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Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
. Indians from india do not walk the street with a bottle in their hand as a trophy the way you habitually see Guyanese kids do

And Asian Indians consider this kind of behavior as the main reason why they do not wish to be identified with Indo Caribbean youths.

Where did you get this from?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
. Indians from india do not walk the street with a bottle in their hand as a trophy the way you habitually see Guyanese kids do

And Asian Indians consider this kind of behavior as the main reason why they do not wish to be identified with Indo Caribbean youths.

Caribj, Asian Indians don't want to associate with each other due to caste, creed, regional origins, etc.  Asian Indian use a pecking order of money, status and education to determine their association.  One of the leading question they ask when the meet, what work you do, where you live, etc.  The fact that they have drunken Guyanese, well many Guyanese also don't want to associate.


Your position is simplistic.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

Dummy, the logical opposite of the statement : "Great minds think alike" is "Tiny minds think differently". There is a convergence on a truth or the falsity of thing from smart people but abject confusion about it from dumb people like you. Trying to reconcile the idea of "wise men think alike and fools  seldom differ" into logical opposites is the task for a fool.


Like bloomberg, you ignore the reality in the evidence preferring to rely on your prejudices more. The world is populated with brilliant minds who are myopic in other areas because of prejudices.


Your position of stopping people because of what you think they are is a recipe for discontent. White people clearly commit most of the crimes in terms of monetary loss an damage to the economy. Wall street is an example of that if you are looking for scope.


If you are looking for numbers look to the size of the drug economy bolstered by users.  One does not have to go into guess on who are the largest number of drug users. You can check that out.  They are also responsible for most of the petty crimes. If one were to target the population on distribution by race and ethnicity who do you think would be in the jails? You and Bloomberg prefer to follow your prejudices than the reality here.

Again you write a dozen paragraphs circumventing the point I made. Stop beating around the bush going off an a tangent and address the statistics. If crime victims report that Blacks and Hispanics are 90% of the suspects who violate them then it stands to reason that Black and Hispanics should be 90% of the target of police stop and frisk.  Instead you go on an incoherent diatribe making false accusations against Whites, its a wonder you didn't bring Indians into the story too. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
And they are wasting their time as 90% of the people who they arrest are innocent and only 1% of whom are carrying guns, the reason behind S&F.


Many of those arrested were carrying small amounts of weed.  Now go and search random groups of young whites and tell me why they arent also arrested for carrying weed and worse.

Again you missed the entire point of the stop and frisk program, if criminals know there is a chance they will be stopped and frisked, it is less likely they will be walking around with illegal weapons and drugs. Also, the idea was to stem the quality of life petty crimes and it will have a trickle down effect on the more serious crimes. This strategy has worked and now New Yorkers can live a better quality of life. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Again you missed the entire point of the stop and frisk program, if criminals know there is a chance they will be stopped and frisked, it is less likely they will be walking around with illegal weapons and drugs. Also, the idea was to stem the quality of life petty crimes and it will have a trickle down effect on the more serious crimes. This strategy has worked and now New Yorkers can live a better quality of life. 

Druggie ask most people in places like the South Braonx and parts of Brooklyn whether they feel safer now than they did 5 years ago and they will laugh at you.  The same hooligans terrorize communities with gun play and the NYPD harrass their INNOCENT sons with rudeness and bigotry.


You need to stop believing some rich, old, and grumpy white man who knows nothing about life in the poor parts of NYC.


Stop and frisk was devised by the NYPD to gather data to show Bloomberg that they are active in communities.


The result is that there has been a ten fold increase of stop and frisk activity since Bloomberg came in, but yet shootings have remained about the same.  Gun seizures have been minimal despite the proliferation of guns in NYC.


How does stopping the same INNOCENT individuals in one year as much as FIVE TIMES curb crime.  Clearly those who have guns know how to avoid being stopped.  They are firing guns with impunity so clearly stop and frisk is failingt in its goals.


So the NYPD stop any random person instead to make sure that they reachtheir target number of stops and frisks.


Druggie I suggest that you spend time trying to understand that 10% of 43% is 4.3% rather than debating topics beyond your comprehension.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
. Indians from india do not walk the street with a bottle in their hand as a trophy the way you habitually see Guyanese kids do

And Asian Indians consider this kind of behavior as the main reason why they do not wish to be identified with Indo Caribbean youths.

