Middle Eastern countries with Human Concern International (past Chairman of the Board of Directors, past Secretary) for many years. HCI was registered as a Canadian humanitarian charity in 1979 after the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. We provide assistance to people affected by poverty and natural catastrophes.

The fact that you may have visited and interact with locals don’t make you an objective expert on these complex deep seated historical issues.  You also visited India and all you saw was the injustice against Muslims. I lived among them, visited Temples, Mosques, Sikh temples, etc.  it’s one thing observing the here and now, it’s another overlaying history!

Your line of site on history begins and ends where you see fit as it fits your own prejudices!  The Burmese have taken action to push back the quiet Islamic invasion which occurred in their traditional homeland.  The cite India as an example!

You prattle a lot, yet I asked a simple question as to the Buddha statues in the Hindu Kush. You, Chief, Abu skirted it, why?  Because it makes you face what you avoiding in all this looong winded rants!

You meet and observe Guyanese Afros and Indians getting along fine, but bring in politics and control, everyone recoil back to their positions!

cain posted:

Keffer, if you are involved/know more about these people and their internal conflicts, instead of blowing up on posters why don't you tell them what you know and have seen first hand?

It is entirely futile for one to introduce or suggest truth, decency and  propriety to people who were born, raised and steeped in deep and dismal bigotry. Hate and resentment of others who are different from them are inextricably embedded in their thinking and lives !  

Last edited by Keffer

Ayo left those people alone, them don’t give one frock about us Guyanese. Let them solve their problems, we Guyanese have we own. 

These people have notice board telling Non “Indians” Hindus, you cannot enter their temple, and foreigners cannot visit some of their restaurants and hotel. 

People like Chief would get his head cut off by his own kind In Pakistan. 

They should fight against the English man who divide them *****. 

Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
cain posted:

I do recall that story,  nasty stuff there. Have you ever visited Pakistan or heard stories from the other side?

I have visited both India and Pakistan several times and traveled widely across each of these countries. I have also been to a number of African and Middle Eastern countries with Human Concern International (past Chairman of the Board of Directors, past Secretary) for many years. HCI was registered as a Canadian humanitarian charity in 1979 after the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. We provide assistance to people affected by poverty and natural catastrophes.

The fact that you may have visited and interact with locals don’t make you an objective expert on these complex deep seated historical issues.  You also visited India and all you saw was the injustice against Muslims. I lived among them, visited Temples, Mosques, Sikh temples, etc.  it’s one thing observing the here and now, it’s another overlaying history!

Your line of site on history begins and ends where you see fit as it fits your own prejudices!  The Burmese have taken action to push back the quiet Islamic invasion which occurred in their traditional homeland.  The cite India as an example!

You prattle a lot, yet I asked a simple question as to the Buddha statues in the Hindu Kush. You, Chief, Abu skirted it, why?  Because it makes you face what you avoiding in all this looong winded rants!

You meet and observe Guyanese Afros and Indians getting along fine, but bring in politics and control, everyone recoil back to their positions!

Where/when did I say 1) I am an expert, 2) 'all I saw' was injustice against Muslims' ?  I was the chairman of HCI for an unprecedented six consecutive years and during my tenure we delivered more aid, food, education and development than anything critics like you can dream of.  The difference between you, Nehru and a few other bigoted fools is that I see human beings; you see differences. Furthermore, HCI chose to bring about change for the benefit of all, regardless of ethnicity or religion. If you see evil or mal-intent in that, show it to me and everyone in this forum. Furthermore, tell us what you did to alleviate human suffering !    

Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:

I have visited both India and Pakistan several times and traveled widely across each of these countries. I have also been to a number of African and Middle Eastern countries with Human Concern International (past Chairman of the Board of Directors, past Secretary) for many years. HCI was registered as a Canadian humanitarian charity in 1979 after the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. We provide assistance to people affected by poverty and natural catastrophes.

The fact that you may have visited and interact with locals don’t make you an objective expert on these complex deep seated historical issues.  You also visited India and all you saw was the injustice against Muslims. I lived among them, visited Temples, Mosques, Sikh temples, etc.  it’s one thing observing the here and now, it’s another overlaying history!

Your line of site on history begins and ends where you see fit as it fits your own prejudices!  The Burmese have taken action to push back the quiet Islamic invasion which occurred in their traditional homeland.  The cite India as an example!

You prattle a lot, yet I asked a simple question as to the Buddha statues in the Hindu Kush. You, Chief, Abu skirted it, why?  Because it makes you face what you avoiding in all this looong winded rants!

You meet and observe Guyanese Afros and Indians getting along fine, but bring in politics and control, everyone recoil back to their positions!