Caribj, Asian Indians don't want to associate with each other due to caste, creed, regional origins, etc.  Asian Indian use a pecking order of money, status and education to determine their association.  One of the leading question they ask when the meet, what work you do, where you live, etc.  The fact that they have drunken Guyanese, well many Guyanese also don't want to associate.


Your position is simplistic.

And Asian Indians assign Guyanese Indians to the lowest rank possible.


I mean they live in Floral Park but keep away from you all.


Oh yes Asian Indians stereotype Guyanese Indians by the worst of the population.  But then people like you and druggie do the same to blacks, so why your complaint?


To Asian Indians Guyanese Indians are a bunch of drunkards and sexually promiscuous people.  To you and Druggie every black man is a criminal, and those who havent been arrested simply have yet to be caught.

Originally Posted by Chief:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
. Indians from india do not walk the street with a bottle in their hand as a trophy the way you habitually see Guyanese kids do

And Asian Indians consider this kind of behavior as the main reason why they do not wish to be identified with Indo Caribbean youths.

Where did you get this from?

A NYT Asian Indian reporter wrote pages on this several years ago and indeed several on GNI have whined about how Asian Indians do not like you all.   This is why the term "IndoCaribbean" was devised when you all realized that Asian Indians didnt regard you as being "real" Indians.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

You should read what Museveni says about those blacks abroad who are running back to Africa and are calling themselves Africans.He advised them to stay in their own countries because they can never be 'Africans.' So what is your point?   

Yes I happen to agree with those Africans.  The MINORITY of black people from across the Atlantic who pretend to be "African" are even more stupid than thosde Guyanese who think that they are Indians as in India.


You will admit that way fewer blacks identify with Africa, than is the case with Guyanese Indians and India, and indeed many are insulted if you connected them to that continent.


So whats your point?

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

By the way you Carib hijacked this thread that was to send sympathies to 2 people who died on the road. You injected your racist rant into it without being man enough to send sympathies to the families. Is it because they are koolies? 

As usual no comments about Baseman and druggie.  Obviously your opinions of blacks is consistent with theirs.


If they didnt use every opportunity to denigrate blacks then I wouldnt have tio remind them that IndoCaribbean people are hardly perfect.


But then you never respond to racist Indians.

Originally Posted by caribny:

Druggie ask most people in places like the South Braonx and parts of Brooklyn whether they feel safer now than they did 5 years ago and they will laugh at you.  The same hooligans terrorize communities with gun play and the NYPD harrass their INNOCENT sons with rudeness and bigotry.


You need to stop believing some rich, old, and grumpy white man who knows nothing about life in the poor parts of NYC.


Stop and frisk was devised by the NYPD to gather data to show Bloomberg that they are active in communities.


The result is that there has been a ten fold increase of stop and frisk activity since Bloomberg came in, but yet shootings have remained about the same.  Gun seizures have been minimal despite the proliferation of guns in NYC.


How does stopping the same INNOCENT individuals in one year as much as FIVE TIMES curb crime.  Clearly those who have guns know how to avoid being stopped.  They are firing guns with impunity so clearly stop and frisk is failingt in its goals.


So the NYPD stop any random person instead to make sure that they reachtheir target number of stops and frisks.


Druggie I suggest that you spend time trying to understand that 10% of 43% is 4.3% rather than debating topics beyond your comprehension.

Stop and frisk was started by Guiliani and the dark days of Dinkens was exorcised. We many not know fully the impact of this program but the fact is that criminals would less likely walk around with weapons or drugs if they knew they would be stopped and frisked. And the fact remains that 90% of murder suspects in NYC are black and latino, justifying a larger proportion in stop and frisk.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Stop and frisk was started by Guiliani


I wonder if you will change your tune when you find out that when the NYPD decide which groups to target INdoCARIBBEAN people, NOT ASIAN INDIANS, are within the groups that recieve extra attention. For DWI in the case of Guyanese Indians. And that many cops, seeing a dark skinned Guyanese Indian with close cropped hair, mistake them at night for blacks.



And if you doubt just compare the level of police activity on Liberty Avenue with that in Asian Indian neighborhoods in Queens.


And who knows that cops might be beginning to target young Guyanese Indians for gun trafficking once they hear about people like Roger Khan and also about increasing level of armed robberies being perpetrated by a minority within this group.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
. And the fact remains that 90% of murder suspects in NYC are black and latino, justifying a larger proportion in stop and frisk.  

Do you have the ability to understand that because 90% of the violent criminals are black and Latino does NOT mean that 90% of young black and Latino males are criminals.  With the high level of stops and frisks a very high % of these young men are being stopped, even though it is clear that only a MINORITY of them engage in violent criminal activity.


You cant understand that 10% of 43% is 4.3% so I understand why you think that saying that 90% of violent criminals are black/latino is no different from saying that 90% of black/latino young males are criminal.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
. And the fact remains that 90% of murder suspects in NYC are black and latino, justifying a larger proportion in stop and frisk.  

Do you have the ability to understand that because 90% of the violent criminals are black and Latino does NOT mean that 90% of young black and Latino males are criminals.  With the high level of stops and frisks a very high % of these young men are being stopped, even though it is clear that only a MINORITY of them engage in violent criminal activity.


You cant understand that 10% of 43% is 4.3% so I understand why you think that saying that 90% of violent criminals are black/latino is no different from saying that 90% of black/latino young males are criminal.

True, it's the minority, no doubt, but they commit the majority of the crimes.  The great USA under the great Obama is electronic "frisking" of all Americans for a very few Islamist terrorists.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
. And the fact remains that 90% of murder suspects in NYC are black and latino, justifying a larger proportion in stop and frisk.  

Do you have the ability to understand that because 90% of the violent criminals are black and Latino does NOT mean that 90% of young black and Latino males are criminals.  With the high level of stops and frisks a very high % of these young men are being stopped, even though it is clear that only a MINORITY of them engage in violent criminal activity.


Certainly it does not infer that 90% of any group are criminals. But since you are challenged when it comes to interpreting statistical inferences, I would not expect you to understand why police are justified in targeting that group in proportion to the demographics of the criminals when compared to the larger population. I will break it down for you in a manner your second standard education can interpret:


Consider we have have a population of:

100,000 Whites

10,000 Blacks &  Latinos


Then we have 100 criminal suspects of which 90 were described as Black & Latino and 10 Whites.


The police then frisks 1000 people, it would then make sense for them to frisk 900 Black and Latino and 100 Whites and not the reverse.


Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
. And the fact remains that 90% of murder suspects in NYC are black and latino, justifying a larger proportion in stop and frisk.  

Do you have the ability to understand that because 90% of the violent criminals are black and Latino does NOT mean that 90% of young black and Latino males are criminals.  With the high level of stops and frisks a very high % of these young men are being stopped, even though it is clear that only a MINORITY of them engage in violent criminal activity.


Certainly it does not infer that 90% of any group are criminals. But since you are challenged when it comes to interpreting statistical inferences, I would not expect you to understand why police are justified in targeting that group in proportion to the demographics of the criminals when compared to the larger population. I will break it down for you in a manner your second standard education can interpret:


Consider we have have a population of:

100,000 Whites

10,000 Blacks &  Latinos


Then we have 100 criminal suspects of which 90 were described as Black & Latino and 10 Whites.


The police then frisks 1000 people, it would then make sense for them to frisk 900 Black and Latino and 100 Whites and not the reverse.


You are the kind of ignoramuses that gives statical interpretation a bad name. That you do not see what is plainly statistically a stupid determination boggles t he mind.

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

 If others gave racist comments it doesn't mean you should follow, that is if you know better.   

And you need to scratch your head to determine why you accuse me of racism, and not people like druggie, skeldon man and others who post blatant bigotry aimed at portraying blacks as useless and/or criminal.



Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

nd I am in good company with Bloomberg.

Once Bloomberg finds out that you are a Guyanese Indian he will quickly dispatch his goons to stop and frrisk you to determine whether you are driving with a large open bottle of Guyanese rum.


You fool yourself if you think that he knows or cares who you are.