Where/when did I say 1) I am an expert, 2) 'all I saw' was injustice against Muslims' ?  I was the chairman of HCI for an unprecedented six consecutive years and during my tenure we delivered more aid, food, education and development than anything critics like you can dream of.  The difference between you, Nehru and a few other bigoted fools is that I see human beings; you see differences. Furthermore, HCI chose to bring about change for the benefit of all, regardless of ethnicity or religion. If you see evil or mal-intent in that, show it to me and everyone in this forum. Furthermore, tell us what you did to alleviate human suffering !    

You throw your shit around about visited here and there as implying you are somehow above all, expert.  Who the hell are you to call anyone a bigot, look at yourself.

I did/do my part in helping, and if you have been reading GNI for the past dozen or so years, it pops up here from time to time.  And what I do is purely voluntary, not what I do as a job or anything.

Answer my question!  How did those Buddha statues got into the Hindu Kush?  Did Allah put um deh?  Why is it even called "Hindu Kush?

When the Taliban captured Afganistan and started harassing, taxing and oppressing the Hindus, Sikhs, etc to drive them out, where were you?

Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Keffer posted:
cain posted:

I do recall that story,  nasty stuff there. Have you ever visited Pakistan or heard stories from the other side?

I have visited both India and Pakistan several times and traveled widely across each of these countries. I have also been to a number of African and Middle Eastern countries with Human Concern International (past Chairman of the Board of Directors, past Secretary) for many years. HCI was registered as a Canadian humanitarian charity in 1979 after the invasion of Afghanistan by the Soviet Union. We provide assistance to people affected by poverty and natural catastrophes.

The fact that you may have visited and interact with locals don’t make you an objective expert on these complex deep seated historical issues.  You also visited India and all you saw was the injustice against Muslims. I lived among them, visited Temples, Mosques, Sikh temples, etc.  it’s one thing observing the here and now, it’s another overlaying history!

Your line of site on history begins and ends where you see fit as it fits your own prejudices!  The Burmese have taken action to push back the quiet Islamic invasion which occurred in their traditional homeland.  The cite India as an example!

You prattle a lot, yet I asked a simple question as to the Buddha statues in the Hindu Kush. You, Chief, Abu skirted it, why?  Because it makes you face what you avoiding in all this looong winded rants!

You meet and observe Guyanese Afros and Indians getting along fine, but bring in politics and control, everyone recoil back to their positions!

Where/when did I say 1) I am an expert, 2) 'all I saw' was injustice against Muslims' ?  I was the chairman of HCI for an unprecedented six consecutive years and during my tenure we delivered more aid, food, education and development than anything critics like you can dream of.  The difference between you, Nehru and a few other bigoted fools is that I see human beings; you see differences. Furthermore, HCI chose to bring about change for the benefit of all, regardless of ethnicity or religion. If you see evil or mal-intent in that, show it to me and everyone in this forum. Furthermore, tell us what you did to alleviate human suffering !    

Banna, I am still waiting to hear what greater understanding your local visits informed you that is in opposition to what is said here by others. I do not have personal knowledge of the region. I just finished one book on it and can understand why India claims it. I also understand why they will not give it up. It might not be pleasing to the people but that is the reality. The rest of Guyana would not tolerate it if Berbice says that they are breaking away because the majority of Indians wished it so. 


The current situation is fueled by the fascist move done by Modi to revoke special status of Kashmir unprovoked.  Punjab comes to mind and I would like to see Modi try that there.

There are many places in the world with similar agreement such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Quebec etc.  Do we take away all of their special status and start a war everywhere, I dont think so.





Abu Jihad posted:

The current situation is fueled by the fascist move done by Modi to revoke special status of Kashmir unprovoked.  Punjab comes to mind and I would like to see Modi try that there.

There are many places in the world with similar agreement such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Quebec etc.  Do we take away all of their special status and start a war everywhere, I dont think so.

The "current" situation is not so current.  It was centuries in the making!  Ayuh like start history at the reaction, not the action!  Modi is attempting to reverse the historic "occupation!"

Last edited by Former Member
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Blame the British for this problem.  Pakistan ceded parts of Kashmir to China in exchange for support from Chinese. That's selling out the Kashmiri people to hurt an enemy 

Pakistan is giving another chunk of Kashmir to China when they get Indian Kashmir.  The Chinese are constantly upgrading the Pakistani aircraft technology along the Pakistan - India border.  Hundreds of Chinese aircraft engineers and defence technicians are regularly brought into Pakistan during night shifts to work on various aspects of upgrading of Pakistani Airforce technology and air defence then they are transported back over the Pakistan border into China before daybreak.

Last edited by Prashad
Baseman posted:
Abu Jihad posted:
ksazma posted:

. In regard to Kashmir. Maybe both India and Pakistan should walk away and let them rule themselves. 

This is the reason for the current conflict, the Modi Hindu nationalists have just initiated the ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri people by taking away their special status.  