Originally Posted by baseman:

True, it's the minority, no doubt, but they commit the majority of the crimes.  The great USA under the great Obama is electronic "frisking" of all Americans for a very few Islamist terrorists.

You know I can forgive druggie as he is an ignorant and illiterate lout.


Now explain to me why 620,000 young black and hispanic men were stopped and frisked in 2011 when the TOTAL population of those in the 15-25 age range cant be more than 400,000.  This means that the average black/latin male in the age groups most frisked were frisked 1.5X.


Are you suggesting that EVERY young black and Hispanic man is a criminal?


Clearly you are if you are implying that it makes sense for EVERY young black and Hispanic man to be stopped and frisked about 3X every two years.



You hate blacks every bit as much as druggie but you usually have a much more intelligent response.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Certainly it does not infer that 90% of any group are criminals. But since you are challenged when it comes to interpreting statistical inferences, I would not expect you to understand why police are justified in targeting that group in proportion to the demographics of the criminals when compared to the larger population. I will break it down for you in a manner your second standard education can interpret:


Consider we have have a population of:

100,000 Whites

10,000 Blacks &  Latinos


Then we have 100 criminal suspects of which 90 were described as Black & Latino and 10 Whites.


The police then frisks 1000 people, it would then make sense for them to frisk 900 Black and Latino and 100 Whites and not the reverse.


As usual you display how stupid you are.


There are maybe 400k black and latin men in the 15-25 age range where S&F actions are most prevalent.  In 2011 about 620k black and Hispanic men endured this humiliation.



You are clearly unable to understand that because 90% of those who commit violent crimes might come from a particular group does NOT mean that 90% of people in that group are criminals. 


Bloombergs S&F implies one of two things.


1. Either his stops are so random that almost every single black/hispanic young man gets stopped  OR


2.  His police are so incompetent that they are stopping the same people 20X a year and are unable to prove the guilt of these people.



Either way S&F as currently practised is FAILURE.


BTW your example says that 1,000 black and hispanic men are suspects but yet 90,000 are searched.  What sense does that make when the total number of black/hispanic (using a more educated version of your example) is 70,000?

Originally Posted by caribny:

As usual you display how stupid you are.


There are maybe 400k black and latin men in the 15-25 age range where S&F actions are most prevalent.  In 2011 about 620k black and Hispanic men endured this humiliation.



You are clearly unable to understand that because 90% of those who commit violent crimes might come from a particular group does NOT mean that 90% of people in that group are criminals. 


Bloombergs S&F implies one of two things.


1. Either his stops are so random that almost every single black/hispanic young man gets stopped  OR


2.  His police are so incompetent that they are stopping the same people 20X a year and are unable to prove the guilt of these people.



Either way S&F as currently practised is FAILURE.


BTW your example says that 1,000 black and hispanic men are suspects but yet 90,000 are searched.  What sense does that make when the total number of black/hispanic (using a more educated version of your example) is 70,000?


Clearly you are mentally challenged when it comes to statistics. You apparently did not take the time to read my simplified abc version of the frisk and stop else you would not continue on the same path of ranting and raving. 

I will list it again for your convenience.


Consider we have have a population of:

100,000 Whites

10,000 Blacks &  Latinos


Then we have 100 criminal suspects of which 90 were described as Black & Latino and 10 Whites.


The police then frisks 1000 people, it would then make sense for them to frisk 900 Black and Latino and 100 Whites and not the reverse.

Maybe you are so far gone from good reasoning that you need an even simpler example.

If a black man commit a crime the police should search for a black man not a white man, can we at least agree on this?


The problem is that those blacks who commit crimes makes life hard for the rest of the innocent population. Just recently at my town pool two black youths were caught stealing money from people's belongings while they swam. Now all the whites are clutching their valuables when they see a black kid around. This is the reality of the world, we as humans tend to blame the entire group when one person is guilty. The same situation is played out in Barbados when Blacks discriminate against Indians. 


In fact this is the reason why Travon Martin lost his life, the blame is not only on Zimmerman. But also all those blacks who robbed and killed to create the bias which Zimmerman fed on to commit the deadly deed and which the jury will feed on to free him.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

You are the kind of ignoramuses that gives statical interpretation a bad name. That you do not see what is plainly statistically a stupid determination boggles t he mind.

That is why you are behind a dollar store counter and I am in good company with Bloomberg.

I can be anywhere your mind chooses to place me but that will not make you a statistician.  You are an ignoramus where that is concern. You need to grasp if the so called "criminals" you reference are a representative sample of the population. I do not give a shit where you work. Any here with an ounce of statistical sense will tell you that you are a statistical dummy.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

As usual you display how stupid you are.


There are maybe 400k black and latin men in the 15-25 age range where S&F actions are most prevalent.  In 2011 about 620k black and Hispanic men endured this humiliation.



You are clearly unable to understand that because 90% of those who commit violent crimes might come from a particular group does NOT mean that 90% of people in that group are criminals. 


Bloombergs S&F implies one of two things.


1. Either his stops are so random that almost every single black/hispanic young man gets stopped  OR


2.  His police are so incompetent that they are stopping the same people 20X a year and are unable to prove the guilt of these people.



Either way S&F as currently practised is FAILURE.


BTW your example says that 1,000 black and hispanic men are suspects but yet 90,000 are searched.  What sense does that make when the total number of black/hispanic (using a more educated version of your example) is 70,000?


Clearly you are mentally challenged when it comes to statistics. You apparently did not take the time to read my simplified abc version of the frisk and stop else you would not continue on the same path of ranting and raving. 

I will list it again for your convenience.


Consider we have have a population of:

100,000 Whites

10,000 Blacks &  Latinos


Then we have 100 criminal suspects of which 90 were described as Black & Latino and 10 Whites.


The police then frisks 1000 people, it would then make sense for them to frisk 900 Black and Latino and 100 Whites and not the reverse.

Maybe you are so far gone from good reasoning that you need an even simpler example.

If a black man commit a crime the police should search for a black man not a white man, can we at least agree on this?


The problem is that those blacks who commit crimes makes life hard for the rest of the innocent population. Just recently at my town pool two black youths were caught stealing money from people's belongings while they swam. Now all the whites are clutching their valuables when they see a black kid around. This is the reality of the world, we as humans tend to blame the entire group when one person is guilty. The same situation is played out in Barbados when Blacks discriminate against Indians. 


In fact this is the reason why Travon Martin lost his life, the blame is not only on Zimmerman. But also all those blacks who robbed and killed to create the bias which Zimmerman fed on to commit the deadly deed and which the jury will feed on to free him.

 You are just magnifying your ignorance of statistics. Travon died because Zimmerman was a racist ignoramus like you.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


Clearly you are mentally challenged when it comes to statistics. You apparently did not take the time to read my simplified abc version of the frisk and stop else you would not continue on the same path of ranting and raving. 

I will list it again for your convenience.


Consider we have have a population of:

100,000 Whites

10,000 Blacks &  Latinos


Then we have 100 criminal suspects of which 90 were described as Black & Latino and 10 Whites.


The police then frisks 1000 people, it would then make sense for them to frisk 900 Black and Latino and 100 Whites and not the reverse.

Maybe you are so far gone from good reasoning that you need an even simpler example.

If a black man commit a crime the police should search for a black man not a white man, can we at least agree on this?


The problem is that those blacks who commit crimes makes life hard for the rest of the innocent population. Just recently at my town pool two black youths were caught stealing money from people's belongings while they swam. Now all the whites are clutching their valuables when they see a black kid around. This is the reality of the world, we as humans tend to blame the entire group when one person is guilty. The same situation is played out in Barbados when Blacks discriminate against Indians. 


In fact this is the reason why Travon Martin lost his life, the blame is not only on Zimmerman. But also all those blacks who robbed and killed to create the bias which Zimmerman fed on to commit the deadly deed and which the jury will feed on to free him.

I will show you what a class act of an idiot you are.


 You cite 10,000 black and Hispanic men.  You cite 100 suspects.


You then support Bloomberg.  Druggie Bloomberg isnt searching 100 suspects.  Using your data he is seaching 15,000.  Because the average young black/latin male is being searched 1.5X per year.



And no druggie most whites DO NOT clutch their valuables every time they see a black man pass them, because if they did they would refuse to use the subways.  You do know that the subways are crowded with all races.