The part that surprises me is that Guyanese Hindus have now started to spew Nazi style vitriol by calling for the ethnic cleansing of Muslims and other minorities just like in Rwanda and Palestine.

It is ironic that they are talking about Muslims changing, but they do not see it in themselves even though it is a much more violent move to the right.

All of these right wing fascist movements needs to be eradicated from the face of this earth ASAP.


Your are the third person I asking the same question!  How did the Buddha Statues happen to be in the Hindu Kush?

Modi and India have not done what the Burmese have done.  Modi needs to get his act together and, along with Shiv Sena, resettle a few million Hindus into Jamu/Kashmir!

Spoken like the true bigoted jackass that you are !

Last edited by Keffer
Keffer posted:
Baseman posted:
Abu Jihad posted:
ksazma posted:

. In regard to Kashmir. Maybe both India and Pakistan should walk away and let them rule themselves. 

This is the reason for the current conflict, the Modi Hindu nationalists have just initiated the ethnic cleansing of the Kashmiri people by taking away their special status.  

The part that surprises me is that Guyanese Hindus have now started to spew Nazi style vitriol by calling for the ethnic cleansing of Muslims and other minorities just like in Rwanda and Palestine.

It is ironic that they are talking about Muslims changing, but they do not see it in themselves even though it is a much more violent move to the right.

All of these right wing fascist movements needs to be eradicated from the face of this earth ASAP.


Your are the third person I asking the same question!  How did the Buddha Statues happen to be in the Hindu Kush?

Modi and India have not done what the Burmese have done.  Modi needs to get his act together and, along with Shiv Sena, resettle a few million Hindus into Jamu/Kashmir!

Spoken like the true bigoted that you are !

Answer my question you dummy!!   How did those statues got into the Hindu Kush?  Stop dancing and prancing like Michael Jackson!

What’s bigoted with replenishing the population that was dislocated!!

Prashad posted:

If a Kashmiri tries to hurt or hurts an Indian soldier or civilian then that Kashmiri should be captured, chained and put to work by the Indian state cleaning up and repairing the slums of India permanently. 

Why do you insist on braying such rubbish, Gadha ka bacha ? Do you not realize that you expose your dark and desperately dismal ignorance by posting such shyte ? A penal system becomes absolutely worthless if it is designed to assign penalties for specific individuals, you latrine-cleaning shit-brained moron ! Given your lengthy experience in cleaning latrines, India will do well to import you as their minister of KaKa !

Last edited by Keffer
Baseman posted:
Abu Jihad posted:

The current situation is fueled by the fascist move done by Modi to revoke special status of Kashmir unprovoked.  Punjab comes to mind and I would like to see Modi try that there.

There are many places in the world with similar agreement such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Quebec etc.  Do we take away all of their special status and start a war everywhere, I dont think so.

The "current" situation is not so current.  It was centuries in the making!  Ayuh like start history at the reaction, not the action!  Modi is attempting to reverse the historic "occupation!"

... and this is the classic definition of fascism and your obsession with Modi.  


Just wait for other parts of India to start rebelling.

Abu Jihad posted:
Baseman posted:
Abu Jihad posted:

The current situation is fueled by the fascist move done by Modi to revoke special status of Kashmir unprovoked.  Punjab comes to mind and I would like to see Modi try that there.

There are many places in the world with similar agreement such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Quebec etc.  Do we take away all of their special status and start a war everywhere, I dont think so.

The "current" situation is not so current.  It was centuries in the making!  Ayuh like start history at the reaction, not the action!  Modi is attempting to reverse the historic "occupation!"

... and this is the classic definition of fascism and your obsession with Modi.  


Just wait for other parts of India to start rebelling.

Answer my question you two Islamist freaks.   How did those statues get in the Hindu Kush?

Are the Burmese also Facists?   It was good India did not criticize them.  India has to address the Islamization of parts of India.  

Modi needs to create special incentives to encourage Hindus to resettle Jammu/Kashmir!


Modi is doing just that. "If you want a white skin wife then move to Kashmir". That is Modi's incentive to Indians. That is why keffer vex so bad. Modi destroyed his plan B. If keffer doesn't get a white Arab wife then he was planning to get a white skin wife from Kashmir. Now thanks to Modi keffer has to complete will men all over India for a white skin Kashmiri wife.

Prashad posted:

Modi is doing just that. "If you want a white skin wife then move to Kashmir". That is Modi's incentive to Indians. That is why keffer vex so bad. Modi destroyed his plan B. If keffer doesn't get a white Arab wife then he was planning to get a white skin wife from Kashmir. Now thanks to Modi keffer has to complete will men all over India for a white skin Kashmiri wife.

Pakistan encourages marriage of Chinese men to Hindu girls. Pakistan's way of getting rid of the Hindu citizens. Christians have the problems as well.


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