Do you now understand why Bloomberg and you are criminalizing ENTIRE communities by the use of a tactic which is used WAY out of proportion?


I will also show you what a racist you are too. Because some blacks are criminals does not qualify you to categorize EVERY black person to be a criminal.   If so then we can all unjustly treat people based upon what stereotype that we may have of them.


I hope you know that you condone attacks of Indians in Guyana by blacks who justify this behavior because they think that every Indian is a racist.


And that you also justify abuse of Guyanese Indians in places like Barbados, Nevis and Tortola for the same reason.


 That every time a Guyanese Indian drives a car he should be instantly stopped and checked for alcohol. Becaus ethe NYPD do associate Caribbean Indisns with DWI, and indeed community activists in RH have complained about harrassment of Guyanese (meaning of course INDO Guyanese).


Because this is what you endorse for blacks.



BTW if some wild looking man  in a car stopped you when you were returning from a store. did not identify himself as a lqw enforcement or security personnel, and then proceeded to aggressively approcah you when you had done NOTHING, aside from WALKING WHILE BLACK. What would you do?  Its likely that Trayvon did attack Zimmerman when Zimmerman threatened him because he might well have thought that Zimmerman was a criminal out to hurt him.


As I see it two men made a serious mistake.  One is dead and the other has destroyed his life.


Last edited by Former Member

SWo druggie given that you are prone to stereotypes every time you see a quiet looking white man do you assume that he is a mass murderer simplay becaus emost of them fit that profile.


I am sure you do not.


But its your basic racist hatred for blacks which allows you to blindly accept that 90% of the black and Hispanic men who are INJUSTLY humiliated by NYPD should just accept such treatment.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You are just magnifying your ignorance of statistics. Travon died because Zimmerman was a racist ignoramus like you.

How quickly you are to label a person when you disagree with their viewpoint.  I am just the messenger and you don't like the message what do you do? Kill the messenger. 

Originally Posted by caribny:

I will show you what a class act of an idiot you are.


 You cite 10,000 black and Hispanic men.  You cite 100 suspects.


You then support Bloomberg.  Druggie Bloomberg isnt searching 100 suspects.  Using your data he is seaching 15,000.  Because the average young black/latin male is being searched 1.5X per year.



And no druggie most whites DO NOT clutch their valuables every time they see a black man pass them, because if they did they would refuse to use the subways.  You do know that the subways are crowded with all races.


Do you now understand why Bloomberg and you are criminalizing ENTIRE communities by the use of a tactic which is used WAY out of proportion?


I will also show you what a racist you are too. Because some blacks are criminals does not qualify you to categorize EVERY black person to be a criminal.   If so then we can all unjustly treat people based upon what stereotype that we may have of them.


I hope you know that you condone attacks of Indians in Guyana by blacks who justify this behavior because they think that every Indian is a racist.


And that you also justify abuse of Guyanese Indians in places like Barbados, Nevis and Tortola for the same reason.


 That every time a Guyanese Indian drives a car he should be instantly stopped and checked for alcohol. Becaus ethe NYPD do associate Caribbean Indisns with DWI, and indeed community activists in RH have complained about harrassment of Guyanese (meaning of course INDO Guyanese).


Because this is what you endorse for blacks.



BTW if some wild looking man  in a car stopped you when you were returning from a store. did not identify himself as a lqw enforcement or security personnel, and then proceeded to aggressively approcah you when you had done NOTHING, aside from WALKING WHILE BLACK. What would you do?  Its likely that Trayvon did attack Zimmerman when Zimmerman threatened him because he might well have thought that Zimmerman was a criminal out to hurt him.


As I see it two men made a serious mistake.  One is dead and the other has destroyed his life.


The simple example I showed was an attempt to descend to your level of comprehension but it appears that I overestimated your intellect. Hence I had to break it down to 1 + 1 is two. Again, if a Black is described by a victim as the perpetrator of a crime then it would be reasonable to surmise that police should be looking for Black suspects. 

What is the point of stop and searching 90% of whites when 90% of the suspects are Black?  You should then advocate for the complete abolition of the stop and frisk program rather than any % that you would deem fair.  But then the danger is that NY would return to the dark days of Dinkens. 

Originally Posted by caribny:

SWo druggie given that you are prone to stereotypes every time you see a quiet looking white man do you assume that he is a mass murderer simplay becaus emost of them fit that profile.


I am sure you do not.


But its your basic racist hatred for blacks which allows you to blindly accept that 90% of the black and Hispanic men who are INJUSTLY humiliated by NYPD should just accept such treatment.

I do not subscribe to stereotypes. But if there is a stop and frisk program then the  % is correct. The argument can be made that this program should be stopped due to the high price of violating the rights of the innocent. 


The intent of the stop and frisk is to deter citizens from carrying weapons and illegal drugs, not to find them with the illegal items. Some argue that if the program is stopped then the criminals will be embolden to carry illegally concealed weapons and drugs and crime would revert back to the Dinken days. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You are just magnifying your ignorance of statistics. Travon died because Zimmerman was a racist ignoramus like you.

How quickly you are to label a person when you disagree with their viewpoint.  I am just the messenger and you don't like the message what do you do? Kill the messenger. 

I label you a dunce because you are a dunce. Your message is nonsense with respect to your statistical inferences and bringing this unfortunate boy as an example of your claims is plainly unconscionable and in poor taste. He had a right to be a teenager walking in an area where he has a right to be at what was  clearly the reasonable hour of seven PM without an nutcase wannabe cop with racist preconceptions seeing him as a criminal and killing him on account of his race.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by caribny:

SWo druggie given that you are prone to stereotypes every time you see a quiet looking white man do you assume that he is a mass murderer simplay becaus emost of them fit that profile.


I am sure you do not.


But its your basic racist hatred for blacks which allows you to blindly accept that 90% of the black and Hispanic men who are INJUSTLY humiliated by NYPD should just accept such treatment.

I do not subscribe to stereotypes. But if there is a stop and frisk program then the  % is correct. The argument can be made that this program should be stopped due to the high price of violating the rights of the innocent. 


The intent of the stop and frisk is to deter citizens from carrying weapons and illegal drugs, not to find them with the illegal items. Some argue that if the program is stopped then the criminals will be embolden to carry illegally concealed weapons and drugs and crime would revert back to the Dinken days. 

 Stop and Frisk is an odium when you stop only minorities. I remember the howl when Guliani placed cops on Queens Blvd an Hillside and was raking in Indian boys by the boatloads. That was wrong. If you put them on main street and Northern Blvd the numbers would be disproportionately Chinese. You have to stop people because you think they are doing something wrong. You cannot invent a reason to stop them or stop them because they are of a particular race.

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Your message is nonsense with respect to your statistical inferences and bringing this unfortunate boy as an example of your claims is plainly unconscionable and in poor taste. He had a right to be a teenager walking in an area where he has a right to be at what was  clearly the reasonable hour of seven PM without an nutcase wannabe cop with racist preconceptions seeing him as a criminal and killing him on account of his race.

With the exception of the dunce reference, most of what you say is true, however the reason that people like Zimmerman exists is due to the negative perception of the Black race fueled by the actions of a few. The local police blotter in my town always mentions Blacks as the perpetrators of crimes, Black suspects breaking into people's homes, Black suspects robbing people on the streets, Black suspects stealing cars. These incidents conditions people's minds to see the Black race in a negative light. Bill Cosby will also tell you this.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Your message is nonsense with respect to your statistical inferences and bringing this unfortunate boy as an example of your claims is plainly unconscionable and in poor taste. He had a right to be a teenager walking in an area where he has a right to be at what was  clearly the reasonable hour of seven PM without an nutcase wannabe cop with racist preconceptions seeing him as a criminal and killing him on account of his race.

With the exception of the dunce reference, most of what you say is true, however the reason that people like Zimmerman exists is due to the negative perception of the Black race fueled by the actions of a few. The local police blotter in my town always mentions Blacks as the perpetrators of crimes, Black suspects breaking into people's homes, Black suspects robbing people on the streets, Black suspects stealing cars. These incidents conditions people's minds to see the Black race in a negative light. Bill Cosby will also tell you this.

 Boy, you are a simpleton. Negative perceptions of race exist because of a culture that sees its self as better and invent self serving reasons to oppress others. It is the reason racism is institutionalized or you would have to prove on the non informational concept ( biologically or otherwise) of race, one can establish differences in the human specie. That is moot.


And why quote Cosby who clearly made a stupid remark and is no scholar in the area and omit others like Dyson, Kennedy, etc who vehemently refute his claims and are the specialists in the field? If you take Cosby you have to take Chuck D or Spike Lee. I take Chuck D or Spike over that fool any day.


BTW I take for granted you folks know the names of the professors I mentioned but I ought to be more prudent. You folks are making the same mistakes they warned about so you definitely do not care for their work. When I said Kennedy, I mean Randall Kennedy, professor of law at Harvard and author of books on the subject of race and the law as "Race Crime and the Law. When I said Dyson , I mean Michael Eric Dyson, professor of Sociology at Georgetown and writer of many boos on the subject ie "Race Matters". I can also tell you to read Henry Louis Gates and Cornel West but why should that matter if Cosby is the quintessential reference in these issues for racists in general?

Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Boy, you are a simpleton. Negative perceptions of race exist because of a culture that sees its self as better and invent self serving reasons to oppress others. It is the reason racism is institutionalized or you would have to prove on the non informational concept ( biologically or otherwise) of race, one can establish differences in the human specie. That is moot.


And why quote Cosby who clearly made a stupid remark and is no scholar in the area and omit others like Dyson, Kennedy, etc who vehemently refute his claims and are the specialists in the field? If you take Cosby you have to take Chuck D or Spike Lee. I take Chuck D or Spike over that fool any day.

While I agree to some degree with your summation about negative perception. You can not ignore the fact that the negativity is further enforced by the consistent criminal activity of the few within the race.

If day in day out, Blacks are identified by victims as perpetrators of crime then this further fuels the negative perception.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 Boy, you are a simpleton. Negative perceptions of race exist because of a culture that sees its self as better and invent self serving reasons to oppress others. It is the reason racism is institutionalized or you would have to prove on the non informational concept ( biologically or otherwise) of race, one can establish differences in the human specie. That is moot.


And why quote Cosby who clearly made a stupid remark and is no scholar in the area and omit others like Dyson, Kennedy, etc who vehemently refute his claims and are the specialists in the field? If you take Cosby you have to take Chuck D or Spike Lee. I take Chuck D or Spike over that fool any day.

While I agree to some degree with your summation about negative perception. You can not ignore the fact that the negativity is further enforced by the consistent criminal activity of the few within the race.

If day in day out, Blacks are identified by victims as perpetrators of crime then this further fuels the negative perception.

the few within the race " would be statistically significant" if the few in the white race were caught as well.  White use more drugs, commit more financial crimes, drink and drive more, rob more banks but who is busting the doors of the jails?


It is the unfair perception of race or racism and misuse of the front end of the judicial system in profiling, undue stop and frisk, pleadings  etc that has the jails filled with one group.  The back end of the justice system is no better since there are no programs to stop recidivism.


That becomes your source for statistical sampling from which you draw your inference. It becomes the easy "facts" or evidence for minorities committing more crimes and to validate the shit Bloomberg wants to do. 


I am done with this.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:

By the way you Carib hijacked this thread that was to send sympathies to 2 people who died on the road. You injected your racist rant into it without being man enough to send sympathies to the families. Is it because they are koolies? 

THis thread did not start out as a sympathy thread...go back and read the title

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Danyael:

 You are just magnifying your ignorance of statistics. Travon died because Zimmerman was a racist ignoramus like you.

How quickly you are to label a person when you disagree with their viewpoint.  I am just the messenger and you don't like the message what do you do? Kill the messenger. 

You do not know what 10% of 43% is. 


You also do not know that because 90% of the violent street criminals might be black and hispanic in NYC does not mean that 90% of young black and hispanic men are.  The very high rate of stops and frisks (averaging maybe as high 1.5X for each person in that age group and ethnic background) coupled with the fact that 90% are found to be innocent suggests that stops and frisks are being used excessively.


You lack the intellectual sophistication to understand this so if you make yourself look like a racist idiot then you are one.


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